Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 163: Member (below)

Shaoyu instantly entered a state of slowing down around him, and he drew his sword.

It’s too fast. Even though Shaoyu has been practicing drawing swords and his surroundings are slowing down, he still didn’t get caught, because the cat pulled out afterimages, beating quickly around Shaoyu’s body. Stretched out his claws. Since you can't keep up with its speed, just ignore it. This is also Shaoyu's experience with Green Wolf. He kept the sky long sword dance airtight. Just hearing a sound of metal crashing, the beautiful cat's figure shook and stopped in the distance.

It stood up, tilted its head and looked at Shaoyu, and then took out a net from behind.

Shaoyu really didn't know what the situation was. He was attacked by a cat inexplicably, and he also found a pole net for catching butterflies! It seems to be used to catch him. Why didn't everyone reflect, and I don't know who is vigil! Just as Shaoyu was thinking about this, he heard Baoju's voice. I would bet that Miao Miao could not beat him.

Meow must be able to play if she wants to use her supernatural power, this is a female voice. Then Baoju said, come on, how long do you have to save divine power, I don't believe that you will use precious divinity to bet. If you don't make a bet, even if you use divinity, Meow Meow will definitely not be able to beat him.

Shaoyu only felt that his face was dark. He glanced intently. Several pairs of eyes were peeking at him at the door, so his figure flashed out and he found that there were several other people outside the group leader, everyone. All peeping.

This is how Shaoyu met with the other members of the Round Table Adventure Group!

This cat is called Meowmeow and belongs to Wei Yayue. She was originally a summoning mage. She once encountered the altar of the **** of luck. She happened to have a fish in her hand at the time, so she got this servant and became a Famed gods treat masters.

Shaoyu thought, is the lucky **** who likes to eat fish really a cat? God servants are all cats! What made Shaoyu even more sighed was that Xiaoyue, who was like a flower, was actually the girlfriend of this brash man, Bo Ju! It was a flower stuck in the cow dung. According to their gossip, it was because Baoju started the fastest, so he succeeded. When they talked about this gossip, especially the faces of the men, there were expressions of regret.

A long time ago, when he was still on the earth, he thought about how wonderful it would be to have beauty by his side when walking on the rivers and lakes. Shaoyu didn't know that there were so many girls in the adventure group... When they introduced them enthusiastically, he really couldn't distinguish the long list of names.

The sister paper with this super long name is always under the veil. The only thing she knows is that she is the daughter of a nobleman...just turned 16 years old, and she should have studied at a very famous magic school on the mainland. Somehow ran out and got mixed in the adventure team.

She is also one of the people with private space equipment in the adventure group. According to the grapevine, her space equipment is enough to hold a pool of water, but she did not admit or deny it.

The money for the teleportation array was also from her...very rich, which also caused everyone to call her K-length.

This is also the same as calling it now. On this continent, the richest creature is a goblin who once opened a goblin shop all over the continent. This goblin's name is K, and the leader of the Chamber of Commerce is the president, so it becomes such a weird name when synthesized. Of course, the weirdness refers to Shaoyu's feelings, they call it very smooth.

Her profession is a bit special. She is actually a knight. Shaoyu took a few more glances. She didn't think that her slender body could wear heavy armor, and she didn't see the mount either. But he didn't underestimate her. Being able to take part in the adventure was recognized by everyone, and it explained the problem in itself.

The other person with space equipment is a middle-aged uncle. Shaoyu has always been surprised that this is a group of young people, how can an uncle be mixed in, and he looks a little dazed and a little irritable.

After the introduction, Shaoyu realized that this was a warrior who had been cursed for a long time and fought against the curse. It was the curse that made him look much older. He was actually only twenty years old. When Shaoyu heard this, he immediately paid his respects. It was like a terminally ill patient who had been fighting against the illness.

Especially Shaoyu also knew that while he was fighting against the curse, when he combined the power of the curse to create a brand-new profession, his admiration was as endless as the waves of the river.

The first thing he said to Shaoyu was, I have a great temper, so I just need to call me temper, and I will hit me if I am offended.

Shaoyu, who was shaking hands with him, was stunned again, and laughed again.

When the last person was introduced, Shaoyu realized that there was still another person.

This was an assassin. He didn't have anything to hide, so he sat quietly on the side, but somehow Shaoyu ignored him.

This is also a Zoima. He grew up with the leader. Although he has the same maddening blood, he did not become a berserker. He ventured on the mainland with the leader and eventually became an assassin.

When shaking hands with Shaoyu, he said that he wanted to be a leading general, so just call him a general... a young man who feels quite stable!

At this time, Baoju finally couldn't help it, yelling that he was so happy to have a drink. Long K said that he must have bought the wine, but now is not the time to drink it. The two quarreled, and Baoju said that he hadn't seen the skin for a few days and it was itchy again... The head of the group cleared his throat for a long time, but no one took him.

The space box is a box with a length of two meters and a width of half a meter, which is always carried by the temper. This space box contains a hundred square meters of space. According to Shaoyu's understanding, one square is a cube with a length of one meter and a width of one meter. It is really a huge space equipment.

Shaoyu has become accustomed to their quarrels, or just playing around.

After a while, the action was arranged, and it was only five days before the cursed wind blew. Go explore the entrance now and be ready for adventure.

After the decision was made, everyone who was still noisy moved immediately...but there were not enough horses, so everyone simply walked.

Shaoyu lags behind during the walk. To be honest, he is a little nervous. This is the long-awaited adventure! Again with new friends. Seeing everyone walking courageously with the skirmishers all the way, walking in groups, laughing loudly from time to time, he gradually relaxed and quickly caught up with his temper.

The temper is lonely, probably because of his temper, but Shaoyu is quite curious about him.

After chatting for a while, Shaoyu realized that his temper was not irritable, but a little childish.

Temper called himself a curse, he was not a professional, because this ability could not be imparted and replicated a second time... He explained to Shaoyu in great detail. It turns out that he was not only cursed when he was young, but he was cursed many times during his growing years. For example, when he got the space box, the curse above attacked him. In order to fight against the curse when he was young, his parents sealed him and made him a warrior, using grudge to suppress the curse. As more and more curses were added, unexpectedly, he became a kind of curse. Every time he receives a malicious curse, he will be stronger...In contrast, any healing spells, potions, scrolls and other effects will be weakened or even completely useless.

The curse that started at the end made him painful, but later he went to look for curses...every curse could become his ability...the power of curses.

What's more, the fusion of several curses also allows him to obtain two team abilities... One is called refuge. When he uses this ability with his feet, he can specify the transfer of damage within five meters, and when the damage is concentrated on him , The cursing experience ignores some damage, whether it is physical or magic...Of course it depends on the attack intensity.

The other is called a curse. When he steps on this halo, anyone within ten meters of him will be cursed. How many curses he has in himself can make others feel the same. Of course, it also depends on resistance and luck. Those in the aura will only be cursed once, and even if they pass, they will be immune.

In this world, team ability is like a halo.

In addition, if the temper is continuously attacked, the power of the curse will be dyed on the attacker to form a vengeance mark. The enemy with this mark will cause huge damage by him, and the power of the curse will occur when attacking. High probability will cause the enemy to fall into a coma.

Shaoyu thought, these are all comprehensive capabilities!

The temper finally talked about his attack. Shaoyu noticed that he only carried a space box on his back. He thought he was also a professional and put his weapon in the professional space. As a result, his temper said that when he attacked, he hit people with the space box, and Shaoyu was a little dumbfounded. The temper laughed and said, this space box is very sturdy and has a strong curse on it, which is best used to hit people.

After chatting for a while, the group leader saw them lagging behind and called everyone to wrap them in the middle and chat together. Shaoyu felt that they were full of youth and vitality, and he suddenly felt that he was old.

So he asked them how old he thought he was, and some people said that he was less than twenty, and Shaoyu was very happy.

Of course, Shaoyu has talked about his own situation. He said that he grew up in the mountains and forests of the borderland. This is the first time he has traveled far since his relatives died. He will learn some family-renowned sword skills and secret techniques. Long K said that he had aristocratic temperament, but Shaoyu didn't think he had it anywhere.

Perhaps because of his mood, Shaoyu only felt that after riding a horse for a long time, they only took a while to get there. After arriving, everyone was dumbfounded. Because there are not only continuous camps here, but also an earthen wall.

…Some mercenaries were arguing with a group of soldiers, and the head of the regiment said that the sound was broken, why would there be an army here in Tur.

Shaoyu heard from them that in the few years since the adventure group was established, they found some relics, but they were all taken over by the army that heard the wind, or they had worked with mercenaries. That's why they now set the target to a remote area, and the head of the group consciously went to inquire about the situation.

Shaoyu noticed that the general had disappeared, and a shadow followed the leader.

After a while, the head of the team came back and said to everyone, go back first.

Everyone was very puzzled, and their temper was asking what's going on. After walking back in silence for a while. The leader said: This is the enclave of a great nobleman in Jon. Unfortunately, this great nobleman was hunting here, found this place, and blocked it with his private army.

Hearing this violent chrysanthemum, he called: a group of private soldiers, if they rush past, it will end.

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