The so-called enclaves are territories outside the country. Shaoyu didn’t understand. Ailian explained to him that the region like Tour is remote, vast and has no country. Therefore, the two countries of Jon and Lis Some aristocratic territories were set aside here.

Suddenly, Shaoyu also knew about Jon, which was a small country built on the banks of a large river.

Daliuhe, a river of life that runs through the southern continent.

The way back was a bit long, and everyone was talking about it. Bo Ju advocated breaking through, and Shaoyu originally thought that his temper would also agree, but found that they seemed to be disagreeable, and his temper did not support this suggestion... He didn't know if it was an observation error.

Everyone finds it easy to get past this point, but then, if the exit is blocked, it is a relic that is difficult to destroy, then they will be trapped inside. Moreover, the reason for the disappearance of the mercenary thieves and pioneers is still unknown, so they rushed in...too unwise.

All the way back to Tours, no one discussed a result.

At the gate of the Adventure Guild, everyone found something moving...a group of mercenaries.

The adventurous group was dispatched, and I expected this possibility...Because only a few people are too weak, it is better to go out, anyway, there is a house here, just grab it back... Shaoyu draws the sword. When they came out, a few of the mercenaries walked out, holding a flag to express their desire to cooperate with them, and to show their sincerity to return the ownership here.

It turned out that the blockade of the nobleman by Jon actually prevented the mercenaries from participating. The nobleman claimed that it belonged to Jon. After the curse wind passed, they would definitely send an army to take over...a mercenary leader said.

Shaoyu agreed, but found that everyone in the adventure group did not want to cooperate. After discussing it, he quickly understood the reason, because in many places, mercenaries were the enemy. At this time, Shaoyu finally couldn't hold back, and asked how they cooperated.

... Their cooperation is simply to send the adventure group in for free. The encirclement and annihilation of the nobles are all done by mercenaries, neither do they need to do anything, nor do they want them to rush in front, it is too much like a conspiracy. After discussing for a while, the mercenary said again: In fact, it was to let them remove the magic trap at the underground entrance, which made them a little relieved.

The head of the regiment said with some joy: It turns out that they are so famous among mercenaries. In this way, time is urgent, and the trap cannot allow them to pile up on human lives as usual. Everyone is discussing and deciding to cooperate.

The mercenaries moved very quickly and assembled very quickly. When Shaoyu saw, there were at least five or six hundred people. He knew that the nobleman's private army had fewer than 300 men. The mercenaries actually gave up a few horses, so that they all have mounts.

Satsuki, Weiya Yue, said beside Baoju: Beware that they fall into trouble after the trap is lifted. Everyone nodded, discussing some possibilities in a low voice, and then watched the riding on the horse, holding Xiaoyue proudly and gritted his teeth.

In terms of naming, almost all adventure groups use code names or abbreviations. The head of the group said that they called a long list of names in the fierce battle. That was really... Shaoyu liked it very much.

They rode horses and stood not far away watching the mercenary arrangements, and then the mercenary leader told them that after the battle began, they would charge in and get rid of the trap as soon as possible.

The group leader lowered his voice and said: Don't rush, wait until I order to leave, be careful of fraud, this time Shaoyu found that no one opposed and laughed.

Soon the assassins and thieves brought down the sentry, and the mercenaries rushed up. It was almost a massacre. When these ordinary soldiers were out of formation, they couldn't compare with the star fighters. Shaoyu found that everyone in the adventure group had different reactions. The group leader had been observing. Ailian and Baoju were a little excited. He Xiaoyue was a little indifferent, but his temper was unbearable, Zhen was eating, and the general did not see anyone.

No one showed a nervous look....

On one side, the mercenary leader urged a few times, and his head was sweating. Of course everyone did not move without the command of the leader. The battle was about to end before the group leader let everyone run to the underground entrance.

When they moved, there were mercenaries on both sides to protect them. Finally, in front of the entrance, on the last battlefield, the elite guards of the nobleman and the wizard he raised threw a fireball at them, and mercenaries rushed up to help them with their bodies. block. Everyone looked at each other, a little confused. Even close allies are not so exaggerated, let alone this is just a cooperation.

Everyone has become more cautious. When I first saw the underground entrance, it was a gap in the ground collapsed. After being occupied by the nobles for a few days, the entrance was expanded and a simple staircase was built.

At the entrance, Shaoyu and Xiaoyue called a stop together.

Shaoyu looked at Xiaoyue. He started to shake because of the luck of his close-fitting little bit. Sprinkled a handful of Visible Powder, but there was no response!

The mercenaries were also a little puzzled when they stopped suddenly, because several of the mercenaries had already held torches and started to walk down. Xiaoyue also looked at him, obviously also puzzled. Shaoyu whispered to them that he had a trap-detecting magical item warning, and he didn't know the specific reason.

Baoju said: Xiaoyue is a god-treating mage and is also very sensitive to some dangers. His voice was very loud, and some of the mercenaries who had gone down came back.

The summoner turned into a **** to the mage, Shaoyu had never seen it in the book, and the cat...! I don't understand at all, I just think it's amazing!

At this time, the temper said: I'm here, he went to the entrance and grabbed a handful of soil and tasted it. After spit it out, he took a big breath. He said that there is no curse power here.

Mr. K took out a palm-sized disc from nowhere, and threw it into the entrance. After flying for a while, the disc returned to her palm. She looked at it and said: Nothing was found.

The head said: The general did not find the trap either. Shaoyu didn't notice the general showing up. He estimated that they had a secret communication method. However, he was really a little dazed, how this was done, he was sleepy before he even entered the mouth.

At this time, the mercenary on one side spoke.

The mercenary leader said: There is no danger here, but people will disappear inexplicably after walking through several passages.

The leader said: It's best not to go down, my companion can't be wrong. You describe the following situation, let us make a specific judgment. Shaoyu's trust in the group leader is....

Several other mercenary leaders came over and said: After walking in, you will see a gate, like the gate of a palace. Their thieves say that there are no traps, but anyone who enters that gate will see losing contact. They also tied a rope to the waist of the entrant, but the rope broke after entering.

The leader asked what the break of the rope looked like. The mercenary leader said, "Break... how to say it, not being cut by a sharp weapon... like that side is gone."

Shaoyu listened to their conversation, no more? What this means, obviously everyone is puzzled.

The mercenary leader summoned Shou Shou, and a mercenary ran over and passed a piece of rope so everyone understood. It has indeed disappeared. There is no trace of being cut or broken by external force, just like part of the rope has disappeared.

Is it a magic door or a fake door? Shaoyu thought for a while and said.

The mercenary leader shook his head and said: His people will not even be unable to distinguish this. There is no problem entering here, the mercenary leader personally demonstrated that he would go down, and then he went up again.

But Shaoyu Xiaoding’s lucky beating has never stopped, especially when he is standing by the ladder, the beating frequency is the same as if he immediately stepped into the trap. Seeing everyone spreading the ground with visible powder, he felt that it was not right, and said to Xiaoyue who stood aside: My magical items can only warn the magic traps below level 7, and I can't find it without reason. Are there any traps below level 7 that are useless... or special?

After Shaoyu said that, Xiaoyue suddenly realized that after some unintelligible fiddling, he said that this was a cocktail-like magic trap. Shaoyu was taken aback, everyone didn't understand. Zhende said: Is it an ancient marker trap! He said that, except for Shaoyu, everyone was thoughtful.

Shao Yu asked repeatedly, and Ailian preached: This kind of trap is a lost level six magic trap. When passing through this trap, it will hit the previous mark, and it will only burst out when this mark accumulates once.

It was easy to check. After stripping off a few of the mercenaries who had gone down, everyone found a circular mark on their backs. Of course, the sister paper avoided this situation. After drawing this mark, she showed it to Satsuki. Satsuki said it was an expulsion mark. She judged that after accumulating three times, she would be deported to an unknown place.

The access door below must also be a marking trap... Knowing what trap is to break is also very simple, that is, dig an entrance again.

Although this is a naturally collapsed entrance, it is a trap. The real entrance is behind it!

In fact, this kind of marking trap is very easy to crack, because it is considered a part of the trap as a whole, but it is not included in the relic system. It is one of the few that require brute force cracking, but time does not allow it to do so.

Xiaoyue took out a magic war, closed her eyes and held the war with both hands, standing upright in front of her. With the sound of her chanting, some faint light spots floated out of her mage's robe, her long hair went without wind, and she was floating in the glow of fluorescent light.

As the spell ended, a beam of light with the thickness of a little finger fell from the sky, and Satsuki pointed to the place where the beam was shining, saying that there was the real entrance.

The mercenaries discussed how to carry out the project... a lot of work.

Xiaoyue walked back to the crowd with a calm expression. Suddenly, her expression changed to that of a little girl stealing candy. She lowered her voice and said very excitedly, she knew what was down there. This time, it must be an epic adventure.

**Say is it the Dwarf Fortress below? Xiaoyue gave him a roll of eyes and said, how could a dwarf have such a clever magic trap technique.

Ailian said that Xiaoyue should stop trying to appetite them.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on her, Xiaoyue seemed to tidy up her hair a little bit shyly before saying that the following should be the remains of the Confusion Clan.

Everyone gasped, and only Shaoyu was confused.

He knew that this was one of the hundred clans, but there was almost no introduction about the Huzu. After asking, everyone discussed, or Ailian told him that there is another name for the Houzu, called Heart Devil.

It was only then that Shaoyu realized that the Heart Demon was one of the most powerful races among the hundred races. They were born with powerful mental powers, which made almost everyone of their race a mage and controller, and they were in the second era. In the mid-term, a Weinet was also established.

Weinet, a network of continuous spiritual power.

Shaoyu only knows so much, this is still recorded in a hand Zari. Finally, before the outbreak of the plague, they were annihilated. Several powerful races united...In the Arena of the Gods, they wiped out their elite tribes almost at the same time...and no race supported them. The truth at the time was not that no independent human race could know, but according to the analysis of later generations, it was because of the Weinet.

Ailian talked to Shaoyu about the Confusing Heart Clan in detail, and then everyone was attracted to him, and there was nothing to add.

The reason why the hungry race is called the heart-saver is because their powerful mental power can easily control a person. After the control is taken back, the target will die. This is their racial talent. They are also humanoids, but the whole body is white with skin and no hair. Perhaps it is too strong mental power, which makes their body proportions extremely uncoordinated, with large heads, short hands and short legs.

They also have a natural affinity for the water element, causing most of them to also be elemental masters who study water system.

The reason why Xiaoyue judged that the following is the ruins of the Huzu is because this kind of marking trap is a kind of mental power trap, the characteristic of the Huzu.

When the Seven Heroes were adventuring on the mainland, they had stopped a Mind Reaver, which is said to prevent it from destroying the world. Later generations judged that the Houzu was not extinct, and they had a secret base.

But thousands of years later, this statement was forgotten, because no one was found.

Xiaoyue said: When she first used the divine enlightenment, she vaguely felt that they would encounter the heart-deeper this time, so this was the biggest basis for her judgment.

Everyone cut their voices~ It turned out to be a divine enlightenment, but you were really fooled by thinking that you were so smart and inferred from the trap. This was actually said by Baoju, Xiaoyue rushed to beat him on the spot.

Shaoyu silently took God Treat Master as the next research object.

The mercenary moved very quickly and dug the entrance in a while. Some nervously watching a group of mercenaries approach them, everyone stopped talking.

The mercenary leader said: This cooperation is very pleasant.

This time the gate is a real relic gate, and there are many passages inside. Then we will part ways and take risks. I wish you a lot of harvest. After he finished speaking, he gave a knightly salute and brought the mercenaries in.

Shaoyu was also a little dumbfounded. He didn't draw his sword as he had imagined. Is it because he was afraid of encountering problems after entering. He saw everyone in the adventure group also look at me, and I looked at you, and he was a little puzzled. The leader coughed and said: Then vote now, now we can't go down.

Of course, the final result was a unanimous vote. Of course, as a rookie, Shaoyu did not have the right to vote. The head of the delegation comforted him that it would be there next time. Shaoyu didn't care, he also felt that he should go down now, otherwise the mercenaries would have left after sweeping.

When preparing to act, the group leader suddenly said to Shaoyu: Let him go back and burn the adventure guild.

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