More than a month later, Manma left shortly after Shaoyu recovered. She said that she belonged to the army, and this one-year vacation was about to end. Unfortunately, there was still no breakthrough, but she met an interesting person like you. Shaoyu was still thinking about where he was interesting, and felt his mouth wet. Damn, I was forced to kiss, he hasn't reflected it yet. With a burst of outrageous laughter, Manma Zongma left the manor. Lily, who was standing by her side, was laughing again, but was picked up by Shaoyu...It was not until Lily's faint begging for mercy came that Shaoyu sighed fiercely.

As spring passed and autumn came, all the purple flowers all over the mountain disappeared.

The cousin's retaliation was a failure. Because of the challenges, Shaoyu has seen many professions and made many friends. Until this time, the number of challengers has gradually decreased, and many geniuses have arrived, and they may not be able to beat Eve's puppet. It was a thousand meters away from the manor. At first, only some challengers erected wooden houses. Later, a small village gradually formed. Shaoyu sighed that there were people who were willing to stay here.

The Jian Yuan gathered in the meridians and almost completely became solid.

Perhaps because the harvest season is approaching, the weather has changed, and Lily's body is a little weak. Sometimes, when Shaoyu came back from practicing sword, she always saw Lily staying by the window, stroking her belly in a daze.

Shaoyu is very hardworking, but Lily's belly has not changed at all. Once at night, Shaoyu heard Lily talking in sleep, why there is no baby yet, it's too late. Shaoyu awoke Lily and said to her: Don't worry, let's take it slowly. But this night Lily cried in his arms midnight, making Shaoyu wonder what to do. He thought to himself that if you can't have children, you can't have children. What's the big deal. He said to Lily: If we are in a hurry, let's bring a bunch of babies back to raise, okay, it makes Lily cry and laugh.

Lily fell ill one day soon, but Shaoyu was anxious. He suddenly remembered that Qinglian's sword body was for women to train, whether it was for Lili to train to strengthen her physique. After reading it carefully, Shaoyu was stunned, and he had to find a 10,000-year-old green lotus before he could start training. No matter where you look, it's not a world, God knows if there is any.

Iina asked Shaoyu to find him once, and she drove Shaoyu out of the room and stayed with Lily for almost a day. Just saying that the illness was cured, Shaoyu cherished it and left. Shaoyu was taken aback, almost afraid of that. Lily's illness is cured, but she seems to have lost her previous health and has always been very weak.

She began to cling to Shaoyu, not letting him practice the sword, or even letting him leave her sight for a moment. Of course Shaoyu followed her. He comforted her and said that she will get better over time and will always get better.

Fansack also asked Shaoyu to pull back. He checked for a long time, and finally said that there was no problem at all, and Shaoyu was relieved.

When a cold wind blew, Lily told Shaoyu that she wanted to go for a walk.

Shaoyu called the fat man and, together with Eve, personally modified a carriage. The carriage is covered with thick animal skins, and there is a stove underneath. The carriage is like a small room with everything you need.

The first stop was the abandoned city. On the first floor of the abandoned city, Lily got out of the car and walked. She stared at a place for a long time, but Shaoyu didn't know that it was the place where he once lay. Then they went to the city of thorns. Lily was too weak to get out of the car by herself. Shaoyu hugged her and sat in the small library, and then went to the hostel to soak in the hot springs. At the last stop, they arrived at Sanye and spent the night in the house where they had lived. Then Lily said, there are still many places to go, let's go back, unfortunately... she fell into a coma before finishing talking.

Shaoyu stared blankly at Lily's long hair that was actually dyed white. He picked it up for a while and found that there was more and more white. Shaoyu didn't dare to think about anything, but took Lily back to the manor.

After being in a coma for two days, Lily woke up, but she couldn't speak and could only stay in Shaoyu's arms.

After returning, he found that Versace and Inna were in the manor. Inna said to him that Lily's life fire would be extinguished.

Shaoyu grabbed Yinna like crazy and asked how could it be possible that she was only fifteen years old.

Iina calmly said: As you know, she is not a human.

After listening, Shaoyu let go of Yinna, stepped back, and sat on the ground. Just as Eve was about to help him, Shaoyu jumped up and rushed back to the room frantically. Shouting: Little S, scan.

Extremely high-level special intelligent life forms have burned their lives many times and the living environment is uncomfortable, and their lives are about to end.

Lily lay on the bed and looked at Shaoyu, her eyes full of dismay, she lifted her arm as hard as she could, and Shaoyu grabbed her hand. He suddenly understood everything, and many things flashed like sparks in his mind.

At that time, absorbing the memory fragments and learning the sword canon, the little green group was Lily burning her life. Pulling to him who was swept away by the rapids was also the power that Lily gained after burning her life...too much.

Shaoyu couldn't help crying. Is there really no choice? He forced himself to calm down, and Sheng Jianyuan poured into Lily along his arm. A red tide surged across Lily's face, but then the red tide subsided and Lily's face paled again.

When Shaoyu saw Lily shook his head hard, he also understood that it was useless. Shaoyu couldn't help but grab his hair. Behind him came a sigh from Versace: There is at most one day left.

Shaoyu opened his eyes, picked up Lily and rushed out. Just as Versace was about to stop him, Iina blocked him and said: Let him go.

He kept telling Lily, hold on, and it's almost there.

Lily's eyes were closed, but tears continued to flow from her eyes.

Soon, Shaoyu came to the territory of the blood giant clan, he screamed from afar, and the old blood giant appeared in front of him. Shaoyu said directly, is there any way.

The old blood giant walked around them and shook his head.

Shaoyu's heart tightened and said loudly, there is no way for the fallen power? Sell my soul to the devil, only to exchange Lily's life, even if only for ten years. The old blood giant still shook his head, and he said, the power of the fall is not omnipotent, and the devil is not omnipotent. If you compare life to water, when a person's life comes to an end, the bottle of water is cracked, and no amount of water will be lost.

Shaoyu is sad, he understands the truth, but is there really no way? He couldn't help but roar out.

The old blood giant said, there is another way, the power of blood that I control allows you to exchange blood with each other, so that with the power in your blood, she can support it for a while.

Shaoyu's eyes lit up. Okay, right now, he didn't hesitate.

The old blood giant said, in this way, you will die because of blood necrosis throughout your body, just let her live a little longer, are you willing to pay such a price?

Shaoyu said, I am willing. As soon as he finished speaking, he only felt that Lily in his arms moved. She raised her arm and pointed in a direction.

The old blood giant said, Burial Ground. Shaoyu also looked at it. He knew that it was the place where they fell together. He suddenly thought, didn't he use recovery fluid to rescue Lily?

Shaoyu hurriedly asked the old blood giant if there is any way to keep Lily as he is... so that he can go back to the jungle to get the recovery liquid. The old blood giant said that the fire to maintain her life is only a **** can have this ability, and perhaps prayer will be useful.

Shaoyu first took out the animal skin from the ring and put Lily on the ground. At this time, Lily's body had shrunk a little, her head was gray, but her face had not changed. After placing Lily firmly, Shaoyu knelt on her knees, folded her hands together, closed her eyes and began to pray sincerely. He prayed that no matter what **** could hear now, as long as the fire of Lily's life was not extinguished, he could do anything.

The old blood giant shook his head, and Shaoyu knew that he was being stupid, but didn't want to let go of any hope.

After fruitless, he picked up Lily again and went straight to the buried place.

After running to the place where the bones were buried, Lily's face was surprisingly rosy, and Shaoyu knew that this was a glimpse. She opened her eyes, pointed to a dirt pit and said, just bury me here. Shaoyu kept crying and said that it would be better and there would be a way. Lily stroked Shaoyu's face and said, be good, don't be silly. When we fell, I was already dead. It was you who gave me this happy time. I was very satisfied, but it was a pity that I could not give you a baby. Shaoyu said in tears, not enough, too short, too short. Lily said, after I'm gone, you can leave here, and keep you trapped here, it's my fault.

Shaoyu said: Only you can have the whole world.

Lily said, be good, don't cry, I will stay with you all the time.

At this time, the heavy snow fell, and Shaoyu wanted to say something, but found that Lily’s hand had slipped off his face. Shaoyu hugged her to his chest and cried loudly. With his tears, Lily’s body emitted a soft light. These lights gathered and turned into Lily's figure. Shaoyu grabbed it, but only caught a piece of snowflakes.

Lily's mouth was moving, and Shaoyu clearly heard her saying, don't cry. Then the figure condensed into a small ball and flew into Shaoyu's forehead.

Shaoyu understood why Lily would say that she would always be with him. In the spiritual world, a small white ball floats, and Lily's body is condensed in the small ball. She opened her hands as if embracing Shaoyu.

It was like every time Lily came back, Lily would rush to hug him.

Shaoyu sat blankly in the bone-buried place, once there was a pile of soil on the green liquor. He just sat in a daze, and the wind and snow quickly made him a snowman.

Iina, Versace, and the old blood giant have all been here and gone.

Iina said not to disturb him, he would figure it out and leave. Versace asked: Will he come back. Iina chuckled and did not answer, then she turned to look at the old blood giant, the old thing, the reconstruction of the underground palace must not be delayed. The old blood giant nodded.

Shaoyu didn't know how long he had been sitting in a daze, his mind was full of memories, memories of being with Lily bit by bit.

He couldn't figure out why God gave Lily to him but took it back.

Is this fate? He doesn't want to accept this fate. But Lily has already left. He can't help but think that after being with Lily for so long, he never said once, I love you.

Tears, unconsciously, are all over again.

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