Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 166: Ruins (recommendation required)

Shaoyu finally returned to the team as he wished...In the eyes of everyone in the adventure group, he was indeed not him, what they saw was a heart-catcher.

Mr. K distributed a bottle of medicine to everyone, and they returned to normal after drinking.

According to them, after they came down, they were building a camp, only to find that the mountain was shaking like it was about to collapse. The mercenaries hurriedly rushed to the passage, and they naturally ran in.

Not being with the mercenary all the way was a subconscious reaction, so they chose the rightmost channel.

Now you know that these are hallucinations. Everyone thought about it, and you should have fallen into hallucinations at the slide.

As for seeing that Shaoyu is a mind-separation, they guessed that it was because Xiaoyue had said before that they would encounter a mind-separation... this was a subconscious hallucination, very powerful. As for how it happened, it was only suspicious when passing through the ruins gates and slides.

Shaoyu wanted to ask himself why he missed it, but he thought, maybe it was because they had all the hallucinations out in front. Speaking of Xiaoyue, Shaoyu asked the group leader why he didn't see Baoju and the others.

The captain and the others didn't know, and then Shaoyu learned that Baoju could actually fly because of his special occupation, which allowed him to spin the big axe for a short flight. Everyone also speculated about their behavior, but to no avail. In the end, the leader decided that since the collapse was an illusion, everyone returned to look for them.

As he was talking, the tunnel shook for a while, a lot of fragments fell, and there was a rumbling sound behind him.

Everyone looked at each other, and Mr. K said: Drink the panacea, everyone nodded. She asked Shaoyu again, have you seen this movement, Shaoyu nodded.

The commander waved his hand and said: Still stupidly standing here and asking, it really collapsed...Run, everyone rushed.

As this pipe-like tunnel ruptured, a large amount of soil was buried, and everyone was ashamed. However, Shaoyu found that although everyone was immersed in running wildly and seemed to run around, they had a formation.

Whether in the wild or indoors, whether in a wide field or a narrow aisle. Everyone has different abilities, different specialties, and different positions. Everyone has their own division of labor and stands where they can play their greatest role. This is the formation. Adventurous is not a rush of groups, so that a trap will reimburse everyone.

There is no hero in adventure, no one is omnipotent.

Although Shaoyu hadn't fully understood these things, he believed that there were still many things that he didn't understand, so he put himself very low.

During the run, Shaoyu was naturally ‘put’ in the middle...Unlike he imagined, Zhen had to run to the front.

This formation is like an arrow, with Zhende at the front. The group leader and K-length fall one meter away from Zhende, one left and the other following right. Then there are Ailian and Shaoyu, the last is temper, the general is out of the formation.

Zhende is the arrow and K is the right wing, both of which surprised Shaoyu. It was obvious that someone could run faster, but everyone maintained this formation very tacitly. Ai Lian was about four or five meters away from her Zhen, and her temper was five or six meters away from Ai Lian. Shaoyu closed his left eye. He hasn't blended into it yet, and he doesn't have his position yet, so he can only run beside Ailian.

The girls' physical strength is good. After observing that K is the right wing of the arrow, Shaoyu, who seems to be a noble lady, didn't even sweat.

Everyone ran to the exit before the tunnel collapsed completely.

The exit is a natural stone platform. With Ailian's fireball, there are beautiful crystal-like buildings under the firelight. Everyone stopped and watched. This is a very intact ruin in a city 1300 meters underground.

After finding the ruins, everyone did not rush, but stayed on the ground. It has been half a day since they entered the ground. Temper put down the space box, took out one by one, everyone took it and was busy. Only then did Shaoyu have the opportunity to ask: What is the curse of temper. The temper congratulated him, saying that he was immune to one of the seventeen curses on him.

Shaoyu didn't know what to say, and immediately turned around to get busy. He was the most idle in the adventure group, but wanted to help, but didn't know what to do. Later, the head of the group saw him turning around, and after some inquiries, he finally arranged a task for him to start a fire.

During the meal, everyone decided to set up a temporary camp here and rested for an hourglass to flip before entering the ruins. The temper said the wind here is cursing. Shaoyu secretly said that the wind here is so deep underground. Of course, they also discussed the matter of Baoju. The more everyone felt that something was wrong, and just after eliminating the illusion, they decided to go back and the passage collapsed. As if someone was controlling it, the head of the group also showed a terrifying expression and said: Maybe it's the heart-cracker who lives here... Everyone made a collective cut, of course they didn't believe it.

Then everyone expressed their confidence in Baoju and Xiaoyue, mainly because Xiaoyue is a god-treating mage, a mage who is surrounded by gods... Shaoyu felt that this was a kind of mutual comfort, and he could see their worries.

The final conclusion is that if you want to return to the channel where the mercenaries enter, I hope their channel does not collapse, or to find the teleportation array in this ruin. Obviously everyone tends to the latter one, and Shao Yu deeply agrees. He doesn't think the mercenaries will be lucky, maybe they all kill each other in the passage and then get buried alive.

After eating, the tents are all set up. The girls don’t need to be on guard. Shaoyu is honored to stand on the first shift. The time is a scale.

Looking at the magic hourglass on one side, this one is K-long...smaller than Inna's magic hourglass. Shaoyu couldn't help looking at the meter on his wrist. The meter was good, but he would look at a depth. Although it had many functions, it just couldn't display the time.

Just when I was in a trance, there was movement.

Shaoyu drew his sword and got up and was about to throw the sky sword in his hand, while someone made a voice saying that it was me.

Female voice! It is K long. So he smiled and said: Why, can't sleep?

K took a few steps and pointed to Shaoyu's hand and said: This is adventure equipment, how about selling it to me, do you offer a price? Shaoyu thought for a while, took out the adventure box in the ring, and said to her, this is still useful for me, it's better for you to choose one, I only want the magic hourglass.

Although Shaoyu couldn't really understand the expression under the K-length veil, he only felt that she was staying for a while and then smiled. In the end, Mr. K didn't ask for anything, and gave the magic hourglass to Shaoyu, and then she took another one and placed it in the middle of the camp.

Mr. K said that this thing is not as valuable as the adventure equipment, and he will exchange it when Shaoyu needs it. Then Shaoyu saw that she walked to the edge of the stone platform and sat down and looked at the dark depths below.

Shaoyu also approached a few steps. He heard Mr. K say: This is beautiful, isn't it? Seeing that she didn't look back, Shaoyu seemed to be talking to herself. Shaoyu looked down, and saw K Chang holding a scroll and tearing it apart. A string of fireballs shot into the darkness. The crystal-like buildings reflected colorful rays of light as the firelight lit up, which was extremely beautiful.

In fact, Shaoyu was just looking at the scroll in her hand and at the same time curious about her profession. She is a knight, and obviously she still has magical powers. Although the scroll doesn't require chanting, it still needs magic power to stimulate it. Is she a magic knight? Shaoyu was itchy and unkindly asked directly.

K seemed to have something on his mind, he wasn't sure if it was an illusion, even if it was true, he couldn't just go up and inquire like this. After tearing up several scrolls, she and Shaoyu went into her gorgeous tent individually.

A mark passed quickly, and the general did not know where he came out to take his shift. Shaoyu spent four hours sitting and sleeping for an hour. The group leader was the last one, and after he called the crowd, this time the adventure officially began.

First, he had to descend from the platform. The seemingly low place was actually sixty meters tall. The temper took out the rope from the space box and let him go down first. Shaoyu felt that the rope was very similar to rock climbing, and it also had a push safety buckle. The commander taught him how to use it. In fact, Shaoyu could run his Qi body with all his strength or use Belle's Shadow to go straight down, but he didn't intend to get out of the limelight, and wanted to know these basic common sense, so he honestly learned how to use the rope.

After all came down, everyone found that there were traces of excavation here, presumably the traces left by the Confusion Clan expanding their base. After the observation, the head of the group gave everyone a small ball, saying that if they were scattered by accident, they could use this to fix the position. Although he was talking to everyone, obviously they all knew that this was actually talking to Shaoyu.

Shaoyu asked hurriedly, what is this. The group leader said: This is an underground floating lighting tool made by the dwarves, and told Shaoyu to store it carefully. This thing is very rare, so use one less. Shaoyu didn't figure it out a bit. After a few words, he finally figured it out. It turned out that this thing was a flare. Then the head of the group gave Shaoyu a bag of things, saying that he had space equipment, and one-sixth of the materials should be carried by him to avoid accidents.

After accepting it, the group leader gave him a lantern. Shaoyu thought about it or accepted it, because he suddenly thought of a story. A blind man lights a candle when he walks at night. Why do you light up when someone says you are blind? The blind man said: This is for you to see me.

In the same way, in the passage, if Shaoyu carries a lantern, everyone in the adventure group will not attack directly without saying a word. Only evil creatures can be like a fish in the dark.

He took out the three long swords from the ring, then took out some wood and cut it with the sword to form a back frame, and then hung the lantern on it. This is what Shaoyu did when he didn't have a ring in the jungle.

After finishing the work, he hung the three long swords on the back frame, squatted down and picked up the back frame, Shaoyu found that everyone was staring at him. He was taken aback and saw Ailian said: Give me a whole shell, which is very convenient.

It was only then that Shaoyu realized that even if he had space equipment, it would take time to retrieve items during the adventure, and carrying a lantern would also take up one hand. He was only too lazy to feel comfortable, so he made a back frame. He didn't expect how practical this two-handed profession would be. Everyone wanted it, but after Shaoyu finished this, there was only a small amount of wood left in the ring, and there was no wood here, so I had to do it.

It was Zhende who took the lead, and everyone formed a formation to march towards the ruins not far away. Mr. K said that yesterday she visually inspected the secret base of the puzzled clan, but she was afraid that it was much larger than they thought. She used a magic scroll that could be launched thousands of yards away and she didn't see the boundary.

Shaoyu thought, it turned out that she wasn't thinking about seeing the scenery on her mind, but fortunately she didn't rush up.

The head of the group said that there are always few records of the confused heart clan, so please cheer up.

The formation was still the arrow, but everyone stood a little closer, and the general did not get too far away. Shiyinshi now appeared in the front, and Shaoyu and temper walked at the back.

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