Soon, after Xiaoyue took out the things, they built the camp. After the fire started, Shaoyu roasted things, and Baoju took out some wine. They ate and drank while Shaoyu talked.

The talk was dry. Of course, he couldn't say that the sword spirit had killed the Heart Demon in the spiritual world, but that the Heart Demon had strayed into his pupil space and was eliminated.

Baoju and Xiaoyue asked questions from time to time. Fortunately, they were drinking, otherwise Shaoyu must be seen through blushing and sweating.

Since Jian Ling said not to reveal the spiritual world, just when she was fighting Zhende, Zhende mistakenly thought that Shaoyu had pupil skills, so he simply made it up like this, otherwise how to explain it! When they talked about pupil technique, Xiaoyue and Baoju became more interested. Their three-word guesses made Shaoyu's panic rounded up.

During the chat, Miao Miao stood by and looked at Shaoyu. He was very uncomfortable being stared at by this beautiful cat wearing a short skirt and stockings. Satsuki said that at this meeting, Miao Miao seemed to be very close to you. Shaoyu wiped his sweat and smiled bitterly. He only felt that the cat's eyes seemed to confirm something.

While Baoju was talking to Xiaoyue, Meow approached Shaoyu. When Shaoyu saw it approaching, he squatted down and looked up at him. Then Shaoyu only felt his head sink, and suddenly stretched out a hand in his sight and touched Meowiao's head. He almost jumped three feet high, and anyone who saw a hand suddenly stretched out between his eyes would be shocked.

This hand touched Meow Meow and then retracted back. Shaoyu settled down and knew that this hand must belong to the kitten. He turned his head and looked at it. Xiaoyue and Baoju didn't notice the abnormality here, but Miao Miao got up and left after being touched. Shaoyu secretly said in his heart: What is this? But the cat's mental fluctuations appeared and explained: She couldn't help touching the previous creation.

Shaoyu was taken aback. He was just about to find a chance to enter the spiritual world and ask her. He didn't expect the kitten to be able to communicate with him in the spiritual world. This is better, Shaoyu asked: Creation? The kitten said: Yes, she created a servant in her own way. Then the kitten said: It's very similar. Shaoyu's face was bloody, and he had never regarded the kitten as a **** in his heart, she could still create things! Secondly, the servant called Meow Meow is a cat in a skirt, but the kitten is completely human. How does this look like! He was very wise not to entangle with the kitten on this issue, Shaoyu asked, did Meow recognize you?

The kitten said: Meow will definitely recognize her, the first thing she created is Meow. Shaoyu said: It doesn't hurt, isn't she your **** servant, what's the situation with the **** of luck now? The kitten said: it’s okay, she has asked Meow to keep a secret, she is very smart, and then the kitten said: her divinity has withered, and she has no power to maintain her position, so it’s not surprising that there is a new **** of luck now. what.

He asked the kitten, want to take the position of God back? The kitten said: No matter if you have no strength, you can stay here. Shaoyu thought she was watching, but when she thought she was like a child, it was clear.

After staying in this camp for four days, the head and the others also came here. Everyone was very happy to get together again, and after learning that the Heartbreaker had also been killed, they celebrated what happened after talking to each other.

It turned out that after Shaoyu fell, the tunnel they dug collapsed. Fortunately, Xiaoyue contacted them and said that Shaoyu was okay and she would go to help with Baoju. Then they went through several battles and activated several dimensional networks to accumulate enough authority to be able to transmit.

The few battles they talked about were vivid and colorful, especially the violent chrysanthemum, hacking an underground Ridge to death can be described as slaying a dragon. Everyone talked more and more vigorously, this place belongs to them, they discussed enthusiastically, and decided to use this as a base.

There is a dimensional net from the ancient times, there is also a large space for adventure, and there are countless treasures buried here.

Everyone decided to activate the Weinet while looking for the treasure house of the puzzled people, and draw a map by the way. Then he returned to the ground, called the other members of the adventure group, and gathered some reliable personnel. Several team members said that there is absolutely no problem with the staff as long as they send letters to the family.

After three more days of this discussion and rest, Shaoyu had an inexplicable heart palpitation. He didn't ignore this feeling and went directly to Xiaoyue. Satsuki was also a little uneasy, so she prayed.

Prayer is a way of communicating with God. If you arouse the interest of a God, you may get some information. Of course, if you do not treat the mage or have enough grace, the probability is one in 100 million. This was what Xiaoyue said to Shaoyu while praying. He was stunned when he heard it, only that she seemed to have no respect for God.

Xiaoyue said that even if God responds, sometimes there are some messy and useless messages, such as this time. It seems that God's interest has been far away, and there is no divine enlightenment. Xiaoyue drew a bunch of symbols on the ground and said that this is the letter that God has spread this time. Shaoyu couldn't understand it. Xiaoyue looked at it for a while and said that it seemed dangerous and meant to leave.

Xiaoyue found the team leader and told him her and Shaoyu's anxiety. The team leader took it very seriously and immediately summoned everyone. Everyone speculated for a while, but could not think of any danger.

The Heartbreaker has been extinct, and they can escape safely even if there is any danger with the spirit of the Weinet.

Bao Ju yelled that the location of the treasure house of the Huoxin Clan already knew, and they would be able to find it in a few minutes. He said that everyone guessed that there was danger in this treasure house? But that doesn't make sense.

Finally voted. The voting made Shaoyu a little surprised, and he actually voted all back to the ground first.

After packing up the things, everyone wrapped up in the spirit of light and flew upwards, flying in the air. Shaoyu saw the hot sea coming upside down and the ground cracking. If he realized something... After a brief exchange, everyone understood. !

After the ecology is destroyed, the underground world will collapse.

Shaoyu secretly relieved, but fortunately, he decided to return to the ground first.

Otherwise, the layers collapsed... Thinking of this, he yelled badly, indicating that everyone would work together and move up.

Everyone was a little inexplicable, Shaoyu said, just now you saw the ground collapse, it will collapse. K Niu suddenly screamed desperately after hearing this. The underground space is very large. If it is not done well, it will cause a chain reaction. The dimensional net built on it will collapse. Without the dimensional net, the spirit of spirit will disappear. It was only when they were trapped in the soil.

After K Niu explained this, everyone panicked and concentrated desperately. It is not straight up to use the spirit of light to shuttle through the stratum. The underground space has a lot of mineral veins, hard flower rocks and so on. The soil and rock are well divided, and even small pieces of ore can be drained occasionally, but when encountering large ore veins, even the hardest ore will take a lot of time to separate and have to go around.

With all their strength, everyone felt that the deepest dimensional net had disappeared, and in this upward process, another dimensional net lost contact. Everyone saw sweat on their foreheads and urged them with all their strength. When they were still 2,000 meters above the ground, only two dimensional nets were left. The ground kept sinking, and it collapsed faster and faster. They certainly cannot support drilling out of the ground.

If they were suddenly caught in a layer of soil and rock, even if they were only a hundred meters above the ground, they could be crushed to death.

However, as the number of Weinets has become less and less, their speed has also become slower and slower. At more than 1,200 meters, only the last one was left, the first one they activated.

At this time, Xiaoyue, who is leading the spirit of light, said, let's make a decision, whether to go up or find a place to avoid it.

Xiaoyue's meaning is obvious. The hope of continuing to rush out is very small. It is very likely that he will be caught in the earth and rock. Finding a place to avoid it may be safe, but it is absolutely necessary to slowly dig back to the ground.

The leader said, let's vote. This time everyone decided to find a place to escape. Shaoyu wanted to be really in harmony. He estimated that everyone didn't want to play the last few seconds to escape.

Xiaoyue looked for a piece of flower rock and drilled into the belly of this huge flower rock with difficulty. After a while, the last dimensional net disappeared. In the shaking, Shaoyu calculated the time. If there were all soil and rock layers in the straight line, he would be able to go out, and there would be a little more time. But he didn't want anything else when he came in, just picked up a tool to dig, and no one complained. He looked at his appearance and recorded 967 meters underground in his adventure diary.

One month and eight days later, a group of people got out of the ground. After climbing out, Shaoyu lay on the ground, blocking the sunlight with his hand and muttering, he wouldn't go deep into the ground after killing him. Both Temper and Knuckle are desperately dumping the earth and rocks in the space equipment. Fortunately, their space equipment is large enough, and there are several spaces close to the ground for them to pour the earth and rocks. The head of the group came over and patted him, and said: Go, find a place to supply it. Baoju said: Find a few girls and have a good time, Xiaoyue smiled and twisted his waist. Zhende was helping Ailian to smash the dust, and the figure of the general who was going to investigate disappeared in the distance.

They found a lake and took turns to freshen up the camp. Shaoyu rubbed down a whole layer of mud. This was the first time he had soiled himself since he was born, and buried himself in the ground. Even if he was alive, he couldn't clean himself. For more than a month, Shaoyu became fully familiar with everyone. Some of the words he often popped up were accepted, and everyone was innovative...

After a while, the general returned. He said he had found the road. After a day of rest, everyone set off along the road towards the city. Two days later, they met a caravan and learned that they had crossed the river and came to the territory of the Principality of Padya.

This is one of the many principalities split from the Kingdom of Hill. It is a small country that relies on Da Liuhe to survive. Their path happens to lead to the capital of Padya, Dish. The caravan was very alert at first. After Kny took out something and showed it to the leader of the caravan, the merchants in the caravan simply greeted them, and they got into the carriage directly.

Shaoyu didn't ask, but said with a temper, K Niu used his cousin's Chamber of Commerce to bluff people again. As his temper murmured, Shaoyu learned that K Niu's cousin was also a member of the adventure group, and he owned a large chamber of commerce.

The mercenaries escorted were very disagreeable at first, and Shaoyu noticed that their boss took out a scroll and watched it again and again, but fell silent. Shaoyu felt something was wrong, so he told everyone. Everyone guessed, Xiaoyue said that she didn't get any information after praying, so the head of the group said that it was enough to pay attention, if something happened, cut them off. Yes, Dou is a dry... everyone said in unison.

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