The Adventure Guild is just a larger wooden house, the whole room is a hall... and in the hall, except for a bookcase beside a table, a few chairs and a candlestick on it, it is empty.

This day, Shaoyu stayed here to learn the various symbols, gestures and formations of the adventure group. Marking symbols are used in mazes or after being separated. Everyone has his own mark, such as Baoju, his mark is the same pattern as his axe. Of course, Shaoyu immediately left his mark, but instead of using a pattern, he wrote a sword character in Chinese characters.

After writing this sword character, Shaoyu found that the characters that he hadn't practiced well before are now writing vigorously, with a sharp feeling. So he took out a piece of paper and wrote some Chinese characters on it. The more he writes, the more he feels. He just feels like a sword is drawn horizontally and vertically. Before he knows it, he writes a whole sheet. Shaoyu finds that he writes every word very powerfully, but it doesn’t look good together. It's so beautiful.

While he was thinking, he suddenly discovered that someone had walked into the adventure guild. He fixed his eyes and saw that it turned out to be a mage wearing a cloak and holding a magic weapon. The mage came straight to him. Shaoyu looked around, the middle-aged uncle didn't know where he went, and Baoju was gone. He sighed, stood up and asked: Is there anything wrong?

The mage took off his hood. He was a young man. He asked: Can he join the Adventure Guild?

Shaoyu was taken aback, and immediately said that of course he could join. He thought to himself that everyone said that no one had joined, so he just ran into one.

The mage said that he joined, do it now.

Shaoyu touched his head, how could this be done... he smiled at the mage and said to wait. So he ran out and roared: Baoju.

After roaring a few times, he turned back to the guild and moved a chair to invite the mage to sit down. The mage looked at him with frightened eyes. Shaoyu was a little embarrassed, and repeatedly said that he was not trying to violent his chrysanthemum, but was Call the person's name. Shaoyu thought to himself, I can't let him run back to the castle to call someone, maybe this mage is gone.

After a while without seeing Boju coming, Shaoyu went out and yelled a few more times. After he came back, he felt that this place was too rudimentary. He didn't even have tea or wine for entertaining. I had to find a topic to chat with the master, but he only learned to talk to a stranger with sister paper and didn't know what to talk to a stranger... The master didn't talk much, and after a few questions, the two could only look at each other.

After watching it for a long time, I saw Baoju walking in with his pants, and he yelled and pulled Xiangxiang and he couldn't pull it happily. After learning that someone had joined, he said that in the future, he would let Shaoyu sit in the guild, and the important task of developing the adventure group was left to Shaoyu. Then he murmured, it is strange that there are still mages to join in this small village.

Shaoyu really wants to kick him, do you want people to join?

After tossing for a while, it turned out that joining the adventure guild was to leave a name on the magic leather paper, drop a little blood to imprint a crystal, and receive an adventure badge, so even if you joined. The mage is a magician-level element mage, repairing water system and derived ice system, his name is Diablo. This is not the real name. Many people in the regiment use the code name. One is that the name is too long to be called in battle, and the second is that they don't want to reveal their real name.

Bo Ju and Shaoyu didn't ask much, but the mage said with a look of excitement that they heard that registered adventurers can use code names, but they didn't expect it to be true. Then he said his real name, but Chang Shaoyu didn't remember it. Diablo also talked about his situation... He even got married and traveled to this place, but he did not expect to find an adventure guild in the locked country.

That said, Baoju became interested, and Shaoyu also felt that there was a big story in it, travel! Bao Julian asked him to get food and wine. Diablo said he called his wife over, and everyone certainly agreed.

When Baoju came back with the barkeeper's daughter, carrying wine and food, Diablo also brought his wife into the guild. Diablo's wife is a standard beauty. After setting out the wine and food and introducing her, she is pregnant, and violent chrysanthemum leads the darkness to tell stories. With him driving the atmosphere, several people also found it very harmonious. Soon Diablo talked about everything just like pouring beans, and his wife couldn't hold back on one side.

It turned out that Diablo and his wife eloped. This is a marriage not allowed by the two-side family. They were caught after they fled to Nes, so they had to run more and more remotely. They came to this place. When they were worried about eating and drinking, they were surprised. Discovered the Adventure Guild. After talking for a while, Diablo went under the table.

Shaoyu was a little speechless. Seeing Diablo's wife blamed and distressed, she lifted Diablo up and wiped him with wine stains, Shaoyu couldn't help feeling a little depressed. Unexpectedly, the bar owner's daughter could drink it very well. At this time, it was dark. K-girl came over and said that she thought something was wrong. Baoju hurriedly said that he had accepted a newcomer, so K Niu also sat down....

The next day, the adventure guild set up another wooden house, originally planned to arrange them to live in the castle, but only one storage room has to be cleaned up, Shaoyu said to give up the room, Diablo said they don't have to trouble. So the Adventure Guild officially had members guarded, and they began to do tasks every day.

The adventure guild has been established for so long, and only one "big mission" of monsters attacking neighboring villages has appeared. Usually it is to help villagers, go into the mountains and find missing animals, etc., Diablo puts away the robe of the mage, doing it on the contrary. Phew, this made Shaoyu sigh again. It seemed that he had let go of the mage's reservations while trying to live his life.

In his free time, Diablo listened to Baoju talk about the adventure group, and learned about adventures with Shaoyu. Shaoyu quickly mastered the symbols of the round table adventure. After he was accidentally seen by the villagers in sword practice, he pointed out the swordsmanship of the guards in the village.

It is said that the guards were also spontaneously organized by some strong villagers and hunters in the village, mainly doing simple patrols to defend against wild beasts.

While teaching people, Shaoyu also adjusted his own shortcomings. Through writing, he found that although he has reached the level of human and sword integration, he can draw swords as he wishes without leaking...Every word is sharp, but the whole length is not satisfactory.

After adjusting for a long time, I discovered that if you pay too much attention to the perfection of each sword, you will lose the overall coordination.

In addition to practicing swords, switching between sword auras, practicing swordsmanship in the spiritual world while meditating, Shaoyu also writes and writes sentences with swords from time to time. He wrote memorable Tang poems and Song Ci. He secretly thought about what kind of swordsmanship this is, and Shaoyu felt that he should be called into the utmost.

After half a month, that day Shaoyu took a team of guards from the village... When the four villagers were patrolling, they heard the sound of fighting coming from a distant hill.

When they arrived, Shaoyu discovered that a group of people were being chased by three huge tigers, and he reacted violently. This should be Mongala! He hurriedly asked the villagers to stop and go back to report the letter. He stayed here to observe.

This group of people are in mercenary costumes, as if after a big battle...a Mongara has injuries on his body, and these mercenaries are also everywhere.

Among the mercenaries there was a young man holding a magic scorpion running, watching the posture was protected.

Mongara ran very vigorously, his body seemed to be wrapped in a ball of wind, whistling from time to time as he ran, and the ground that he stepped on was slightly shaken with every step. From time to time, they sprayed wind blades in their mouths and attacked the mercenaries. These mercenaries avoided some rocks and trees. Shaoyu turned his body as early as they passed by, and went up the mountain a few steps. He was a little surprised. What these mercenaries provoke Mongara to do, kill them together as a title, and it's useless. This is endless chasing.

Soon they bypassed the mountain pack, and Shao Yu secretly said a bad word, he saw that the mercenaries were running away from the village.

Shaoyu stood on the mountain bag, unlocked the restraint bracelet, closed his eyes and raised his sword to concentrate. After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and speared down.

Following the wind, he glides down from the sky... After the swordsmanship progresses, the combination of head down, spirit, and sword! The tip of the sword pierced the last monster with the sword light, and the sword penetrated through the back. The pierced and nailed Mongara hadn't died yet. It roared and struggled to stand up. Shaoyu let go and stepped on the tiger's head with one foot. When he landed, his sword yuan flowed all over his body and kicked. Chopped it off, only a click sound, Mongala's head hit the ground heavily, no more sound.

At this time, the two Mongaras and the mercenaries who ran ahead reacted. The one running at the front is the King of Mongara, with the word King in the center of its brow. Seeing it turned back and roared, it smashed a boulder to a sudden stop, turned and rushed towards Shaoyu, while the other continued to rush towards the mercenaries.

Shaoyu summoned the divine sword in his hand, and two unicorns floated beside him. He whispered to scan, the king of Mongara freezes in his left eye, and the numbers are poured down, Xiao S said, the lord-type wind-type monster, the king of mongara, the combat power is 83..., I haven't heard it yet, Mengga King Ra's mouth spit the wind blade followed him. His current combat power is only 65, and the magic director's combat power is 100, this monster is almost a magic director. Shaoyu still didn't know how to calculate this combat power, he always felt that it should be fine for him to take the name of a beheader.

He first blocked the wind blade with a single horn, and the Excalibur spat out a gray sword light to fight against the claws of King Mongara. After being hit, he retreated several steps on Mongala's corpse, and a long lunge pulled the sky long sword inserted on Mongala to stabilize his figure. It was really powerful, and Shaoyu sighed, but the King of Mongara also retreated, and a sharp claw broke under the sword's light. It shook the ground and stared at Shaoyu.

When the other unicorn struck each other, Shao Yuyu made a stab at the King of Mongala from below. The yellow-lined King Mongara's belly was pure white and looked very soft, but as a result, the unicorn was blown away by the strong wind on his body as soon as he approached. Shaoyu sighed again, the unicorn is very mysterious, but it must not be a flying sword, and the speed is not enough to spit the sword. The unicorn was shot down to the ground, and he didn't care.

Shaoyu threw the divine sword and screamed. The hilt of the divine sword flew up into the air. The King of Mongara seemed to perceive the danger. He raised his head and roared, and cyan wind surrounded him. With a cry of ill, the tip of the divine sword pointed towards the king of Mongara, only a whistling sound turned into ten sword shadows and shot towards the king of Mongara.

At the same time, he drew the sky long sword, a **** arrow sprayed Lao Gao under him.

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