Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 150: The 151st form

Running in the desert of Yimapingchuan where there is no one, using the sky as the blanket and the ground as the bed. Unfettered, unfettered, Shaoyu thought, is this free? He didn't think it was. It was like loneliness, as if he was the only one left between heaven and earth.

Winter seems to have passed at once, and this year's winter is very early and very short.

Shaoyu has left the borderland. If you want to improve your strength, you have to fight. If you want to stand on the top of this world, you have to understand the world first, and walk step by step. This is also in line with his adventures on the mainland. .

Entered the hinterland of the country of Lis, here is a basin plain.

Shaoyu was running. After the Qi was fully circulated, he stepped on, leaving only a shallow footprint on the ground, but his body jumped on the ground, one step was three or four meters away.

After changing the quality of the body, after the qi body enters the body, it is naturally achieved.

Light work is no longer a dream. Shaoyu puts his feet together and knees without bending. He only uses his ankles to exert strength, and he can leap up to two meters high on flat ground. If he squats slightly with his legs and takes off with full strength, he can jump up to five or six meters at a time, and it will be even more amazing to run up and jump. Invigorating the body can slowly fall down like losing weight.

As if gliding, Shaoyu found a high slope, about four stories above the ground, and carefully jumped down. He stretched out his hands and stepped lightly under his feet, and he floated a long way forward.

Shaoyu was very open, imitating the chic movements in martial arts movies, experimenting all the way...what he could do to fly on the grass and float on the water. As long as the qi is not exhausted, he will be able to fly on the grass. After the qi body entered the body, he ran down for a long time, and Shaoyu had not exhausted his qi, showing that his energy was still 56%.

And when he sits cross-legged for an hour, he can recover 3%. Regaining his qi also made him so energetic that he could not sleep while only meditating.

It was just Jianyuan, and Shaoyu thought that he was heavy, and flattened the grass under his feet.

When the qi body enters the body, almost all the meridians are melted away, and the organs are also changed. This is why Shaoyu's luck can change the body's quality.

But to use Jian Yuan, you have to pass the meridians, and now there is no such thing! As long as Jianyuan called out his dantian, it would be like fire entering the water, and it would instantly boil.

In addition to summoning the Divine Sword, Jian Yuan could still be attached to it, and he didn't think of a good way, which made him feel that his combat effectiveness had fallen.

In the past, the sword element was running, and the sword light spit out from the tip of the sword was a powerful attack method.

The spiritual power in the middle of the eyebrows has no effect, but Shaoyu can't use it. This place is simply used as an energy source for Xiao S.

Little S is just as she said, and will come out to make corrections at any time. For example, when encountering something that Shaoyu hadn't seen, Xiao S suggested that he scan it. When encountering a creature, Xiao S would suggest him to detect it. Of course, these are not used casually, as long as Xiao S speaks out, Shaoyu will always find something he doesn't understand, or something peculiar.

...The database is constantly improving.

After evolution, the number of uses of abilities has also increased.

Xiao S also proposed to Shaoyu to collect materials and make and launch a satellite into the sky, giving her the ability to automatically collect data. Shaoyu asked in surprise, there is this kind of high-tech, but Xiao S said disdainfully, this kind of backward technology is really impossible for her to... Shaoyu almost broke when she saw it. The information was very simple and consisted of some materials and a drawing, but Shaoyu couldn't understand it at all. He only blamed not going to school as a child.

According to Versace's Adventure Diary, the country of Liss can only be counted as a small border country. In the capital of the Kingdom of Lis, there is a teleportation formation. After arriving there, he decided to make another choice.

Because of the light work, Shaoyu rushed all the way to the capital of the country of Liss, and there were also some cities along the way...It was a fort surrounded by many villages, without any special features. Shaoyu lost himself, there was no challenge here.

The accident happened quickly because of the excessively high disorder value. In order to stop the sword spirit, I used Disorder Time... The chaos value has not been restored before, and it has exceeded 100 points.

The time traveler said that when the disorder value exceeds one hundred, it will attract the attention of the world consciousness. In fact, it is not at all. With Shaoyu’s current disorder value of 116 points, it is equivalent to the fact that the police know that someone has crossed the road or crossed the fence. It's the same.

The world consciousness will call some hunters, called time and space hunters.

Shaoyu completely underestimated the space-time hunters who appeared in front of him. Although these space-time hunters were human-shaped, they had no hands or feet on their limbs. The bright and protruding limbs landed on the ground like animals, and the faceless face only had a big mouth and sharp teeth. .

The monster's attack method is to bite, but it will teleport.

The Shao Yuren sword Heyi directly pierced into the sky, the monster disappeared in a flash, and then the big mouth full of sharp teeth was directly attached to his face, shocked that he almost didn't have time to use it.

The state of light work had to keep the whole body full of Qi, which Shaoyu couldn't do in battle.

Under the horror, Shaoyu had to put his left hand into its mouth, and the sky long sword in his right hand shortened and stabbed straight away. He didn't feel any pain in his left hand, he only felt that the sky sword was stabbed on a layer of oil and it was slippery.

Then only hearing a click, Shaoyu kicked his body firmly on the belly of the time-space hunter and kicked it out.

Only then did he realize that the wristband of his left hand had been bitten. The Sky Long Sword increased its sharpness by 30%, but it did not break the defense, and the bracer with its very strong properties was actually bitten. Shaoyu's heart tightened. He didn't know if the wristband was broken or not. Fortunately, he bit on it, otherwise his entire hand would be bitten off.

At this time, Xiao S's voice suddenly appeared, suggesting that the host probe.

Shaoyu subconsciously said something, probe.

The image of the space-time hunter getting up was frozen in Shaoyu's left eye, turning into a large number of characters and pouring down, Xiao S quickly said such a sentence.

Distorted alien body, combat power 51, unstable energy (70% chance of death and explosion).

Shaoyu looked at the space-time hunter who got up, and immediately thought of a question. He thrust the sky long sword to the side and summoned the divine sword in his hand.

The divine sword was glowing with grey light, and Shaoyu pointed at the time hunter, waiting for it to rush over.

The space-time hunter forcefully made a leap and disappeared in midair. Shaoyu only felt a chill in the back of his neck, turning around and slashing with a sword.

A martial artist feels that even teleportation is impossible to sneak into him... absolute control within one arm.

The Excalibur brought a string of sparks in the sharp teeth of the time hunter, and the time hunter disappeared in the air again, teleporting not far away. It let out a hoarse roar, dashed a few steps and disappeared.

Shaoyu held the divine sword and constantly blocked the attack of the space-time hunter. The corrosive effect of the sword of death seemed to be completely useless to the space-time hunter. He also tried to condense two air masses to fight over, but the result was also useless. Can wait for the opportunity. After the Space-Time Hunter rushed over and disappeared six times, Shaoyu rushed for two steps, and Ren Jianhe kept stabbing somewhere in the open.

The space-time hunter really appeared there, and Shaoyu's divine sword only pierced into the small half of the sword. He let go and kicked and flipped back. This set of movements was very skilled, and he was too used to kicking the hilt. Countless steps back. The Divine Sword was kicked in for the most part, and the space-time hunter let out a low roar, and his body exploded fiercely.

The air wave caused by the explosion blew away Shaoyu's clothes, which would explode.

This thing does not move fast when attacking, low, and high. Its weakness is even when teleporting... it is fragile when it first appears... This is similar to the teleportation of a wizard. As for why Shaoyu knew that the Space-Time Hunter would appear there, it was entirely because of the law that this thing had a low IQ.

Shaoyu stretched out his hand and grabbed it for a while, the divine sword flew back into his hand, which was also an application of Qi. This trick has already been done in the jungle. As soon as the divine sword started, he wanted to send it back to his dantian, but when the divine sword started, he habitually operated the sword yuan sword. This caused a fierce response from the dantian, and the sword yuan rushed out of the dantian and gathered in his hand.

Shaoyu only felt that half of his body was tearing apart. He desperately wanted to control Jian Yuan. Jian Yuan was like a wild horse that hadn't been taken back. He worked hard for a while, and Jian Yuan kept on extending the impact... He felt that his body would crack if he continued. Since Jian Yuan can't be controlled, control Qi, and Shaoyu desperately controls the cyclone in his chest to shrink.

Sure enough, it was so useful. After a while, the Qi retracted and the cyclone would not cause such intense pain with Jian Yuan. Jian Yuan stretched out at once, making Shaoyu in extreme pain stunned.

The divine sword was full of gray light, and the tip of the sword spat out an inch-long gray light.

What is this, Shao Yu thought tremblingly, is this a transformation? No, it's not Bumpman! Right now, only Jian Yuan was flooding the body, and the external form had not changed. At this moment, he sat down and looked inside and saw that although Jian Yuan could pass, he felt a bit riddled with holes in his body. When he swept his vitality, he was shocked, and it actually dropped to 40%.

Shaoyu hurriedly collected Jian Yuan, and slowly and automatically filled his body with Qi, slowly repairing the damage caused by Jian Yuan's passage.

He sat on the ground and wondered, could it be considered two forms? When using qi, can you play the light energy gathering qi group, and when you use Jian Yuan, can you spit sword light? But the damage to the body by this Jian Yuan was too great, and he would be seriously injured before killing the enemy. After thinking about it for a while, Shaoyu simply entered the spiritual world and asked about the sword spirit.

Jian Ling said that he was originally going to transform into Shaoyu's second soul body, so that when he was lucky, a soul of soul appeared behind him, and the body was running the sword. Now that the two energies are in one body, Shaoyu only has his dantian and the extremely fragile five main veins, all of which are still being ‘buried’ in his qi body, and he has no good way.

Go to the Sword Classic, maybe there is a way, after speaking, the sword spirit shook his head and turned into a stream of light, flying towards the depths of the dark spiritual world.

Shaoyu shouted, where is the sword canon.

The sword spirit's voice came from far away, and it was in those memory fragments. Remember, although it may...but you must respect it. Shaoyu muttered, what could be...He still understands the teacher.

He flew in the spiritual world for a while and saw the fragments of memory. Shaoyu didn't expect the sword code to be like this. I saw that these former memory fragments seemed to have turned into a circle, surrounding a huge sphere like a planet.

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