Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 157: Accident (shield battle)

After a while, there was a loud bang in the city, Shaoyu opened his eyes, put on his cloak, and strode out.

He felt a fire burning in his heart, a piece of hot, blood boiled all over his body, but he was extremely calm.

With the air moving around, Shaoyu tapped his toes and flexibly shuttled among the crowds pouring out of the manor in the city.

A body fell in the hall, and many people ran out in a panic, but there were still many people inside who were very calm about what to do, as if they didn't see the body. Some were resting on the sofa and some were talking with their arms up. The most striking thing was a man with a girl still dancing in the middle.

As soon as Shaoyu came in, he didn't see the target, he saw him at first sight, and the man also fixed his eyes on Shaoyu.

This man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, is tall, and wears an aristocratic suit, but he is also wrapped in a cloak, making him look nondescript.

Shaoyu knew that this man was a shield warrior with the name of a beheader invited by the royal family from the Freedom League, and he was also the biggest resistance.

Shield warriors are a branch of sword and shield warriors. They abandon their swords and they are also called defensive warriors... The defensive warriors who can kill the king of warcraft in the group of warcraft must be professionals! Shaoyu had long regarded him as a strong enemy. However, seeing that as a bodyguard danced in the court at this time, he really didn't understand.

The man had been staring at Shaoyu, holding the dancing sister back. Following his figure, Shaoyu saw the target. Right inside, several elders surrounded a young man with gorgeous clothes. Just as he was about to rush over with a sudden scream, Shaoyu looked around and found Owen. I saw him and a group of youths standing in the upper left corner of the hall, and a waiter used a short knife to insert one of them into the waist of a youth that looked like Owen.

At this time, a group of people came in from behind the door, this group of people wearing leather armor and holding weapons, but with a covered iron helmet. They also rushed to Irving's side without saying a word.

This covered helmet is simply a magic weapon for bad things, not only covering the face, but also providing defense for the head.

Shaoyu knew that this was also Owen's arrangement. At this time, the waiter was already lying on the ground. Some guards rushed back towards the covered assassins. Some nobles drew their rapiers to prepare for the battle, and even Owen was touching the scrolls and chanting.

The nobles who stayed here still looked like, Shao Yu thought lightly, drew out his sword and walked forward step by step.

The shield warrior said something to the sister paper and the elders behind, and turned into a shield to greet him.

The elder walked quickly towards the door leading to the room around the gorgeously dressed young man and sister.

Shaoyu wasn't in a hurry. The guards at the door were dispersed, and the inside was still dealing with the assassins, and the city defense army would not be able to arrive for a while. Na Dun Zhan yelled a few words to Shaoyu: Ask him who he is, tell him to stop and so on. Of course, Shaoyu ignored him. He walked faster and faster, three steps or so under his feet, and he stabbed the shield warrior as soon as he stretched out.

The shield warrior held the shield one block, and when Shaoyu stabbed with a sword, the shield moved forward.

Shaoyu fought him a few times, feeling a little surprised. The shield of this shield warrior was a smooth round shield, only the size of a basin, so there was no need to mention that it completely blocked the attack. Every time Shaoyu attacks, the shield warrior will always send or bring back the shield, so that his power is only halfway or half lost, which is extremely uncomfortable.

After every mistake in the attack, the shield soldier would take the opportunity to press the shield and hit something, so Shaoyu had to move and avoid.

He originally wanted to rush through the shield warrior, but he didn't expect that the powerful shield warrior was a wall as described in this book. If you run your Qi body at full power, you can definitely get rid of this shield fighter by going around a few times. But is that nothing, better than running. And now I can't pull myself away... I will definitely get hit when I run away.

The fighting rhythm was grasped by the shield warrior, but Shaoyu was forced to step back and adjust it step by step. This would be considered good at his swordsmanship, otherwise he would have been knocked into the air or knocked to the ground. Thinking about the way, he suddenly heard the woman's curse, and he was distracted. It turned out that the elders saw that Shaoyu had fallen in the wind and stopped and started talking. The girl actually took out the law to hold the curse. .

As a result of the distraction, Shaoyu was almost shot on his body by the shield combo, but after the shield warrior forced Shaoyu away, he was also distracted and called them to go. Shaoyu felt that the shield warrior was quite discerning, and he didn't try his best.

The curse has already begun, and if you want to stop, you have to endure the magic backlash. The shield warrior stared at him with white light on his shield. Shaoyu didn't expect that sister paper was actually a mage. Hearing her chanting speed was totally incomparable with Vansek, but it would be very troublesome to let her release magic. Shaoyu slapped his feet and Ren Jianhe kept piercing the shield. warrior.

The shield warrior actually drew out another big shield, and the small shields of the left and right hands fit into the big shield... Shaoyu felt that the sword pierced past as if it was stuck to his shield. He only heard the shield warrior roar, and the shield was one. Lifted, Shaoyu took two steps back with a strong blow.

The shield slams, concentrates the enemy's attack on the shield, and then concentrates the force on one point, pushing the enemy three yards away.

Shaoyu was about to summon the divine sword, but found that it was more than ten meters away. When he moved his mind, he called Xiao S: beam in his heart.

Shaoyu's left eye glowed, and a beam of light flew towards the girl. The beam Shaoyu has been rarely used. The beam has a long range and strong penetrating power, but it is extremely difficult to control the accuracy. Sure enough, he knew that the beam was shot as soon as it fired.

The shield warrior was very worried about the sister paper, he actually threw the small shield in his hand, intercepted the beam, and still couldn't fall down in the air.

Shield protection, throw the shield in your hand and spin to protect your teammates.

The beam of light hit the smooth shield surface and bounced back, and the bullet flew to the large crystal chandelier on the top of the hall. This thing seemed to be a must in the hall of nobles, the light beam was bounced off the crystal again, and fell on an upper glass that fell to the ground, and the light beam bounced again.

The beam of light bounced from the ground, passed diagonally through the fireball that the sister paper had just finished holding the spell, and finally shot a hole in the wall and disappeared.

With a bang, the fireball that hadn't left his hand exploded.

Shaoyu's original plan was to shoot whoever counts, and even if a group of people over there is crooked, it can also be frightened. He also frightened this pampered sister paper... He didn't expect that the shield warrior could intercept the beam, and the flying shield could not Luo did not expect Mei Zhi to cast spells so resolutely, and he did not realize that the light beam would bounce off the mirror-like shield.

These few rabbits flew and fell so fast, everyone in the whole hall was stunned, and saw the sisters and the elders and the gorgeously dressed youth before they could react, they were torn apart by the fireball explosion, screaming and being burned by magic flames. Become coke.

Your Royal Highness, this is the shout of some nobles, princess, this is the shout of the shield warrior.

Rao was full of killing intent in Shaoyu's heart, and was also stunned.

This is fate, he recovered after staying for a while and had to run away. He saw that the shield warrior had red eyes and didn't even pick up the small shield directly. Shaoyu shook his head. He felt that he didn't want to kill anyone anymore, so he leaped out with his full power.

Several nobles also chased after him. The covered assassins fell to the ground. Shaoyu was also in a daze when he saw Owen holding the wound on his arm. Obviously, this incident was beyond his expectation.

After running for two steps, there was a deep inhalation sound from behind. Shaoyu had already rushed to the door. He looked back and saw that the shield warrior roared with a bulging belly, and the gale in the hall clashed with the sound of the glass. , The crystal chandeliers were all shattered, and the two nobles who were chasing behind Shaoyu covered their ears and fell softly to the ground.

Shaoyu only felt as if he had been hit by a giant hammer on his body, and he was knocked out. He reluctantly twisted his waist in the air, fell to the ground, backed up a few steps before steadily reaching his body, and then he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Is it a lion roar? ! Careless! A blurry Venus appeared in front of Shaoyu's eyes. He touched his ear and was shocked to bleed. Reluctantly recognized the direction and continued to run.

......I can't run anymore, I am a little out of balance! Fortunately, it is faster than them to run casually under the full energy.

There was chaos outside, with blue smoke in several places in the city, and a big fire in one place. After running for a while, Shaoyu felt regained and jumped onto the roof... Of course he shook off the shield warrior. He dashed a few steps on the wall, running like a bird on the roof, chasing the shield war. He roared and jumped up... and then fell off within two steps.

Kung fu on the legs is too bad!

This warrior didn't use the lion roar in the back, or something, it seems that this trick cannot be used frequently! After falling down, I used it again, but I couldn't move until I needed to accumulate energy. Shaoyu ran away from the roof a long time ago!

He didn't choose to fight hard, he still didn't know the war cry ability of the warrior...

My ears are bleeding all the time, and I can't hear anything.

How can a lion roar! With this thought in mind, Shaoyu ran to the guild street. Just kidding, the prince and princess are killed, and if they don't run away immediately, they will be surrounded by the army every minute.

It's noisy outside, and the street of the guild is like a paradise.

The guild street in each city is independent, even if the city is massacred, the guild area is safe. Shaoyu wiped off the blood and walked to the entrance of the Magic Guild. He saw his cousin standing here with a horse in armor. The cousin greeted him when she saw him and kept talking to him.

Shaoyu couldn't hear anything but felt buzzing. He thought to himself that it was Owen's cousin who arranged to see him off? Seeing what the cousin had been talking about, he pointed to his ears and said that he was injured and couldn't hear him, and he also showed the cousin some blood stains. The cousin still talked to herself, tears in her tears, then laughed again. He watched it inexplicably. After listening for a long time, without seeing his cousin finish, Shaoyu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated and he was inexplicably uneasy. He looked around and walked towards the teleportation room.

The mage still stayed in front of the teleportation formation. After Shaoyu gave the mage a handful of gold coins, he said to the mage to go now and go to Tur. Shaoyu didn't hear what the mage said to him, so he saw the mage turned around and left. Shaoyu froze for a moment, thought about it, and waited in place. The cousin was still talking to herself, Shaoyu really couldn't guess, what could have been said for so long, and her expression could be so rich.

After waiting for the mage, he came back. He was going to get the crystal. When the mage placed the crystal, the cousin stood aside and stopped talking. After the crystals were installed, Shaoyu was also transported for a while, and his ears finally improved.

Shaoyu stood in the teleportation formation, nodded to the mage, and said to activate. Then waved to the cousin and said: I'm leaving, goodbye. Until then, he could barely hear him clearly, and he heard a twisted scream on his cousin's face: Get out, get out, men are not good things....

Hearing the words, I was taken aback. Is the secret road cousin going to go with him? ! But he just didn't hear anything. In the light of the teleportation array, everything is blurred. He thought lightly, in fact, this is fine too.

...The task is to complete the destruction of the elders, but at the same time the princess died, and the relationship between his identity and Owen will be found out, I hope Owen can do it...

The sky was spinning around for a while, and it felt like he was sitting in a broken car that was constantly bumping and smelling of oil. After leaving the teleportation array before seeing the situation, Shaoyu vomited and the sky was dim. He felt that his physique was many times that of the earth, and he could even teleport. After vomiting for a long time, as soon as I got up, I saw a piece of Mao Yu and a water in my arms. Shaoyu felt that the service was too thoughtful. He took the water and wiped his mouth with a towel. Then he turned his head and saw a very young mage who was wearing a mage robe was smiling at him. The young one was like a child.

He smiled and said: My lord, towel and water are a gold coin, and the cleaning fee is a gold coin. Shaoyu was taken aback and took out two gold coins. Only then did he realize that this place was too broken, and the teleportation array was covered by a straw shed. The young mage who looked like a child received the gold coins and said very happily: If you have any questions, adults just ask. I added a sentence at the end: no charge.

Shaoyu thought, you still accept it. Although he doesn't understand the market price, one gold coin is enough for a family of three to live on for one month. He swept around and didn't see the Magic Guild at all, so he asked: Where is the Magic Guild.

The young mage pointed to a thatched house and said, it is a magic guild. Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment. He said besides you, is there a wizard here? The young mage said that there was no mage other than the tutor.

Shaoyu learned that this young mage was indeed still a child, and that an apprentice mage actually guarded the teleportation formation. But according to him, no one here uses the teleportation array. If you want to get to Lis, you will have to go to the caravan convoy, or you will be company in less than a month.

According to the apprentice of the mage, this place is too poor, and the adults must have been deceived to come here. After listening for a while, Shaoyu asked if there is an adventure guild here? The mage apprentice said that there was originally: the mercenary guild did not know how to station in some time ago, I am afraid that the adventure guild has been occupied now.

Under the guidance of the apprentice of the mage, Shaoyu first found the city...If there were no walls, it would be the only hotel in the village. After taking a rest, when the dizziness subsided, he set out to find the adventure guild.

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