Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 160: Occupation (Feiyan style)

The sound of the magic arrow breaking through the air also reached their ears. A trace of panic flashed across Ailian's face, but the sturdy man turned around with one hand around Ailian, and with the other hand pulled out the big one behind his back. The axe stood in front of him, and the broad surface of the axe glowed yellow, and many clods of soil were sucked up, as if forming a wall of soil.

This is Mowu Shuangxiu? Shaoyu wouldn't be a mage if he wanted such a big axe. As he thought about it, he watched the sky long sword spin and intercepted the magic arrow that was shot, like the sound of glass breaking, the arrow shattered and turned into a sky full of crystal shavings. The edge of this piece of crystal debris touched the earth wall formed by the big man's giant axe. As soon as the earth wall was stained with crystal debris, it was quickly crystallized with a clicking sound.

Shaoyu was so surprised that he was almost cut by the sky long sword that was spinning back. What kind of magic arrow was this.

Ai Lian and the sturdy man turned pale. After Ai Lian reflected it, they drew out two short battles and flicked them left and right. Magic arrows slammed past like rain. The sturdy man shook his giant axe and returned the axe. The crystallized soil shook open, and then he settled, and while he carried the giant axe behind him, he ran, and his body suddenly became certain after several strides, and he spun the axe on the spot.

This axe was also like Shaoyu's long sword, spinning and flying out, spinning and flying back, the difference is that the axe seemed to form a whirlwind to attract the running archer and brought it back.

Shao Yu was dumbfounded, it was even more hanging than the Feiyan style that he created with the second heavy sword of Yujianshu.

After this battle, the three of them became familiar with each other. They let the city defense knight captain vowed not to harass him again. In addition, the mercenary archer paid a large amount of gold coins to take away the severely injured thieves.

Originally, Shaoyu wanted to slaughter him to avoid future troubles, but after thinking about it for a while, he let them take charge. After dealing with these matters, the three of them buried the old man on the hillside not far from the Adventure Guild.

Both of them are members of the Round Table Adventure Group.

Ailian said that the name of this gauze was named after their head read the story of the Knights of the Round Table. Shaoyu also saw the story of an epic hero who used a round table to gather twelve powerful knights to fight the plague. Generally, the nobles used long strip tables, the two ends were far apart, and there were strict requirements for seating. There is no distance between the round tables, which represents equality.

Shaoyu listened to this story and hey, is this amazingly similar in history! There is also the story of the Knights of the Round Table!

At their kind invitation, Ai Lian went to cook, and the big man made a round table with stones... Shaoyu was the 14th member of the round table adventure group. He felt that this person was a little bit small and later he learned that he was counted as only 13 people. The number 13 is generally not used, so he is the fourteenth.

While waiting for the delegation leader to arrive, Shaoyu also chatted with them. The main reason is that Shaoyu's participation made them very excited, and they enthusiastically pulled Shaoyu to chat forever. He not only knew everything about the Round Table Adventure Group, but also some scandals about each of them.

The Round Table Adventure Group has been established for more than three years. It was originally just a play of a few teenagers, but as everyone joined, it became everyone's dream. Everyone wandered the mainland, looking for adventure inheritance.

That's right, it's just wandering, looking forward to finding a relic and occupying it quietly, in their words, turning the relic into a territory and becoming an adventurer.

Ailian is a war mage, but the mage who taught her only taught her the most basic detection skills, rod skills and magic balls, and then told her to use magic ball spells and advancements. When her destiny arrives, she will Came back to pick up Ellen. She was the mentor who met her at the age of three, and it has been fourteen years now.

Practicing a kind of magic for decades... Shaoyu smashed his mouth!

This is what the sturdy man said. He said that maybe the old mage was fooling her, saying that Ailian was totally stupid... Before he finished speaking, a hockey puck flew past his face with a swish. Shaoyu did not expect that Ai Lian was only seventeen years old, mainly because she was too tall to look small.

Ailian stared at the sturdy man with a fireball in one hand, and said: Don't pay attention to this person, what does he know. Then she talked about the origin of the big man. The sturdy man is not actually a person of his own plane. He accidentally triggered an ancient **** formation to appear on this continent. The pronunciation of his name is very strange, it can hardly be translated in common language, so everyone just calls him by his nickname...Super Rare Chrysanthemum.

When Shaoyu heard what Sister Ai Lian said serious, he was taken aback, what's the name. Shaoyu looked at the sturdy man incomprehensibly, and saw him touching his bald head with a smirk. Do not refute, is it really called this name!

Ai Lian laughed wildly at Shaoyu's confused look. She explained: In ancient times, there was no super magic device. The power of a single shot destroyed the city and the country... This product was honest in appearance, and it was powerful in fighting there. It was also powerful... Before finishing talking, there was another laugh.

Shaoyu glanced at the axe on the back of the big man, this axe with the same door plank turned towards... Thinking of this, Shaoyu couldn't help but shiver.

Seeing Shaoyu staring at him, the big man chuckled and said: There is the key point. I just like to stab it in. If I can't die, it will hurt my whole life. After speaking, he took out the axe and put on a few shapes... a chill.

Then, they talked to Shaoyu about the other people in the group, and the two of them took the time to slander each other and run off the subject.

Bao Ju looked fierce, but he was very good at driving the atmosphere. Shaoyu felt very comfortable chatting with them. Watching them jokes, a feeling of intimacy came to life.

This was the first time Shaoyu felt happy after Lily left. Unexpectedly, when it was getting late, they said that the team leader would be there tomorrow, and they were pleasantly surprised to see the team leader. During the chat, they talked about all the team members, but didn't say the team leader, which made Shaoyu very curious. In the end, the three people divided the work to watch the night. Shaoyu said that she didn't need the paper and let him wrap it up. Ailian said that Shaoyu was a newcomer and didn't need to take care of it.

Shaoyu couldn't laugh or cry and accepted the care, he secretly wanted to come and chat with this violent chrysanthemum when he meditated.

Back to the room, calmed the excitement, entered the spiritual world and played with the sword spirit.

Shaoyu used the Feiyan style and threw the sword at the sword spirit... the so-called Feiyan style was the result of practicing Feijian with the sword spirit these days.

...There are no swallows on this continent. It was Shaoyu's recollection that the swallows flew, combined with some of the three-sword styles that had been seen in the border areas, and then used the second epee sword as the core change.

The flying sword at this time was far from the required speed, so the direct lethality was lacking. So Shaoyu made the long sword spin, changing the force from the thorn to sharp. Moreover, even if the long sword falls in the air or is blocked, the rotating force produces the force of maneuvering, plus a little bit of sword element control, it will also make the long sword fly back...like a swallow, it draws arcs.

This requires some calculation and control of the force angle. Shaoyu is general in mathematics, but he often has amazing instincts when fighting. In the practice of the spiritual world, sometimes without calculation, he instinctively knows that the sword will come back after throwing it out.

When Jian Ling first saw it, he said that this was putting the cart before the horse, so why use these little tricks if you have a skill. Shaoyu said that there is only one magic sword and the sword element is limited. Sword Ling nodded and said: Yes, these skills can be used now, but don't specialize in training. Yu Jianshu takes the path of breaking ten thousand magic with one sword, and its power will become stronger and stronger. One sword is enough.

Shaoyu disagreed a bit, but didn't refute it either.

After training the flying sword, he said to the sword spirit: The third level cannot be practiced, and the sword essence must be circulated in the body, gradually turning into a wind light sword cloud body.

The sword spirit pondered for a long time, indicating that he would find a way to let Shaoyu continue to look at the fourth level, and after speaking, the sword spirit wanted to fly away.

Shao Yu even said wait, he asked Jian Ling: You are so anxious to let me finish watching Yu Jianshu, is there something wrong with you?

Jian Ling asked Shaoyu why he said that.

Shaoyu said: You said before that I don’t have any foundation, and I can only continue to practice after I have mastered the first level. But now that I have just started on the first level, let me learn the second level, and this second level can only play a flight. Yan changes, the third level is not practiced, you actually let me look at the fourth level.

Jian Ling looked at Shaoyu and said: Yes, I am running out of time.

Shaoyu said, what do you mean? Are you going to sleep again?

Jian Ling shook his head. He said that the situation was worse than expected.

Shaoyu was silent for a moment and asked: How long is there, is there any way?

Jian Ling said: About a month or so, it will dissipate between heaven and earth. As for the solution, unless a place with sufficient spiritual energy is found, there must be a body that can withstand him.

Shaoyu said: How about you go back to the sword.

The sword spirit said: Now that the divine sword has turned into your soul sword, do you want me to swallow one of your three souls and seven souls?

Shaoyu hesitated, and when he was about to say something, Sword Spirit stopped him and said: This result was already in his expectation, don't care, just go to his world and help him fulfill his wish if there is a chance. What we need to do now is to learn the swordsmanship completely while he is still alive.

Jian Ling said that he thought about how to practice the third level and flew away. Shaoyu was in a daze, withdrew from the spiritual world to see the fourth stage of Yu Jianshu.

The fourth one was called Wan Jian. Shaoyu didn't think he had to ask the sword spirit. Wan Jian just turned the sword in his hand into ten thousand, and the ten thousand swords fell together. In fact, this is similar to the first stage, except that Jian Ying has become a sword condensed from Jian Yuan.

After watching the fourth stage, Shaoyu didn't practice, he thought, is there really no way? Lily is gone, so is the sword spirit going? After thinking about it blankly for a while, he continued to look at the fifth dimension.

The fifth stage is the sword flying technique that Shaoyu dreamed of, but when he saw this layer, Shaoyu only felt that his eyes were dark, and he almost fell on the bed.

After a long while, he came back to his senses, and when he saw his vitality, he actually lost 70%. Shaoyu wanted to ask Little S, and only after calling twice did she remember that Little S was fusing. After sitting for a while, I tried to look at the fifth stage, but I turned my eyes and fainted on the bed.

Shaoyu was awakened. After waking up, he only felt dizzy and dry, and when he saw the sky, it was noon.

Baoju said that Shaoyu could really sleep, and that he slept really well. He didn't know if he moved him away, and laughed after he finished speaking.

Shaoyu was speechless, seeing that he was lying on the ground. After trying to sober for a long time, his vitality recovered, but he felt that he just couldn't raise his energy.

By washing his face, Shaoyu entered the spiritual world and asked Sword Spirit. Sword Spirit said that this was the result of excessive exhaustion, and that more rest would be fine. Finally, he said that he should not be so desperate, and there is still time. Seemingly not understanding out of the spiritual world, sitting in a daze. He knew there was a word called mental fatigue. But Shaoyu didn't know that mind can also be said to be a kind of energy. When I was a child, I didn't feel tired when jumping for a whole day.

When I was young, my energy was limitless and it was the most suitable for learning. When I grew up, I thought too much.

After sitting there for a while, Ai Lian rushed in and said to pack things. The head of the group used the eagle bird to inform him that he had found an underground entrance and a bunch of mercenaries had started.

When Shaoyu heard the news, he was shocked. He didn't have anything to collect. The space ring bag had everything, so he strode out with Ai Lian.

After coming out, Shaoyu found an embarrassing problem. Baoju was riding a horse, holding Ailian's horse waiting outside. This is not a problem, the problem is that he does not have a mount.

Shaoyu didn't want to ride with the man Baoju, Ailian reached out her hand very generously after getting on the horse. Shaoyu had a clever idea, screamed to follow me, and ran away, the two followed inexplicably.

Shaoyu had a simple idea, and asked the city defense army to "borrow" a horse. When they ran to the simple city defense garrison, Bao Ju and Ai Lian also knew what they thought. They were also the masters who feared that the world would not be chaotic, and rushed in with shouting.

This place is indeed too poor. It turns out that the last time they attacked their city defense army, all their forces were deployed. A horse, some peasant knights and some soldiers.

After Shaoyu dropped some gold coins, the knight who was less than half of his armour rushed out and left in his wailing sound. Ailian shouted that they would have to travel at least half a day to get to the group leader. Shaoyu asked if it was too late while riding the horse. Ailian said proudly that as long as it is not a regiment, ordinary mercenary teams can't do ours. Baoju yelled: Let's be a violent one, a violent pair.

Shaoyu laughed, and the three of them spoke loudly and rode on horseback. The trail was full of smoke and dust, and they moved forward quickly.

For most of the journey, they ran over without a break.

When he first saw the group leader, Shaoyu did receive a surprise, to be precise.

First of all, it is stated that the commander is not a sister. Among a group of mercenaries, the commander rushes from left to right like a tiger. They throw their helmets and abandon their armor in a mess, and they are very vigorous.

What surprised Shaoyu was the height of the head. If it were not for the absence of the Hundred Clan, Shaoyu must have thought that the leader was a halfling or a dwarf... less than one meter five.

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