Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 167: Ruins (Rules)

As everyone broke through the dark, Ailian sent another burst of fireball to the sky. Fireballs scattered and burst the building complex appeared before their eyes.

The secret base of the puzzled heart tribe is very messy, and not all buildings are made of crystal materials. Only buildings with more than three floors use crystal-like materials to form towers.

Shaoyu observed carefully and found that these things similar to crystal towers have certain rules, but the details can only be understood by seeing all the scenes. He can't fly, and night vision is not clairvoyant.

Night vision is also affected by vision. Although his vision has been enhanced after the foundation is cast, the range beyond his vision is also blurred.

Also, night vision can not be seen in any darkness, absolute darkness cannot. In fact, there is light everywhere...This is like turning off the light, and after a while, you can see it in the dark.

The left eye has been used for a long time, so naturally it must be used sparingly.

Everyone's formation can only maintain a 20-meter range of light, and there is darkness beyond this light, and there is no sound around it. From the beginning, everyone talked and laughed until the conversation became lighter and lighter, until now Shaoyu felt a little nervous.

The houses here are made of earth and rocks without any shape, and most of them are very short. After checking a few rooms, they found that there are things that have been corroded by time. They are completely unrecognizable and worthless. And many of these small earthen houses are damaged and collapsed, and they are basically walking in the ruins.

At first, his temper said that there was a curse in the wind, but after checking in front of the first building, he said that there was no curse. Ailian asked anxiously, and shouted her temper: There must be no curse here. I could see that Ailian was a little unhappy, but she didn't care about her temper, obviously she was used to it.

Long K is for archaeology, Shaoyu doesn't know how to say it, maybe it is the word. But she also has no clue to identify and find roads and valuable buildings. After Ellen sent another burst of fireball, everyone moved directly towards a crystal tower.

Except for the sound of stepping on something underneath, the surroundings are too quiet, although everyone knows it is underground, everyone's breathing is a bit short. Shaoyu thinks it shouldn't be afraid of ghosts. Necrotic spirits are very common in this world. He doesn't know what everyone is worried about. At least he hasn't noticed any danger.

At this moment, there was a sound from the left, and the head of the regiment called out a general. Everyone put the lantern at their feet, took out their weapons, and moved closer to the left. After a while, the general shouted that a wall of soil had fallen.

After taking a sigh of relief, everyone carried the weapon in one hand and the lamp in the other. He saw that his temper carried the space box directly on his shoulders, and he seemed to be ready to go out at any time. Shaoyu finally couldn't bear to ask, what kind of danger is there?

Shaoyu's opening shocked them, and his temper almost threw a box of space on his head.

The leader said, it would be nice if he knew what the danger was. Shaoyu asked, why are everyone so nervous? Aileen said, just because I don't know what kind of danger there is, it makes people nervous...It's so dark here.

Ai Lian wasn't afraid of the dark, but what she said made Shaoyu suddenly understand that she was not afraid of things that had already appeared, but was afraid of those that had not yet appeared. He was a little wondering, could there be anything besides the mind-severs?

Shaoyu asked, and the topic opened up.

Everyone said that the Heart Slayer is the least likely to be encountered, because it is too long, even if there is a remnant, it will be exhausted.

Generally relics or something, because there were a lot of...will always be occupied by some monsters. What they are talking about is the cultivation of some races, the stored energy or property.... When Shaoyu listened to it, he noticed something dumbfounding. The adventure group has actually only experienced two adventures. Although it was the underground palace, they said it was because of the earthquake that it was shaken to the ground, and the other time it was at the seaside, and the island was revealed at low tide. This is the first time in the palace above, such deep underground ruins.

And those two adventures were guided by God's treatment of Master Xiaoyue, very purposeful...what you will encounter, what dangers are so great that you can know foresight.

Shaoyu is a little bit painful, dare to believe that everyone is a novice. This way he can understand that he has night vision and is used to the darkness. He can encounter something he hasn't seen in the jungle at any time, so he is not nervous.

Human beings live under the light, and it is inevitable to get nervous when entering the dark and unknown environment.

To solve this problem is also very simple, more bright. Shaoyu condensed the air mass and threw it out. The circular air frame he constructed kept the energy and flew slowly. The air mass flew out with a faint white light, and Ailian was about to ask how Shaoyu got the magic ball, but with the air mass, everyone saw a pair of eyes.

Shaoyu had just thrown it away, but he didn't know he saw a pair of eyes behind a half-collapsed earth wall. The eyes blinked and then disappeared. This time can not be saved, he immediately opened his left eye and found a faint figure flashing behind the wall, he knew that it was the general, and everyone surrounded him.

There was nothing, and the general who ran to didn't see anything, but many people in those eyes saw it. After being stunned, the major general said: definitely not invisible. Ailian said: There is no magic wave here, and there are no traces of spells. Zhende said there was no damage caused by grudge. Temper chopped the space box **** the ground, showing that there is no authenticity. After Shaoyu listened, he threw an air ball into the sky, and took advantage of his strength to step on the wall a few steps and jumped high. He swept around while keeping his energy full and falling, but he didn't see anything.

Shaoyu fell down and shook his head, the secret path is really hell! Everyone became quiet and became tense.

At this time, K Chang suddenly uttered a voice, indicating that it might be an illusion.

The group leader said how it could be an illusion, and Zhende also said that the panacea you gave to Mr. K was relieved and immune to the abnormal state that had been received within one day.

Hearing this, Shaoyu thought to himself, is this magic medicine? He didn't care at the time, but now it sounds like it can solve all the negative states and still be immune to one day? Then they should not be able to illusion.

Mr. K said: It’s not that we have been caught in illusion, this is the base of the confused mind~

Shaoyu understands, and everyone understands. What she meant was that there was mental interference or influence.

Ai Lian said: Impossible, this is an era, really there is a heart-deeping monster? Long K said there might be some treasure left.

After discussing for a while, everyone continued to move towards the crystal tower. There is no answer yet, but the crystal tower is definitely an important building. If it is not, climbing up these four-story places can barely make a magic map. The leader said: They really should have done it above.

The formation has changed, becoming a diamond shape, still led by Zhende, but Shaoyu was arranged at the rightmost K-length position... This is a different position to let him quickly familiarize with the formation. Mr. K was by his side. Taking this opportunity, Shaoyu asked the panacea and the magic map. He himself said that he had stayed in a small place and was not familiar with these things. Mr. K first expressed suspicion. He felt that he was not calm like his first adventure, nor was he like a person from a small place, but she still explained the two things.

Panacea is not as magical as Shaoyu imagined. This medicine made by alchemy can only relieve some basic negative states. It is based on a kind of plant that can survive in any environment. When this plant grows, it can produce resistance to harmful elements in the environment, so it can relieve some basic states and become resistant. Immune to these states before disappearing. Of course, there can only be one immunity. For example, if you move this kind of plant that grows in a toxic environment to a volcano, it will also be killed by the high temperature. The reason why you can only solve the basic state, for example, if you soak the plant growing in a poisonous ring mirror into another poisonous water, the plant will die.

As for the magic map, a wizard scholar once proposed that all things contain magic elements. By studying the arrangement of magic elements in these objects, the mysteries of the world can be solved. This mage scholar spent his life making a special scroll, and inputting magic power on the special scroll will reveal the arrangement of magic elements in the current space. In the end, the mage scholar was regarded as a lunatic, because he claimed to have found a way to become a god, but died suddenly in the magic tower.

However, other mages and scholars have found that this kind of research is not meaningless. In a space where the flow of magic elements is not active, these arrangements are actually a very accurate map. This research was finally used in underground adventures, because in the underground, there is no flow of magic elements as much as the surface, and most of them are very stable earth elements.

There are many restrictions on the magic map. Not only do the magic elements flow inactive, but also the site where most elements can be sensed. It is to have an open place where you can see the panorama. Finally, someone will analyze these magic elements and draw them into a map. Another point is that the special scroll will be very expensive because there are few wizards.

It just so happens that K Chang has a collection of scrolls, Ailian's magic power is enough to support the extension, and K Chang can basically analyze and draw.

Hearing what K Chang said, Shaoyu couldn't help but look at her a few more times. The causes and consequences of this magic map were so clear. He couldn't help sighing, this girl is very powerful. His voice was very small, but their conversation was over, and no one else was speaking, so this sigh was very loud.

Then Mr. K had a new nickname, and everyone agreed that Mr. K was kind.

As for why we didn't make a drawing on it before, because this drawing is made with itself as the center, if it is made on it, the area will be too small! So at this time, I came to the crystal tower which is regarded as the center.

Soon, everyone walked to this crystal tower. The bottom of the crystal tower was not made of crystal, but it was not built of earth or stone, just like the iron seen at the gate.

Of course, this is Shaoyu's own understanding...iron and crystal.

After asking, this thing is really called iron, but it is a kind of white iron. This is a rare mineral. It has no characteristics, but it can withstand time. It is the most corrosion-resistant material known. When Shaoyu saw the leader go down with an axe, the dust and things fell down, revealing the silvery white underneath.

It is also a small room, and there is no shape at all. The second and third floors are also the same. The stairs up to the third floor are all turned into crystals.

After inspection, it was indeed crystal, or it was polished with pure natural and complete magic crystal... Shaoyu didn't understand the value and felt that it was a bit too luxurious.

The crystal tower was very strong, and Shaoyu didn't go up, the space inside was limited. After everyone checked, they decided to enchant the map here, the crystal tower is the tallest building.

In addition to Ailian who wants to inject magic power, K-girl needs to analyze, everyone is still guarding and resting in shifts.

Shaoyu wanted to go up and have a look, but was driven down, he was a little depressed.

The two sisters said that this process should not be interrupted at all, so... they can only come down.

Guards are divided into shifts, and they are in teams of two at this time.

Shaoyu and the general were divided into the first group, so after hanging the magic hourglass outside, he circled the crystal tower.

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