Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 169: Remains (weinet)

While Shaoyu was thinking, he felt the air heavier and heavier. He thought to himself that there was such a big movement in Magic Topography? This kind of air is heavy, and it's time to meet the giant beast.

At this moment, a panic-stricken shout came from the top of the tower, and everyone came up quickly. When Shaoyu heard that it was K girl's voice, he and Zhende looked at each other and the two moved quickly.

After going up, Shaoyu saw the head of the group repeatedly asking what was going on. He saw Ailian's eyes blank, keeping the appearance of holding something in both hands, the blue and red light from her two hands quickly poured in, and then disappeared.

K Niu said: Just when the topography was about to be completed, the scroll suddenly turned into fragments, Ailian was inexplicably controlled, and her magical power was being absorbed.

After listening to the head, he called Ailian twice, and when he saw no response, he was going to pull her up.

K Niu hurriedly stopped. She said that she couldn't touch it, causing magic backlash, and Ailian was dead.

The head of the regiment froze. At this time, the general also ran up. He glanced at it and said: Is there any way to do it, is it waiting for Ailian's magic to be absorbed?

K Niu said: What is absorbed by light is vitality. Bian said: She took out some gems and crystals but did not dare to put them on.

Is there any way, can I stand here and watch Ailian die? Shaoyu was startled, and Zhende who was beside her suddenly yelled.

K Niu said: If Satsuki must have a way, but I only have one way, it depends on whether everyone dares to gamble or who else has other ways to save Ailian without causing magical backlash.

Everyone looked at each other and said there was no way, the head of the delegation asked, what way?

K Niu said: If her death conversion is used as a bridge, everyone can transfer all their power to Ailian. Since this crystal tower is absorbing Ailian's magic power, filling this crystal tower will naturally be fine.

The leader said: What are you waiting for?

K Niu stretched out his hand and continued: What I want to declare is that once the death transition is connected, it is very likely that it cannot be stopped, which means that it is impossible to stop if all the power is not completed. If the judgment is wrong, or everyone has exhausted all the power and failed to fill the crystal tower, the end will be sucked up together.

After listening, he was a little stunned, and then fell silent. Shaoyu saw that Ai Lian had rolled his eyes, and the magic power in his hand had been flowing continuously from the beginning, but now it has become like water droplets intermittently.

Everyone unanimously saw Ailian's situation, and the head said: What to do.

K Niu said that the fighting spirit is standing on her left, the magic is standing on her right, and the input is converted through the combination of weapons and her strength. The head of the group glanced at everyone and said: This is not forcing. After speaking, he stood to Kyo's left, and Kyo took out some pole-like things from the space equipment and quickly installed them.

Everyone didn't speak, Zhende was the first to stand beside the president, and then the general, but Shaoyu found that his temper was standing on the right. K Niu used poles to form a triangle and placed it under her feet, and then layered on top of each other to put her in the middle. Some poles stretched out in the middle of the shelf, and she motioned everyone to hold them.

After grabbing a shot, the team leader said to Shaoyu: Go and help us guard to prevent things from coming to disturb us. Shaoyu knew that this was a good step for him to leave, but he did hesitate.

After K Niu distributed some crystals to everyone, she said: Bring all the power over.

Shaoyu saw a cloud of darkness rising under her feet, turning into a few black smoke and walking on the triangle frame set up by the pole. The leader and them all glowed and injected power along the pole. Among them, it became a puff of black smoke. K Niu put one hand on Ailian's shoulder, and the black smoke followed her hand into Ailian's body.

It's really useful. The magic power gushing out from Ailian's hands became full again, and Shaoyu could see the crystal tower light up little by little, getting brighter.

At this time, Shaoyu cried out in his heart, Xiao S, can you know if they can succeed? Little S responded: It needs scanning and detection to calculate.

Shaoyu put his hand on the crystal wall... After scanning, Xiao S said it was an energy node. He didn't understand. After thinking about it, he ran out, looked at the tower and said something to detect. The entire crystal tower freezes in his left eye, turning into a large number of symbols and pouring down. After a while, Xiao S said, this is the signal tower of Weiwang!

Shaoyu was taken aback, what? Little S went on to say: Weiwang needs a lot of mental power as a connection. If you refer to the data of Zhende who has fought with the host, the success rate of their activation is only about 40%. When he heard it, everyone was not activating, but saving people. But when he changed his mind, he thought that if it was successfully activated, this thing would not absorb energy, which meant that it would save Ailian. If it fails..., thinking of this, Shaoyu asks, if he joins, what is the success rate.

After being silent for a while, Xiao S said, the success rate is 53%, and the host is advised not to try.

Shaoyu returned to the top of the tower with a heavy step. The crystal tower is getting brighter and brighter. From the outside, it looks like a sun has been added to the underground world, but everyone's light has dimmed. The crystals in their hands are already Turned into powder. K Niu said that this is the best pure crystal, which can replenish grudge or magic.

While spinning around in the tower, although everyone could not move, when he ran out, Shaoyu obviously found disappointment and understanding on everyone's faces, which made him uncomfortable.

After struggling a bit, after hesitating for a while, Shaoyu decided to...fight, you can't see everyone hanging in front of him!

Sometimes people who have known each other for a while can give their lives to each other, perhaps because it feels right.

When Shaoyu made up his mind, Xiao S's voice came out again. She suggested to take out items that can replenish energy from the ring for them to use, which can increase the success rate. As soon as he thought it was right, he took some supplies from the ring that the leader gave him. There are local tyrants in the team that are hanging, and among the materials that he brought with him, there are also magic potions and a few pure crystals.

There are many kinds of crystals in this world. Among them, pure crystals refer to crystals with a purity of more than 90%. This kind of crystal contains the purest energy, and only this kind of crystal can replenish some fighting energy.

Supplementing grudge with crystals is more expensive than burning money.

Shaoyu put the crystal in their hands very carefully, fed temper and Ai Lian back to the magic potion, and after thinking about it for a while, he fed some more to the girl, and everyone's body lightened again.

S said that the success rate has been higher.

Then Shaoyu moved his finger, but didn't know where to put it. He was wondering whether it was magic or grudge.

At this time, the small S made an intention and injected directly. Shaoyu asked how to use the injection method directly, Xiao S explained. She said that the location where Ai Lian stood was the node, and Shao Yu suddenly realized that magic was guided by spiritual power. It was estimated that when the magic power was injected, Ai Lian was standing at this point, and the spiritual power activated the node.

Shaoyu walked in front of Ai Lian and pressed his palm against the crystal on the ground. At this moment, he thought of Lily, and then only felt a strong suction coming.

The cyclone in his chest and the Jian Yuan in Dantian were still motionless, and Shao Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyebrows bulged, only feeling a huge pain in his head. A clear current flowed out of his head, and Shaoyu felt like his brain was flowing out.

It doesn't hurt or itchy, but there is a sense of fear of being pumped out of the body.

The light of the crystal tower became extremely dazzling, and Shaoyu felt as if he was floating in the whiteness. This was not an illusion. After the white light faded a bit, Shaoyu saw him and the people in the adventure group resume their actions, and shuttled through the underground ruins in the beam of light wrapped in white light.

As they shuttled, crystal towers lit up, and the beam of light connected all the crystal towers in the ruins.

Everyone didn't speak, and they looked left and right and didn't know what was going on. This state of being able to control oneself but as if in a dream made everyone very at a loss. The rest of his life and the energy consumption in the body were exhausted, so that everyone could only shuttle with the light.

After traveling through thousands of crystal towers, it seemed that he had already returned to the crystal tower in an instant. Looking up, the ground is already in light, and the rays of light from the crystal tower are connected together and become a big net.

Everyone wants to say something, but they don't know where to start. Shaoyu felt that there was something more in the spiritual world. He couldn't help touching his eyebrows, only to hear the shouts of everyone. Shaoyu was taken aback, he found that no one had spoken, so he touched his eyebrows again. He saw that Ailian kept saying thank you, and the girl said it was amazing, the leader...

So Shaoyu touched the center of his eyebrows, looked at them, and touched the center of his eyebrows again. No one spoke, but he could hear the sound as soon as he touched his eyebrows. At this time, everyone saw him doing this weird move, and followed him and touched his eyebrows.

Then everyone felt the same as if they were sick, touch the center of the eyebrows, look around, and then touch the center of the eyebrows again. When Shaoyu saw him, he felt that everyone was in the same situation.

Until Kniu said, this is Weiwang? A large range of spiritual links!

The Book of Era has a record on Weiwang...It only records events and people with significant influence.

Weiwang, no one has seen what Weiwang looks like.

In the second era, Weiwang is mysterious and powerful. It connects the mental powers of all the puzzlers. As long as they are in the Weinet, a child from the puzzlers can be called a mind-seaver. No matter how resistant you are, unless you have no thoughts, you will not be controlled.

After the Weinet was built, the Douxin tribe claimed to control the gods. Perhaps this was the reason for their extinction.

The above words are all what K Niu said in the Weinet, and now their spiritual power is also connected through the Weinet. Shaoyu feels that the top students who have attended the Magic Academy know more.

Everyone is happy to play. As we all know, mental power communicates through meaning and has nothing to do with language. In Weinet, Shaoyu became obviously talkative.

Like chatting online, Shaoyu also discovered how to be private and how to send delayed messages, just like sending emails. With him taking the lead, everyone has studied other functions of Weinet.

Ailian even discovered that if she was connected to the dimensional network, her magical power could be increased by two levels, almost reaching the master of magic. The curse of temper is even more powerful. After discussing it, everyone felt that it was because everyone's mental power was concentrated. K Niu murmured in the Weinet: If there are thousands of mentally powerful people in the Weinet, maybe they can really control the gods.

After playing enough, everyone thought of a question. Since the entire ruins are now in the Weinet, why haven't the mercenaries been found, are they really buried in the passage?

Everyone searched in groups, and under the unlimited distance communication of Weinet, they quickly found something valuable.

In the first crystal tower camp, Kny and Ailian, who did not search, even discovered the seal of Weiwang. It turns out that communication and concentration are only the first layer of the Weinet. It has more functions.

After the day’s search was over, everyone gathered together and concentrated their efforts on the first layer of seal, hoping to open the second layer.

According to K Niu's estimation, this seal is very strong. One person hits four scales every day, and only a genius has hoped to break it for ten years. As a result, with everyone's full strength, this seal is no different from the paper.

Before everyone condemned the **** Weinet, they only heard one voice.

Who was it that opened the Weinet before fate? Who was it, who activated the authority before fate, we escaped the betrayal of the gods, can we really not get the favor of fate? ...You, will have to pay the price!

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