Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 158: Register (adventurous)

Tours have become a bit of wind and sand. It is very dry and there is no green forest. There are only three buildings to see.

An inn and a tavern, the castle castle, and the adventure guild. The apprentice mage was right. When Shaoyu had just walked the village road and approached the adventure guild, a few big-faced big men came over and said to him: For a while, the master of the city defense army knight and the mercenary will surrender the harbour here. Violent bandits, just pass by. Shaoyu watched as a big man squeezed his fists, and couldn't laugh or cry. Several farmers pretended to be cruel...but he was relieved, and it seemed that the Adventure Guild had not been occupied by mercenaries.

The bad news is that in the city that is broken, the city defense army is also a regular army, and they invaded the adventure guild together with mercenaries. What happened? !

Shaoyu drew a one-handed sword from his cloak, and these big men stepped aside.

The Adventurer's Guild is the only three-story stone building in this village. From its mottled outer walls, it can be seen that it has experienced a long period of wind and rain. Very dilapidated but very clean, of course, the damage and blood stains caused recently cannot be counted.

There is an earth wall outside the guild. The already broken earth wall seems to have been repaired recently... As soon as Shaoyu approached the earth wall, he saw a sturdy man emerge from the wall. He couldn't help but give a secret praise... , Under the bald head, he has a face with flesh, thick eyebrows and big eyes. The fierce light flashes between his eyes, and a fierce air rushes toward his face. The two-meter-high leather armor completely covers the muscles that can not bulge his whole body. A full sense of oppression. This sturdy man held a giant axe in both hands, the axe face was surprisingly wide, like a door panel, only to hear him yelled: Does anyone dare to come, why did you send such a tender product?

Shaoyu wanted to say hello, but he almost choked to death with saliva...Damn, he is a little pale, not tender! After a few coughs, Shaoyu asked: This is the Adventure Guild, I'm here to ask how to become an adventurer.

This big guy was taken aback, and suddenly roared: Lianlian, come out and have a look, this guy is not a spy. With his voice, the two wooden doors of the Adventurer's Guild opened a gap, and a sister came out.

Shaoyu was stunned at first glance. This girl has a beautiful face and a well-proportioned figure under a leather armor... But she was actually 1.9 meters away, and she was wearing a pair of high heels when it was even worse. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he felt a stronger pressure than before.

The sister named Lianlian was about eighteen or nineteen years old. She stood by the gate of the Adventurer's Guild and shouted: Be careful I beat you to death, and call my full name in front of outsiders... Ai Lian. Shaoyu shrank his head when he saw the sturdy man, and muttered: Hell, who remembers his full name so long?

Shaoyu felt inexplicably kind and almost laughed out loud.

At this time, the sister named Ailian yelled again: Since you want to register, please come in. Don't say I didn't remind you, if the mercenary would have exited long ago... they would not be able to get out.

After she finished speaking, she punched the door with a shock.

Shaoyu thought, the female man is fierce. But he really came to register, and there was nothing to be afraid of. After the big man gave way, he strode in. After entering, Shaoyu found that it was very empty inside. There were no chairs except an old table. He couldn't help asking Ellen: What's the situation?

Ai Lian said: Everything was basically robbed. If they hadn't come here, the Adventure Guild would have long since existed. After speaking, she took out a crystal and said to Shaoyu: Take some blood.

Shaoyu couldn't figure out what this was going to do. Registered mercenaries also had to take blood. Is it necessary to test DNA? He cut his finger and smeared blood on the crystal. Ailian fiddled with the crystal for a while and said: Actually, she really came to register, let's register inside. Shaoyu nodded, and thought about asking what was going on.

He followed the direction she pointed into the room inside.

The room inside was like four walls, and the door was facing a lounge chair with an old man lying on it. When Shaoyu walked in, the old man opened his eyes. The old man's eyes shrank a little and there were only white beads inside, as if he was blind.

After stopping, the old man said, "Don't be afraid, young people, I have been blinded by poisoning my eyes. Shaoyu was not afraid. There was nothing but a bed and a recliner in it, so he could only stand.

Shaoyu said: The old man is fine, are you registering for the adventurer?

The old man didn't answer Shaoyu's words, but he slowly said: Young man, don't read the stories in the book and want to become an adventurer. The times are different, and becoming an adventurer will make you hit a wall everywhere.

Shaoyu felt that the old man seemed to be persuading him not to register. He thought for a while, and asked: Old man, are adventurers like this now...he didn't think of any words to express it for a while.

The old man said to himself that the Adventurer's Guild did not provide tasks. Many years ago, people wrote their needs on the bulletin board, and the adventurers chose to help people. These help are not paid, and only a bowl of water after a meal. But this violated the interests of the mercenaries.

The exploration of the ruins, adventurers will make the discoveries public, own and rebuild the ruins, etc., which violates the interests of the nobles.

Thousands of years ago, the ruins of the true **** caused a large number of adventurers to disappear, and then the adventure village lost contact one by one. Many countries have now banned adventure guilds, and our time has passed.

Young man, do you still want to be an adventurer?

The old man finished speaking in calm words, opened a pair of white beads, and asked Shaoyu.

After hearing what the old man said, Shaoyu was a little confused. To be honest, he didn't expect adventurers to be so confused. The stories of adventurers in the book, their contributions, those adventurous spirits...

He said in a heavy tone, old man, I was fortunate to have entered the adventure village. It was fate that made me destined to become an adventurer.

Shaoyu took out a silver coin he got in Adventure Village... He already knew from books that this was actually an adventure coin!

The old man said with some doubts about fate? Shaoyu thought that the old man couldn't see it, so he handed over the adventure coin...In addition, it is estimated that the old man did not understand what fate is, and while handing the adventure coin, he changed his words and said that it was fate.

Hearing Shaoyu talking about fate, the old man felt a little excited about the adventure coin and said: Come, young man, squat down...

Shaoyu approached two steps, squatting down as he said. I saw the old man stretched out his hands and wanted to touch him. He avoided it naturally, and the old man felt empty. Shaoyu said: Sorry, I don't like being touched by others. The old man sighed and said: Well, this last inheritance of adventurers is for you.

Shaoyu was stunned, what, inheritance! ...... From the book sent by Versace, I learned that inheritance means that people can directly master some advanced abilities and continue to pass on others. He was a little excited and asked if it was because he wanted to be an adventurer. The old man shook his head and said that those young people also came for this inheritance. Although they are blessed by fate, their fate is not enough to pass on this inheritance.

This time Shaoyu was even more stunned. He thought for a while and asked: Can you see fate?

Before the old man could reply, Ailian's voice sounded from behind. The master's eyes were poisoned during an adventure. Although his eyes were blind, he had a strange mutation that could see the fate of others. After that, she ran to the old man, squatted down and leaned on the chair of the old man and said, Master, you really decided to pass it on to him, he looks a little too tender.

Shaoyu's face turned dark, and the old man closed his eyes and nodded and said: Yes, there is no time. He listened to the old man and became a little guarded. These people are also here to take the inheritance, let him take it away, will they turn their faces and grab something!

Ai Lian said: Respect the master's wishes, but unfortunately the head of the goods arrived too slowly, otherwise he will definitely satisfy the master. After speaking, she stood up and hooked her finger at Shaoyu, saying: We are guarding for you outside, and I hope you can join our round table adventure group at that time. After Shaoyu reacted, she turned and left.

But the old man said that the Round Table Adventure Group is an adventure group privately organized by a group of young people. These are good kids, so you might as well help them.

Shaoyu nodded, then remembered that the old man couldn't see at all, so he said yes, and then he asked curiously: Master, what is the fate in your eyes.

The old man smiled, and he said: According to the light that fate has favored, both of them are light in the dark. While speaking, he took out a badge from his body and said: Put blood on it, this is the emblem of ancient adventurers, and it also has the power of destiny.

Shaoyu took it. It was a metal plaque the size of a fingernail. Some patterns and symbols on it were very old. He dripped a little blood on it as he said, only to see the emblem glowing, and then dimmed again. Gupu style. Shaoyu didn't think there was any power of destiny, but he tried it. This thing couldn't fit in the ring, so it could only be pinned to the cloak of the elf.

With doubts, Shaoyu looked at his attributes and found that the so-called destiny was luck. This thing makes luck a little bit more, now the luck behind the human race is +3.

When Shaoyu stopped, the old man said, the light of your destiny is dazzling again. If you can find some gods that contain destiny, you may take the risk of rebuilding one day.

Shaoyu asked the old man: How much fate would it have? The old man said in silence: If there are six more emblems, he then sighed that there is only one emblem, and other destiny things...too difficult. Shaoyu secretly said that it was only nine o'clock, he thought it was easy, it was three o'clock.

Before Shaoyu finished thinking about it, the old man said: The following words are also part of the inheritance, and should not be known to non-adventurers.

With the calm voice of the old man, Shaoyu learned of the adventurer's secrets.

... Thousands of years ago, after the battle between the Sky City and the Fadu, the Sky City disappeared. Soon after, a relic of the true **** appeared on the mainland. A large number of adventurers went missing. The Adventure Guild suspected that this was a trap created by Fadu. Then the adventure villages lost contact...At that time, they had a lot of adventure equipment provided by Sky City, which was regarded as standing in the sky. The old man wants Shaoyu to be careful of Dharma.

The old man said that his suspicion of Fadu has not been confirmed, because all the adventurers who went to investigate have disappeared, and the adventure guild lost a large number of adventurers and adventure villages and lost the upper-level power. Subsequently, the adventure guild was squeezed out by the mercenary guild and removed by the army. The heritage of adventurers can be said to have been cut off, and only some adventure guilds in remote areas still survive.

The last adventure village can only be carried out in some remote places, and the only adventure village also lost contact a while ago.

Shaoyu was dumbfounded. It turned out that he had offended Fadu, no wonder.

The old man said: There is no need for Shaoyu to figure out these things, just let him find a suitable person to pass on after he doesn't want to take risks. After speaking, the old man actually stood up and dragged out a small broken box from under the bed. When he opened it, Shaoyu's eyes became straight again, and there were some strange things inside.

The old man first took out a watch. It was indeed a watch. The old man called it a meter, with two straps on the surface of a gold coin. This meter is very complex with nine pointers and some symbols. The instrument has the functions of pointing, displaying depth, pressure, temperature and so on. The old man said that this was one of the routine outfits for adventurers back then. It is convenient to understand the environment when going deep into the ruins and underground palaces.

Then the old man took out a hat again, and Shaoyu thought it was like his helmet in the jungle.

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