Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 149: Three repairs (world)

This is the life energy of the small eye pliers. This green energy separates the battlefield between Jian Yuan and Qi body, but this green energy is consumed very quickly.

Shaoyu's thoughts moved again, and the divine sword that fell on one side returned to his dantian. While he controlled it, he shouted in his heart, closed it, and took it back to me. The divine sword floated in the middle of the dantian according to Shaoyu's idea. The small ball formed by the life and death swords revolved quickly, and all the swords that were shattered and formed into ribbons flowed back to the dantian.

The small ball formed by the Sword of Life and Death is getting bigger and bigger, but it maintains a strange balance. Until the two small **** squeezed together hugely, they turned into a two-color ball with the Excalibur as the core.

The qi body entering the body is like being soaked in water, shrinking in all directions, transforming Shaoyu's body a little bit from the outside to the inside.

He slowly floated up, but the qi that contracted inwardly from his abdomen was stuck in his dantian again... This is natural and the biggest reason for the inability to double repair... There are different kinds of energy in his body, which are either assimilated or consumed.

What should we do now! ! ! Although Shaoyu is quick-witted, he is also stuck here. It can shrink, but he can't get the Jian Yuan in the Dantian away! ...Just listen to the voice of Little S, divert the energy source of the abdomen. Shaoyu only felt that his stomach was empty, and his Qi body just paused and continued to shrink.

When all this was over, Shaoyu fell to the ground. As soon as he landed, he knelt on the ground and gasped for breath. This period of time is not long, but it feels like a long time has passed.

Looking up, the other one smiled at him. Observing carefully, I saw some lines flashing in the center of the other's eyebrows... Shaoyu was taken aback, thinking about what was going on in the center of the eyebrows, and he saw that the other himself turned into a light spot and disappeared.

Before he could come up with a result, he only felt that a great power was jetting out from the center of his brows. When he was brought up, he saw a beam of light with the thickness of fingers shooting from the center of his brows toward the sky.

This beam of light lasted for dozens of seconds, and its energy broke through the sky, as if it had broken something before it stopped.

Almost collapsed! Shaoyu gasped, and the sword spirit on one side also stood up. He said: Don’t you know that having a second soul is equivalent to having one more clone? One more life. Shaoyu shook his head. He said: Do you know that after a thousand years of calculations, I thought of this dual repair method! Shaoyu shook his head. Before Jian Ling could finish speaking, Shaoyu said: I only know that my way is to go by myself.

Sword Spirit was silent and then said lonely: Yes, you have gone your own way, then I should disappear too. After speaking, I was ready to fly away.

However, Shaoyu stretched out his hand and said: Sword Spirit, your body is the Divine Sword, right, how long can you live without your body. Since you are all ready to sacrifice yourself, why not stay and teach me.

Jian Ling never thought that Shaoyu would say such a sentence. He stared at Shaoyu for a full minute, and Shaoyu stared at him. Just listen to Jian Ling laughed and said: You are very strange, you don't care about many things, and you have no nostalgia for your hometown. It seems to be sentient but ruthless, but you will cry for that little girl again, ruthless and sentient. Jian Ling nodded his eyebrows, and Shaoyu knew that it was Lily. If you are not afraid that I will occupy your body, what does it matter if I stay. I also want to see what kind of road you will take. After Sword Spirit finished speaking, it turned into a streamer and entered Shaoyu's forehead again, where the spiritual world was.

After Shaoyu listened to Jian Ling's words, he was thoughtful... after a while, he took out the clothes from the ring.

Little S's voice came out, the host evolved successfully, and the data changed. Shaoyu thought that Xiao S would disappear again as usual. But she went on to say that from the future, as long as the energy is sufficient, she will correct the host.

Shaoyu didn't think much, he changed his clothes while checking his body. He didn't look at the attributes, first looked at his hands.

As a result of practicing martial arts and sword training, the worn-out calluses on the arms and hands completely disappeared, and the scars left by fighting on the body disappeared, and the skin became smooth and white. Because of light exercises, the thick legs that look like legs have become thinner and straighter! It was only then that he was surprised that he seemed to grow taller. Taking out the mirror again, Shaoyu found that his appearance hadn't changed much, but it seemed to be gentle, white and unspeakable. He secretly said, what is this, little white face scholar?

In the mirror, the lines on the center of the eyebrows are not obvious, but rather like faint wrinkles.

After checking the surface of the body, sit cross-legged and feel the changes in the body.

According to Xiao S, there are three energy sources in his body.

One is the center of the eyebrows, the other is the chest, and the other is the pubic area. At this time, Xiao S appeared again. She seemed to know what Shaoyu was thinking, and she said directly: Just transferred the host energy source... The so-called transfer is to start the jump. With the help of the huge energy at the time, she jumped for 0.3 seconds locally. Shaoyu thought, didn't Dantian know where he flew just now? Xiao S continued to explain that it was because he would not jump during the jump, that is, the dantian was still in the original place, but it could be said that he was not there at that moment.

Shaoyu understood it, just like a flash.

Trying to mobilize the qi, the cyclone in his chest flew around, and the qi instantly wandered through his body. Shaoyu only felt that his body was light, as if he could float up. He opened his eyes and he was still sitting in place. I opened my eyes and couldn't keep this feeling. After pondering for a while, he skipped the energetic body first. Feeling the Sword Yuan of Dantian again, and when he adjusted the Sword Yuan, he felt like his body was splitting.

After the Qi body entered the body, the meridians in Shaoyu's body did not completely disappear, because the dantian was still there, but as soon as the Jian Yuan moved, the Jian Yuan began to swim along the meridians and the Qi clashed. Fortunately, the qi body enters the body, as long as Shaoyu is unlucky, most of the qi is basically retained in the cyclone. Thinking again, Shaoyu scratched his head for a while, what to do now.

After thinking for a while, just ask Sword Spirit, he entered the spiritual world.

Entering the spiritual world this time, Shaoyu found that he was no longer a jelly-like mass, but a human form. To say that the previous spiritual world can still see the boundary, this time Shaoyu has traveled for a long time without seeing his head. Some changes had taken place in the spiritual world, and he couldn't figure it out, so he simply called the sword spirit on the spot.

The figure of the sword spirit appeared in front of Shaoyu's call. Shaoyu asked Jian Ling how he should practice now. But Sword Spirit said, rely on yourself. Shaoyu was taken aback, and Jian Ling said, you are walking your own way, and only you know how to go.

Shaoyu understood, Jian Ling didn't know how to play. He then asked: Sword Spirit, what sword skills can I learn from you? Jian Ling nodded, and Shaoyu asked, do you need to apprentice? Sword Spirit said, we have discussed with each other, and in front of you, I didn't call myself me.

Shaoyu didn't understand, this didn't claim to have anything to do with it. He asked: As for the sword book, you can read it at will.

Sword Spirit shook his head. He said that the sword canon has its own mind, and he will teach it according to your choice. The sword spirit reminded Shaoyu to hold respect and be careful of the test of the sword classic itself.

Shaoyu was stunned for a moment, he asked, what is the source of the power of the eyebrows, you always know.

Sword Spirit said, it can be called astral power, or in your words, it can also be called spiritual power.

Shaoyu naturally asked, what was the beam of light that burst out of the eyebrows at the end?

Jian Ling said that the girl had returned to her hometown.

Shaoyu was stunned for a while before reacting! Excitedly said: You mean Lily?

Jian Ling said: This should be her racial power, using emotions as energy power to bring the soul back to her hometown.

Shaoyu was stupid for a long time! He had only one thought in his mind, but he could still find Lily...

Once a person has an ideal and a goal in his heart, and the firm preparation is completed, the whole person will exude a different look.

Shaoyu has a goal, he wants to get Lily back. Continue to ask Jian Ling: In your world, can you travel through the universe and reach other planets. Sword Spirit said yes: But if you want to travel, you must be holy. Shaoyu is a little puzzled, Saint?

Sword Spirit said: That is, when you can transcend this world, you become a saint. Then he said, this road is not easy to walk, the holy is above the immortal, and not below the god. The holy position between heaven and earth is limited, and the rules of this world are obviously different now.

Shaoyu was not splashed by the cold water of the sword spirit. He couldn't help but remember the ancient legends he had heard when he was a child. He described it with the sword spirit and asked that this sage was that sage? Sword Spirit said: Your hometown must also be great, the heaven and earth are actually enough to accommodate the seven holy places.

Shaoyu was stunned when he heard Sword Spirit's words. It turned out that these were not legends, but now there are fewer martial arts practitioners on the earth, let alone internal skills, cultivation, and gods. It is completely dominated by science and technology. Has anything ever happened? This is another unsolvable problem.

He thought for a while and then asked: Can neither become a fairy nor a **** can travel through the universe? The sword spirit said: Do you dare to let go of your memory? Shaoyu asked: Why. Jian Ling said that he didn't understand everything Shaoyu said, so he could only know it in detail by reading his memory.

He hesitated, memory is the root of a person. What is the existence of soul, in Shaoyu's understanding, memory should occupy a large part. Seeing the graceful sword spirit, Shaoyu gritted his teeth and shouted: Xiao S, you too.

The metal body formed by Xiao S also appeared on the side, and she asked the host why.

Shaoyu gritted his teeth and said: I want to improve my strength as soon as possible and let you fully understand me is the best choice. Besides, together, I can rest assured.

The sword spirit laughed a long way, and Xiao S was silent. Shaoyu said, after having been with my brother for so long, I should also understand that I am a very direct person, and just say what you have. Only when you work together, I can rest assured. After speaking, Shaoyu asked what should be done.

Sword Spirit said: Let's go together. Just relax, don't resist.

Shaoyu asks right here? But seeing the sword spirit turned into a stream of light and drilled into Shaoyu's head, and Xiao S also stretched out a light and shot it over.

Shaoyu only felt his head dizzy, and many past events could not help but emerge.

After a while, he only heard the sword spirit yelling at what it was, and then quickly got out. Shaoyu looked at the sword spirit dimly, only to see that his whole body became a little dim. Little S's light was also interrupted, and a light smoke came out of the metal body.

what happened? Shaoyu awoke and asked.

Sword Spirit seemed to be meditating, but then he shook his head without saying anything.

Shaoyu asked, then you should have all solved it now.

But the sword spirit seemed to be dazed. Shaoyu looked at Little S, who appeared in the spiritual world as a round metal sphere. The surface of the metal body was very smooth, with only a small hole in the center. Shaoyu was about to ask Xiao S, but Sword Spirit spoke.

He said that your hometown is very strange. In its heyday, the top supernatural powers are no less than their world, but they don't know why the world consciousness has changed and become a technological route.

Shaoyu asked, do you also know technology? Then he felt that he had asked a silly question, didn't Sword Spirit read his memory.

Sword Spirit said that once a certain sword master had fought with many warriors driving machines, and there was also a sword master who had conquered such a world. Then Jian Ling looked at Xiao S and said that while reading Shaoyu's memories, he also saw many memories of Xiao S.

From the metal ball-like little S, naturally you can't see the expression reaction... Shaoyu just thinks it's unfair, fucking, you can see each other, why I can't see you. Shaoyu just thought about it in his heart, without interrupting Jian Ling. It's just that he hasn't thought about why Xiao S has memory.

Sword Spirit said musingly: He had never seen that the origin of a world would be completely reversed. He said that if you have the opportunity, you should go back and take a look. There are huge doubts in your mission.

Shaoyu wondered, mission? We seem to have digressed.

When Jian Ling heard Shaoyu say this, he woke up. He pointed to Little S and said, this is not your mission, let her explain your doubts, I have to think about it. After speaking, the sword spirit turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the spiritual world.

Shaoyu didn't know where he wanted to go, so he could only stare at Xiao S with his eyes wide open.

Little S said: The Star of Hope chose you because of a huge crisis in that world, and saving the world is your mission.

Shaoyu laughed, almost burst into tears. Little S said this, he also thought about it, can he be a hero who is addicted to games and save the world? Do not joke. Shaoyu felt that his face was hurting with laughter. He asked Xiao S and said, "Don't talk about it anymore, I have come here, and now my only goal is to find Lily."

Little S was silent for a while and explained the earliest problem.

She said: Immortal is just a high-level life form that can only survive in the universe for a short time. And according to your words, God fits the heavens and the earth. Although they can be more advanced, they have countless conditions even when they descend on the plane. Therefore, only the achievement of the holy position is enough to be detached, enough strength and enough freedom to travel the universe.

That means that those who are sanctified generally travel to the universe... Wait, Shaoyu is getting more and more dizzy as he is said, the universe, the world? Plane? Isn’t the world all planets?

No, it's not, Xiao S explained. There can be several planets in a universe, but one planet does not necessarily produce a world, and as long as it produces a world, the world must be composed of multiple planes.

Shaoyu felt that his IQ was obviously insufficient, not only had a headache, but also his face and eggs.

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