Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 168: Ruins (fighting)

The crystal tower occupies a small area, and Shaoyu quickly finished it. He stood at the door in a daze, then practiced his sword.

It wasn't that he was irresponsible, Shaoyu knew that the general was still turning outside, and Zhende was also on the first floor. After practicing for a while, Shaoyu heard a somewhat honest voice saying: Your sword skills are a bit special, I haven't seen it.

Seeing Zhen had to run out, Shaoyu took the sword and walked back. Seeing him coming, Zhen was a little nervous sitting on a blanket. To be honest, Shaoyu didn't understand a bit. According to his understanding, he should be the strongest at the front of the formation, but why is he a big fat man. I also heard that he is a fighter, does he fight with only his hands?

Originally, Shaoyu thought he would know it when he encountered a battle, but it was too boring to know that no monsters have appeared until now.

Seeing Zhende's head down and the soles of his feet rubbing the ground left and right, he didn't know what to say, but he didn't feel like a master.

This is an expression of lack of confidence. Shaoyu thought about it for a moment. He said that his sword skills were passed down from the family. He couldn't tell. Are you interested in playing? Originally, Shaoyu just talked casually, but after saying this, Zhende's eyes suddenly lighted up, and she stood up at once, shocking Shaoyu with a surge of momentum.

Zhende said loudly: Go, let's have fun.

There will be a master in one go! Shaoyu also became interested. When it comes to fighting, Zhende is like a personal change.

After going out, Zhende and Shaoyu stood ten meters apart, and Shaoyu stuck two long swords in front of him and said, are you empty-handed? Zhende said: First hit and see, see if it is necessary to use weapons.

When Shaoyu heard this, he felt confident, but it seemed to be too much. He was not polite, and drew the long sword on the ground and flicked it.

Feiyan style has become Shaoyu's starting hand.

Seeing the sword whirling, Zhende just tilted his head to the left, and the sword wiped it from his ear.

Shaoyu got serious right away, this is an absolute master, extremely calm and avoided the attack with the smallest movements. He flew out another sword, drew out the sky long sword at his waist, and stab it in three steps.

The two Feiyans plus his sword, this is the limit he can control now, it can be said that Shaoyu used all his strength in one shot. He ran his Qi body fully and entered a state of slowing down all around him.

Zhende first avoided the long sword, then a little under his feet, somehow one side of his body reached Shaoyu's left. Shaoyu pierced the sky with a sword. He knew from Zhende's avoidance that the sword would definitely not pierce, so he only used seven points of force. he. This cut still failed, and Zhende shook her body somehow and went to the right again.

Shaoyu didn't stop, and while cutting left, he swung his right foot over, but Zhende flicked back to his front. Although he was a little surprised, he didn't show any flaws. A swing of his right foot just kicked the first long sword that flew back to Zhende.

Zhende stepped back a few steps, avoiding the spinning long sword.

This speed! Too flexible!

The second sword commander also flew back, and Shaoyu picked it up with his sword, causing the long sword to rotate on the tip of the long sword in the sky. The two looked at each other and Zhende said: I'm going to attack.

After speaking, he moved one hand back, and the long sword that was swirling around was somehow thrust into the ground with a new blow. Then Shaoyu saw a little under his feet again, and the whole person was already in front of him.

The chubby body is full of pressure, like a mountain of meat pressing over! After opening his left eye, Shaoyu realized that his figure was actually quite tall, but his fatness made him appear slightly shorter. Before he finished the observation, he only felt that his eyes were empty and Zhen was gone.

Shaoyu only felt the cold hair on his legs explode, so he jumped slightly, and the sky long sword in his hand was chopped down with the rotating long sword.

Zhende pressed his hands on the ground and swept away his legs. Only when the sword came, he turned his side, and at the same time kicked back with a hook of his right leg.

These few movements were distinct, and they corresponded to those words, calmly like a virgin, and moving like a rabbit.

But under his left eye, Shaoyu also found a difference. First of all, Zhende did not get out of the way with one step as he saw... His muscles were agitated, and his feet were moving at a certain frequency... It was just too fast, so it was just one step. The illusion of bypassing.

Shaoyu, who had nowhere to borrow in the air, could only block Zhende's foot with his left hand, but he let go of the long sword on the sky sword, and the long sword spun to cut Zhende's clothes.

Zhende looked at Shaoyu who stepped back a few steps and stood firmly. With a movement, he grabbed the spun back long sword in his hand and threw it on the ground. He looked at his torn clothes and said: I'm going to be serious. .

Shaoyu smiled and said: Being serious is fun. How could he really give his full strength again, between his thoughts, the Qi body quickly retracted the cyclone in his chest, Jian Yuan began to wander in the veins.

Zhende crossed his hands on his chest, and the second group of light walked on his arms and fists.

The two long swords dropped on the ground shook lightly, Shaoyu's clothes had no wind, and the two unicorns slowly left his body and floated.

The battle didn't last long, and Shaoyu's swordsmanship came out. Between Zhende's arms, a set of armband-style gloves was also imaginary. This armband-style glove was green in color with many blue runes on it, which was not a normal weapon at first glance. Little S came out and said to probe.

Shaoyu rejected Xiao S. He thought that using these skills for friends felt like peeping.

Two unicorns surround Shaoyu, and Shaoyu is holding a sky sword and Zhende is in a ball. The chubby body shape is completely an illusion, sometimes flexible like a fat rabbit, sometimes turned into a fat bear full of oppression.

The unicorn pierced through flowers generally shuttled around Zhende's body. Shaoyu controlled the unicorn with swordsmanship. He attacked with a sword in front of him. The two unicorns attacked Zhende from the back and the side, which barely restricted Zhende's ability. Dodge.

Zhende violently attacked against Shaoyu, his body shape was left and right, every punch of his punches made a bang. Shaoyu tried a punch, and Zhende's fist carried double strength and electricity. In terms of electrification, Shaoyu estimated that this was the function of the weapon on his arm. Protected by the cloud body of the windy sword, the area of ​​the punch was a little numb.

Everyone ran down, and even Ailian and Kniu ran down and watched. Everyone was still placing bets. At this time, Zhende yelled, "No more, no more..." Shaoyu also closed his hand, because he felt that if he didn't summon the divine sword to use some hole cards, the two of them would not be able to tell the difference...Moreover, Zhen Do you have no hole cards?

Seeing them stop, everyone made a cut, said a few words and went upstairs separately.

Shaoyu was also preparing to leave, but Zhende suddenly rushed over and pulled him to speak, making Shaoyu feel a little awkward, and she became too enthusiastic after the fight.

Zhende was talking chaotically, and Shaoyu suddenly felt that the air was a little heavy, and the crystal tower released a burst of light, and all the surrounding areas lit up. Zhende said it was Ailian who was injecting magic power, and then he talked about Ailian and her mentor... Ailian's mentor was not good to her. When teaching Ai Lian, he actually made Ai Lian a magical lighting tool for movement. Shaoyu became interested and asked what was going on. Zhende said that her mentor specially made a magical item, which is a lantern that can be injected with magic power. When she was doing experiments, she asked Ailian to inject magic power into the lantern to illuminate it. Zhende said that magic experiments usually last for several days, and Ailian has to keep lighting up at all times, and she will be beaten severely if the light is off. Finally, Zhende said: Although Ailian can only use two basic spells, her magic power is very huge, and her control is super magical.

Shaoyu also thought about it. This lantern was originally driven by gems or crystals to drive the magic array to illuminate. If the magic power was manually input, it had to be stable. If it is big, it will be wasted. If Aileen had been exercising her magic power like this, it would be impossible for her to have a high amount and control. Her mentor was either a **** or an expert, he concluded secretly.

After chatting for a while, the two exchanged their combat experience and equipment.

Zhen De said that his Lightning Messenger Armor was a legendary weapon, and Shaoyu was a little surprised. Zhende said, this arm armor has an electric shock effect when attacking, and can release chain lightning, and can also become a full body light armor.

Shaoyu secretly thought that everyone in the adventure group was all in leather armor, so he asked Zhende if everyone had a legendary weapon.

Zhende nodded, everyone has some special weapons. Shaoyu is a bit sluggish. Seeing Shaoyu in a daze, Zhen had to hesitate for a while and then patted him stiffly. He said, this adventure requires legendary weapons and will give you priority.

Shaoyu smiled, and he asked where there are so many legendary weapons, some? ! Zhende said that in the adventure, Satsuki can always correctly guide them to find good things. K Niu is too rich, she is all well equipped, and he doesn't know how much she is. Zhende said that he has two things, but he doesn't need to use weapons in battles that are not too far apart, so that he can improve his strength.

Shaoyu believed that it was correct not to rely on equipment. At first he thought it was heavy armor that was not easy to take risks. Now it seems that everyone will show the real equipment when encountering difficult battles.

Zhende suddenly said, you just didn't use all your strength.

Shaoyu said in a daze, you are still the same. The two laughed, and Zhende said: You actually have pupil surgery, it is very likely that we can't beat you.

Shaoyu thought he had heard it wrong, so he asked the pupil technique? Zhende pointed to his left eye, and Shaoyu understood. He must have seen it during the battle. After thinking for a while, he said: You know, I don't understand at all, tell me?

Zhende nodded and talked to him. Shaoyu took out a bottle of wine, but he said not to drink. He took out some fruit and ate it to Shaoyu.

It's a pity for Shaoyu, Zhende actually doesn't drink.

Following Zhende's recount, Shaoyu generally understood what pupil technique is, some can be obtained in the blood limit, some can be practiced, and some unknown. In short, very few talents have it. Every known pupil technique is some magical ability.

There is a widely circulated saying on the mainland that says pupil surgery, the force of the world.

Shaoyu felt a pity, Xiao S is not a pupil technique.

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