Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 165: Ruins (missing)

Shaoyu was taken aback, and the leader patted him and said: We will leave directly after we come out, and the Adventure Guild cannot be left to the mercenaries. Seeing that Shaoyu was a little confused, he said that Baoju and Xiaoyue would set up a magic circle here, and they would meet together when you come back.

It's not that they are afraid that they will leave themselves, Shaoyu just doesn't understand why he wants to burn the Adventure Guild. But he didn't say much, since it was the task given by the regimental leader, he would just carry it out.

The head said, we don't have many manpower, let Shaoyu be careful. These mercenaries must be ghosts. With so many people, they must have not enough supplies. When Shaoyu thought about it, it was the truth. Although every mercenary carried something on his back, the curse wind was only a month away. Would they come up as soon as they went down? Or that they also have powerful space equipment?

After saying a few words, the group leader confessed to Baoju and Xiaoyue. They don't want the group leader to say more, let him get out. The head of the group went down with everyone, and Shaoyu galloped his horse, striving for a quick return.

Setting fire is a technical task, but fortunately it is not used at this time. Although the Adventure Guild is in the city, it is still a single house. After rectifying several fire sources, the Adventure Guild was swallowed by the fire in an instant. He saw that many residents wanted to come to fight the fire. He stopped, saying that the Adventure Guild no longer existed. These residents were still a little sad, and after asking the reason, they talked about the help of some adventurers back then. Shaoyu also sighed, in this broken place, hundreds of mercenaries came after hearing the wind, just a few adventurers of them.

After burning for a while, Shaoyu accidentally collected some things, which were given by residents. Shaoyu also gave money to these residents to help take care of the old man's grave.

This time, it was late at night. The mercenaries were very bachelor, and everyone went in. The new entrance was empty, and there were no violent chrysanthemums and Xiaoyue.

Shaoyu felt that something was wrong, he felt that he could not be abandoned, and there was no reason to be abandoned.

Something must have happened... the magic circle on the ground has been completed. Xiaoyue explained to him that this is just a primary gathering earth element array, and its purpose is to bury the entrance in the cursed wind this month. He tried his best to hide, so that even if Jon's army arrived, he would only suffer heavy losses at the marked trap.

Shaoyu looked at the traces on the ground and saw nothing for a long time. The mercenaries were still entering when he left. There were too many traces. So when he opened his left eye, he finally caught the footprints of Bao Ju's super-large.

The footprints were very widely spaced, as if he was running at full strength. After a hundred meters away, Shaoyu found another string of small footprints, which were meowing, and then all the traces were interrupted.

He circled around where the traces disappeared. Within a hundred meters, there were no woods, no rivers, no traces at all, and it was not erased. The only possibility was to fly into the sky. Moreover, there are only the footprints of Baoju and Miaomiao, their steps are deep as if they are fighting, but there are no enemy's footprints, and no blood stains.

Squatting at the last trace for a long time, Shaoyu thought that he had too little time in the adventure group. Xiaoyue might be able to fly, but Baoju, the big man, he felt that he should not be able to fly.

There was no magic left, and Shaoyu closed his left eye. He decided to go and find the group leader and them, there is no point in staying here.

Shaoyu held the sky long sword and walked down step by step.

This passage is rough, but very wide, and the mercenaries dug it out very quickly. There is no support for the passage, just a kind of smear on the side of the wall, which smells like glue, and Shaoyu took the sword and clicked it. It was very hard. This passage was slanted downwards and some distance from the ground. Shaoyu took out the box from the ring and put on the meter.

After seeing the gate, I converted it to 17 meters above the ground.

Nothing unusual, just too quiet.

Are they all gone? Don't keep anyone guarding the door? !

He looked at the gate, and it looked like it was made of iron. The iron gate, which was only one meter high, was covered with rust. The iron gate that was originally an arm-thick was directly pierced.

After Shaoyu bent over to enter, he found that the passage seemed to be made of iron, but it was still very narrow. He couldn't imagine how everyone bent over and drilled one by one, especially the mercenaries, how long it would take them all to enter.

By the way, the mercenary leader said that there are many channels inside. Shaoyu felt that this was not right. In terms of time, it didn't take long for the boss to check. He was just thinking about it, he only felt that his feet were empty, his body was certain, his hands were on the two sides of the passage to stabilize his figure.

Shaoyu looked and saw that this was the end of the iron passage, but the rust-like color in the front made him visually poor.

There is still a road under the feet, which becomes a slide. He opened his left eye and looked down from the slide. Below is a huge empty space. There are many small holes in the iron wall, and slides slide down at the entrance of the hole.

On the bottom floor, there are three huge tunnels.

In the perspective of the left eye, many slides have been damaged.

But under his feet, there are many traces that people have just used... Many places in the slide show a large silvery white after the rust is worn off. Without hesitation, Shaoyu took out a leather jacket and slid it down on his waist.

The chute is a bit long, and the process is not very pleasant, because it is not smooth, and the leather jacket wrapped around it basically becomes a cloth strip.

After sorting it out, Shaoyu glanced at the meter, and now it was 76 meters underground, and the temperature had changed.

There were traces of the camp in front of the three cave entrances, and he found a mark in a prominent location beside the camp. It is difficult for Shaoyu to judge whether it was left by the head of the group or by the mercenaries. He did not understand the meaning of the marks.

Shaoyu thought, why are all missing!

The entrance of the cave is very huge, it points in three directions, it is not formed naturally.

Shaoyu felt that the door outside was so small, why this tunnel was built so wide. This elliptical tunnel with a height of nearly 20 meters and a width of more than ten meters leads to deep underground. After wandering around the entrance of the cave for a while, Shaoyu found that the tunnels in the middle and the left were all traces of entry, and there were only a few traces on the right.

The places where these traces are the same are very messy, not like a formation, but a feeling of rushing in.

Not to mention the people in the adventure group, the discipline of this group of mercenaries is OK. Could it be that internal coaxing occurred between several mercenary groups? Shaoyu thought about this and went back to check the camp.

The so-called camp must have a good dry and rest environment, shelter from wind and rain, have a fire source, and have some simple protection. He felt like everyone in the adventure group was building a camp, but what happened, the mercenaries rushed into the channel in chaos, and everyone in the adventure group also abandoned the camp and ran into the channel.

Open the left eye again, the traces in the multi-level perspective show that the traces on the right are the least... everyone in the adventure group seems to be on the far right.

What's the reason for this? The right is the farthest passage from the camp. If it is dangerous, everyone in the adventure group should follow the mercenaries. If it is not dangerous, what do you run?

The answer was when they saw the group leader, Shaoyu didn't think about anything, and strode into the tunnel.

The tunnel is very dark, and the mercenaries' lighting tools are mostly torches and oil lamps. The style of an oil lamp is similar to that of a lantern, except that there is no magic lantern to shine in the dark, and carrying a fierce battle will cause the oil to die out. Shaoyu can see at night, so he doesn't need these. He has been running in the tunnel for two hours. The tunnel is very monotonous, with no traps, no patterns, and no crossroads, just like an enlarged infinite length of cement pipe.

Fortunately, traces of the adventure group have been extending in the tunnel, but these traces show that they have been running. This discovery made Shaoyu run around and run, until just... he found that the footsteps left by the adventure group had slowed down, because the steps between the steps were smaller and denser.

After running for a while, Shaoyu finally found the light ahead. The meter showed that he had been nearly a kilometer deep underground.

The one who walked at the end was the temper carrying the space box. Shaoyu hurriedly shouted, and a lot of echoes of this shout were transmitted through the passage. Before the echo fell, he saw a fireball flying towards him quickly, Shaoyu threw the sky sword, and the sky sword rotated and intercepted the fireball. In the bursting flame of the fireball, an ice ball flew over again.

Shaoyu didn't know where this was Ailian's attack. When he threw the sky long sword, he took a long sword from the ring in his hand, and then threw it out again. At this moment, Shaoyu only felt a chill on his head. He didn't know when his temper jumped, and he smashed the space box with his hand.

He didn't know what happened. If he was injured by mistake at the beginning, the fireball explosion had already provided light, and why he was still attacked by the adventure group. He yelled that it was me, caught the returning sky sword, took two steps back, and blocked the general's dagger behind him.

As soon as his temper came down, the tunnel seemed to shook. Shaoyu and the general made several attempts, and took a back swing and kicked on the returning long sword. The long sword spun towards his temper.

Shaoyu didn't expect that the assassin's frontal combat ability was so powerful. The two daggers were like two poisonous snakes. He tried his best to make the sword only defend. Fortunately, this offensive general could not keep on.

With his temper, he flew the long sword that struck him. This attack was too powerful and broke the balance of Shaoyu's Feiyan style sword skills, and the long sword fell aside. Temper flew the sword, hoeed the space box to the ground, and yelled a curse.

The General Fei who had just attacked frantically also ran away, but Shaoyu hadn't reacted yet, only felt that a cold air enveloped him. He saw a gray halo appearing under his temper, the halo zoomed in, and then formed an identical halo under his feet.

Shaoyu shivered, the cold air faded, and the aperture disappeared.

Temper raised the space box again, and Shaoyu stared at them with his sword. At this time, the head of the group called and waited. The situation is not right, don't do it. Everyone stood in a formation and stood in opposition to Shaoyu. The head of the team walked out. You said you were Shaoyu, right?

Shaoyu is inexplicable, now so many lanterns are facing him, what does it mean to ask. He moved in his heart and took out the mirror to look at himself. His appearance in the mirror has not changed, so Shaoyu asked, is it that I am not me in your eyes?

At this time, Mr. K said: What he just took out is a mirror looking after himself. This is probably really Shaoyu... Given the current situation, I think we collectively have hallucinations.

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