As Shaoyu flew closer, the more he felt that this sword classic was like a real planet... it was so huge, the light of the memory fragments had disappeared, as if it had turned into patches of meteorites.

He stepped on a meteorite, thinking about this sword spirit without saying everything, how to get in touch? ! Go straight in? After standing for a while, Shaoyu found that the huge ball was still spinning slowly. The body of the spiritual world had no eyes, so he could not open his left eye, but he looked into the depths and found that the surface of the white planet was not only land-like lines, but also a large blue sea.

Is it a mistake, but in the spiritual world, the memory fragments that originally looked like stars have gathered here, and they have lost the light and the possibility of viewing. Except for this faintly white planet, it was pitch black.

Of course, the light and shadow of Lily floating beside Shaoyu didn't count. Just as Shaoyu was looking left and right, he only felt that something was flying over on the right side of his body, and instinctively he grabbed it. When it was sent to the front, Shaoyu was taken aback, how this thing was like a stone sword.

At this time, apart from the memory fragments under Shaoyu's feet, the memory fragments on the left and right tremble, then split into several stone swords and flew towards Shaoyu. He took two steps to avoid it, only to find that the memory fragments surrounding the planet had turned into a flying sword to stab him.

In all directions, Shaoyu flew up with force under his feet, blocking and breaking through. He thought to himself that this is a test? On the one hand, Lily's light and shadow are not affected at all, it is not an illusion. Distracted, a flying sword swept across his shoulder, and Shaoyu's body formed in the spiritual world, his shoulders dimmed a little. Just when he thought it was injured? Little S's voice came out. If the host died in the spiritual world, it would be equivalent to a broken soul.

He was taken aback, the sword dance in his hand quickly. Since Shaoyu had never flew in battle before, Shaoyu's swordsmanship had too many flaws, and his feet could not leak. Then his body was pierced in several places by the flying sword. Fortunately, this body was not critical, and even the piercing of his head only made his figure lighter. However, there were more and more flying swords, like locusts lining up to chase Shaoyu.

Shaoyu fled while blocking the side and kept flying for a long time. These flying swords stopped and turned around to form meteorites around the planet. what is this? That's what the sword spirit didn't finish saying? He was about to withdraw from the spiritual world to check the damage he had suffered, but he didn't expect that the stone sword in his hand suddenly shattered into white light and penetrated into his body... He just felt refreshed, and his figure was firmer than before.

Then, a misty voice sounded. It seems that you are not controlled by him for owning the magic sword, nor are you walking his way. Shaoyu opened his mouth wide...Is this voice a swordsman?

It's me, Jiandian seems to know what Shaoyu is thinking.

Shaoyu wondered: You can actually speak! In his imagination, although the sword book is a planet, it is also a secret book. How do you say the secret book! But then he thought about...the artifact! Fairy! This is also alive!

Sword Code directly said: Your sword skills can be considered a beginner, do you want to have higher sword skills?

Shaoyu said: Of course I do. The sword code said: What about your exchange. Shaoyu wondered: Is this still exchanged? Jiandian said: First, you are not a disciple of Yujianmen, and second, how can you not pay if you want to get it. Shaoyu thought to himself, it seems that this is the reason. He said: Then what should I trade for, not money. The sword code said: Stupid, of course, exchange skills...Whether it is sword skills, swordsmanship, swordsmanship, as long as it is not included or the skills have special features, they will be returned according to the value.

I was completely stunned by the idiot of the swordsmanship, and asked secretly: sword skill, sword skill, sword skill, is this the level of sword...? He didn't know how to express it. The sword code said, I really don't know how you got the magic sword, don't you even understand the level of kendo.

Shaoyu shook his head silently. The sword code said: I really don’t know how many years have passed. Is it possible that the vein of his guiding sword has declined like this? Jiandian said a lot of nonsense, and Shaoyu felt that this thing was completely arrogant and arrogant. After waiting for a long time, the sword codex said that kendo is divided into three levels...

Shaoyu felt that what he said was too esoteric. He concluded by himself that the so-called sword skill is skill. After the skill is advanced, the comprehension skill, then the rise is the law, and the ultimate realm is also the collectively called Tao. Shaoyu understands the words and characters, but he doesn't quite understand the meaning. After thinking for a while, it reminded him of what a martial arts master said on the earth...there are endless techniques, but unfortunately now only martial arts or even dance skills. Thinking of this, Shaoyu understood a little bit.

Jiandian said: Go and find, if you don't pay, you won't get it.

Shaoyu asked: Uh, can the seven swords pierce the heart?

Sword Classic's ethereal voice trembled, still wanting to exchange something stolen from him? After finishing speaking, he cut off the contact with Shaoyu, letting him yell for a long time, the sword canon was ignored. When Shaoyu approached the sword canon again, only those memory fragments trembled, as if they were about to transform into a flying sword. Shaoyu was silent for a while and jumped and shouted: I want to ask you to learn P, don't look where it is, this is my site, damn! It's not a world anymore. Where can I find it? If you pull it like this, you can just stay here and play with it yourself.

He is about to leave the spiritual world, but there is another voice from the sword classic, what did you just say? Shaoyu said directly: You stay here and play with yourself. In the last sentence of Jiandian, Shaoyu said: so drag. Jiandian said, one more sentence. Shaoyu said again: Where can I find it.

This time Jiandian was silent for a while and he asked: You mean I was taken away from the original world? Let go of your memory and don't resist.

Shaoyu secretly came back to this set, but he ignited hope.

Shaoyu didn't understand how Jiandian checked his memory. He saw the planet brighten up, and then there was no movement. Sword Classic's ethereal voice became very sad and general, he said: It is impossible to change this with skills.

Shaoyu almost fainted. How could this sword classic look like a stone in a pit. But he didn't say much, he flew for a while, and he was confused, thinking of the spiritual world, he just quit.

Just about to scream, saw the sword spirit appear in front of him. The sword spirit said: Sword Classic has communicated with you.

Shaoyu said: Oops, I just came here, just to settle the account with you. As he spoke, he made a move of rolling his sleeves. Sword Spirit didn't seem to have seen it and continued, he couldn't guarantee that Shaoyu could communicate with Sword Code. It must have been so many years, Jiandian also ignored him as a thief.

When Shaoyu thought of this, he really wanted to beat them up. However, he heard from the sword spirit that when the sword classic became a fairy weapon, he made an ambition to evolve the way of the sword. Although Shaoyu didn't understand, he was so good.

Then he reacted and asked, saying that he can't learn the sword~forehead kendo? He said: Sword Spirit, you should know a lot, why should I go to the Sword Classic.

Sword Spirit said: You may not be willing to learn what I know.

Shaoyu said, isn't it strong? Jian Ling thought about it for a while before he understood what it means to be powerful. He said: Very powerful. Shaoyu said that Mao didn't learn. Sword Spirit said, would you like to learn the kendo that you can only practice by killing everyone in this world? Shaoyu squirmed his lips in a daze. He wanted to say he learned, but these two words seemed to be blocked by something. Sword Spirit said, don't try to be strong. Although you are anxious to improve your strength, your heart and your path are different from mine. It is not wrong for the sword code to call me the magic sword.

Shaoyu asked blankly, have you really killed all the people in the world? The sword spirit nodded, haven't you explored it, the world in the sword is just wreckage. Looking at Shaoyu who was in a daze, Jian Ling smiled and waved and said: Take it, exchange for sword canon, and come to me when you are done. After speaking, it turned into streamer and disappeared before Shaoyu's eyes.

After being in a daze for a while, Shaoyu was actually asking himself if he could slaughter desperately for the sake of strength. Although he felt that he was very cold-blooded and ruthless, but if he wanted to kill people casually, he felt that he could not do it.

Subconsciously took the thing thrown by the sword spirit, Shaoyu saw that it was a small red glowing ball, holding it in his hand as if it had an attraction, as if he wanted to **** his whole person in, when he stared at the red light When the ball was being played, countless people's painful screams came from his ears, and Shaoyu only looked at it, and his figure became dim. He dared not look more, and shouted, what is this? The voice of the sword spirit came from afar. This is how to turn a person into a sword and **** and refine his sword.

Shaoyu held the red ball and flew back. This time it didn't turn into a flying sword, and Jiandian seemed to know that Shaoyu was in stock this time.

The red ball flew into the white planet with a brush. The completely disproportionate red ball dyed the white planet almost red. After a long time, the red retreated and only left some red marks. He heard the swordsman say: all Some evil demon swordsmanship, nothing else, let's teach you some swordsmanship tailored to your needs, so you can know yourself.

The white planet lit up again, and the shimmering Shaoyu closed his eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I saw countless words and patterns appearing on the planet, divided into several light bands and gathered in front of Shaoyu, forming a white ball of light.

Shaoyu looked at this wonder and listened to the sword classic and said: According to the sword skills you have chosen, this sword skill is taught to you, and I hope you can do it for yourself. If you have any questions, just ask now, and don’t come to me again if you don’t have an exchange. Shaoyu's heart was very angry, and the ghost of the secret path came to you again. If he turned his head and left, fortunately, there was a family that was not as impetuous as before. After calming down, he asked: What is the sword skill I have chosen. The sword code said that Magic Sword once snatched a sword skill. Although these sword skills have left me, he will change with the mind of the sword learner, and what he can see in the end is entirely for his own destiny.

Shaoyu secretly said, what kind of plane, he asked: Then how did he choose.

The sword classic said, it's all partial, the only bright spot is the sword sacrifice technique, but you have never practiced it, and the seven swords pierce the heart, you have studied the deepest. It can be seen that your temperament is violent, your behavior is perverse, and your mind is full of fate. Shaoyu feels that the sword canon is all ridiculous, would he be like this? However, the sword classic was not wrong because he had the deepest understanding of the Seven Swords Heart Stabbing Art...Sword Canon didn't want to think about how could he not leave a Bo Ming trump card in a different world. Is it going to be killed, and dragging people back is violent temperament and perverted behavior? Shaoyu pursed his lips and thought to himself, desperately wrong?

Kendo is also a life, double cultivation of sword and energy, huh, do it for yourself. This is the third time that Jiandian has said to do it for himself.

Shaoyu finally couldn't bear it this time, turned around and flew away. He held the ball of light and flew for a while, thinking that he was SB again, and it was not enough to call the sword spirit...but it seemed that the sword spirit would not appear near the sword canon.

After the sword spirit appeared, he asked Shaoyu what he got. Shaoyu talked about the skill of the sword very easily. The sword spirit yelled, what, the sword technique! Shaoyu was shocked by Jian Ling's failure, and he even asked if there was something wrong.

Jian Ling said, it's wrong, let me take a look. Shaoyu thought to himself, Sure enough, Sword Code didn't give good things. Sword Spirit stared at the white ball of light and muttered, how could the sword code take out the roots of Yujianmen Li faction.

The root of Li Pai, this... Shaoyu was confused, and even asked Sword Spirit what's going on. Sword Spirit said, if Yujianmen is compared to a towering tree, and the art of Yujianmen is the root of Yujianmen, this is a god-level technique. Now Shaoyu understood, he thought for a while and said: Doesn't the sword classic say fair exchange, this is the sword spirit, your technique is awesome!

Sword Spirit laughed, turned into a streamer, and said, let's enlighten it.

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