Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 173: Ruins (Altar)

There is no need to worry about water and food. Not only is the group leader assigned to him the supplies, he also has some stock in his own ring, and there is a lot of food here. Moving in the direction of the beam of light, except for the hot rain that would fall every hour or so, there was almost no obstacle. He really didn't expect that there would be such a world underground.

At first he was hiding, but then he ran in the rain and looked at the creatures and plants in the ground. Shaoyu couldn't help but sigh the magic of the world. Except for a few offensive plants, most of them were peaceful. He was sitting on the backs of a group of mammoth-like creatures with two huge tusks and covered in hairs, and rode them forward for a while.

There is no dark night here, only when it rains the time pillar will be blocked. When he was tired, Shaoyu found a place to meditate, entered the spiritual world and practiced sword control and sword control with the sword spirit.

Two days later, Shaoyu reached the beam of light, standing in the beam of light falling from the sky as if bathed in light. But he encountered a problem, how to get up... The stone pillar was more than a hundred meters above the ground.

This piece has been free of interference, and the instrument has taken effect. Now it is more than 6,400 meters underground, and Shaoyu finally learned to look at the temperature. The main reason is that the temperature indicator has changed too much to let him understand that at a normal temperature of 69 degrees, the temperature will increase to close to one when it rains. Baidu.

Shaoyu felt that he was good and strong, otherwise he would be cooked by the rain.

Going further, that piece of land is full of rocks, and the terrain has become higher, only sixty meters from the top, but he can't fly, there is still no way! Shaoyu thought about it for a day, and wondered if he had to wait for him to develop the flying sword technique? Unfortunately there are no birds here! Thinking of birds, he finally thought of an unreliable way. Shaoyu walked back for a long time, teasing a very good-tempered monster that he had seen on the road, and then he ran away with all his strength.

This monster is very much like a lizard with a total length of more than ten meters, but it is jumping forward.

Shaoyu led it to the high ground, trying to step on it and jump up again when it jumped up. The idea is beautiful, and the implementation is also very successful, but when he jumped up, the monster entangled his feet with his tongue.

His expression of excitement hadn't changed, he thought, if you fall into the trivial matter, you have to start the blame again.

Shaoyu, who was pulled back, found that they did not fall straight. The lizard stretched out its limbs, and there was a membrane on its short feet, and they were gliding. Shaoyu laughed and went into a state of slowing down around him. When the lizard pulled him to his mouth, he turned over and cut off its tongue, connected points under his feet, stepped on its eyes and jumped up. This gliding just made him Sent not far from the hanging stone pillar.

When he jumped to the highest point, the form of the sword element had also been transformed. As soon as the swordsmanship came out, two unicorns were inserted into the stone pillar in two circles, and Shaoyu pulled two ropes and hung in the light pillar. As he climbed the stone pillar, Shaoyu thought, if there is something in the shining stone, and the light disappears after he takes it away, what will happen to the ecology here.

This thought only passed in a flash, and he thought, if it was true, it was fate.

After climbing up, Shaoyu touched the stone pillar and found that the stone pillar was soft. He looked at the place where the unicorn was inserted again, and there was still red blood flowing down, like blood. Shaoyu Dangji stabbed it with a sword, dipped it with his finger, and tasted it.

Sweet, he spit out after a taste. Shaoyu just felt like that, his mouth was burning like fire, and there was a blister on his finger. You must know that he is now directly showered by the rain near Baidu, and his skin is just red! To feel like a fire, well, he doesn't know how much, unless it is magic.

So Shaoyu yelled to scan, Xiao S said, Wannian pine milk stone, there is a radioactive source in it, it is recommended that the host collect materials to collect pine, and be careful of the radioactive source.

If it's not that both hands are not available, Shaoyu must be scratching his head again, what is the source of radiation! Little S, can you translate the words into something I can understand, Shaoyu exclaimed.

Xiao S said that she had tried her best to convert into words that the host could understand, Shaoyu Danshi, well, she didn't learn well, she didn't understand at all. He helplessly asked Xiao S, where is the radioactive source, is there any harm to me. Little S said that in these ten thousand years of pine milk stone, whether it is harmful to the host or not has to be taken out to know. After she finished speaking, she waited for a while and said that the location of the radioactive source had been marked for the host in the angle of sight.

mark? Shaoyu saw that there was nothing in his sight, and then he reacted and opened his left eye again. There was a red light in the center of the stone pillar in the left eye.

Shaoyu climbed and climbed. After climbing to the position, he couldn't pierce the ten thousand-year-old pine milk stone under a sword. After entering a small point of the sword, he couldn't push it at all. It was as hard as steel, and the sky was a long sword. When it came out, the tip of the sword was red with signs of melting. Shaoyu simply summoned the Divine Sword, but the Divine Sword was completely fine, but it couldn't penetrate.

Shao Yu happened to be in the form of the sword yuan, and the life and death sword yuan spit out the sword light, and finally moved but slowly, the sword yuan was being quickly consumed.

He tied himself to the stone pillar with a rope, and thought to himself, is there no way to get the things out? Is it necessary to let him eat and drink on it for N days, and use the sword to polish it bit by bit? The dazed Shaoyu suddenly found a problem. The sky sword hit the stone pillar and made a sound of steel collision, but it was soft when it was pinched with his hand. So he used the fingers of his left hand to drill and drill, and even one finger got in.

There was a surprise first, and then a long scream. The pain in the fingers was so painful that flames ignited on the whole index finger after pulling it out. He tried blowing with his mouth, spraying with saliva, and covering with his clothes, but to no avail, the flame neither extinguished nor burned anything else. He smashed the long sword with his hand, and after a long period of pain relieved the pain, the flame went out. When Shaoyu looked at his fingers, it was as if the flesh and blood had been burned dry, like bones with only layers of skin. He thought to himself, it was over, there was no consciousness, and he was about to make nine fingers again, and then he changed his mind again, but fortunately, he didn't use his right hand, otherwise how to use the sword. In his wild thoughts, he only felt that his index finger swelled for a while. He looked at it again, and as the blood poured into the index finger again, the index finger returned to its original state as if it was blowing.

Shaoyu moved, his index finger completely recovered and he was relieved, but when he heard a pop, his index finger changed to ninety degrees. The second joint reverses and bends to the back of the palm ninety degrees. He was taken aback again, and even broke with his right hand, only to see that the index finger of his left hand returned to its original state automatically.

Now you understand that the index finger can bend not only to the palm of the hand, but also to the back of the palm.

Is this the effect of Wannian Song**? Shaoyu's mind moved again, concentrated, and adjusted his energy to his fingertips, and a spark emerged from his fingertips. He danced for a while and almost took off the rope. In his excitement, he thought to himself, this stuff has to be collected in large quantities to transform the whole body.

Wait, he suddenly thought of bending his calves forward and turning his whole body joints arbitrarily... This made him feel like a chill, isn't that a monster in a horror movie! ! !

However, he didn't stop, took out a box with his left hand, grabbed a piece of Wannian Song Lactite and threw it in, then took out the potion bottle he had drunk a long time ago and filled it with Wannian Song.

Collect more points, give them to the group leader, and Shaoyu finds everything that can be carried on his body and collects it. However, he didn't bring many things like boxes and bottles. There are still some potions in the supplies that he asked him to carry, but he can't just dump them all out.

It was already hot and raining beneath him, and the clouds quickly condensed under the stone pillars.

After putting several ten thousand year old pine milk stones into the ring, Shaoyu stretched out his left hand and plunged into the dug hole.

In one second and two seconds, his left hand is getting hotter and hotter. He thought it would be no harm anyway. First, take out the thing and drill hard. The whole hand slowly began to feel pain. Shaoyu gritted his teeth and endured it. Then he felt a sharp hair. Something hard. He pulled it, motionless, and Shaoyu opened his palm to explore. This is something that a palm can hold, like a ball. He can't help the pain, it feels like there are thousands of needles in it. It's like piercing your fingers. He squeezed hard, screamed and yanked his arm, and the thing was pulled out at once.

Shaoyu squeezed his fist and kicked frantically. It was too painful, too painful, he yelled, and he didn't have time to look at the palm of his hand. After beating for a while, he only felt a shock all over and his head hurt. Shaoyu didn't feel right, so he reluctantly stopped to take a look, only to see a large amount of rubble falling off his head, and a large number of cracks on the stone pillar.

Then he just felt lighter and fell. In the pain, he didn't open the shadow of Belle at all, and hugged the stone pillar heavily to the ground. With a mouthful of blood, the pain gave him a sense of comfort.

Shaoyu couldn't die. Shaoyu was just taking pain to relieve the pain. He adjusted his body shape to let the stone pillar fall to the ground first, and he flicked a few rounds on the soft pillar and quickly stood up. Shaoyu vomited blood. In the hot rain, he held up his left hand and yelled to the sky. His left hand was spraying flames into the sky. A small circular stone platform was floating in the flame, emitting a huge light, just like Shaoyu holding one. Like the sun.

Then Shaoyu fainted, the light emitted by the orb also disappeared, and the underground world plunged into darkness. I don't know how long it took, when Shaoyu woke up, and before the pain subsided completely, he heard a sound. A stuttering female voice, she said: fish, fish, fish.

Shaoyu was stunned for ten seconds, and the sound came from the floating round small stone platform. The left hand was really like a bone, and the hot rain stopped. Shaoyu was waiting for his left hand to recover. He subconsciously asked what fish.

The female voice said: Sacrifice Sacrifice~Pin.

Shaoyu was at a loss, what sacrifice? what are you!

The female voice seemed to be a little angry and said: I, I, I, I, I am the **** of luck, every mortal, hurry up and offer your sacrifice.

Shaoyu feels like he has laughed out loud, is God like this? He didn't believe it was just a broken stone platform. So he grabbed the small round stone platform and said loudly: Eat your egg, and want to fool me? He felt that this must be a dimension stone, otherwise it was a communicator or something.

The female voice was very angry, she said, let it go~ let me go. But no matter how angry she stammered, it turned into funny. Shaoyu wanted to put her first in the ring, but didn't want to get it in.

Then he discovered that the ten thousand year pine milk stone that had fallen on the ground had actually rotted and turned into dust.

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