Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 176: Relics (spiritual)

Little S said: She is different from a kitten. If it were under normal circumstances, she would return after completing the mission, but now she has become a part of the host's body. Seeing that Shaoyu was thoughtful but didn't reply, Xiao S said: Strictly speaking, she has always been outside, and the host's left eye is her.

After listening, he involuntarily touched his left eye. At this time, the kitten also finished eating the fish. She touched all fours and jumped to the side of Shaoyu's leg, then rubbed his calf with her body.

Shaoyu was a little speechless, and said it was not a cat! He found a rock and sat down and said to the kitten: Tell me your story. The kitten stammered, and Shaoyu stopped, and communicated with spirit.

The kitten’s story is very short and simple, she said she has been in an egg since she was born. The egg is so hard that she won't go out. A long, long time passed, when she was about to die, a small hole was opened in the egg, and someone threw a fish in. The man still talked to her for a long time, and she only heard the voice saying that she had found a strange kitten, which was actually an egg, and then she passed over in confusion, in a blur... She only felt warm.

After a long time, she broke through the small hole little by little, and was free but could not find the person. Then she tried to improve her strength while searching, because the stronger the strength, the more places she could feel.

At that time, the strength improved extremely, and there was energy everywhere.

Until her power could sense most of the world, a voice said to her that she was too powerful to stay in this place, become a **** or be destroyed, so she was named the **** of luck.

After having the position of God, she had to leave this world. At this time, the world was full of creatures, and she had learned about cats for countless years.

If you have a god, you have an altar as a connection to the world. She first built a nest for herself with sacrifices...the kingdom of God, and then only accepted fish sacrifices, hoping that one day she could still eat the kind of fish that she had eaten in eggs.

It was a long time later that she finally ate that kind of fish. At that time, the world was not so fragile, and she came down after paying some price. Then she was covered by many white villains with nets, they got into her head, controlled her body, and wanted to enslave her completely.

She struggled desperately and sent a message to the other two gods. Later, because the control was too strong, she lost consciousness.

Could it be that the other two gods did the annihilation? Then they did not find the kitten....

The kitten has short brown hair that feels good to the touch. While listening, Shaoyu touched her head with his hand, and the kitten squinted and tilted his head, curled into a ball beside him, enjoying herself very much. Shaoyu thought to himself that this is really a pure god! After being called a cat once, I firmly believe that I am a cat, so loving.

After chatting with the kitten for a while, Shaoyu let her return to the spiritual world. Counting on the kitten to help in the fight, she must first recover.

In fact, after Shaoyu got to know it, he understood that it was a long period of time...The sky was falling in a hurry, and it would take decades to recover a little bit of supernatural power, so he should keep it as a pet.

Shaoyu continued to set out to find a way out. After passing this rocky area, he found the edge of this underground world, surrounded by a dark abyss. It is still a bit beneficial to find that the air mass becomes a fire mass, at least the fire mass is not dazzling.

After opening the left eye, zooming in, the line of sight can follow the fire ball down, clearly discovering that this is a bottomless abyss. What did he want to do, did he jump down again? Or go back to that piece of water like the sea to make a raft and have a look?

However, Shaoyu felt that it was not reliable. After shaking for so many days, he was a little mad. What should I do after finding the light? Give some hints, let him stay here forever? Just thinking about it, suddenly the ground shook for a while, and he heard a sound above his head when his feet were steady.

Moving to hide from the falling rock at the top, he hid while watching, and it turned out that a white light was separating the top rock layer and entering this space.

Shaoyu knew at a glance that this was the fourth-tier transmission authority of Weinet, the spiritual brilliance. He also thought of this, but Xiao S said that it is very difficult to transmit himself with his supernatural power, and there is no Weinet here.

They can only wait for the group leader to obtain permission to locate in the Weinet and pick him up.

Nearly burst into tears, someone finally came to pick him up. Before the Spirit of Light landed, Shao Yu quickly greeted him. When the white light of the spiritual glow disappeared, Shaoyu finally saw clearly inside, and he pulled out the sky sword from his waist.

What the Spirit of Light sent down was a one-meter-three, white-skinned, hairless heart-removing monster. It was wearing a ragged half-length leather armor, and its lower body was wrapped in a piece of cloth. The first sentence he appeared was, the stealer, finally found you. Its voice is very old, its white skin is full of wrinkles, its hands are longer than the knees, its palms are like dry bones, and it has no weapons in its hands.

As soon as it appeared, it locked Shaoyu mentally.

Shaoyu only felt a little excited, the mysterious mind-seating demon who had lived for tens of thousands of years finally appeared. There was nothing to say, he took out a long sword from the ring and threw it directly.

The long sword revolved in front of it, and the heart-diving demon didn't move, just staring at Shaoyu with horrified eyes. When the long sword was about to turn to its face, only white light emerged from its body, and these white lights turned into many lines interlaced to form a net. The sword stopped straight in the network.

These networks only surfaced for a second, then disappeared, and the sword fell to the ground.

Shaoyu took the second long sword in his hand, but he put it back directly, it seemed that Feiyan style didn't work at all. He opened his left eye and cried out for a probe, but saw the heart-deeper in his left eye stretched out his hand, and an invisible wave surged towards him. Shaoyu only felt a pain in his head, his body was hit by a force, and he involuntarily stepped back three steps.

Little S reminded the opponent that the mental power was too high, and the detection was interrupted by the opponent's detection.

Shaoyu felt that this move was a bit like a mental shock, but it was not the same as the spiritual shock of a mage, it carried physical power, otherwise he would not strike him back three steps in a row.

The trial failed and the detection was interrupted. Shaoyu felt a little difficult to do. The Mind Demon felt very powerful to him, but there was no sense of heavy air pressure, unlike the invincible existence.

Finally, there is no need to be bored. Only when there is challenge, there is passion.

With a long whistle, he rushed towards the Demon Demon at three steps and pierced with a sword. The network formed by mental power emerged again, and Shaoyu's sword didn't even penetrate the tip of the sword. Before he took the sword, he felt that his whole body was wrapped tightly by a huge force.

The Heart Reaver stretched out his bone-like hand, pinching his claws and lifting them. Shaoyu was set in place, and a little bit of his toes were lifted off the ground. He struggled and thought, so much spiritual power? At this time Jian Yuanliu turned to his whole body, Shaoyu sipped softly, Yun Gang appeared, and he broke away from the spiritual power package.

Shaoyu adjusted his lower body shape with a chop, and again the human sword combined a flying body and stabbed, while the tip of the sword spit out a gray three-inch sword light.

This time, the spiritual network of the Heartbreaker was pierced, just like glass shattered, and the spiritual network that wrapped its whole body was split. It had to step back a few steps, avoiding the sword light, and the wrinkled white face of the Heart-daughter flashed a very unexpected expression.

Shaoyu breathed a sigh of relief, if he didn't break the defense, it wouldn't be fun.

Swinging a sword and attacking fiercely, this mind-seating demon fluttered and flew away. At the same time, there was a cloud of black light in his hand, and he threw it towards Shaoyu. What kind of trick was this, he waited attentively, but saw that the black light turned into a black blue ball the size of a black blue ball and stopped in front of it after leaving the palm of the heart grabber. One, two... five black **** surround it.

Shaoyu tried another detection, and when the Mind Demon looked at it, the picture frozen in his left eye was broken.

It said in a low voice, very strange ability.

After Shaoyu saw it finished, five black **** floated towards him, but at this speed, you can see clearly without going into the state of slowing down. But when Shaoyu blinked, he noticed that there was one black ball missing. Then he only felt cold behind his back, and turned to block, only to see a black ball appeared behind him and hit him.

Teleport? Shaoyu entered a state of slowing down around him. He clearly saw that although these black **** were flying slowly, they could suddenly turn into a black mist and then condense into a black ball.

He didn't dare to let these black **** touch him. In addition to hitting, these black **** would also release lightning. Fortunately, there were signs that Shaoyu escaped. A blue light flashed in the center of the black ball, and then the whole group turned into a blue lightning and struck it. Shaoyu played with the five black **** for a while. He turned his sword yuan to form a sword light and slashed through it. After these black **** dispersed, they regrouped after a while.

Shaoyu was naturally distracted to pay attention to the Mind Demon, it hasn't moved for a long time... He split the two black **** and turned his head to take a closer look. It turned out that his hands were emptied, and a black air surged in his palm, just pushing him. come.

Shaoyu saw the black air continuously gushing out, forming a black mist covering him. He only felt that the surrounding area was dark and nothing was visible... It was absolute darkness, and there was no light. Night vision does not work! Shaoyu was a little flustered, he danced his sword wildly, but was hit repeatedly in his body. Suddenly seeing nothing made him mess his feet. He took a deep breath and wanted to take out the lantern, but he felt like a snake was crawling up from his foot. Shaoyu chopped his feet, he could feel the ground cracked by him, but the feeling of the snake climbing up still did not disappear.

He bowed his head and danced his sword forward, but after rushing for a while, he found that he still hadn't escaped the range of this black mist.

It suddenly occurred to Shao Yu that something was wrong. There was a cloud guard body, even if something stuck to his leg, it wouldn't cause harm before the sword element was consumed. Only after this thought did he regain his composure. He first converted the sword element into the sword element of life. A green light appeared on the tip of the sword, and in the darkness, he could finally see the tip of his sword. Being able to see a little bit is enough to give him peace of mind. Then Shaoyu yelled: Little S, range scan.

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