Shaoyu felt that the group of mercenaries on the opposite side should have believed in the leader's words. If they really got dozens of artifacts, would they just wander outside?

Coupled with the crowd watching, this group of mercenaries became more gracious. Under the contact of the old referee, they reported each other's names. This mercenary is called the Gentlemen's Mercenary Team...Bao Ju said that they had robbed him of his name and had to beat them severely.

The group leader went up to draw lots, and after negotiation, the venue was set as the duel venue with a number of 5V5. After the head came back, he said: Don't kill him in a while.

Soon after the old referee shouted loudly, everyone exited a 50-meter circle, which was a standard duel venue. Both sides stand on one side and decide which one will play.

The commander's analysis of the mercenaries will definitely produce standard teams, depending on their configuration, that is, World War II, one shot, and two methods. Everyone just talked about it. Ailian was saying that they would not send the team out first, when five mercenaries came forward and nodded to them.

The first formation is easy to be restrained. The mercenaries standing in the front row are two defensive warriors with large shields and wearing heavy armors, behind a mage with a short battle in white robes and two holding a long battle in one red and one blue. Mage in robes. It was actually the three methods of World War II, everyone was very surprised, Shaoyu didn't know much about team battles. However, these mercenaries are full of confidence and seem to be more difficult to deal with.

Since the opponent is already out, they can't be too slow. The head of the team seemed to call names randomly: himself, Shaoyu, Baoju, Zhende, and Xiaoyue five people on the field.

When the five came together, the head of the group whispered: Strong attack, Xiaoyue assisted.

Shaoyu thought, actually let him go, K-girl is a death knight, her temper is to curse a dark and a degenerate is not suitable for playing, but I didn't let Ailian, the ice and fire mage.

The head seemed to see Shaoyu's doubts, and he said to Shaoyu that Ailian and the general would definitely kill people if they acted.

Shaoyu had forgotten the general, his sense of existence was too low!

At this time, the old referee walked to the middle, and he shouted in an old voice, whichever side fell all down or out of the duel range even if he lost. After shouting, the old referee whispered, "You are to solve the problem. It is a holiday. On behalf of Kahn, I officially announced the duel rules. You agree not to." After speaking, looking at the mercenary, the mercenary said that there was no problem, and the group leader also said that there was no problem.

After cooperating several times underground, Shaoyu was still a little nervous.

At this time, the group leader patted him on the side: With our strength, it's no problem. Everyone nodded, and Shaoyu was also relieved. It is impossible to lose. He is afraid that he will make mistakes if he fails to cooperate well.

So Shaoyu prepared to go all out and immediately opened his left eye to prepare for detection. From a multi-level perspective, it was unexpectedly discovered that there were many soldiers around. They did not wear armor to conceal their figures, and secretly maintained order. The old referee is still saying something, the people and tourists around are still placing bets, and the waiters of the nobles also moved to the bench to hold the fruit. Shaoyu shook his head, his left eye's angle of view was too wide and everything was closed in his eyes. After he'wandered,' he concentrated on and called out for detection.

The two defensive soldiers of the Gentleman's Mercenary Corps stood side by side holding two large shields, covering all the mages behind them. Shaoyu detected one of the shield warriors. To attack the mage, he had to fight the two shields first, so he didn't detect the mage. The soldier holding a large shield freezes in his left eye, turning into a pile of numbers and pouring down.

Xiao S spoke a long string of words, and Shaoyu almost didn't react.

Detection analysis... Race: human. Divide: 27% possibility of Cupid, 70% possibility of Ling Boer, occupation: 31% possibility of archer, and 65% possibility of bard. According to energy fluctuations, the combat power is about 39~52, possible weakness: close combat.

What's the situation... After absorbing the adventurer's knowledge and Weinet's mental note, the detection has become very detailed. But isn't it a mistake, this mercenary is actually a bard in heavy armor and a large shield? !

Shaoyu also learned about the division of humans on the mainland during the casual chat of the adventure group. The Cupids are one of the big countries in the south. It is said that they have the blood of elves, so this country is good at shooting and has more archers. The Lingpor people are a country of freedom. The original country of the country is a country of nomads and exiles. They are deeply despised by other countries. They love freedom and travel, and earn travel expenses in performances, so they go out more bardics. poet.

Shaoyu was a bit unsure and didn't have time to inform them, because amidst the cheers, the referee had already left the middle. Everyone was ready and charged.

The so-called preparation is to summon weapons from the professional space, and all around exclaimed, except for opening Shaoyu who was drawing a sword, the group leader and them instantly put on their armor, Xiaoyue took out the magic battle and rushed forward.

The captain rushed the fastest, he had entered a frenzied state. The strategy set was to attack and push it directly. Shaoyu thought that even if the shield fight on the opposite side was a shooter or a bard, with their strength, it would be a good job.

The distance of thirty meters is enough for the three wizards to cast a spell, but they also have Xiaoyue here.

But everyone did not expect that the mercenaries also thought so. Both fighters thrust their shields into the ground, and one of them took out a long axe and rushed up. The warrior that Shaoyu had detected directly took out a Shacks-like musical instrument and blew it on.

Actually the two mercenaries were also professionals, and the audience boiled at once, but felt that the level of the performance was a bit too high. The mercenary with the axe was like a lonely hero, greeted them alone in the passionate tone of the bard. Baoju yelled that he was mine, and when he was facing the mercenary, the bard who had been playing violently raised his tone, and saw a cyan light spilling out of his instrument, forming a halo. Set at the feet of everyone in the adventure group.

Shaoyu only felt his body shape, and his running up was obviously slow...singed slowly, as Xiaoyue reminded. Everyone's speed slowed down, only to see shadows appearing around the long axe mercenaries, and a large number of summoned objects appeared beside him.

Summoning Mage... There is definitely more than one Summoning Mage. Shao Yu looked up and saw that the mages in the red and blue robe were all Summoning Mage.

It's a disguise for playing, just as Shaoyu sighed, Xiao S suddenly came out and said, after calculation, the deceleration effect lasted for 57 seconds. In the dark left eye frame, a small countdown appeared. Before he was surprised by the practical function of the small S, three hounds rushed towards him.

These three hounds have lines on their bodies, which means that the summoning mage who summons them is already a high-level, and the speed and power of the hounds are greatly enhanced in all aspects. The only one who met them was the war-print hound, and behind it was all Richie accumulating flames.

Shaoyu stabbed and stabbed him, he just killed one hound and severely wounded the other one, and the other one was scratched with a sword...Although it seemed to kill him well, he was dragged to the spot.

At this time, the tune of the bard rose again, and the cyan halo was set under the feet of many hounds and their mercenaries. Satsuki called this a defensive chant at this time. Be careful, the bard on the opposite side might play a trio.

The poets have no assessment, only relying on realistic performances... to play a triple, just like the strength of a five-star professional warrior.

Three more hounds rushed over. The two summoners removed the few Riches summoned, and a large number of hounds added. At this time, everyone except Xiaoyue was surrounded by five or six, all of which were war pattern hounds with enhanced defense.

Rich has already begun to spew out flames, these sparks are very troublesome. Shaoyu felt that he was going to be really serious, so he removed the three imprisoned rings. Entering a state of slowing down all around, the sword moves, the V-shaped sword light flashes, these defense-enhanced hounds are also a dish.

Everyone’s momentum was stopped... Shaoyu was not the first to break through the hound, Zhende directly used the chain lightning, the hound in front of him burned and disappeared, and he intercepted the few who were leaping towards the back. only. The mercenaries who watched the battle shouted, could it be that they got the treasure. Zhende bypassed Rich directly and rushed towards the bard and the summoning wizards. Shaoyu cleaned the Richie in front of him. This kind of mantis-like summons could only breathe fire, and had no melee combat ability. The two big knives were completely displayed. It is the thick carapace, plus the defensive blessing, the Shaoyu Sky Long Sword spit out the sword light, and it will not disappear if it is shallow.

Zhende rushed to the bard, and the bard retreated behind the big shield inserted on the ground, and the tune rose again, the third ensemble.

The trio not only has a triple effect, but also has a special effect when the third overlap is added. The third halo was set at the feet of everyone in the adventure group, and the tune continued to rise, and then the fourth halo was set at everyone's feet.

Shaoyu only felt that the sword in his hand was one point heavier, and his head was a little dizzy. Small S reminds, weak chant, reduce power by 10%, maintenance time is one minute and 57 seconds, degeneration song, energy consumption is doubled, maintenance time is three minutes and 27 seconds.

One minute is enough for a lot of things to happen. Just after the slow halo disappeared, there were two more negative states. Shaoyu stabbed to death. This Richie looked around, Baoju was beaten by the long axe mercenary and retreated a few steps. The long double axe was obviously slower, he did not rush up, protecting Xiaoyue. Zhende knocked down the shield and dashed forward, only to find that there was a clip on the ground, which happened to clamp his right leg, and the bard put away his instrument and prepared to shoot him. It seems that the bard can not only play but also lay traps and bow and arrow.

The shield fell, not only revealing the bard and the summoning mage behind him, but another mage wearing a white robe and holding a short battle was kneeling on the ground, carrying a cylinder on his shoulders, and Shaoyu felt like a rocket launcher. The head yelled, Thor! When Shao Yu heard that this mercenary was not a mage at all, it was a weapon of the Sky Series, and it seemed that it was ready to launch.

The situation looked very bad. Shaoyu only felt that he underestimated them. He didn't switch the sword shape at all. He leaped forward at all points, took out the long sword from the ring, and threw the three long swords in turn. The mercenary carrying the cylinder.

Thor's tube, the book introduces this is a conventional weapon of the sky series. There are three ways to use it. It sprays flames from the cylinder at close range or shoots a spell equivalent to the damage of the wizard group spell, or the power is comparable to the high-level single spell Injury ammunition. Its ammunition is fixed, it is very troublesome to load, and it can only be loaded and used now, but it can be fired continuously.

They are all entangled by the summons, and if there are more spells that keep attacking, they might really lose. Shaoyu's three Feiyans were blocked by the war-patterned hounds, and the three long swords returned one by one. Shaoyu continued to use the sky long sword to dial Feiyan while rushing, but no long swords flew back in the second wave. Under the command of the summoning mage, the hound pressed the long sword to the ground with his body.

Thor's tube emits a burst of blue light, and Shaoyu feels that the switch of sword qi in his body is slowed down by the song of degradation. He is thinking whether or not to use a beam of light. When she was thinking, Zhende burst into anger, the clip under his feet was instantly opened, and the arrow shot in front of him was also bounced. Then he heard Xiaoyue's scream neutralizing, and a burst of white light spread, and Shaoyu found that not only the negative state of them had disappeared, but even the defensive singing of the hounds had disappeared.

Zhende's figure halted, and he appeared in front of the bard. After violent anger, his speed was very fast. So in the eyes of the bard, Zhende was like a teleport, disappearing after every punch and leg, and appeared on the other side to attack him, and was knocked out without any resistance.

The group leader also roared, and his figure shrank by a point. The double axe burst out some red vindictiveness and tore the summoned objects, and he rushed forward. Bao Ju was still fighting the long axe mercenary, and after eliminating the negative state, he completely pressed the mercenary. After Zhende knocked the bard away, she moved and knocked the mercenary carrying the cylinder away.

A few rays of light were emitted from the thrown Thor tube, and it was blocked by the enchantment surrounding it. This enchantment seemed to not block the real thing, only energy, Shaoyu also rushed behind Zhende at this time, and the group leader rushed over.

There were only two summoners left in the field, so the leader yelled to admit defeat.

Zhende also rushed to the front and didn't make another move, holding his fist and waiting for them to admit defeat.

Shaoyu also rushed to the side and pointed his sword at them lightly thinking...Unless a Summoner of the magical level uses spirit crystals, he can fight in close combat.

As soon as the head of the group fell, a tree appeared before them. Some are like pine trees, but the needles are all white. Shaoyu was taken aback, and listened to Xiaoyue calling from behind, be careful, it was rime.

Zhende screamed badly, and rushed up with his hands on his face and punched the tree. Although Shaoyu didn't quite understand, he also stabbed it with a sword. The punched tree shook, and pine needles fell all over the sky, and Shaoyu pierced through with a sword and got stuck in the tree.

The fallen pine needles did not fall to the ground, but floated and revolved around the tree. Shaoyu only felt cold around him, and a layer of hoarfrost formed on his body.

Rime...a magical plant that cannot move by itself. Once it is attacked or manipulated by a wizard, the needles will emit cold and form an ice storm and clean everything.

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