Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 175: Ruins (fusion)

He only felt that a wave of spiritual fluctuations had passed over. Shaoyu was saying that this girl just didn't stammer. It turned out that she was communicating with spirit. He only listened to her repeatedly saying that you are bad guys, all bad guys. Those villains lied to her to have fish to eat, and when she came down to eat fish, she was locked up. After finally coming out, he was locked up by the worse one. I really want to eat fish.

Shaoyu almost took a bite of blood. What's this all about? God is like this? Jian Ling said, this should be an innate god. Shaoyu looked at the sword spirit in confusion, what innate god?

Sword Spirit explained that when the heavens and the earth first opened, there were some extremely powerful things that were born, and they called them innate gods. These innate gods contain the energy of good fortune, the rules of heaven and earth. They are incredibly powerful, but their wisdom is not fully developed, but they have formed a **** position instinctively. Most of these innate gods would fall, and only a few became the main gods.

Shaoyu was stunned when he heard that, he said that your world is not a fairy, why do you know so much about God.

Jian Ling sighed, when a world develops to the extreme, it will always collide with other worlds. He has fought with the gods of the world of gods, and he is considered to know them.

Suddenly, Shaoyu asked: What should I do now?

Jian Ling said: swallow her. As soon as the sword spirit's voice fell, the little girl that the **** of luck became crying louder... she seemed to hear it!

Shaoyu was a little annoyed and shouted: Shut up, or I will eat you right away. He saw the little girl squatting on the ground, holding her hands, her hands clenched into fists and hanging on her chest. This action was like a pet. She sucked her nose and covered her mouth, trying to keep herself from crying, she looked a little cute .

Shaoyu had a **** face, threw this cute thought out of his head, and asked Jian Ling what it meant to swallow it.

Sword Spirit said, you can eat her weak divine body. This will restore your luck and get her...

Wait... Shaoyu interrupted the sword spirit and asked: You mean eating the corpse and lifting the soul stone? The sword spirit said yes, it was an incomplete swallowing ability. He also asked Shaoyu to perfect this ability if possible. After the sword spirit said that it was perfected, if used properly, it would be faster than his killing method. The ability to improve strength against the sky.

Shaoyu rejected him directly. Sword Spirit is a little puzzled, isn't your goal to improve your strength? To achieve this goal, we must use all means. After listening, Shaoyu meditated and said to him, improving strength is not unscrupulous, I have my persistence. In fact, he is a little confused, is he abnormal, or the sword spirit and Xiao S are abnormal, why do they persuade him to eat people. He thought, he must be too normal to accept this...

Shaoyu flew to the God of Luck while thinking, he said viciously: You quickly restore my luck, don't say that I can't restore it, or I will eat you immediately. The little girl was frightened by him, then turned her head up and cried loudly. While crying, she said that the divine punishment was directly reduced and there was no way to recover. As soon as Shaoyu listened, he threw himself as he wanted, he opened his mouth and made a bite.

The little girl wanted to run. With a wave of the sword spirit, the long sword turned into a rope and bound to her. Shaoyu's mouth got closer and closer, the little girl cried and shouted as she moved backwards: Don't eat me, don't eat me, woo...I don't want to eat fish anymore, I will give you the kingdom of God.

Seeing her crying desolately, Shaoyu felt a little unbearable, so he put away his joking expression and said: Do you say give me the kingdom of God? What's the use? ...Don't cry, if you explain its usefulness, then you won't eat you.

The little girl glanced at Shaoyu, saw that he was not joking, sobbed and explained to Shaoyu. Sword Spirit shook his head and said that Shaoyu's heart still needs to be practiced...

The little girl said that the kingdom of God was created by countless sacrifices. It took her thousands of years to build this kingdom of God. Although she was trapped for a long time and did not receive the sacrifices and the nourishment of divine power, if The fusion of the kingdom of God can become a **** body, and can also get magic skills. If it is divided into weapons, it can be turned into many artifacts. Speaking of many, many, she stretched out her hands and drew a big circle... Then she looked at him and said, this time you can stop eating me.

Shaoyu moved his mind and thought it was okay. A little luck changed a divine body and divine art, or a few divine tools, it seemed that he had earned it. He was just about to nod, but Jian Ling said, don't be fooled by her.

Shaoyu asked: What is the situation, is it because the integration of the kingdom of God can't get these? Sword Spirit said that he could get these, but this is her kingdom of God, and you will be controlled by her. After Shaoyu listened, seeing the little girl buried her head, she didn't dare to look at them, but she kept peeking at them with her corners, like a kid who secretly did something bad and was discovered.

It's safer to eat her, as this might not be without divine body and magic, Sword Spirit said. At the sound of eating, the little girl burst into tears again. Shaoyu was also a little angry, yelling to shut up, and then asked if there was no other way?

At this time, Xiao S came out, saying that she could integrate her kingdom into the spiritual world and use her to complement the structure here. Although Shaoyu didn't understand, when he saw Xiao S appeared, the little girl was uneasy. After saying this, Xiao S suggested that the little girl struggle desperately and stop pretending to cry.

Shaoyu nodded and said: Okay, just do it.

The little girl yelled that I was going to explode. The sword spirit turned a few long swords into her body, and the little girl lay on the ground softly and couldn't move. Xiao S asked for the help of Jian Ling and also let Shaoyu leave the spiritual world. Shaoyu asked what would happen to her after the fusion, and he pointed to the little girl. Little S said that fusion is not swallowing, and the autonomous consciousness of the **** of luck can still be retained.

When Shaoyu heard this, he withdrew from the spiritual world. After he quit, he realized that Xiao S did not say that she would not be harmed. After thinking for a while, secretly said that he is really softhearted? Shaoyu felt that her heart had always been hard.

It takes seven days to merge, and for these seven days, Little S's ability is not used, and even the spiritual world cannot enter. He wandered boringly in the underground world, looking for a way out.

While wandering in the dark underground world, he thought of a question, if the **** of luck has been trapped here, how can there be an altar of the **** of luck on the ground. The altar of the **** of luck is rare, but it has always appeared and recorded. Of course, this is also a matter of pure pain and boredom.

Three days later, he discovered that the ecology here was indeed destroyed, a large number of plants began to wither, and the hot rain became abnormal, and it was no longer falling on time and in quantity.

After five days, some animals died. Shaoyu was a little uneasy, but he thought that one day, this light source would disappear, or another person would take it away, or the **** of luck would get out of trouble by himself. But at this time, the damage caused by him made Shaoyu a little uncomfortable.

And the left hand made him very depressed.

The left hand Qi wrist seems to have become another system, no matter if it is luck or running the sword element, it will be transformed into flame in the left hand. At first he felt very hanging, flame palm. But later he discovered that the flame was not only burning his energy, but also burning his flesh and blood. And this fire can not ignite anything except lighting.

Shaoyu only felt that his face was broken, what kind of fire is this! Fortunately, he used his left hand to build the gas shield and gas bombs, and now all have become fire shields and fire bombs. Fortunately, the fire shield can block it, but the fire bomb has completely turned into a flares and will not explode at all. He doesn't use lighting, and he is now burning flesh and blood. If he uses too much, God knows whether his left hand will not be able to recover and eventually become a bone claw.

The attribute increased, the strength in the cell increased by three points to 68, and the regeneration increased by five points to 20.

Shaoyu didn't dare to use Ten Thousand Years Loose Milk at all, completely outweighing the gain.

Seven days later, I walked in the rocky area, and I couldn't see the plants or animals. After finding a stone cave, he practiced his skills, took out the magic hourglass and started staying in a daze, waiting for the fusion to complete.

After a while, the small S prompts that the fusion is complete.

I couldn't wait to enter the spiritual world. After I entered, I saw the little girl transformed into the **** of luck greeted me and said: I knew this was your spiritual world, so I merged with you directly.

Shaoyu is very inexplicable. She explained that after being imprisoned for so long, her divinity has withered and can hardly be recovered. If she uses his spiritual world, she can slowly accumulate. Shaoyu finished listening, so now are we cooperating?

The **** of luck shook her head. She said that the gods had disappeared, and she would not disappear if she merged with him.

Shaoyu said okay, then you are not called the master!

The little girl called the master very well-behaved! Originally, Shaoyu was just joking, but she didn't expect that she would really bark. He waved his hand and said: What is your name? The little girl said: Her name is Lily. Shaoyu glared at the little girl and said: This joke is not funny. Then he asked little S: How did she know Lily? On the side, Xiao S said clearly: She told the lucky **** about some things about the host, so that the lucky **** can serve the host well.

Shaoyu nodded and said: I will need to agree to these things in the future. Little S said he knew it. Then he said to the little girl: I will call you a kitten from now on.

The little girl said that although she did not have a name, why did she call it a kitten. Seeing her squatting again, Shaoyu put her two fists on her chest, and wiped her face with the back of her hands from time to time... He felt that there was no need to explain. After thinking about it, he said: Kitty, tell me about your situation. The kitten asked with a bewildered face: the situation? Shaoyu said: For example, the origin and how was it locked up?

Seeing that she was reminiscing, Shaoyu asked Xiao S, what has changed after the fusion?

Little S said that the construction of the spiritual world was 64.72%, and the reconstruction of the simulation room was completed. When Shaoyu heard it, the level of spiritual world construction had risen by about 20 points, and there was an additional simulation room.

Let the kitten think about it, he wants to look at this simulation room first.

Little S took him to fly in the spiritual world, and the kitten followed. From afar, there is a large circular platform floating in the depths of the spiritual world... it emits a faint fluorescent light. Little S said that the simulation room was transformed from the kingdom of the **** of luck. They landed on the platform, and Shaoyu found that the former palace statues had disappeared, as if they were all flattened and turned into this huge platform. And in the upper left corner of this platform, there is a place like a ring.

Xiao S said that the simulation room function is to replicate a target so that the host can practice with it. When Shaoyu heard this, he said to Xiao S: Do you mean, can I copy a person from outside? Then use it to fight or practice? Little S is wrong, it is a real enemy of data simulation, which can adjust the strength and realism. The former has certain requirements for spiritual power, while the latter needs to use divine power to shape, and every time it is turned on, it must consume divine nature!

Shaoyu was not excited at all, he knew when he heard that the more magical the thing, the less useful it was. After listening to the secret path, it is true, that's it... If he can copy anything if he sees it, then who else can't beat it. He said that the kingdom of God has become such a thing? Little S said a long story. She meant that it was all luck to build a simulation room. Originally, there were buildings with countless functions in the spiritual world, but her function in this aspect was completely damaged. An accident. Finally, Xiao S said that because of the integration of the **** of luck, his luck increased by two points.

Shaoyu felt that it was almost the same. He looked at the attributes and found that there was another supernatural power in the basic attributes, which was now 0. The luck of the talented human race has become 4 points. After reading it, he asked how this divine power increased. Little S said that he can only wait for the kittens to accumulate slowly, and it is expected that the time for a little increase is one year. When Shaoyu saw that it was ten o'clock to start the simulation room, he was extremely speechless. But Xiao S said that she only calculated according to the kitten's current accumulation rate, and this time can be greatly shortened.

Shaoyu didn't have any hope. He withdrew from the spiritual world and took a look. To copy the little fish he caught, he needed 5 mental power. If you copy an individual, God knows how much mental power it takes. After returning to the spiritual world, he asked the kitten, do you want to eat fish?

The kitten nodded desperately, drooling. Shaoyu asked: How do you eat? This fish can't be brought into the spiritual world... Before he finished speaking, he saw the kitten jump out of the spiritual world. He also followed out of the spiritual world and saw the kitten squatting on the ground, holding the fish in both hands and eating.

The fish was caught when he was passing by a river. The temperature of the river was very high. The fish was also very cruel and had a mouth full of fangs. But Shaoyu stood by the river and used his sword concentratingly, piercing one by one. The meat was delicious. After eating one piece, Shaoyu thought of the kitten, so he kept two pieces.

As the kitten eats, there is a pleasant mental fluctuation, which means that the owner is really kind.

Mental fluctuations cannot be faked, Shaoyu nodded with some relief, and then asked Xiao S what was the situation.

Little S said he didn't understand, and Shaoyu said: How can this little cat be out of the spiritual world? Isn't it fused? Xiao S explained it for a long time before Shaoyu understood it. Comparing the kitten to a plant, it integrates her kingdom of God, as if she has planted her roots in the spiritual world. Xiao S also said that as long as she recovers, the host will have an extra helper. Even if the kitten is destroyed outside, as long as Shaoyu does not die, she can be reborn in the spiritual world.

After hearing this, Shaoyu asked: What about you, can you come out too?

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