Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 155: Dreaming (Royal Sword)

Hearing that, Shaoyu has the heart to go back to the jungle to dig a grave...The unicorn must be like this, but the little elf didn't know what it was transformed into, and most of it was lost, so he went into the cold palace and was not using it.

In fact, the name is a strength level, but it seems too vague to him. Although you can receive money from the guild every month after you have a title... Salary, you don’t need to salute when you see a nobleman, and join the army directly as a captain, but there are always people who don’t take the exam, have no time, disdain, or Some of them didn't even have time to dig out the crystals after they were killed.

He thought to himself that a fighter without a name is not necessarily a scum, and a fighter with a name is definitely a bull. When thinking like this, the exchange arrived, and the sky was also dark.

I've checked some recorded common names... You can also get the name of Demon Destroyer by killing a demon together. Although Liss can't pay it, it can, but he didn't know it at the time.

The exchange built more grandeur than the magic guild, a resplendent palace. If there is a teleportation array anywhere, there must be an exchange. Like the guild, the exchange is a must-have building in mainland cities. Unlike the guild, the exchange is actually a semi-official organization.

The heavy guards standing at the entrance of the exchange, their heavy armors alone must be equipped with a horse and four war servants.

The exchanges in cities generally have several floors. The first floor is inverted like a market. The passageway can only be walked by two people side by side. It is surrounded by street vendors or small shops on stone platforms.

It is estimated that at night, there are no people. When it comes to the second floor, Shaoyu realizes that nobles and professionals generally don't go to the first floor. ‘Business’ is only on the second layer. Trade all storage vaults, appraisal offices, auctions, and trading boards.

The storage vault is a place to store things. This functional guild actually has it, but it is not as reassuring as an exchange package. Shaoyu didn't enter the appraisal department. He felt it was unnecessary. He had a small S. You can apply for the auction individually, or you can put things on sale at the annual auction, which is in the harvest season.

Shaoyu felt that the last trading board was simply amazing. It was also a hall and a window like a bank. Only this time, I could only see a person sitting by the window, but I couldn't see the inside and it was almost completely sealed. After Shaoyu handed over a hundred gold coins in his arms, he received a crystal board, wrote a green lotus on the crystal board and handed it back.

Unexpectedly, the female voice inside said that the item was shown on consignment on the trading board, but the seller requested a barter. Shaoyu didn't expect that there really was a green lotus here, he couldn't help regretting it for a while, and he had to know earlier and let Lily practice and evolve.... After the female voice inside urged for a while, Shaoyu came back to his mind and asked: What to change.

The female voice inside said, the complete dragon corpse.

Shaoyu almost took a bite of blood, and hundreds of tribes have disappeared since the Third Age. Although the bards are still preaching the story of dragon slaying warriors, no one has seen the dragon again. Although some people continue to claim that they have witnessed the dragon flying by with their own eyes, all the news about the dragon clan turned out to be false in the end... This is the original story in the book!

For thousands of years, the dragon has become a legend on this continent.

World names like the Dragon Slayer can only look forward to meeting the necromancer who summons the bone dragon, and it has also become a legend.

Shaoyu a little lamented that he was born at an untimely time. There is no major war on the mainland. Although there are more than a hundred countries, there are still more land and fewer people. The ancient ruins were almost unearthed in the five thousand years of the Third Age. As for the plague, he also learned from the book that it would take at least a thousand years to erupt before it broke out. Thousands of years later, he would either have to look for Lily, or he would have turned into dead bones, it was nothing to do with birds.

The more I think, the farther I know, the more I know, the more I want to solve the matter here soon, and venture around on the mainland... This is a magical world, and there are too many things to understand.

It was late at night when I returned to the street, except for the curfew in the innermost palace circle, it became more lively late at night. The two male waiters rushed to Shaoyu to go to the green night. They saw that Shaoyu was very easy to talk.

Although Shaoyu was curious, he wasn't very interested in this or that place, and the time for training arrived, so he returned.

After returning to the room, he summoned the Divine Sword while stroking and talking nonsense. What did you eat today? Where did you go? He kept saying nothing to say, so he touched the sword and called baby, wake up, baby, be connected. A full hour later, Shaoyu felt that he couldn't stand the bird before he recalled the divine sword to his pubic area. If he didn't fight, he could hold the sword in his hand for almost half a day now.

After pulling out the sky long sword and practicing the sword, Shaoyu began to meditate. The qi body enters the body, and the qi training will no longer produce the violent reaction that caused the surrounding turmoil. The pores on the surface of the body are like filtering, only a small part of the Qi enters the body, and these Qi are extremely pure. The Jianyuan was also very painful to practice. Some light bands still entered from the top of the head, rubbing with the air all the way, and finally a small number of elites entered the dantian, which can be regarded as a disguised training of Jianyuan.

I meditated all night in the wilderness. After a month, my total energy increased by 0.03. Shaoyu was a little bit emotional. Jianyuan has exercises, but it can't work. Qi can run as he pleases, but there is no exercises.

Thinking about it, Shaoyu fell asleep with a tilted body.

...It seems to have had a dream. A vague shadow in the dream scolded him, saying that every day he listened to nagging, every day he was harassed, what kind of baby is he called, the goose bumps fell all over the place, and the shadow said In this way, I will blew myself up to you in minutes.

Shaoyu was awakened, and he saw a mushroom cloud slowly rising in front of him. After waking up, it felt very strange to settle down. After Jian Ji, this was the first time I meditated and fell asleep, and also had such a strange dream. He saw the hourglass only one mark. Feeling a little restless, he subconsciously summoned the divine sword, habitually touching and talking, he was stunned...Is this dreaming of the spirit of the sword!

Omens like heart palpitations, dreams, etc., Shaoyu always attached great importance to, he hurried into the spiritual world to ask the sword spirit, Shaoyu asked the sword spirit, is there a new sword spirit in the sword? The sword spirit was also very puzzled. He felt that if his sword spirit had not disappeared, how could a new spirit arise. And even if there are new spirits, they won't suddenly have such a high level of intelligence.

Sword Spirit said that he trained himself as a sword, and he barely woke up after many years, and he slowly grew and recovered like a baby... It is absolutely impossible for a new spirit to say these things.

Guessing is useless, the two of them left the spiritual world, and the sword spirit went directly into the divine sword. After a long while, Jian Ling said that there was no change in the Excalibur, let alone a new spirit.

After Sword Spirit returned, Shaoyu thought to himself, could it be that he made a fuss... really just a dream?

After thinking for a while to no avail, Shaoyu meditated again, but fell asleep again after a while.

This time he saw the gray shadow again, and the shadow only said one thing, SB.

Shaoyu knew that he was dreaming and couldn't help asking: What?

I am you and you are me... We are all part of Shaoyu, the shadow continued.

Shaoyu was even more stunned, forming part of me? ! What do I make up, the head? Suddenly, he thought of the divine sword in his dantian. Does that divine sword form part of him? !

Suddenly waking up, he turned over and got out of bed, and when he landed, he called out the magic sword, dragged the magic sword with his hand and shouted, and started... This time, the magic sword did not fall on the ground, but floated.

Shaoyu looked at him without sadness or joy, but at this time he was very calm. The **** of his right hand were brought together into sword fingers, and he pointed forward and said.

The divine sword came out through the door... he felt it, and immediately followed the divine sword to the garden.

There are actually two people wandering in the garden. They look like they don't look like servants... These two people, Shaoyu hadn't seen them before, so naturally they didn't have time to bother.

The divine sword flew along with his fingers, and when he reached the pool in the middle, he stopped and thought about the first stage of the swordsmanship.

The Divine Sword flew back to the side, and Shaoyu yelled again, pointing his finger at the sky, and the Divine Sword's hilt was floating above his head, as if frozen...As he turned the sword element, the sword pointed forward and shouted.

The sword tip of the Excalibur swayed lightly, swinging forward, and the Excalibur was blurred and divided into six.

The rockery in the pool collapsed, and Shaoyu shouted again, turned around and left.

Walking back to the room in the stunned eyes of the two people, he suddenly danced! Silent scream...Finished swordsmanship was finally completed!

After a long while, he calmed down, and sent the housekeeper who had come to inquire, Shao Yu thought about the situation just now... Being reminded by himself in a dream, he finally thought that the Excalibur should have been a part of him. It's like hands and feet, just floating outside, not like there are nerves and blood vessels to connect and control.

Like remote control, but closer...

After thinking for a while, Shaoyu tried a few more times, and finally mastered the first stage of swordsmanship. At this time, his Jianyuan went seven or eighty-eight, so he had to think about other levels of Yu Jianshu.

There are ten layers of Yujian Shu. The first one is called Huajian, which means to transform into a heavy sword shadow. At this time, Shao Yu also knew why Yujianshu was the foundation of Yujianmen's establishment. Because these ten layers have a complete system, not only sword repair, but also body, consciousness, etc... And as the cultivation base deepens, you can evolve your own sword style from each layer...

Thinking about this, he found something wrong again.

First, the sword shadow can only be transformed into six ways. This is inconsistent with the Nine Ways of cultivation that Yu Jianshu's first repetition said.

Second, scope. According to Yu Jianshu, the body of the sword can fly a hundred meters and turn into a sword shadow, but Shaoyu almost can't feel the magic sword just outside the imperial gate...This is not to gather the energy to send the magic sword back, but to take it back. The hand is the same, but this body part is floating outside.

Third, the number and power of the sword is always consumed in the process of the sword, and shooting the sword shadow, the sword yuan in the divine sword is basically consumed, that is, it can only be used once. As for the power, Shaoyu felt that it was two to three times as powerful as the other's sword unification, and it still appeared six times in an instant.

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