What dance is this! What kind of power is this? Shaoyu clearly discovered that waves of invisible fluctuations gathered on the body of his cousin from all directions. With her beating, an invisible force field is constantly generated to counteract those magical arrow attacks.

So strong! Unexpectedly, singing is really just the beginning!

Shaoyu also discovered that the fluctuations that gathered on the cousin were not only from the body, but from everyone. What is this invisible fluctuation! He watched an invisible wave in his body being sucked onto his half-air cousin!

Xiaoyue suddenly said: This is emotion, desire, and inner darkness.

Uh... Xiaoyue, who is a god-to-mage master, understands what this is!

In this brief exchange, several people on the other side rose into the air or held a curse high, or flew directly! A phalanx of soldiers also moved, welcoming the cousin and the dozens of cavalry she had brought.

It's time to go this time! Before Shao Yudong waited, I heard the head of the group shout: Attention, it's coming, defense. Everyone in the adventure group actually formed a formation and protected him to the middle!

Is this Lima final?

Shaoyu saw a woman dressed as a mercenary piercing her spear into her cousin's abdomen. She didn't know if it was because she was injured or absorbed to the apex. The cousin's figure was still in the air.

The surrounding air was extremely heavy, and only hearing the cousin's sharp howl, the breath exploded... the person who rushed either stopped back or fell down. Her eyes flushed crazily and she let the spear pierce her abdomen through her legs, pressed the mercenary against her head and neck, and bit her opposite face.

The mercenary also didn't respond because of howling, and he was probably bitten before he recovered.

Shaoyu only felt very strange, the mercenary's expression turned from panic to comfortable, and then immediately became extremely cool, and then he was let go by his cousin and fell off. He saw the mercenary sister Zhi Zhi trembling all over her body, spraying a red body from her nine orifices, and she couldn't even stop her armor.

Looking at his stretched legs, Shaoyu secretly asked whether this was a ‘cool’ death!

Looking at it again, the cousin drew the spear backhand and fell back on the horse. The invisible fluctuations became tangible, as if a gray mist enveloped her and sat down on the horse.

Those who rushed all stopped, the gray mist was tumbling, and some huge shadows wandered in it, which was mysterious and unusual... The cavalry brought by the cousin did not hesitate and rushed into the gray mist. Expand, more shadows wander.

This is... Shaoyu asked, I hope someone can explain!

War ability! I do not know who said.

Um, is my cousin really a knight? ! ! As the gray mist dissipated, Shaoyu looked at it intently, and was surprised. The image of the cousin and the cavalry underneath changed drastically, and the whole body was covered in gray mist. Not only did they wear heavy knights' plate armor, but they also carried a two-handed sword. What's more, all their mounts became... cats!

At first Shaoyu thought it was a tiger, but after a closer look, he discovered that it was an enlarged cat.

Because there is no tiger pattern, a pure black cat is bigger than a horse!

Watching this group of cavalry charge and jump into the enemy group, who cut people like chopping melons... The cousin brought less than forty cavalry. At this time, all of them are extremely flexible, jumping like the wind... They will also suffer from enemy weapons and magic. Damage, but as long as they kill the enemy, the injury in the gray mist can be recovered.

Invincible! In a daze, Shaoyu saw that the opposing army with the same warfare ability was defeated, surrounded and scattered naturally... Except for some light, he did not see the opponent's ability at all... They were defeated!

This, what to do! To be honest, Shaoyu's mood is complicated. I didn't expect my cousin to be so powerful, how to deal with it later! The headache that caused him didn't happen, and the cousin chased the soldier who ran away.

It's just that when I was away, the cold eyes that came back...a little startled.

After that, a small group of men and horses drove over again. This was Neith's army.

After entering Nes, the uncle who was twice as fatter than Zhen appeared, explaining the ins and outs! Because their adventure was proved to be the ruins of the mind-blowing tribe, and the ground collapsed to the center of the earth and could not be excavated again...The family and mercenaries who were killed by the nobles came together and united with the surrounding duchy to exert influence on them. Also removed the outpost of the Zhende family.

Originally Niss was a locked country, not to mention that Zhende's family was still one of the great nobles, so naturally he ignored it... But precisely because it was locked, it locked the enemy's attack and the way out!

Of course, the news was received late on this matter, and it had not received much attention before the other party removed the stronghold and shut down the teleportation formation between countries!

Everyone almost went to the palace first. After Zhende’s explanation and his uncle’s ‘operation’, they avoided entering and returned to Holmsa.

...Shaoyu who took the time to ask his cousin, Zhende said that the cousin is also a member of the adventure group. She had sent a letter before saying that she would have something to do here... But she is weak and doesn't often come out to take risks. That's it, I don't know how long to rest this time.

...This is still weak, and Shaoyu has a **** look on his face... On the way, he naturally learned something about his cousin. Zhende is actually familiar with her cousin, but he and Zhende are not too familiar with each other. Thinking about...

When he saw Holmsa Castle, Shaoyu had a sense of trance and unreality... When Dalk Eagle Eye heard the sound, he barely recognized them... Everyone looked at each other and laughed, not just because Easy, but everyone is like refugees fleeing from famine. Thinking about the experience this month, Shaoyu also laughed for a long time.

Hawkeye is Zhende's cousin and one of the members of the adventure group who stayed here.

After some freshening and tidying up, everyone sat on the round table in the dining room. The head of the group first introduced Shaoyu, and after shaking hands, he asked Yingyan where the others were. Hawkeye said that they came back but went on mission. The family has encountered some troubles, and his other uncle recently sent a letter to them... for help. Zhen De said: Why would uncle look for them, his private soldiers? Hawkeye said that he did not know the specifics, but Sensen, Devil, Liyou, and YB have been there for a few days. Hawkeye paused and then said: After they went there, they lost contact. He waited for them after receiving the demons, otherwise he would leave too.

Although the magic letter tower can only be used by the magician, as long as the money is available, the magician can also be used to spread the letter. K Niu has a lot of money wasted on this, just like online chat, I don't know who it is sent to.

The head groaned for a while, and said that he would take a rest for a day, and then go to support them, and now hurry up and serve a delicious table.

After a feast, Shaoyu with a swollen belly just listened to Xiaoyue's words about the room and a prediction... Hawkeye and temper led Shaoyu to visit the castle. This is a castle built on a cliff, under the cliff. A large village, this is Zhende's territory. The dark black masonry of the castle looks a bit old, and the interior is fully functional, but the interior space looks not as big as the exterior.

Standing on the tower on the side of the castle, watching the smoke from the village below, there was a peaceful atmosphere. The temper pointed down and said: The village still retains the adventure guild.

The inside of the castle is divided into upper and lower floors, with only a dozen rooms, three maid-level maids, and a chef. After going around the castle, he arranged a room for Shaoyu. Yingyan jokingly said that if the adventure group joins a few more people, there will be no place to live.

Hawkeye's profession is a sword and shield warrior, and he looks more mature. Shaoyu cleaned up the room with the help of a fat maid. He fell on the bed and rested while thinking back... the battle at Kahn was depressing, and the cousin's battle was shocking.

......After training on the road, he found that the switching time between Qi body and Jian Yuan can be greatly shortened. He has been practicing for more than a month and can now be completed in 27 seconds. This time can be shortened. Constantly switching between the great pains, his mental strength also increased by 0.2, becoming 22.

The next day, Satsuki said that the divine enlightenment showed that there was no danger, so the head of the regiment decided that he, Satsuki, Ailian, Eagle Eye, Zhende, and General would go and support. The others took a break, and Shaoyu thought to himself how to separate Baoju from Xiaoyue. Baoju parted with Xiaoyue in pain. After they left the castle, he happily pulled Shaoyu to have fun.

Shaoyu was a bit speechless, ready to practice, but he was curious about what fun Baoju would have, so he followed.

After arriving in the village, Baoju took him straight to the hotel in the village, and Shaoyu thought to himself that he was in a hurry to drink the wine here? This is a cabin-style bar, except for a few tables at the bar. It is morning, and there is no one in the bar. The boss is an aunt with a waist as thick as a bucket, and Bao Ju greeted her enthusiastically when she went up, and she didn't know where to get some flowers, making her laugh.

Shaoyu was taken aback, and only felt that the taste of Baoju was too strong. I found out that Baoju was the daughter of the barkeeper who asked about it! This product was really eating a bowl and looking at the pot. The barkeeper said that his daughter was at home, so Baoju took Shaoyu and went straight to the house of the village hotel boss. Shaoyu followed Baoju all the way, and saw that there were no people in the village. He probably went to work in the farming work. He saw that the door of his house was not closed, but he felt that it was a way of not closing the house at night.

The hotel owner was not far away, and Bo Ju gestured to stop as soon as he walked in. Shaoyu was taken aback, and Baoju said excitedly: The sound of water, is it bathing? He touched it lightly and Shaoyu had a headache. Soon Baoju came out with a sister paper, and regretted that he was just doing laundry.

Shaoyu wanted to leave, he felt very boring to watch Baoju tell her sister paper about this adventure. Baoju said that after lunch, he would take him to the Adventure Guild... forbearance. After lunch, on the village road, Shaoyu asked Baoju: What kind of paper is better than Xiaoyue, except for being a girl, she doesn't look good at all, she has freckles on her face. But Baoju said loudly: Every day I eat a plate of food to the death, I have to change my taste. Shaoyu remained speechless, and then he listened to Bo Ju whispering: Someday he will leave...

Shaoyu understood that Baoju was not from this continent, he felt a little bit, and couldn't help thinking. He himself will leave this place someday.

When he arrived at the Adventure Guild, Bao Ju yelled again, don't look at his sturdy and brutal appearance, but he can actually bring up the atmosphere very well. Bao Ju talked about how everyone established a stronghold here under his leadership, how and how.... The Adventure Guild also ran out of a middle-aged uncle, who should co-author repeatedly. This middle-aged uncle is just an honest-faced ordinary villager, and there are no members staying in the adventure guild. This uncle's duty is to notify them in time of any major tasks and newcomers.

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