Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 154: Understand (name)

The country of Liss is indeed a small border country, and the teleportation array can only reach two places. The mage in charge of the teleportation array was very enthusiastic and introduced to Shaoyu, he felt that it must be because it was too deserted here.

The teleportation arrays on the mainland are basically ancient relics, and only Fadu has mastered the technology of setting up such magic arrays. There is a limit to the distance of the teleportation array. The mage roughly explained it to Shaoyu, but he didn't understand it at all.

On the floor of the room, there is a complicated starburst pattern, and there are some stands supported by pillars around it for placing magic crystals. The activation of the teleportation array requires a magic crystal, which will be positioned by the wizard. Of course, don't worry about crystals. The Magic Guild will provide them, so you can buy them with money. Of course, if you have one, you can pay some usage tax, maintenance tax and service tax.

It takes five thousand gold coins to transmit once, which can support ten people to transmit and bring some goods. Shaoyu said that he was the only one, and then he paid the gold coins on the spot, saying that he would use it in two days. The mage's name on the spot became your lord, what Shaoyu asked, he just said something together, a little frightening diligently.

Shaoyu also has a lot of gold coins. The challenge of the manor has allowed Shaoyu to save nearly 10,000 gold coins, and when he went out this time, Owen was responsible for the consumption... it was a servant keeping accounts.

From the country of Liss, it can be teleported to two other magic guilds nearby. The mage in charge of the teleportation array recommended Shaoyu to the Freedom League, which is a loose alliance composed of a dozen small nations. The reason is that the Teleportation Array of the Liberty Alliance has ten teleportation points, and there are many opportunities there, and Shaoyu is very excited. The other is called Tur, which is also a chaotic and dilapidated border, and the teleportation formation there can only return to Lis. But what made him make up his mind was a word the mage said with disdain, he said that there is only such a small place where there is an adventure guild.

Shaoyu thought to himself, is there anyone who looks down on the Adventure Guild so much? Is there no one who loves adventure? Shaoyu didn't say anything, he asked if the Magic Guild could learn magic?

The mage was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly said: If your immediate family wants to become a mage, he can recruit apprentices, of course, he must pass a mental power test. After chatting for a while, Shaoyu understood that the Magic Guild is not a magic academy and does not directly teach magic. It is just a place for rating and communication between wizards. There is no magic academy in the kingdom of Lis. The nearest magic academy has to pass through three teleportation arrays. Simply put, only big countries have it. Of course, the Magic Academy will send someone to test the children every year. If it passes, the transmission is free. The mage knew that he was not speechless, and he had spoken to Shaoyu all the time.

Finally Shaoyu asked, what should he do if he wants to learn magic. The mage looked blank, and then asked very seriously, how old are you this year. Shaoyu forgot, he was exactly 30 according to the virtual age. The mage smiled and said, even if your mental power is up to the standard, but you have already missed the time to learn magic, it is impossible to achieve anything even if you have a mage.

Of course, Shaoyu was a little dissatisfied and said: That's not necessarily true. The mage shook his head and said: The basic knowledge of magic has been studied for at least ten years, which means that the entry level is not considered advanced. Even if a genius has completed all the courses in one year, you no longer have the imagination and receptivity of children, and you have missed the golden period of spiritual growth.

He didn't expect to learn magic and there are so many ways, put away his dissatisfied expression, and then took out some gold coins humbly for advice. The mage was very happy to get the gold coins, but he still advised Shaoyu not to waste time. Shaoyu accepted it very humbly. He said he was curious, and the Master told him some reasons.

After listening to what the Master said, Shaoyu only felt that his eyes were dark, and the magic system was really perfect. It could be divided into kindergarten, preschool, elementary school, and middle school. He felt that his imagination was okay, and his spiritual power would evolve. But if he wanted him to sit with a class of children with pacifiers, it would be better to kill him with a knife, and he didn't like reading when he was a child because he couldn't sit still.

After leaving the Magic Guild, Shaoyu entered into the Mercenary Guild. It was like a combination of a bank and a bar. In the front rows of tables, many big men drank loudly, and there was an open space at the end of which was a window with some staff. Take out sheets of paper inside and put them outside. On one side, there are compartments that don't know how deep they are.

It is estimated that the country of Liss is really remote. Although the mercenary guild is somewhat popular, it is also sparse. Shaoyu asked the mercenary how to handle it. The people inside heard it for a long time before saying that the registration was over there. Shaoyu looked at some of the papers they released. Most of them were small tasks, such as finding cats and dogs, finding objects, and actually helping harvest dealers...

Shaoyu thought to himself, no wonder there are no people, is this still the capital city?

Since I came to the Mercenary Guild first, Shaoyu wanted to register a mercenary to play with. Sitting at the table for a long time, he was told that registering a mercenary only requires one gold coin, fill in some forms and get some blood. These are nothing but blood. He didn't quite understand, and there was one more thing, Shaoyu was really stunned for not accepting the registration of adventurers.

Originally, I didn't quite believe what was written in the book, but now it seems that the adventurer's situation is worse.

He got up and walked away in the eyes of the management staff looking neurotic. He was walking out of the gate and found that there was a noise inside. He looked back and found that there was a big sign on the window barrier, which was now shining, and a line of words was displayed. Above, A-level **** mission. Shaoyu glanced at the several mercenaries who were fighting, shook his head and walked out of the mercenary guild.

After visiting the Warriors Guild, he finally understood what the name was. After that, he visited two more guilds. Shaoyu felt boring and was about to go back. One of the women on the side said: Why don't you go to the exchange? The other two servants also said, adults, the slave market is also very lively.

When Shaoyu heard it, he was immediately interested.

The exchange and the slave market are not in the same direction. After choosing a bit, Shaoyu decided to go to the exchange first.

The road is a bit far away, and the city of Liss is quite big.

The followers didn't dare to talk with this for a long time, probably because they couldn't figure out how Shaoyu came from. It wasn't until Shaoyu finished visiting the guild to ask for directions. He knew the distribution of the city from his entourage. The original plan here was based on the area... The circular city was divided into three areas in a circle. Of course, the innermost one is where the palace is located, and the middle circle is again. It is divided into five fan-shaped areas, including noble area, guild area, trading area, etc. Of course, the outermost circle is the civilian area.

From his entourage, Shaoyu learned a lot. For example, in the treatment of women, the civilians living in the city call themselves superiors, and those who don't live in villages outside the city call them inferior. He didn't think it was funny, it turned out to be the same everywhere. A male servant also mentioned the night of the greenery. Judging from the strange smiles and blushes of the servants and the male servants, this must be a place like Lichunyuan. He was curious about why it was called the Night of Greenery. The valet said with a strange smile, the big green forest used to be the place where the elves lived. I heard that the ancient elves were warm and hospitable, so... all cities on the mainland have greenery. night. Of course, this is not an organization, just the same name.

Of course, the exchange was in the trading area. What he didn't expect was that the slave market was actually in the outermost civilian area. While walking, Shaoyu asked the entourage some common sense questions, but what he thought was the name he had learned in the Warriors Guild.

The name is different from what he imagined. Shaoyu didn't think about how big the mainland was. To really rely on blowing it out, how many people would that soldier have to hire, how much money, and how long it would take to blow.

The Warriors' Guild here can only assign one name, Killer.

From Shaoyu's point of view, the so-called title is like a title, prestige, etc. This thing really depends on others. The difference is that to get the title, you must hand in tasks. The killer is going to hunt down a king of monsters alone...this is a common name.

Generic name means that it can be done anywhere in the mainland...There are generic names, but there are also names such as regions and countries. The issuance of these names is subject to a very strict process... At least today, there are still very few purchases and cheating...

He has seen the King of Beasts recorded by the Warriors Guild, there are words and pictures and the truth. It is a huge body with a king character on the center of the eyebrows, but the wind type monster named Mongala. They live in groups and are highly adaptable. They are active on the entire continent. The one in the northeast is called Northeast Mongara. It has only become scarce in recent years, but this has increased the reputation and gold content of this name. . Only fighters who have reached the five-star rating by the Warriors Guild can get the name.

But for a five-star warrior, it is too difficult to go alone in a place with rare human traces, or in a group of beasts, killing the mighty King Mongara and bringing the body back.

Shaoyu thought of cheating at the time, and he subconsciously said: Take a bunch of people, kill the King of Mongara, and then bring it back by himself, isn't that okay? He doesn't even have a star now and doesn't want to take the test, just pretending to be a nobleman spending money to satisfy his curiosity.

After hearing this, the people in the Warriors Guild laughed and said it was impossible. Because during the inspection, there will be someone specializing in the guild personnel who practice index fighting spirit to check... this kind of fighting spirit does not have any offensive ability, and can only be used on corpses. Index vindictiveness can check out the cause of death, and can also judge the maximum battle time. People from the Warriors Guild also said that if there is really no way to bring back the corpse, they can also dig out the crystals that are inevitably produced in the fierce battle and bring them back, so that the mage can use the crystal to play back to confirm.

Shaoyu listened to the crystal? Inevitable in battle? It turns out that the monsters on the mainland will naturally condense a kind of crystal in their bodies in the fierce battle. After the research of the wizards and scholars, it is found that this is the element deposition produced by the monsters' excessive use of magic. Shaoyu's head was big when he heard it. He thought to himself that in the jungle, there was nothing but the beasts and monsters. He asked if there were no crystals after fierce battles. People in the Warriors Guild said that it is also possible that the corpses of some mutant beasts must not have crystals, but their bones are called alien bones, and the alien bones are mostly directly attached to the magic of the beast before death. , It can be directly used for battle, some parts are still natural enchanted weapons.

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