Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 185: Income (below)

Shaoyu thought that the King of Mongara would avoid swordsmanship, but he did not expect that a small blue tornado blew around his body, and he resisted ten sword shadows motionlessly, which gave him no chance to rush up. .

The King of Mongara estimated that the power of Imperial Swordsmanship was wrong...Without letting Shaoyu down, a few sword shadows broke through the tornado, and four sword shadows stuck on the back of the King of Mongara. After the wind stopped, it lay motionless on the ground.

The mercenaries fought with the Mongara in a fiery ball, and Shaoyu took a look and jumped off Mongara's body and approached the King of Mongara with his sword. As soon as he approached, he saw King Mongara's eyelids move, and then he stood up suddenly, shaking his body, and all the sword shadows inserted in it were bounced out.

Although a few blood spurted out of King Mongara's body, his aura was even stronger... it was really difficult. Shaoyu stepped forward into a state of slowing down all around, leaping back and forth to form a ball with the King of Mongala.

In the staggering back and forth, Shaoyu wielded the sky long sword while fighting with the magic sword. After two months of training, the magic sword can still have some sword essence after using the sword once. Under the harassment of Yujian, he stabbed the three swords of King Mongara, and it was not critical that the three stabbings were not deep. However, the sword of death circulated on the sky long sword, causing its wounds to corrode blood holes, and the blood-covered King Mongara roared at Shaoyu.

Shaoyu also hit a claw. He raised his sword to stand up against the King of Mongara, and tried to violently attack its chrysanthemum. As a result, the King of Mongara flicked his tail and flew the sword. He was distracted and couldn't bear it, and was slapped by it, and this palm shattered his body guard Yungang.

He hurriedly slid backward, but the floating cloak was torn apart by sharp claws.

The elf cloak that had been with him for several years was damaged. Before Shaoyu was angry, he saw the King of Mongara leaping over again. Shaoyu's imperial divine sword returned to him, waiting intently.

I saw the King of Mongara inhaling deeply, his neck stretched out and he let out a roar, Shao Yu saw the grass and rocks around him being lifted up, and an invisible force hit him.

Lion roar! Shaoyu Zama was certain, but still couldn't stop sliding backwards. He thrust the sky long sword into the ground before he stopped retreating. He tried his best to stabilize his figure, and blood was flowed out of his ears again. The roar of the king of Mongara seemed endless. He only felt that his body was broken by the infinite force. The broken elven cloak was completely blown away. Fortunately, the gray robe was not blown away. Otherwise, the clothes inside would be broken...several times stronger than the war cry of the warrior... Shaoyu wanted to build an air shield now. It is a pity that it is now in the form of Jian Yuan, and the Qi is shrinking in the cyclone.

If you can't hold on like this, you will suffer too much and you must fight back. So he flew to the King of Mongara with difficulty and the sword. With great strength, the Divine Sword flew very slowly, and there were not many swords in the body and the Divine Sword. When he thought about it, he saw a single horn flying from the ground and plunged into Monga. In the eyes of King Ra.

At this moment, the lion roar of King Mongara was interrupted, and the pain made its mouth wider, and the divine sword flew straight into its mouth...

When Diablo arrived, Shaoyu leaned against a large rock and had not recovered his hearing. The group of mercenaries was too bad, and was destroyed by a group that was almost killed by a Mongara. I really don't know how they provoke them, or the dark cast condensed a number of ice vertebrae and penetrated Mongara before it was solved.

When the storm and temper arrived, Shaoyu could barely hear things. Rarely, Baoju was humble. He said that he couldn't do the King of Mongara, and then he said Shaoyu SB, stubbornly topping its battle cry, and waited for them to get it done easily. Shaoyu was supported by his temper, smiling bitterly and speechless.

The battle roar is the lion roar. Of course Shaoyu knew about it. This is actually a general-purpose ability for fighters, which can be easily learned in the Warriors Guild. He knew this situation at the time and couldn't believe it, such a powerful ability... As a result, under detailed understanding, the battle cry that the Warriors Guild can learn is a loud shout, which is used to scare ordinary people and interrupt the magic of some rookie wizards. The real battle cry is the profound application of fighting spirit, and there are many versions...The original source is the King of Mongara.

As the qi continues to wander through the body, the tearing and weakening feeling recedes. The villagers and guards cheered, and they found wooden sticks to carry three Mongara's bodies back to the village. As they walked along, the villagers gathered more and more. Some children ran up and poked at the bodies of Warcraft from time to time, and were scared away by the adults shaking the Warcraft. The village was full of joy.

On the contrary, it was the mercenaries. Less than half of the ten mercenaries were left. They buried the corpse in silence, but the young man with the magic weapon followed. Everyone returned to the adventure guild. At this time, the sun had set and everyone decided to hold a village bonfire barbecue on the spot. Shaoyu dragged a chair and sat by the door watching the hunters cutting Mongara. He suddenly remembered whether he should dissecting the King of Mongara.

It was two ordinary Mongalas that were grilling. He asked everyone to keep the corpse of the King Mongala. Shaoyu didn't act immediately. He felt that he had to take a break, and he didn't want to dissect it in front of everyone.

Diablo has been integrated into the adventure team, and will play with Mongala with Baoju for a while, and chat with Temper for a while. It was K Niu who had been away for two days. She said she was going to get some money, and also to check the situation of the college, she had to get the college certificate when she graduated soon!

Just as Shaoyu quietly watched the crowds busy, the young man holding the magic scorpion came up to talk. This is also a wealthy lord, and the magic burnt is money. The reason why those vegetable mercenaries can escape for so long is that he will shoot a large number of magic arrows whenever it is critical. He has excellent leather armor, a cloak, and four rings on his hands, but he doesn't feel like a nouveau riche, and he is a handsome young man who makes people feel very good.

The young man asked: What kind of guild is the Adventure Guild? Shaoyu was taken aback, and said: This is the home of adventurers. He said: Adventurer? Shaoyu wanted to sigh again. Many people already only know that mercenaries don't know adventurers, and they don't even know about adventure guilds. The young man continued, are you an adventurer? Shaoyu nodded. He said: Very strong, do you accept employment?

Shaoyu was stunned again and said: Are you not a mercenary? The young man said: I’m not a mercenary. I originally hired a mercenary group to see the king of Monlaga, but you can see that the mercenary group leader with the name of the beheader appeared after solving the three Mongalas. The king of Mongarah was shot dead. Shaoyu's mouth opened wide when he heard it, and they all had the name of the beheader, how did they hang it, and there are so many mercenary helpers! Is it careless? !

The young man said: Now this mercenary group has dispersed, he can only call another person to get out of here. After a little smile, he continued: Don't accept employment if you don't know how to take risks. Shaoyu was about to answer, and Baoju shouted over there: Finally he got a magic crystal. Shaoyu looked and saw that his hands were stained with blood and he was holding a crystal. Then Baoju said, this little Monragha has magic crystals, and that big one must have them.

Shaoyu shouted: You are anxious, the King of Mongala is still useful to me. Baoju wiped his hands, and said something about why you are hanging so much, and then went around another cut which was almost Mongara. At this time Diablo came back: asked what was the matter. Shaoyu hurriedly said that he might be alive, and this local tyrant wants to hire us. Diablo even said that it is good to have money.

Youth Lian said that it would be good to give a hundred purple coins and **** him to a nearby city with teleportation. After chatting for a few words, Shaoyu asked you why the mercenaries met the King of Mongara? The young man said that he was out to experience, how could he not see this beast that is sung by all continents.

Temper also came back at this time, just to hear the young man's words, he said: Why not join the adventure guild, let's take risks together, don't we just see everything. Then he talked about some adventures, and the young man who listened only asked questions with interest.

Shaoyu and Diahe hurriedly flashed their tempers, and they could talk for three days and three nights.

In the evening campfire barbecue, the youth...Chadie joined the round table adventure group and decided to stay and learn to become an adventurer. And hundreds of miles away, the group leader and they also accepted a few people to join the adventure group.

Since then, the first generation of members of the adventure group who left a grand chapter in the Book of Era have gathered.

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