As Shaoyu was watching, he heard a shy voice shouting: Here. He looked up and saw that there was a person sitting on the big tree here, waving at them.

Ai Lian stepped on the horse, unlike a mage, he jumped to the tree and sat next to the man. The man took out some fruit from his pocket and handed it to Ai Lian. They said as they ate, The mercenary is a good dish. If you use this knife harder, the head of the group will definitely be two points shorter.

Ailian and Baoju described the members of the group to him, and Shaoyu quickly matched him in his heart. This person is called Dalk Zhende. He belonged to a large aristocratic family, and his mother was a powerful businessman, Shaoyu heard them say that this is a second generation X.

And Zhende is a particularly flexible fighter...

It was that they were talking about special and flexible with a weird tone that made Shaoyu a little puzzled. Now he understands... Zhende is a big fat man!

At least three hundred catties or more! ! ! ...How flexible this is!

Shaoyu was surprised while feeling a little puzzled. What are they doing? The leader of the group was besieged even eating melons and watching the show without helping? He felt that the violent chrysanthemum was reliable, and he dismounted and took out the giant axe as if to support it.

No one knows that Baoju slashed a tree on one side with an axe, yelling while climbing so high and be careful to kill you... Throw the shell fruit down. After picking up a handful of husks sprinkled from the tree, Baoju said to Shaoyu: Come down, I'll cut two stakes and let's sit together.

Shaoyu felt that his self-cultivation had arrived home, and he kept a mouthful of blood in his mouth without vomiting it out. He got off his horse in a daze, and sat down on the stake that Baoju had cut quickly.

The head wears a horned helmet, a heavy plate armor and a short stature that is a bit bloated...but he holds two battle axes in both hands, and swings like two wheels. Then learned from the mouth...The leader is Zoima, the profession is a berserker.

Shaoyu learned from the book that Zoima, like Kyaru, is only a different name for each region. The Zoima people belong to a country on the northernmost part of the Southern Continent, which is close to a wasteland. The altitude is high and the air is thin and the environment is harsh. But there is a country of berserkers. They have first-class casting skills, and the weapons they create can be moire on the shadows of people.

The leader's double axe was made by himself.

The mercenaries surrounding the regimental commander totaled about thirty people, basically all of them were fighters, with only two archers and one mage. The two archers were already lying on the ground and humming when Shaoyu and the others arrived. Under the command of their captain, the mercenaries kept a group of three to besiege...This group of mercenaries is pretty well organized...If there are more people, you can’t use them, and if there are fewer people, you can’t cause any threat to the captain. People are the best.

As the battle progressed, groups of mercenaries fell to the ground and were dragged behind to rest.

The head of the regiment was a little tired. He smashed his axe to force the mercenary in front of him and shouted loudly: If Zhende is not yet ready to help, do you want to kill me to usurp the throne?

Ailian continued: Leader, we have brought in the newcomers who have obtained the inheritance. You must perform well. Zhende also said: Such a dish, be careful that others run away!

When the head of the group heard this, he immediately shouted: My Lianlian is back, um, welcome newcomers to the group, wait a moment, and come over immediately.

When Shaoyu heard them come and go, he didn't pay attention to this group of mercenaries. This group of mercenaries was also a bit annoyed, and several groups couldn't help but surrounded them, and the wizard among them began to curse. Bao Ju suddenly said to him: The regiment leader is going to be frenzied. Shaoyu was a little curious, he hadn't seen what madness was like. He only heard the president's roar, his body flashed red, but his body shrank by two points.

The change from 1.5 meter is only about 1.3 meter.

Shaoyu is a little dumbfounded, isn't it all the madness will increase in figure! Could it be that his cognition is wrong. At this time, Baoju said to him again: The head's de-madness has appeared. When Shaoyu heard this, he couldn't help asking: De-madness? Bao Ju said that the madness of our head was mutated to make the body shrink and become more flexible, so we call it anti-madness. Shaoyu asked, is there really no need to help?

Bao Ju said: Watch the team leader's performance, there are not often opportunities to sneak in.

Madness used to be exclusive to high-ranking orcs. After Madness, they are not afraid of pain, their body becomes very explosive, and they can resist magic. Know that the least powerful magic ball will cause serious explosion and penetration damage to the body. The magic arrow is almost the same as the bullet, and the bullet is just so big. After hitting, the bullet penetrates into the body and rotates, causing huge damage. Madness is to raise the body to the point where it can resist all this.

Of course, madness also has high and low points, the worst madness mentality can not be maintained, and after three madness, even the single spell of the magic master can hardly resist.

The disappearance of the orcs has undergone countless years of changes, and now this is a bloodline ability, and only Zoima people have a mad bloodline.

The leader's madness must be of a very high level. He doesn't care about the mage at all, and he is smashing the surrounding soldiers with all his strength. There were blood-red rays of light shining on his axe, and it could also form a crescent moon to show through.

Madness will also double the fighting energy, and then reach the point where the fighting energy is out of the body...After the madness, the mercenary captain who also took a few tricks with the group leader, a warrior with the same heavy equipment was quickly knocked to the ground. The remaining mercenaries after the fall of the mage fled like birds and beasts. It was the mage who ran first. But I ran away, and didn't forget to drag the wounded away. The captain didn't chase, he walked step by step holding a double axe, and Shaoyu only panted slightly when he saw that his body recovered. Ailian and the others also jumped down from the tree and watched the head come over.

The head of the group came over, put the double axe down below the ground and stretched out his hand to Shaoyu and said, welcome to join our big family.

Shaoyu also stretched out his hand and shook it with him, only feeling that the head of the head was very powerful. He didn't think about what to say yet, he just felt that the leader pulled hard, his instinctive feet were certain, but he didn't think that although the altitude of the leader was not high, but the strength was really not small, it actually pulled him.

Pulled involuntarily, he bent down and gave a hug to the leader. He didn't expect that the leader suddenly said in his ear: Have you paid the protection fee?

Shaoyu was completely stunned, and there was a lot of laughter around him.

After introducing them to each other, it was considered to be a acquaintance.

Jeanne doesn't talk much, she is shy and introverted when she meets someone she doesn't know.

Shaoyu didn't know, he felt like this to them.

After chatting for a while, Baoju shouted that he was hungry, so everyone started a fire and cooked. They had a tacit understanding for a long time, the division of labor was clear, and Shaoyu also wanted to help. The group leader wanted to say something to Shaoyu, but Bao Ju squeezed over to indicate that he was coming to accompany the group leader and let the group leader do something. The two quarreled a few words, and the group leader left angrily. Shaoyu was stunned, and Bao Ju slapped Shaoyu on the shoulder and said: After a long time, you will be familiar with it.

Shaoyu was dumb, he could see that everyone was joking. This atmosphere and feeling made Shaoyu very comfortable, and he couldn't wait to blend in with them.

The people in the round table adventure group are not simple, not only have their own backgrounds and identities, but they are also masters, which can also be seen from their profession. But these are not the points, the point is that he feels comfortable.

In many cases, he relied on feelings and believed in feelings.

During the meal, the head of the regiment explained the situation. He and Zhende unexpectedly discovered that a group of mercenaries had **** a few villagers and were heading in this direction. They originally rescued the villagers, but found this underground entrance. But I am not sure what is under this underground entrance, I only know that there is something deep below.

The head of the group has also been inherited from adventure, and can perceive the ground.

Now there is a question, whether to wait until everyone has arrived before going down, or whether they should go down to find the way first.

If they wait for everyone together, they are afraid that the mercenaries will return, and they will certainly not be able to withstand the consumption. But it is not waiting for everyone to have insufficient supplies and lack of professionalism.

Bao Ju yelled that it would take at least a week for them to come over in the Liberty League. When the time comes, the mercenaries will come after hearing the wind, and they can't catch anything like last time. Ai Lian said: There is nothing on hand now, I can only wait.

Shaoyu is a newcomer and listens to their arguments honestly.

In the end, Zhende asked a question, which caused everyone to fall into silence...a curse.

Shaoyu almost forgot this. It was the end of February, and it was only about eight days before the cursed wind blew. If you enter now, you will have to stay in it for at least a month, but you are not afraid of being besieged, and normal people will not be active when the cursed wind blows...Finally, it is decided to wait for the members to come together to take the risk.

The group leader used the eagle bird to send a letter, and asked them to bring all the supplies quickly, and they also made some preparations first. When Shaoyu said that he had a space ring, everyone was overjoyed, saying that it was much easier to handle, and said that this was the third space equipment in the group, personally owned.

Shaoyu was a little surprised. Space equipment was not common. The book said that because of the fault in the mage inheritance, the method of making space equipment was lost. He was a little puzzled. Why did the sages have been alive and there would be a fault in the inheritance of the Master of Fadu? There is no answer to this question for the time being, all space equipment now is left over from ancient times.

Now it can hold a fist-sized space equipment, all of which are more than tens of thousands of gold coins, and each big dollar doubles. The space ring that Owen had been hacked by Shaoyu was bought by his mother after several generations of savings.

There are space equipment owned by individuals, and naturally there are guild space equipment. During an adventure, the regiment got a space box... It was a strategic level that was used to transport logistics in the ancient war... Now as the space equipment shared by the adventure regiment, unfortunately, it was necessary to replenish materials. The other members were brought to the Liberty League.

Everyone returned to Tours. The cursed wind was indeed a trouble. If the group members could not come before the cursed wind blows, it is estimated that this underground can only be left to the mercenaries to risk. Shaoyu was also not sure to survive for a month without knowing the situation and without food, not to mention that he got the adventure inheritance and knew countless dangers.

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