Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 172: Ruins (for collection)

When returning to the crystal tower, Ailian Zhuan was asleep in the sleeping bag, recovering from exhaustion after casting the spell. Zhen De leaned on the side and lit his head, his mouth was still drooling. I wonder what delicious food he dreamed of! The general fiddled with the fire and smeared himself with wound medicine, and his temper took things out of the space box, while the group leader and K girl had changed their clothes and were cleaning their armor.

On the way here, Xiao S told him that when they worked together to activate Weiwang, Shaoyu's spirit took the lead, and then she took this opportunity to crack the four-tier authority and get the information on Weiwang.

Speechless, I don't know what to say.

It seems that this is not a bad thing, it just woke up the mysterious man! As a result, they are now five kilometers underground. Xiao S actively confessed the role of authority. The first layer is to concentrate mental energy and communication, the second layer has the permission to connect to the network of cross-regions, and the third layer has the database of the network. Xiao S explained in detail that there are mental memories of the confused mind in the network. , The fourth layer of transmission authority, that is, the spiritual light, can be transmitted as long as it is covered by the Weinet.

Shao Yulian said, wait, the second layer is the cross-regional connection authority, which means there are countless bases of the puzzled people here? ! Xiao S said that according to Weinet's data, the deepest base of the Huoxin tribe is 10,000 meters at the bottom, and they have more than 40 ruins in the earth. Before he was shocked, Xiao S said that there are five levels of authority, and the fifth level can get complete control of the entire Weinet.

Shaoyu said that what's the use, Xiao S said, it can control all the people in the Weinet, get their mental power. He doesn't have much interest in controlling everyone and gaining mental power. Could it be that he controls the group leader and the others? Shaoyu thought for a moment: Do you mean that the mysterious person has no fifth-level authority?

Xiao S said that the group leader is the second-level authority, and the one called Xiaoyue should be the third-level authority, but she should not be able to check the mental memory, and you and the mysterious person are the fourth-level authority. Shaoyu said, wait, why the mysterious person doesn't have the fifth-level authority? Listening to his tone should be confusing the heart clan. Little S said, because he was just a caretaker and not a patriarch.

Shaoyu suddenly understood, meaning that they wanted to activate Weiwang quickly to obtain permission to avoid being controlled by the mysterious person.

After the rest, a fire was ignited, and everyone gathered together slowly, and Ailian was also woken up... Someone was putting medicine on each other... Everyone was talking about the battle just now around the fire. The commander said that if he hadn't fully recovered after being drained, he could beat the mud monster to death. As he said, the general pressed **** the joint of his neck armor (wound), the commander screamed, everyone laughing out loud. The atmosphere slowly became lively, and everyone shouted to celebrate, but the head of the group had no choice but to let the temper take out the wine. But the first person full of enthusiasm is the regiment leader.

Drinking and drinking Shaoyu was also a little excited, and activating Weiwang as soon as possible made him forget it. He asked K girl loudly what was going on with Anukis, and K girl said it was the Gun of God of War. He asked, artifact? K Niu said the artifact! Shaoyu touched her, and the two laughed. If you can't see the expression, you can know that the girl is joking, Shaoyu knows. I can only ask another chance!

After a meal, everyone went to rest. No one drank too much. It was fun and adventure was not a trifle. Everyone knew that. After resting an hourglass flipping, everyone gathered together again, ready to activate the Weinet in this area.

Activation is actually very easy. Just find the six main nodes and inject energy at the same time, Xiaoyue told them.

The mud monsters were gone, and I didn't know if they were in the water or dripping. Even the king of the magic mud disappeared completely. Soon everyone found six nodes to activate Weinet. As soon as the Weinet was activated, as soon as everyone stroked their eyebrows, they heard a rough voice saying: Fools, did you hear it, did you hear it... It's too slow, it seems that you can't do without me.

Before Shaoyu could react, the audience greeted Bo Ju very cordially. Some asked him if he had eaten too much, and some asked him why he hadn't died yet. After making a fuss for a while, Xiaoyue said that with this, they had activated the Weinets everywhere. Then she explained why we need to activate Weiwang... What should Shaoyu have a headache, he can't always say that this is what Xiao S said, and then she has to explain why there is a little S in his eyes, which is too troublesome, can't do it Well, finally, I have to explain the matter of crossing! Xiaoyue solved his problem with this one.

Everyone knew the seriousness of the problem as soon as they heard it. Xiaoyue said that now they have gone too far, and they have a large number of people, so they directly concentrate on going to an important place to activate, and some small Weinets will be handed over to them... She said yes. I pointed out the path for a while, digging down at a certain point in the ruins, there will be a fault, and that important net is under the fault... It’s far away, let everyone as soon as possible.

The group leader asked Xiaoyue why...they didn't wait for Shaoyu.

Xiaoyue said that they had encountered an emergency and followed a group of mercenaries...After they went out, they had a lot of trouble. Satsuki did not elaborate, preaching that they will converge in the third key dimension, and the focus is to solve the immediate problem first. Bao Ju then said: Don't be slower than the two of them, I really don't like the team leader.

Ai Lian and K Niu drew the map of Satsuki Finger, which was really a bit far away... Shaoyu was a little depressed, how did this adventure become digging.

...They have been digging for four days, and they haven't found any fault yet.

However, Shaoyu knew the raw material applied to the two sides. This is an alchemical gel. One bucket can reinforce a 100-meter channel. He feels like glue, it will become very strong when applied to the soil wall. However, this thing is only valid for ten days. After ten days, the water will melt and the fire will be soft. It can be kept for a long time without exposure to water or fire.

This is also a must-have item for adventure, even if you only dig a hole in the wild to sleep, this thing is also very useful.

The two of them were in a group, taking turns to dig, and Shaoyu was in a group with temper. Digging temper, Shaoyu used a ring to install earth and rocks. The head of the group was with the general, K Niu borrowed an earring for the general. Aileen and Kny are not idle, but the sisters are responsible for dispatching them. And Zhen became ill, and seemed to be uncomfortable... and he was too fat to move.

Why don't you use the light of spirit, although Shaoyu has the authority, he can't move his spirit! So I didn't say anything at all.

So on the sixth day, with a grumpy temper, Shaoyu untied the rope and tied it to his waist and shouted twice, pulling his temper upward. Suddenly, Shaoyu found that the soil was faintly white. They had also encountered this situation. There were many mines in the ground, but the road that Xiaoyue pointed to was definitely free of large tracts of minerals, otherwise they couldn't keep digging down.

Shaoyu pulled twice and found that there was a layer of white under the soil layer. He was wondering what it was. He used a shovel to start again, and he heard a gala. The white layer collapsed and he fell.

When he felt wrong, Shaoyu supported his hands and put his feet firmly in the passage. However, all his support points were within the range of the fracture, and the rope just pulled his temper upward.

Shaoyu sent a long string and fell down. After waiting for a minute, he felt a little bored and stopped shouting. After falling for another minute, he still couldn't see to the end, thinking about when he was a head.

He is not afraid of falling, the aura and the shadow of Belle can't die at all. After another minute, he only felt a rush of heat, at least on Baidu. As soon as Shaoyu got lucky, the heat on his body faded, but he was blown up again. After repeated several times, he withdrew his qi body. On Baidu, his steamed face and exposed skin turned red...Close his eyes and his body can stand it.

After finally falling for a few minutes, Shaoyu, who took out the crystal to block him, saw a blue water and a large green forest.

Shaoyu almost forgot to turn on Belle's Shadow. He wondered whether he would pass through the center of the earth and fall to the other side of the world? Is this back to the ground? Looking from the sky, the waters with huge waves glowing at no end are too much like the sea. After turning into black mist and falling into the shallow water on the shore, Shaoyu tasted it, it's salty! But it's hot.

How to play this time! Touch where your head is! There is an ecosystem, it's really not like underground. He looked at the sky and it was a little gloomy. He couldn't see the sun, but there was obviously a light source. After touching his head for a meeting, he remembered that there was a meter on his wrist. Looking at the meter, the pointers above were all turning randomly.

Shaoyu thought to himself, is this thing also affected by magnetic fields? Walk through this piece of sand and push forward to that piece of green. This green is not a jungle, it is made up of many huge shrubs, and it is very old, many of which have become fossil-like dead. Shaoyu had seen many bushes in the jungle, but the trees here were dozens of times taller.

As I walked, I only felt a chill on my face, and I heard a whistling sound at the same time. He crouched instinctively, and saw a spark flying over his head. It was really a flower formed by flames, and a spark appeared on the bush behind him. When he looked attentively, he saw a bush swaying with the wind not far away, and its body was covered with flowers. It was burning and flew over.......

Shaoyu directly cut off the roots of this spark bush with two single horns. Fortunately, the plants here are very moist, otherwise Bao would cause a fire. After climbing this slightly higher place, Shaoyu wiped the sweat on his head, and then he felt that it was still wrong. The temperature here is very high, why are these plants so wet?

Soon he knew the reason, because it was raining heavily.

There was some pain on the head when the raindrops hit. It was not that the raindrops were heavy, but the temperature of the raindrops was so high that he couldn't bear it. Shaoyu slammed his head and finally found a petrified bush, which he remembered as hollow.

After becoming huge, the space inside should be very large. After entering, it was really empty, and then he found a corpse. The corpse had been petrified, and the bushes were connected as a whole. Shaoyu carefully observed the corpse. It was sitting with its head hanging down, its limbs were short, and its head was very large. He thought it should be the corpse of the demon. Shaoyu could only see so much, he couldn't see what age and gender he had been dead for a long time, but he found that this heart-devil seemed to be holding something in his right hand. He took the sword to pry, and pryed the right hand of the Heart Demon. After too long, it turned into stone.

Hey, it looks tight, it must be very important. Shaoyu carefully cut open this palm with a sword, but it was a black round box. He took the sword and clicked it, and found that the thing couldn't be opened, it looked like a box without any gap. He was about to slash with a sword when Xiao S's voice came out suggesting him to scan.

Shaoyu felt that Xiao S's reminder was too correct. After scanning, this thing was Weishi. In her words, it was actually a small Weinet receiver, very sophisticated. He thinks this is too high-tech, really playing the Internet.

The method of starting is very simple. Fill it with energy and connect to a grid coordinate. Inject gas to replenish energy, connect to the small S to get it. After a while, the box glowed, and Xiao S said not to let go of her brow and wait for her to locate it. Shaoyu put the black round box on his forehead, and sat in the petrified bush watching the rain in all kinds of boredom.

The rain is coming and going fast, and it will be over after a while. Little S hasn't connected yet. But Shaoyu saw the luminous body in the sky, and he knew it was still underground. There was a beam of light shining down in the sky, and this huge beam of light fell below, with spots of light flying from time to time, which was extremely beautiful.

The beam of light in his left eye was emitted from the huge stone pillar hanging upside down, and Shaoyu walked towards the beam of light involuntarily, which was too spectacular. After he ran for a while, the little S prompted that the connection was complete, and he stopped.

It’s not realistic to run to the distance a little bit far away. It’s better to see where it is connected and what to do. Since Xiaoyue asked them to dig down, he didn't think he had been fooled.

Shaoyu returned to the petrochemical irrigation, he closed his eyes and entered the spiritual world. Another place in the spiritual world lights up, the black round box-like dimensional stone has changed into his spiritual world, floating in his spiritual world, like a slate is emitting light.

Once connected, Shaoyu knew Xiaoyue's voice. She said: You are right, I didn't lie to you.

Shaoyu was taken aback, only to hear Xiaoyue say again: This is a divine enlightenment. He wondered: Did God enlighten you to point out everything? Xiaoyue said: That’s not true. Although her divine art direction is prophecy, the divine enlightenment is directly communicated by the divine, and she is not actively using it. After hearing her, Shaoyu even murmured a little bit of instructing divine enlightenment. Too much too detailed.

Shaoyu said: Okay, did the divine enlightenment this time say that I will fall by myself, and then what do I do here? Xiaoyue said you know too much. It's a pity that Weiwang can't express affection, otherwise Shaoyu must sweat a lot. After sweating for a while, Shaoyu asked: Okay, what should I do.

Xiaoyue said: I don't know.

What... Shaoyu thought he had heard it wrong. Xiaoyue said: Shenqi said that you will fall down and find light.

Shaoyu was thoughtful, Xiaoyue continued: We can't contact for too long, or we will be tracked by the mysterious mind-seating demon. Shaoyu asked, can he meet everyone after finding the light, and how to get out? Xiaoyue said very cleverly, fate will arrange everything, and then cut off contact. He felt that the egg was broken, he quit the spiritual world, rubbed his face, and set out to trek in this underground world.

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