Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 170: Ruins (soft mud)

Before everyone could react, they were wrapped in the light again, but this time they were descending rapidly.

They passed the crystal tower and got into the ground. It was amazing, the light passed through the soil and rock without leaving a channel.

Shaoyu looked at the display on his wrist, one thousand one hundred meters, one thousand two hundred meters...two kilometers...three kilometers. But they don't have any solution, there is a mental power in Weinet that is greater than their combined. Everyone can only work together to protect themselves from being controlled by this powerful mental power, and cannot stop it from pulling them down.

This is the rhythm to be buried alive. Shaoyu is also thinking of a way. He has asked Little S, and there is no good way for Little S. According to her words, this is not a level at all.

When it fell to 4,200 meters, the powerful mental power suddenly disappeared, the light stopped, and slowly rose upward...Then suddenly fell, stopped again, and rose upward. After repeated several times, everyone felt that there were two forces competing.

At this time, a female voice came: Let them get out of the package of the Spirit of Light, dig forward to the left, where there is a base, let them activate the Weinet in that area.

Everyone said excitedly: This is Xiaoyue's voice, but they can only listen to it now, and they can't deliver the news. It's like being muted. Without saying anything, the head digged to the left when he lifted the axe.

The leader flew the axe like flying, Kniu and temper packed the soil in the space equipment, and the others expanded and fixed the channel. Shaoyu hasn't found out which piece of jewellery for the girl is space equipment. She has more soil than her temper. After a while, he dug a 20-meter-long passage to reach an underground space, and sure enough, there are ruins here.

Shaoyu took the time to look at it. At this time, at sixty degrees, the Qi protector felt a little hot.

Everyone rushed to the ruins, Xiaoyue told them how to activate this piece of Weinet, and only after activation could she be contacted, which made everyone anxious.

While running, Shaoyu looked at it and found that the ruins here were all made of mud, and drops of water dripped from the top of his head, and the rock and soil layers were a little wet.

When approaching the ruins, a cloud of mud rushed over. Only then did Shao Yu remember that these mud should be called ooze monsters. Everyone maintained their formation very well and was not panicked after being attacked.

Zhende bowed and smashed the ooze monster that came with a punch, and then only listened to the sound of creeping around. Under the ray of light, I saw a layer of ooze monsters on the ground all around and on the broken buildings, but in the darkness, it seemed that countless ooze monsters had come to life.

The situation is a bit bad. Everyone hasn't recovered at all. Even if the power is absorbed by the magic medicine, the body and spirit will be exhausted. Besides, everyone doesn't really regard a pure crystal worth tens of thousands of gold coins as a daily necessities.

At this time, the head of the group said, first stabilize, exert his full strength, change 312, and move forward, Shaoyu, you make up for the upper right position of the girl.

Shaoyu didn't understand what the 312 change was, but he heard from the group leader that he asked him to fill the upper right position of the girl, so he stood on the right with the sword. As soon as he stood, he saw the colorful rays of light burst into the formation. The captain wore a dark red full-body plate armor. His short stature made him seem to be an iron bump. With the two horns on his hat, Shaoyu felt very happy.

Zhende's Lightning Messenger arm armor was also out of his hand, and as the light wandered, he also had a set of silver light armor on his body. There are two more exquisite short shots in Ailian's hand, each with a red sapphire at the front end of the short shot. There was a bright red cloak behind his temper, which made Shaoyu a little jealous. The general had an extra dark dagger that seemed to swallow light. He didn't walk outside the formation this time, but stood behind with Zhende.

After watching them, Shaoyu found that these ooze monsters awakened and did not rush to attack but surrounded them. He saw that many ooze monsters had changed, from earthy yellow to various colors, and this discovery made him feel a little stunned.

Ooze monsters... generally occur in swamps and places with rich earth elements. They are usually only the size of a palm, showing a khaki yellow color, which is almost harmless. Ooze monster is not called a beast, of course, it is not a beast. It is classified as an elemental life and theoretically life span is almost unlimited. So over time, the ooze monster will grow bigger and bigger, and as it grows, the accumulation of elements will cause it to mutate.

Ooze monsters are the easiest monsters to mutate. As long as it does not encounter accidents, as long as the elemental environment does not change, they will theoretically mutate 100%. The ooze monster that survives the mutation can accumulate another magic element to gain more abilities, and this mutation ability is random. So as long as an ooze monster is too big and shows another color, it can be called a ooze monster.

Shaoyu glanced at it. In all likelihood, the slime monsters here are larger than the size of the washbasin, and in all likelihood they carry a large number of other faces.******The mud monsters can only cast magic once a day. 'S spells are biased towards continuous range damage, but they do not need to be spelled, and the power of the spells is about mid-level. He could see hundreds of magic mud monsters in the ruins. There are also the magic mud monsters that have undergone two mutations and three mutations. In the distance, there are also colorful magic mud monsters the size of a house.

That was the king of mutant mud monsters. It was recorded in a book that Gu Shaoyu had read that the king of monster mud monsters only appeared in the first era. This kind of boss who is intelligent, knows how to actively absorb magic elements, and can command all mud monsters.

On the right side of Shaoyu's place, there was a big magic mud monster wriggling in a bathtub, almost entirely purple. He whispered to detect, and the purple ooze monster froze in his left eye, turning into a bunch of numbers and pouring down. Little S said that this is a highly poisonous monster mud monster that can cast poisonous spores and cause toxic infections within ten meters.

After Xiao S integrates the knowledge of adventurers, the detection becomes very useful. What a pity is the number of times. Counting this time, he can still use one probe today.

The mud monsters gathered more and more, but they didn't pounce, maybe they were waiting for the arrival of their king, but the adventure group did not move, Shaoyu was a little confused, shouldn't he charge? But he immediately understood when he saw Kyo taking out a bunch of scrolls and tearing it to Ailian.

Sunless Imperial... a small sun appeared above them, which dispelled the darkness and increased the abnormal resistance.

Purifying light... the body seems to be washed by water, which is continuously purifying toxins.

...After a while, seven or eight scrolls were torn apart, and Shaoyu felt a sense of invincibility as he looked at his full body. With a loud neigh of Lu Lu Lu's horse, he discovered that it was Kny who was invincible.

Shaoyu finally knew why she was a knight. K Niu is actually a dark death knight. He felt that he should have thought of it a long time ago, that death conversion is obviously a darker ability!

A war horse with four legs and red eyes appeared in their formation. It was a horse of dreams. This black dream demon, like the girl riding on it, is dressed in heavy black armor with a unique shape. There was a sword hanging from K Niu's waist, and a three-meter lance in her hand.

Before Shaoyu finished his observation, he only heard from the head of the group: Mr. K, go, open a channel for us.

It seems that the commander is still used to the name K long in battle.

Shaoyu only saw Kyo nod her head, mounted her spear and prepared to charge. She should be a suit. When Shaoyu saw Kyo pull the dream monster, her armor weapon flashed a gloomy light and the dream monster rose into the air, leaped over them, and rushed directly to the mud monster.

Then his temper rushed up with the space box, and of course the whole formation moved with this movement.

The change of temper was very correct before the formation. The mud monster was like a pile of mud lying flat on the ground. If Zhen was used as an arrow, I was afraid that he could only bend and hunch to hit the ground. As soon as the temper space box was pulled down, the ooze monster was shot to death, and the ooze monster rushed up. He only needed a solid space box to completely block it.

K Niu rushed in front and attracted a lot of firepower, and most of the magic mud monster's spells were thrown at her. But her speed was too fast, the brilliance of magic intertwined behind her, and the occasional spells were also offset by the many states blessed on her body. Shaoyu suspected that even without these blessings, she would be fine with her equipment.

K Niu didn't attack at all, she only rushed towards the dream monster, trampled on a piece of ooze monster, her target was obviously the king of the ooze monster.

Everyone followed her, there was no problem with his temper, and there was no problem with the left of the group leader. He was originally short in stature and could cut to the ground without bending over. Shaoyu felt that he was a little bit broken, but fortunately, the sword step was actually a bow and flutter change and ground attack. Zhende is on the left rear wing, and the general is on the right wing. The two of them are basically fine. As long as they make up for the leakage, the five of them have formed a five-pointed star formation and surrounded Ailian in the middle.

In this battle, K Niu and Ai Lian are the main forces. Ailian waved in two battles. Wherever there is a magic mud monster that casts magic, she will call its name in advance and let it return to the embrace of God in the second heaven of ice and fire.

Little Yu saw that K-girl was still running rampant after entering the ruins. The dreamer completely ignored the terrain and ran on the wall against the building completely ignoring gravity.

Soon, everyone rushed into the ruins.

In the ruins is the beginning of the real battle. This is the world of mud monsters, the territory where they don't know how long they have been living.

The head reminded Shaoyu several times, but he was also a little depressed and tried his best to cooperate...but there were always some mistakes. It wasn't too anxious to slash a magic mud monster, or it was out of the formation or not keeping up with the rhythm, and everyone had to take a slower beat to cooperate with him.

The battle went on for a long time, and it was not as fast as everyone thought. Because the king of the magic mud monster is indeed wise, and not low... he soon adapted to the attack of the adventure group and mobilized the mud monster...

The state of the scroll blessing is disappearing, and the temper has opened the sanctuary aura and enveloped everyone in it. The large-scale sanctuary aura can only reduce the damage they receive, and cannot offset any negative state. Ailian's magic power was consumed very quickly.

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