As a result, I arrived at Dizi safely, and there was no movement from the mercenaries.

The city of Dish is located on the banks of the big stream and has a huge pier.

The Daliu River runs through the southern continent, and the water flow in most areas is very turbulent. The location of Dashi is the most peaceful part of the Daliu River. On the opposite side of the 600-meter-wide Daliu River, there is a city that echoes Dish, which is Nidi of the Duchy of Jorne.

Shaoyu thinks this is really interesting. The two wizards can use super long-range spells on the shore, and they can put the forbidden spell directly in the city. When he said this idea, it was refuted. The intimate contact at the end of this month, everyone knows Shaoyu very well. Everyone has no common sense about this stuff!

Ailian explained to him: The water element of Daliuhe is too rich, which interferes with the aggregation of other elements. Even the water system wizards dare not use water spells to cross Daliuhe, which can easily cause backlash. Zhende said on the side that the teleportation array could not directly pass through the big stream, otherwise they would have to come by boat.

Shaoyu only felt that Daliuhe was too hungry. At this time, Xiaoyue also inserted that Daliuhe religion originated from Daliuhe.

After entering the city, K Niu gave Shaoyu a crystal, saying that it could hide the aura. The dark and degenerate aura was found to be troublesome by the wizard. She was a little envious and said that Shaoyu just brought this hidden crystal, because there was no depraved aura in his power, as long as he covered it, it would be fine even if he did it. As long as she and her temper were fighting, the crystal could not be hidden.

While chatting, the adventure group separated from the caravan, and everyone quickly found the largest hotel in the city and booked the most luxurious top floor. This hotel is four stories high. When viewed from the top floor, not only the most prosperous street can be seen, but also the big river behind can be seen.

The head of the regiment decided to take a rest for a week and handle the spoils before returning to the station to join the others, and everyone cheered feebly.

The so-called resident is only a territory of the Zhende family. Although it is small, they have the final say.

After allocating the rooms, everyone plans to sleep well for a few days and nights to make up for sleep. There is no soft bed comfortable in the wild, and you have to watch the night. Especially after digging from the ground for a month...Although they are very human, the suffering in it is not necessary to elaborate.

After the adventure, he always had to rest and adjust back to his best condition. Shaoyu had a big meal with everyone and took a bath... found that everyone had to write an adventure diary, and Shaoyu fell into a coma after writing a little.

Except for getting up to eat and sleeping...he woke up refreshedly at dusk two days later.

Turning over and jumping from the window to the top of the hotel, Shao Yumi took a sip of wine and looked out. The city was calmly intoxicated in the afterglow of the sunset. Drinking and drinking, he suddenly saw chaos on the street. A group of cavalry and a large number of soldiers rushed towards the hotel on the main road. Shaoyu felt wrong. He opened his left eye and zoomed in and found that the leader was the caravan. Several mercenaries.

Shaoyu turned around and drilled back to the window. He shouted that there was a situation, and kicked everyone's door. After kicking a circle, I saw that the soldiers had surrounded the inn. The head of the group yawned out of the room and asked what was going on. Shaoyu hurriedly said that the hotel was surrounded. At this time, Zhende walked out wearing a pair of shorts and asked: Is it for us? ... The fat man's chest is so big... Shao Yu was taken aback for a moment and said: The caravan's mercenary is the leader, and 80% of them are coming towards us.

The head of the regiment came to his senses at this time. He let his temper drag them up quickly and walked to the window to observe. Shaoyu also looked down, and saw that the soldiers had already started rushing into the hotel. He heard from the head of the group, could it be that Baoju caused something? Then there is no need to dispatch an army to catch them!

Shaoyu was a little dizzy, she really went to have fun with this guy.

Zhen had to drag her temper out, and this guy was yelling at her...Several sister papers were all awake, but they hadn't come out have to dress up...this is understandable. The group leader walked around, and Shaoyu drew the sky sword in his hand and asked, what should I do? The head of the delegation said that he would negotiate first to see what's going on and don't be impulsive.

Shaoyu followed him and stood by the stairs. There was a tumult at the bottom of the hotel. The mercenary rushed up with some heavily armored soldiers. The mercenary pointed at the captain and said that it was this little boy... The dwarf rushed up with two words, and he called from behind: Calm, calm.

Under normal circumstances, the group leader would not be so impulsive, but in the case of getting up... the group leader kicked the mercenary downstairs. It is estimated that the mercenary did not expect that the small head would be so big. With the force of his, he rolled down and knocked down many soldiers who followed.

Shaoyu yelled twice and rushed up, and then his temper rushed over, and the three of them blocked the stairs and ganged up with the soldiers. These soldiers should all be elite, although they are only one-star and two-star level, but they cooperate well...the front shield and the gun back, the whole body is also very good to protect them. In addition, although the head of the group was angry, he didn't summon the equipment to make a heavy hand, and he was able to fight vigorously. Zhen got dressed and Knuckle rushed over.

Zhende deserves to be a fighter, very suitable for dealing with human figures. These heavy armored soldiers were beaten by his two punches at the joints of the armors, unable to get up and kicked down the stairs. His fists and feet not only have multiple strengths, but they also carry a punch. K Niu is also very cruel. She directly took out a three-meter lance, stood far away on the stairs, and shot down a big hole.

At the sight of his temper, he also lifted the space box behind him. When he hit it, the entire floor was shaken, and everyone was scared and told him to stop. The temper was taken aback by himself, and he hurriedly stood behind.

Everyone stopped at the same time, when Ailian came out and asked: What is this doing.

Before everyone could answer, I just heard a loud voice from the leader of the soldier, that these wanted people could not be taken down by us alone, and told the city defense army below Dizi to come up with some arrows, and then send someone to inform the Master... After that, I saw Kny shot him in the air, and Ailian burst him to pieces with a fireball.

When Shaoyu thought about it, he understood that this is impossible to be a good bird... So he also slammed his hand, with the sky long sword in his hand, and the sword pierced the gap in the helmets of these soldiers. Looking at the style markings on the boss's armor, and listening to the boss's words, he knew this Nidi's soldier, and Dizi was also involved in this inexplicable wanted. This is definitely not what Baoju did, but something that happened that they didn't know.

This magic of Ailian was the signal, everyone no longer kept their hands, the heavy armored soldiers killed in an instant suffered heavy casualties, and the living were all shrunk into a ball and rolled downstairs.

Xiaoyue also finished sorting out and walked out. Everyone looked at each other a little at a loss. The head of the group said: rush out first, find Baoju and the general to send away. Only then did Shaoyu realize that the general was not there, and he asked where the general had been. The temper said that the general was going to deal with the spoils, which he had always done. Shaoyu nodded and thought to himself, could it be that something happened to the general? Everyone was also thoughtful. At this time, the regiment leader said: There is nothing wrong with the general, he knows.

Ai Lin said at this moment: Is this the feeling between good friends? Everyone laughed and rushed down.

...I encountered some trouble when I rushed out of the hotel, and a volley of bows almost hurt everyone. If you hit an arrow at close range, unless you can release it with a grudge, most of their group of light armor and leather armor can't resist. Fortunately, these soldiers are not star warriors, they have a single attack method and slow reloading.

Shaoyu has learned a lot of professional knowledge in the adventure group. No matter what kind of fighting qi he cultivates, the release of fighting qi is a high-level realm. The fighting qi can not only erupt outside the body, but also form a fighting mang out of the body. This Dou Mang was different from Shaoyu's Jian Mang. From his point of view, it was the same as Jian Qi, forming various half-moon shapes, round and other waves of fighting Qi flying out to injure the enemy remotely.

Everyone was also surprised that Shaoyu could maintain a grudge at the tip of the sword. The vindictiveness is fierce and difficult to control. Only after reaching the release of vindictive energy can you explode vindictive energy, just like countless lights are sprayed out. It can bounce the enemy away, and it can also resist damage in an instant...In the adventure group, only Zhen is able to release vindictive energy temporarily. All rely on weapons.

Everyone formed a formation, Zhen had to take the lead, the leader of the left wing, and Shao Yu's right wing, broke through the blockade in an instant. K Niu's mounts are generally not summoned, and I am afraid that they will be slaughtered! In her words, things of the dark series are besieged as soon as they appear, and many people are blind. She also said that Shaoyu had a depraved aura, so she felt very kind.

The fallen friend is not bad, Shaoyu thought to himself. K Niu told her story. She originally wanted to be a knight, but the family had to let her go to the Magic Academy. In a magic trial, she accidentally obtained the death knight inheritance, which made her very satisfied. It just became the dark one, and couldn't stay in the Magic Academy, so he ran out through trials.

After rushing through a few streets, the general carrying a baggage quickly joined them, and while fighting with the soldiers chasing behind, he rushed across the second street to reach the green night. Everyone did not find Baoju. After a while, they found that the hotel was rising. Thick smoke. At this time, the sky was dark, and the general jumped up to the roof, and Shaoyu also jumped up. When the two of them looked, they saw Baoju running back to the hotel and fighting the soldiers for 300 rounds. After Shaoyu zoomed in, he noticed that there was a brigade of cavalry on the street in the distance holding torches to protect some mages.

Xiaoyue chopped his feet bitterly, saying that he would definitely be beaten in a while, and the group leader said that everyone would be together. Helpless, everyone ran back. The desire to sit in the teleportation formation and run away fell through, and going back to save Boju would definitely be surrounded. There are cavalry and wizards chasing all the way, they don't even want to run to the guild street. Although the guild street is independent, it is not certain whether the teleportation array will be opened for them if it is blocked outside...if wanted by the country.

Everyone is still at a loss as to what is going on. The Principality of Padia and the Principality of Jon are allies. The two countries have always maintained neutrality. It is impossible to want them because they are adventurers. Mage has been dispatched... At that time, he was already injured, and Xiaoyue, who shouted to beat him, was the first to rush to heal and bandage him for the heartache.

They slowly retreated to the top floor again, and the soldiers became more and more sophisticated. After a wave of soldiers were beaten down, there must be a volley of fire. The captain was wearing plate armor and guarding the stairs. He clinked with arrows. The captain's horned helmet and full-body plate armor look very much like a dwarf... This is not an illusion. Together with the captain's two battle axes, this is a set of standard dwarf outfits among the hundred races.

When buried in the ground, when the leader introduced, everyone said that the leader had made a profit, and the equipment of the dwarves and halfling races belonged to the leader, and others couldn't wear it at all!

When a mage began to sing, the group leader said that he couldn't stand it anymore, and after discussing it, everyone decided to set fire to jump off the building.

This is not unimaginable. After Ai Lian slammed down at the bottom, everyone jumped out through the window to the back of the hotel and went straight to the dock of the Daliu River. Yes, they decided to take the boat from Daliuhe to another city.

The process of capturing the ship went smoothly, and the fire blocked the encircled soldiers...the few guards at the dock were not their opponents. Everyone rushed on to the most luxurious ship with double decks over ten meters long. When Shaoyu kicked the last crew member who refused to leave, he suddenly thought that someone in the group would sail.

There was a mage flying into the air in the distance, and the capital of the Principality of Padya also had at least one palace mage, but the wizard did not fly over alone, but moved with the army, which made them feel more stressed.

Shaoyu's worries became a reality, and only his temper had sailed. Everyone ran back and forth as they shouted their tempers, and the boat finally started moving slowly, crashing several small boats, and sailing out of the port.

The wharf was in chaos, and the wizard did not catch up.

After driving for a while, there was no chasing soldiers. Everyone was relieved. They just came back from the adventure and did not rest. All the potion scrolls and other items were exhausted. Their fighters are okay, and the mages are badly damaged. Fortunately, the demon The guide is too careful.

As soon as they breathed a sigh of relief, everyone found that the ship was getting closer and hitting the shore. At this time, the ship was about 20 meters high from the ship's surface. If the ship crashed, everyone was determined to fall into the water. The river is flowing so fast, what happens after falling into the water!

In the big stream, you will swim again, unless you don’t need to breathe like a murloc, or you can specify a sinking bottom. There are also some monsters in this river that can survive in such a current...

The temper screamed that he couldn't control the boat alone and asked for help.

There were two wings on the bottom of the ship, and there were sails on it. Shaoyu didn't understand what the ship was. The temper is shouting to release the sails and retract the wings...

Everyone hurriedly listened to his command again, rushing for a while, but fortunately the boat was strong, everyone had a long adventure together and they had a tacit understanding with each other, and after a few collisions, they finally got on the right track.

The sky was completely dark at this time. Everyone gathered in the wheelhouse, guessing what was going on, but did not guess a second word. After setting the sails, Baoju came back and said that he knew what was going on, and asked him, begged him. Just talk.

Everyone went up and begged him with their fists and feet.

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