They won the battle, but he was knocked out of the field with the leader, Zhen De.

A rime and a sword spider almost reversed the battle. After the defeat, the gentleman mercenary team left as scheduled and said that they would not reveal their whereabouts.

Everyone in the adventure group said they wanted to celebrate. Shaoyu didn't want to go there at first. He felt a little shameless to celebrate. The group leader patted him and said that everyone had a chat. In summary, then he went together.

In the open-air bar, Baoju yelled as soon as he sat down, he still had to watch his rescue. Shao Yu was speechless. After they were frozen into ice, the long axe mercenary actually flared out of vindictiveness. Baoju still defeated the mercenary and solved the sword spider who summoned the mage before giving up. Their balance value has reached the upper limit, and they can no longer recall anything. After freezing Shaoyu and the others into ice, the rime disappeared. After the battle, Xiaoyue relieved them from freezing.

The head said: Come on, if you rush forward and become ice cubes and be swept out, we still block the gun. Baoju said that it was too much for you. Amidst her babblings, Satsuki said that her magical skills were not strong enough to fight. Miao Miao had just been in a state of being unable to summon, but it was actually four of them fighting in a group. Ailian said that this gentleman mercenary group was too disguised. This statement aroused everyone's unanimous approval and discussed whether they want to be so yin.

Shaoyu also joined the discussion amidst the enthusiasm, but he knew in his heart that he actually underestimated the enemy. At the beginning, I didn't use my full strength, and later I didn't change the form of the sword, otherwise it would break the ice. The Yungang formed by the qi body was directly frozen, because the conversion was too painful, and because the overall situation was determined, Jianyuan did not continue to operate! The left eye can't be opened after the ice is frozen, and the beam can't come out.

A single hole card is useless!

He understands the truth that the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, and he has always done so. But since when has it changed since it has a powerful companion? Because of the dependence? Shaoyu wrote such a summary in his adventure diary.

The next morning they also took the teleportation away. They wanted to play for a few more days, but the Gentleman Mercenary Corps reminded them... They are still wanted by several principalities. Even if they don’t, other people’s news should be passed on. Is far away.

Everyone was shocked...After seven consecutive teleportation formations, they finally approached Holmsa, the base camp of the adventure group.

Holmsa belonged to the great aristocratic territory in the southern part of the Duchy of Nes, located in the middle of the Daliu River. Except for a main road and a few teleportation arrays, there are many forests, mountains and wetlands, and many villages have no access. The Principality of Nes also has a name, the kingdom of locks, as long as the main road is blocked, it is equivalent to a closed kingdom.

This great noble is the Dalk family, the family of Zhende.

The reason it is said to be close is because there is no money. Shaoyu took out his eight thousand gold coins and sat in the teleportation array. Everyone was the same, and there was no money left for the spoils. Everyone jokingly said that the girl would have no money. She said she didn't pay attention at all and couldn't stop spending money. When they found that they had no money, they approached the Principality of Nes, but there was no exchange here.

There is still a long way to go to Nez and return to Holmsa. Zhende also said that there is no money to invite people to use the Moxin Tower, so they turned their heads to find the Zhende family stronghold to use the eagle bird.

In this city of Guan, the Zhende family still has some strongholds for investigating news.

As a result, this stronghold was actually empty and messy, and it seemed to have retreated hurriedly, and the traces left showed that it was not long ago.

Everyone after the investigation came out of the stronghold and was thrown a small note with a string of patterns on it. This note was almost thrown away by the unidentified temper, but fortunately, she was spotted by the sharp eye, and explained that the pattern was the dense pattern of his family... The solution meant... Don't flee.

Everyone speculated that, first of all, this note could only be thrown by a member of the Zhende family who was still lurking here. The scribbled handwriting was obviously written temporarily, and it must be at great risk! Otherwise, they won't talk about the meeting and explain why... It looks like a stronghold... but they don't know what it means not to run away.

Is it that Holm has made a change, so that Zhende will not run back? Or the adventure group!

If it's just Zhende, it's not a problem at all under the protection of everyone in the adventure group. If it is an adventure group...there are only those mercenaries who want to go. But now it’s been so long and it’s so far away... Everyone thought about it and didn’t come to a conclusion... At this time, even the material in the ring was almost consumed, and there was no help after thinking too much, so everyone decided Protect Zhende and take the task all the way.

There is still some distance from Nisdu, otherwise there is no task to pick up... They are an adventure group, it is impossible to go to the mercenary guild to pick up the task.

The head of the group said: Because the road in the locked country is blocked, there are basically no mercenary guilds except the big city, so the village here still retains the habit of setting up bulletin boards to post tasks.

From the small town to the nearby village, they helped the villagers cultivate a mountain terrace, and got some dry food after mixing for a few days. Facts have proved that even masters are not omnipotent, and even slower than the villagers in the beginning.

Small villages are all miscellaneous tasks, and the most important thing is to kill the beasts that harass the village. If there is an attack by a Warcraft or something, the village will either be destroyed or fled away... it will be all odd tasks.

K Niu said that they had known to sell two pieces of equipment, Ailian and Xiaoyue also complained a little, saying that they had not suffered such a crime, but they followed to work after complaining. A few days later, everyone continued on the road and escorted the family to another village by the way.

Helping the villagers, although there is no gain, but their sincere gratitude has made everyone gain some.

There are many beasts in the mountains and forests. Although there is no mission, everyone will not let it go. After slaughtering two blind beasts, finally there was meat to eat. Everyone cheered, riding the camp, like a holiday.

During the break, Shaoyu wrote in his diary, perhaps, this is an adventure, more about trivia and life...

In this way, all the way they did the task they disdain to do before, all the way to Nes.

In fact, Shaoyu felt palpitations from time to time along the way. He remained vigilant but had a safe journey...Finally, when he reached the border of Nes, this feeling came true and they were surrounded!

Everyone also understood the meaning of Zhende's note, don't run home...because of the coalition forces.

Surrounding them are a group of ‘Allied Forces’, several groups of mercenaries, and three or four private armies of nobles! There are many reasons...what to arrest fugitives...what to arrest murderers who murdered the fact, the above are all bullshit, the real reason is to grab the harvest underground.

There is no pursuit along the way because the parties are still investigating to determine the authenticity of the news, and secondly, they stay where they must pass. If it weren't for the adventure group to have no money to transmit, it would have fallen into the siege.

Zhende murmured something in disbelief, and then he said loudly: We should rush forward, they can't get into Nes.... Shaoyu didn't dare to move, he only felt heart palpitations, and he also felt countless locks... the army's strong bows could not be ignored, and there were some powerful mercenaries.

In particular, there is war ability, which is described in the book, and Shaoyu has never encountered can bless an army, and the more the army, the stronger...

Seeing the group leader and the other side shouted for a while, they fell silent...and now! Shaoyu was about to start the force field of time and disorderly time suddenly heard a burst of singing!

The voice came from behind, this familiar voice! Suddenly, he turned his head and looked back. Since there were all people behind, he didn't know if he was right.

It was K Niu who heard this voice and shouted: God, it's cousin, everyone must hold onto their mental power!

Shaoyu screamed in his heart, she was really a cousin, and everyone in the look adventure group knew her!

The singing is still so melodious, the more you listen, the better you listen, and the more you listen, the more addicted... This time Satsuki waved the staff to give out a faint light, and the shelter of her temper was naturally opened, and the scroll that was torn by the girl made everyone cool... …Of course, Shaoyu had already moved his eyebrows with his eyes and nose and heart.

The first soldier in the back listened to put down the weapon in his hand, and then there was the sound of the weapon being thrown to the ground... As the singing got closer, the melodious voice suddenly turned sharply down... as if a whisper.

With such multiple protections, there is still a slight sense of loss... Kneeling and crying, yelling and slashing with weapons, and suicide with knives or slashing each other frantically! As people continued to fall down, Shaoyu really saw the cousin standing on the mount singing her neck and singing... She only wore a white skirt, and her long hair flew behind her, accompanied by heavy cavalry. There is a saying The feeling of not coming out...

But this time it was different. With several magical fluctuations, a light rang from the soldier's square that was blocking the passage of Ness. Most people, especially the side directly in front, got rid of the influence of singing.

Sure enough, there are war capabilities, and there are also powerful men among the mercenaries.

Isn't it a good time to attack! Shaoyu looked at the friends around him still looking guarded. He couldn't help but ask: Can't it? I don't know ** replied: This is the beginning. The group leader also drank: Close your eyes, don't look.

Fuck, just started! Can't watch yet.

Shaoyu believed it, but he still couldn't help but want to watch it.

I saw the cousin's legs lifted slightly, and her figure moved with her, dancing gracefully on the horseback.

Shaoyu couldn't look away at this sight, his cousin's Qingwu in his eyes.

The cousin danced lighter and lighter, as if she was about to float up. At this time, she had already ran into the field, ran past everyone, and then really floated up, stepping on the air and dancing!

Shaoyu only felt that his throat was dry, and waves of desire emerged... He suddenly thought of the dungeon, those snowy white, that red...think....

At this moment, some long-range attacks attacked her cousin...Because she was dancing in the air, the cavalry around her could not protect her at all, but these attacks were either skipped by her gently, or disappeared in time!

The cousin was attacked and moved a little slower. Shaoyu closed his right eye immediately, but he opened his left eye.

The multi-level perspective is really different, and the sense of desire has mostly faded. He took the time to glance, and everyone in the adventure group really closed their eyes except for two.

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