Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 156: Sword repair

Shaoyu found Sword Spirit, and Sword Spirit pulled Little S out again.

He never thought that detection could actually be used on himself.

Of course, the detection has to wait for the sword to be filled... After most of the time has passed... The sword turned into a sword shadow and fixed it in Shaoyu's left eye, and then decomposed countless characters to flow down. The data came out, and the combat power of each sword shadow was 100, which was very stable. Little S said that, according to previous data collection, the power of Versace's magic arrow is around 80. Shaoyu saw that his combat power was only 61 after the completion of the Yujian, and his power almost doubled, still six times in a row. He was a little excited to ask Iina's data. Little S said: Can't calculate.

Only then did Shaoyu dispel his excitement, he couldn't calculate, he felt that he had always underestimated the alchemist.

After communicating with Xiao S, Jian Ling said: These are all due to changes in the technique. If the sword essence is circulating in your body, then the description must be exactly the same. Shaoyu said: Does that mean a weakened version of one-time swordsmanship? The sword spirit said: No, although the power increases with the depth of the sword, but you are different, you have two kinds of swords, and the more swords in the divine sword, the more sword shadows, and the more powerful. Bigger.

Shaoyu understood that although it was not as durable, convenient, and large in scope as the original, it was more powerful and had different attack attributes.

The first stage was completed, and Shaoyu walked while thinking about the second stage. Although Shaoyu can see the ten layers all the way, the sword spirit's intention is still to repeat, learn to look at the next one again, and avoid being distracted. Shaoyu deeply believed that if he saw the back, there was no way to learn from the front. Besides, he had no foundation at all, and he was afraid of looking at the back as if he were reading a book.

Before he started thinking about it, he was stopped by someone. It turned out that it was the two who stood watching him try his sword. Shaoyu thought at the time that those who can enter Owen's private house must also be his friends. Anyway, it is not a secret, so he will go with them.

However, he directly interrupted one of the people's self-introduction, said something apologetic, and went back to the room blankly, leaving only two people with ugly faces.

Shaoyu's mind is full of swordsmanship, so he doesn't care about who they are. To say sorry, it still depends on Owen's face.

The first of Yujianshu is called Huajian, and the second is called Jianyu.

After Shaoyu read it carefully, he found that this article was actually about the flight path of Feijian, which is to control Feijian. Shaoyu thinks this is too awkward, not magical. He entered the spiritual world and asked the sword spirit. The sword spirit almost gave birth to smoke. He couldn't speak at all. He pointed at Shaoyu and shook for a long time.

After the sword spirit was successful, the sword spirit asked Shaoyu how do you think the flying sword killed the enemy.

Shaoyu thought for a while and said, didn't it just fly over like lightning, brush it, and the head fell to the ground.

Sword Spirit almost didn't come up again, he said: Could someone else be a pig, standing here to let you do it? Shaoyu understood the meaning of sword spirit. Sword Spirit groaned and said, when he was a sword boy, he worshipped under the Wanjianmen, where all swords came out, covering the sky and the sun. But the first school of Jianxiu is Yujianmen, do you know why?

Shaoyu replied, Wanjianmen is piled by quantity, and Yujianmen is taking the quality route?

Sword Spirit shook his head and said: The so-called Sword Fairy can be used to command thousands of swords, and can also fly swords to take the top level from thousands of miles away.

Shaoyu thoughtfully, Jian Ling said: Let you realize it for yourself. After speaking, he actually took out many swords and threw them in the spiritual world. Shaoyu was taken aback, and saw these swords floating around his body, and Shaoyu felt that he could control these swords with all his strength. He asked excitedly: What is going on here. Jian Ling said that he was just a flying sword that was transformed with a small amount of spiritual power, and he gave Shaoyu the right to use it.

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, do you mean let me control these flying swords to fight with you? He saw that there was only one flying sword beside Jian Ling, and he controlled ten. Sword Spirit smiled, I only use flying swords, just stand here without moving, you just attack.

Will he lose if he only uses flying swords? Shaoyu shot his master with random punches, and Shaoyu shot a volley of swords! Unexpectedly, the flying swords knocked out two or three of them when Qi Fei passed by without controlling them, and then shot them and left three or four empty. The sword spirit just moved and avoided it!

Seeing Jian Ling's mocking old face, he took a deep breath and tried to control each sword for a while. After a while, I don't know how to make the ten flying swords fly neatly, but at least the two will not collide.

After thinking for a while, he controlled two flying swords and attacked.

Little by little, the sword spirit controlled Feijian to intercept it halfway. Shaoyu smiled insidiously, while controlling the two flying swords, while controlling the other four to shoot at the sword spirit in turn.

The sword spirit's flying sword suddenly turned very flexibly, throwing away the two flying swords and blocking the four flying swords one by one. Shaoyu didn't care so much, he only let these six flying swords stab the sword spirit, and then controlled the other four to stab the sword spirit from below in a quadrilateral shape.

The spiritual world has no ground, just like the universe has all-round attack corners.

In the next scene, Shaoyu opened his mouth wide. He saw the sword spirit’s flying swords shuttle, bringing the six flying swords on the front into a mess. Shaoyu couldn’t control so much, but he didn’t care. These are all attracting firepower! The main force is actually the following four flying swords. Just when he thought it was possible, the sword spirit's flying sword hit the chaotic flying sword. Not only did two of them flew upside down and almost injured Shaoyu, but also three of them were shattered after being shot. The formation of the four flying swords below.

At this time, Shao Yu was in a hurry, and saw the sword spirit's flying sword pierced over. He looked at the dusty, celestial sword spirit, and thought to himself that the more monsters, the more Buddhas.

Although Jianyu means flying sword, but Yujian doesn't just point at the sword, and the enemy is not a stake. Although the first stage of Imperial Swordsmanship is like this, it is an attack and life-saving means for beginners! And the first level is more than that simple.......

Ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand swords...

Shaoyu, who was taught by example, had one more thing, and went to the spiritual world to play flying swords with sword spirits every day.

The second level is a job that requires long-term learning and accumulation. In fact, the first level Shaoyu is just getting started, but the sword spirit makes Shaoyu look at the third level directly. He was a little strange, but when he was about to go to see the third stage in Yiyan, someone knocked on the door outside and said: The master sent a carriage to pick up the adults to the ball, and he was already waiting outside.

Shaoyu thought, Owen should know that he doesn't like to participate in these, is it because of the plan of the dance party. At first, he thought he had guessed wrong. The carriage slowly moved forward in the noble area with the traffic flow. This is a city garden, surrounded by greenery and covering a very wide area. As carriages arrived, the nobles got off the carriage. All dressed up.

As a result, the carriage turned a corner and stopped at a building not far from the manor in the city. After being taken into the hall, there was a room of people sitting inside, a map on the table and some people around... Laying out the plan.

Owen was pointing at the map and saying something, as if unaware of his arrival. Shaoyu recognized Beta at a glance, and they were all crowded around the table. He also leaned over and looked at the map. It was a sketch of the city. After finding a corner and sitting down, he listened for a while, as if saying that there was a fire here, and there was a posture of attacking the palace, and what happened to the other roads. kind…….

Then Shaoyu lost his mind, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him, and he couldn't understand it anyway. Continue to think back to seeing a small and half of the third weight on the carriage.

The third stage also troubled Shaoyu, this one was called Fengqingjian Yunti. The beginning of the article here is that although you have entered the immortal gate, you are not a true immortal. Flying swords cannot last long, so you still have to hold the sword to cultivate your body. Shaoyu pondered, this meant that he was not a sword fairy, and he couldn't keep the sword, but he should use the sword to kill people! He guessed that eight or nine is not far from ten. If it weren't for dividing the sword shadow, the sword flying would not fly far at this time. The power of no speed or anything would be better than holding it in the hand, and the sword shadow can only be used once.

The wind light sword cloud body is the sword body that the sword spirit has said. After the wind light sword cloud body is cultivated, it will not only be as light as the wind when fighting, but the flow speed of the sword element will also increase three times, and it will also form a body guard sword energy called Yungang. What Shaoyu saw was that all his saliva was flowing out, but when he saw the training method, he started to feel pain again. He was about to ask Sword Spirit, but found that the room had become very quiet.

Looking up, it turned out that all the people in the house were gone, only Irving and Beta were looking at him.

Beta came up with a hammer and punched Shaoyu and said, no wonder your strength has grown so fast, this time will also be used for training. Shaoyu also punched him and said: This is a helpless move that doesn't understand you.

The three laughed for a while, and after chatting a few words, Beta quickly left, saying that he was going to command the legion. Shaoyu didn't ask too much. After Beta was gone, Owen jokingly asked Shaoyu what his current strength was. He guessed whether the arrangements were made.

Shaoyu thought about it seriously and said that it should be fine to take a beheader.

Owen nodded and told Shaoyu about his arrangements. The dinner after the ball was when the heir was announced, and the place was in the city manor. As one of the three nobles, the announcement that the heir will of course invite the royal family and the other two nobles, which is also difficult for Owen.

All the elders gathered here today, and Owen got the news that the last elder was already on the road not far from Lis, and Beta was going to ambush him.

In general, Irving not only has to kill all the elders, but also takes charge of the family...Of course, he can't end up making it too ugly.

Shaoyu didn't understand it very well, but he knew that Irving would create opportunities for him to assassinate and run away... Irving said that the teleportation array had been arranged. As a local snake, how could he not know where Shaoyu went that day, and the money-greedy mage couldn't keep anything...in fact, this is the best.

Owen told him about the situation for a while, and after seeing the magical portraits of the seven elders, he left to attend the dance.

Shaoyu closed his eyes and sat here quietly. Did not think about swordsmanship, nor did he think about it. He drew out the sky long sword and laid it flat on his lap, occasionally flashing past his cousin who had been imprisoned by those elders to peek.

This was a habit that Shaoyu had cultivated before he murdered. He was trying to kill.

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