The time hunter was brought up, it was indeed dead.

Shaoyu also wanted to extract the soul stone and eat it. This thing is not human, he endured it for the disorder value and teleport skills, but he made up his mind and made a mistake during the autopsy... it exploded with a bang. Shaoyu was almost severely injured by the bombing, but fortunately, he found something wrong and constructed an air shield to block it.

Xiao S gave him 0 points, and Shaoyu felt that she had a tendency to scold him, but just held back.

Fortunately, after the time traveler's gems were digested, the disorder value became a little more restored in one day, which made Shaoyu overjoyed. As for the fact that any attributes did not increase, he didn't care at all.

When arriving at the capital of the Kingdom of Lis, the chaos value finally returned to below 100 points. The space-time hunter Shaoyu who appeared on the road after leaving the crack tried to catch it alive, but he did some traps, and the result was an explosion without exception, because Xiao S analyzed that they had a judgment mechanism. If it was not an accident, it would immediately explode.

The training of Imperial Swordsmanship also failed, and the divine sword couldn't float at all, so let's not say that the next step was to transform into a sword shadow. Sword Spirit thought about it for a long time before saying that it was because Shaoyu hadn't reached the heart-to-heart connection with Divine Sword, which was equivalent to the lack of the most important control formation among Feijian. Of course Shaoyu asked how the bottom was connected, and Jian Ling said: Refer more to the art of sacrificing swords.

In the next few days, Shaoyu was like a madman, summoning the Divine Sword when nothing happened, stroking it affectionately, and still talking to it. He was inspired by the sword sacrifice technique...

The capital of the Kingdom of Liss was built on the plain and looked like a serious circle from a distance. There are constantly crowds and carriages coming and going outside the city gate, and the avenue is very lively. And outside this circular city wall, there are many villages.

The name of this city is also a bit long, it's Liena Makis. Of course, he simply calls Lis to count the ball.

Shaoyu lined up for a long time, and finally it was his turn to enter the city. When the soldiers on one side shouted, a group of soldiers armed with long guns rushed up to surround him. He slapped his head, and he must have been a savage for more than a month. He didn't know that he heard a soldier yelling for his ID card.

Frozen on the spot, until the soldier shouted again, it turned out to be a proof of identity. Shaoyu let out a sigh of relief. But this thing, he thought about it, took out a scroll from the ring, and saw that he was taking something from the ring, these soldiers put away their spears, and when they saw the scroll, these soldiers stood straight and said welcome grown ups.

Shaoyu walked in in a daze. The scroll was given by Owen, saying it was a proof after arriving in Lis. He didn't plan to go to Owen, and if there wasn't a teleportation array here, he would not enter here.

Very unaccustomed to the crowds, he touched his face with a beard when he passed the city gate, put on his hood and put on the elf cloak. Although there is no dust on his body because of his qi, his clothes are still very smelly if he hasn't changed... When he was alone, he was used to not being aware of it. At this time, the people around him were embarrassed by covering their noses.

The more you find vacancy, the more people there are on the street...but there is a flat road in the middle that can accommodate two people, which is very empty. He walked up without hastily, probably because of officialdom or something. After squeezing with people for a long time, he couldn't find the hotel or tavern. Looking at these random and random constructions without any planning, he couldn't help but wonder....

Pointing soldiers will find a way casually, and hear a scream. Shaoyu looked back and saw that it was a carriage passing by on the official road. Some big men wearing leather armor but covered helmets did not know where they came out to attack.

Shaoyu thought to himself, oh, yes, I just came to see it.

These big guys wearing leather armor and covered helmets attacked very clearly. Some of the two horses and the coachman who were pulling the cart were shot to death by the guy holding the bow. The others were running and before the out-of-control swaying cart stopped. Pull the door and prepare to board the carriage.

While Shaoyu was watching the show, he only felt that the people here must have received anti-terrorism training. Those who are farther away will run away, while those who are closer, crawl and hide behind with obstructions, and are the closest. He just put his head in his hands and lay motionless on the ground... The quality is too high.

In order not to be so conspicuous, he also squatted down.

When I looked again, I saw a big man dressed in a leather armor mercenary pulling the car door, but he directly led the doorman to fall off the carriage... A slender leg stretched out, and a crystal high heel was on his foot. Then a girl carrying a lady's skirt came out, and she leaped down and shouted: How dare you attack the carriage of the leader of the Darklight Knights.

Shaoyu was taken aback, isn't this sister paper just a cousin. Then he dived a few steps, changed angles, and saw that Owen was also leaning sideways trying to get out of the carriage, as if reaching out and eagerly saying something to his cousin...

In an instant, he felt that life was amazing. He didn't look on the side anymore, and jumped over with a few steps. A five-meter-high jump seemed to fall from the sky, and the two big men in the crowd solved them before they opened their bow, then rushed straight to the carriage, and smoothly solved a mercenary who was rushing over.

Shaoyu felt that his actions were quick and cool, but he saw Owen by the carriage looking at him hostilely. Shaoyu was inexplicable, and immediately thought that he was now wearing a cloak. But the cousin stood there and stared at him motionlessly, as if recognizing him.

Just about to take off his hood, Shaoyu first heard a horse neighing behind him, and then the hoofs became more and more irritating, as if several cavalry were charging. But he didn't have time to look back, because he felt that he was locked by another person, and there was a chill on his side.

After hesitating, he flicked the sky sword in his hand and threw it to his cousin, standing still with empty hands, waiting for the change.

The cousin took the Sky Long Sword neatly and cut the long skirt... Irving also recognized the sword in the process.

Owen said with a sigh of relief: Cousin, this is the center of the city. Don't use your abilities... It is estimated that Owen was talking about this in the carriage before.

Shaoyu immediately thought of the singing. As soon as his expression floated, he felt cold on his side, chest, and face at the same time, and felt pain through his clothes...A stream of light flew out from the window in the second-story building opposite, and then turned into Six or seven long arrows flew, not only attacking Shaoyu, but also covering the carriage.

The cousin rushed forward and cut down an arrow, and she continued to rush forward without stopping.

Shaoyu moved two steps, and his left hand stretched out the gas shield to instantly open it, protecting Versace and himself. Then I felt a few strong impacts...Although the air shield completely resisted the attack, Zhang's frame was damaged a lot and was about to break.

Versace was not idle either, a few spells and a fireball were thrown out of the short battle to draw an arc, bypassing the gas shield and flying towards the window.

With only a bang, the window and the upper floor of the house were swallowed in flames. Shaoyu didn't care. He shook his left hand and stabilized the air shield. The feeling of being locked in has not disappeared.

Sure enough, a long arrow stuck to the ground suddenly jumped and hit the air shield, breaking the shield. Then another long arrow flew over. Shaoyu had already entered a state of slowing down all around and summoned the divine sword in his right hand. One square below, he found that the arrow turned into fragments and fell on the ground. These fragments seemed to be These seeds took root when they fell to the ground and then grew vines to entangle his feet.

Shaoyu struggled, feeling that the entanglement was still tight. He thought to himself: Damn, if the Jian Yuan form cuts a foot, it will be opened. Now the conversion is still a while...The knight on one side has finally arrived, but this is a cavalry guard at the gate. He was shot by a wave of arrows and horses as soon as he ran...The horse slipped to the ground. With inertia, it hit the carriage.

This is a war horse, although the war horse is wearing light armor, but when it hits it, the entire carriage will turn over... You can’t lose your position. Shaoyu can’t move his feet. Owen is about to jump out of the carriage, and Shaoyu presses him on the carriage backhand. Then he tensed, twisted his hands and slashed with the sword. The sword body broke through the air with a whistle, and the horse that slid was flew out diagonally by Shao Yu, wiping the carriage past.

At the same time, a long arrow turned into five arrows and inserted in front of the carriage. If Owen gets out of the carriage, it will be deadly.

Shaoyu finally got rid of the entanglement on his feet with the counter-shock force of the Slashing Horse. He secretly said that the shooter was fierce. After this trick, wouldn't he be nailed to the spot and long-range to death? As soon as he stood on the carriage and looked at his cousin, he was actually a little bit muttered. Irving's fireball blasted him mercilessly, but he saw his cousin's figure appear elsewhere and realized that he was thinking too much....

Turning his head to see that Owen was not only covered with a shield, but there were also some things rotating around him. It was a thick protection! He still had a pile of scrolls in his hand, and Shaoyu sighed in relief. Immediately after the loosening, I saw a group of cavalry rushing from the road. Shaoyu didn’t look like the standard clothes of a city gate soldier, and his body was tight... Owen said afterwards: These city defense troops are really slow to come... This is just relaxing. Come down.

Owen and the captain's cavalry were fighting haha, when the cousin dragged the foot of a man in leather armor with one hand, and walked over step by step. Her thin body dragged a burly man who was much larger than her towards her, which was quite visually shocking.

When Shaoyu saw that the man was unconscious, he was still holding a bow... so this was the archer.

The cousin took a look at Shaoyu, and did not speak on the side, only listening to the city defense army commander and Owen talking about it, Shaoyu felt bored. The arrow watch girl refused to give it to herself, and said that the woman who was blown into the house should not even want to get involved. Of course, these are all episodes that happened in a friendly atmosphere. Afterwards, I don't know if it was a private soldier in Owen's family or his men. They grabbed the two archers and drove a new carriage... the three of them got in together.

After getting in the car, the cousin said: What kind of smell do you have?

Shaoyu was speechless for a while, but Owen smiled and said: It seems that our ghost death **** has gained a lot of strength. Shaoyu said with a sigh of relief: This is inevitable after hard cultivation.

The carriage drove for a while and then stopped. When Shaoyu saw that this was a big yard, he said this was the place of your family? Owen first came up to give him a hug, and then said: Welcome to my private residence.

After entering, Owen arranged for Shaoyu to be cleaned up by the female eldest son... Of course, Shaoyu did the washing by himself. He was not used to touching him by people he didn't know, not to mention the two who treated the female eldest.

Shaved off his beard after he was freshened up, Shaoyu went to the hall. He only felt that the yard was quite big. There were mountains and waters along the way, and the trees were shaded. The interior felt elegant at first glance. He didn't understand and didn't care. In the hall, Owen was standing by the long table, waiting for Shaoyu to take his seat. There are only them and some maids, and the cousin is not there.

Shaoyu felt very comfortable. After sitting down and raising her arms together, Owen said: I heard about the madam, I'm sorry that there is no time to pass, the family here... Before he could finish speaking, Shaoyu waved his hand and said no more. Owen smiled bitterly when interrupted and raised his arms. Shaoyu finished drinking and asked: How did you take the entire border land? The situation in the family is not good?

Owen said: Today I will only host a banquet for you, not talking about it. Shaoyu put down his arms and shook his head and said: I am about to leave here, and I can help you in the end.

Now that fate has met again, help him accomplish one more thing.

Owen was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he sighed: Yes, this is just a small place. Then he said that his father was going to die soon, and the elders mostly supported one of his elder brothers to inherit the position of nobility, and the other two nobles also had unfavorable trends.

Shaoyu didn't understand it, so he asked Owen: Is there any way?

After listening to Owen, he thought about it. He said that his father had no idea, and now he can't see him being blocked by the elders.

Shaoyu said, jokingly: I am a thief if I am old and not die, or should I kill them?

Owen slapped the table and said: "It's a thief if you are old and not dead. You should rest for two days... If... we'll summon people and kill them.

Shaoyu opened his mouth wide, he really just made a joke.

Then the cousin rushed in and she changed her dress. He dragged a high chair and sat beside Shaoyu, then took his arms and ate it... Shaoyu wanted to roll his eyes, and Owen also gave a wry smile.

After drinking for a few moments, the cousin said in a soft voice: There has been no change in a while... Seeing that Shaoyu didn't respond, she said again, do you want to go to the dungeon together?

Shaoyu was naturally curious about what the dungeon looked like, so he nodded...Everyone quickly finished eating...Owen also walked to the dungeon together.

The dungeon is in the back garden, which is also a basement. Except for the entrance, there are two guards with full body armor holding a long axe. It is quiet and there is no jailer or the like, which surprised Shaoyu.

The cousin picked up a candle and walked ahead.

The basement is small, there are only four symmetrical rooms on the left and the right. There are no windows. Some torture instruments are hung on the four walls. The shaking light and shadow of a few candlesticks make him feel a little dark and gloomy.

Obviously, it is not used frequently here and it is quite clean.

When he got to the last room, Shaoyu took a step back. He wasn't scared, but...well, he was scared.

This is not fear, it is an accident.

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