Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 174: Ruins (seeking tickets)

Shaoyu felt that the sister paper who claimed to be the **** of luck should be an unfortunate god. She kept stammering something, and he was struggling to listen, and he didn't have time to listen.

Because that big lizard actually took his family to chase Shaoyu desperately.

Just when Shaoyu almost threw them away behind a pile of rocks, the rocks actually moved, and the rocks turned into a thick rock monster 15 to 6 meters high, and also chased him up. The reason was that Shaoyu felt that the sound was noisy and pressed the stone platform into the rock.

She also threatened Shaoyu with a stuttering voice and told him to let her go. Shaoyu ran and said, "You are not a god, why should I let you go?" By the way, are you really here? Super small?

The female voice couldn't say anything directly, and she repeated a word for a long time.

Shaoyu ran for a while and found that he couldn't get rid of them even with his full power. Then he turned the lizard back and jumped on the rock monster, and the rock monster hit a lizard with a punch. Then chaos began, and Shaoyu took the opportunity to run away.

After a pause, it started to wind up again. Shaoyu found a cave, which was a natural cave. After he got in, he carefully observed what was in his hand. It feels like a sculpture, with some palaces and statues carved on a circular base.

But he feels that his level is terrible, just like a sculptural sculpt, not delicate at all.

At this time, the female voice said that it would be blasphemy if it didn't let go. Shaoyu was in pain. He took out his horn and dug it twice, and a small statue-like thing was dug out. Shao Yu was taken aback, this thing should be very special in Wannian pine milk stone. To be honest, when she started saying that she was a god, Shaoyu almost believed it, but he secretly told Xiao S to scan, and Xiao S said that the radioactive source had disappeared.

This is a living body in a stone, how could this be a god.

Thinking of Wannian pine milk stone, Shaoyu felt heartache. He said it was ruined, he didn't even collect a tenth. Know early, who would release such a thing.

The female voice was angry, she called a divine punishment, this time she didn't stammer.

Shaoyu just wanted to laugh, only to feel that she was passing by a chill, and she couldn't help shivering. He knew it was wrong, and after looking at his whole body, he found out that there was nothing missing in the attributes, but when he saw the talent, he unexpectedly found that he was less lucky.

The female voice said very proudly: Still still~ Don't let me go, and then I will give you one more punishment.

Shaoyu said solemnly: Did you release this after releasing it?

The female voice said: Look ~ mood.

Shaoyu flicked his right arm in the direction of the cave entrance and said: If you disarm this magic, I will let you go, otherwise, don't think about it!

The female voice was silent for a while and said, okay.

Shaoyu Yiyan released his left hand, and the circular platform floated up and flew outward. Seeing that she was about to fly out of the hole, Shaoyu yelled for me to get rid of it.

The round platform paused, and the female voice said, dumb dumb, dumb, dumb, divine punishment has been hit, it's not impossible to understand. While talking, she flew out quickly.

Shaoyu just moved his fingers, and the horn he threw at the entrance of the hole with his arm flew up and shot down the circular platform. Then he strode over and grabbed it in his hand.

The female voice did not speak, and Shaoyu did not speak, he knew exactly how important luck is. He directly entered the spiritual world and asked about the sword spirit. Shaoyu asked if the sword spirit's luck was lost, how could he make up for it? The sword spirit groaned and said, are you saying that your luck has been cut? Shaoyu nodded, and Jian Ling said: Then only if you kill the people who hurt your luck, your luck will come back naturally. Shaoyu understood and was about to withdraw from the spiritual world, but Xiao S said that the host could pull the **** of luck into the spiritual world.

When Shaoyu heard it, he really was the **** of luck? Little S said the probability is more than 60%. He was really stunned at this time, and Shaoyu suddenly thought that Kniu had said that the Huoxin tribe controlled a **** after the Weinet was built. He asked Xiao S Scan how to say it is a living body, and Xiao S said that God is also a living body. Said that as long as there is no 100% chance, there may be wrong information, and she will not use it to mislead the host. Shaoyu was speechless, saying that he would also tell me about the analysis in the future. Sixty percent is very high, okay! Sword Spirit said to the side: Is a **** cut your luck? That would be a little troublesome. Shao Yulian asked what the situation was. Sword Spirit said that every **** possesses great fortune, and becoming a **** has become a part of this world, and it is difficult for them to be killed.

Shaoyu was stunned when she heard that, Sword Spirit finally said, pull her into the spiritual world, and first determine if she is a god. Then Shaoyu came out of the spiritual world. He only heard the stuttering female voice threatening him. Shaoyu didn't say much, and directly pressed the circular platform into the center of his forehead.

There was a suction in the center of his eyebrows, and Shaoyu thought it was to **** in the stuttering female voice in the circle, but the circle platform was sucked in when he knew his hands were empty.

Shaoyu then entered the spiritual world, and then he saw that he was in a very brilliant and exquisite building. A pure golden hair with full feet, green eyes, a gorgeous gauze robe holding a scepter, a beautiful girl standing in it, gritted her teeth and said: Welcome to my kingdom of God, you blasphemer.

He was sure that this was the **** of luck, but he was a little wronged, how blasphemy.

The real blasphemy is only beginning now, when Shaoyu stretched out his hand, this girl flew into his arms...

He dared to be arrogant in his spiritual world, except for the sword spirit sword classics, he was the god. Shaoyu hugged the sister's paper firmly, and just squeezed it, and actually let her break free, and waved at him.

Shaoyu laughed, his figure flew back, and he escaped from the palace in an instant.

The girl's golden hair danced wildly, her expression was cold. At the same time, the palace and statues shone with golden light. A golden armor was formed on her body, and the scepter became a big sword.

Jian Ling said to Shaoyu that she was sure she was a god. Shaoyu said: I didn't expect that there would be another battle? He condensed a few swords and was about to rush up. Shaoyu was a little excited, and could play Feijian as much as possible in the spiritual world. Sword Spirit suddenly flew over to block him. Shaoyu almost slammed his head on the back of Jian Ling. He only heard Jian Ling say, optimistic, this is the fourth most powerful sword of Yu Jianshu.

Shaoyu thought that Sword Spirit would really look for opportunities to learn from the enemy.

Sword Spirit once again said to him that Yu Jianshu took the path of breaking ten thousand magic with one sword. Although this trick was called ten thousand swords, it was still a sword. As he said, he pointed his hand, and the long sword condensed by the sword spirit flew up behind him with the tip of the sword facing upward. He went on to say that this does not require the ability of the imperial ambassador, no need to form a formation to change it, just smash it down and break it with force.

Seeing that the long sword flew to the highest point, it seemed that it was finally unable to get rid of the heart of the earth, the sword body turned over, and the sword tip fell straight down. As it fell, the sword body flashed, and an identical long sword appeared on one side, and then more and more long swords fell into the palace of the **** of luck like heavy rain. The God of Luck waved a big sword to block the sword rain, but her palace was smashed in rage.

Shaoyu thought to understand that even if a soybean fell from the fifth floor and hit a person's temple, it could kill a person, not to mention these sharp swords. All he needs to do is to guide the divine sword into the sky with the sword, and imaginary a group of swords.

After he thought about it, he tried it for himself. He flew up with the long sword, but it was not half as high as the sword spirit, and then he reluctantly turned out five long swords and fell. In the end, she was completely blocked by the God of Fortune with the sword. She looked at the sword spirit solemnly, but cast Shaoyu contemptuously.

Shaoyu was a little mad, but Jian Ling nodded. He said it was good, you have mastered the basics. You know that many Yujianmen disciples in those days took more than a month to illusion a long sword, and it still smashed it down with the hilt.

When he heard this, his face remained silent, and he shouted in his heart that I was a genius.

The **** of luck flew out, as if destroying the palace was hurting her. Many small holes appeared in her golden armor. Shaoyu floated forward, he secretly wanted me to educate this girl.

Unexpectedly, Jian Ling stood in front of him again. Sword Spirit said, you have to explore the Fifth Heavenly Sword Flying Technique yourself, optimistic, this is the sixth Heavenly Sword. After talking about the sword spirit's clothes, there was no wind and automatically, a monstrous aura pushed Shao Yu away far.

He saw the sword spirit holding the sword in both hands and moving under his feet, as if the human sword had been stabbing the **** of luck. Shaoyu was wondering when he saw the sword spirit and the long sword flying, suddenly turning into a giant sword. He felt for a moment, this was not an illusion, but the sword spirit really turned into a giant sword, the giant sword hit the **** of luck, and her body was broken and her body was thrown away. Then the sword spirit went straight through the palace complex, dividing the circular building into two.

Shaoyu opened his mouth wide and watched this scene. After a while, Sword Spirit flew back and said, Heavenly Sword is the unity of Sword and Sword, and it contains Dharma.

After a while of contemplation, he remembered that the lucky **** was still in his spiritual world.

Almost forgetting the business, Shaoyu flew to the **** of luck. The **** of luck seemed to faint, floating quietly in the spiritual world. When she flew closer, she saw that her skin was like snow under her broken armor, her figure was absolutely perfect proportions, and her face was a standard beauty with incomparable holiness, but she was too perfect but not like a real person.

Seeing her holy face, Shaoyu wanted to pinch it again. As he stretched out his hand, he opened his eyes when he saw the lucky god's eyes move. Although she could not move her body, she stared at Shaoyu with a sense of majesty. Shaoyu wasn't scared, so he stretched out his hand and squeezed this girl's face and hooked her chin.

After doing this, he flew back a few meters, but saw a golden mist on the **** of luck, and with a bang, he turned into a little girl in a skirt, and started to cry.

Shaoyu was dumbfounded. At this time, Jian Ling came to one side and said, this is her true body. She has little power left and can't keep her body.

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