Shaoyu was taken aback when he heard it, and looked at Baoju with some doubts. At this moment, Diablo laughed out loud, and Shishi and Chadi also laughed. Seeing Bo Ju's serious expression, Shaoyu couldn't help staring at the young man, who yelled, "Bao Ju's IQ is problematic, and then turned his head and said to everyone, hello."

Shaoyu also laughed, really a little brother!

The little brother is an acquaintance of the adventure group, but he officially joined the adventure group not long ago. The two felt very good for Shaoyu. After a while, they got closer together. I heard that Chadi was going to buy equipment. Shishi said that he must go to his small chamber of commerce to have a look, and Chadi would be satisfied. .

The younger brother said that he had to finish his work and see you later. After chatting for a while, the little brother left... he was funny.

Then everyone set out to get on the carriage directly to Shishi's Chamber of Commerce. Shishi said it was a small chamber of commerce, but this chamber of commerce occupies one-fifth of the area of ​​this street and is obviously a large chamber of commerce. Shi Shi said that he was not mainly engaged in the business of weapons, but he also had some boutique inventory. Under his leadership, everyone went directly to the chamber of commerce to select equipment.

Shi Shi arranged a professional shopping guide for each woman... Looking at the neatly stacked various weapons, Shaoyu was also a little moved. His elven cloak was damaged, but he had no money in his pocket, which was very painful. .

I looked at the space ring unconsciously... Everyone ran out of money before sitting on the teleportation, and I didn’t say any reimbursement after K-girl gave out so much. Of course I wasn’t embarrassed to now I don’t have a single gold coin, nor is there any What can be sold.

poor! I can only wander around!

While Chadi exchanged coins, he spent 36,000 gold coins to buy a ring. Shaoyu walked over and saw that this is a ring that can be activated with vindictiveness and can be used once a day. 36,000 gold coins are still friendship. price! Chadi also bought a glove, which can increase the user's grudge, and it also cost him more than 5,000 gold coins. Diablo also took a fancy to an ice clan magic amulet, which can increase some ice magic damage, but he didn't have enough money, and Zhende also bought a pair of shoes. Except for Chadi and Zhende, everyone was basically walking around, but Shaoyu found a black cloak. While waiting for the female to introduce it to the dark elf's shadow cloak, if you stand still at night or in a dark environment, you have an elementary level. The stealth effect. When Shaoyu asked about the price, the friendship price was also 14,000 gold coins, and he thought to himself that he would save money.

After returning to the hotel, the head and the little brother came together. Everyone gathers for dinner. During the dinner, the head of the group talked about the situation. The ruins on Sein's side have been confirmed, and the teleportation array leading to this water city has been closed. Everyone must act quickly. He proposed to teleport to the nearest city overnight, and then rushed to Sein.

This proposal was approved by everyone. After drinking and drinking, pack up and send out.

Before departure, Shaoyu received a surprise, and the shadow cloak was wrapped and delivered, and he put on the shadow cloak on the spot. This is no longer a local tyrant, but a howling god! It seems quite deliberate, it must have been seeing him standing in front of this cloak for a long time... This made Shaoyu's affection for Shishi greatly increased. Everyone received some gifts, and Diablo also received the ice talisman.

After teleporting to a small country in the east, everyone bought mounts day and night... Not only were they on the way, they also saw some mercenary squads or lone rangers along the way.

This mainland ranger generally refers to a lone traveler, not a professional or archer.

Three days later...Finally arrived at Saiin, the city on the water.

From a distance, the city is like a cube, really built on the rushing water. This waterway is a branch of a big river.

The water city has entered a defensive state, but mercenaries are still allowed to enter. To enter the city on the water, you must first have a boat. After the captain rented a small shed at a high price, he also took out some mercenary badges and distributed them to everyone. Shaoyu was a bit speechless, he had to pretend to be a mercenary! Seeing the captain standing on the bow and handing the gold coins to the guards mercenary group to prove it, he felt that it was definitely not the first time to pretend.

Soon they entered Sein. There were no roads, only one waterway. In the city on the water, the boat was a means of transportation and was a necessity for life. If you want to enter any building, pull the boat aside and slide the door to get the ground. Most of the buildings here are flat-topped and very neat, with balconies on three or more floors, which are connected by wooden boards. This can be considered an air passage, but the passage disappears as soon as the board is drawn.

Shaoyu thought it was quite interesting. Turning around a street, there were still some small boats with things on board, stopping by the waterway to sell. Everyone is a little bit novel, and from time to time the boat is called to buy some gadgets.

After swimming through a few water streets, the group leader said that he should do business first, and have fun afterwards.

The entrance to the ruins was actually in the palace. The reason was that the floor of the earthquake broke during the palace ball. Some guests of the prince and company fell and disappeared... Sending guards and soldiers to search for the ruins.

The prince was rescued, but the news about the ruins was leaked out. A large number of mercenaries asked to enter, and even the palace mages had sneaked in privately. When not allowed, the king made the ruins public and only charged some entrance tax and discovery income tax.

Of course, these two types of taxes are words created by Shaoyu himself... The official statement is to collect ten gold coins per person, but it must be a registered mercenary team... and the income tax is ten items found in the ruins. Three-thirds were turned over to Sein.

The first mercenary team found a large number of treasures and confirmed that the ruins were the jellyfish clan among the hundreds.

The appearance of jellyfish is not much different from that of human beings. They are amphibians, and most of them are not well-developed. They have gills on their necks, and their arms can't lift their shoulders because they are connected under the ribs. Jellyfish is a matriarchal society, in which females are more beautiful and less intelligent than ordinary humans, and males are ugly and short, just like wild animals.

The jellyfish family yearns for land. Ironically, their greatest value lies in the fact that after the death of a female jellyfish, the **** on the arm can be made into a kind of wing, which allows people to fly and glide for a short time, and it also attaches a kind of jellyfish that the jellyfish had grasped before her death. Magic ability. In the era of the Hundred Races, they fell into extinction for a while, and finally had to return to the water.

The first mercenary team found a wing, the best wing with water shield, and sold it for 100,000 purple coins on the spot, which is 10 million gold coins.

There are many countries on the mainland, and the gold coins minted by each country vary in size. The stronger the national power, the bigger the gold coin. When buying and selling items, gold coins have to be weighed. No matter how big your space and equipment are, you can't just store money. There is no bank in this world, so there is no card or something. The exchange provides one hundred gold coins for purple coins that are truly unified currency in mainland China. There are crystal coins on top of purple coins. The same is one hundred purple coins for one crystal coin, but crystal coins are made of a special crystal. Yes, exchanges will only provide exchanges unless they are extremely wealthy, and most people will never see them for a lifetime. Previously, Chadi had brought crystal coins, and Shaoyu had the honor to see them, crystal clear like handicrafts.

A floating platform was built in front of the palace, on which the palace magicians, imperial guards, mercenary guilds, magic guilds, warrior guilds and other guilds formed an inspection team, which can only be entered through examination.

At first glance, everyone was a little imaginary, and they were queuing up while discussing countermeasures.

Bao Ju said: It's better to break in. The head of the group said: I didn't see many guilds in front of you, so I might be besieged. Bao Ju said what to do, and the head was silent. Shishi said that it was still spending money, but Ailian said that it might not work, and all the guilds here will be stationed. Diablo means that there must be a road to the mountain, and everyone talks nonsense. Shaoyu had nothing to do. He looked at Chadi, who had not spoken all the time. Chadi saw Shaoyu watching him, and he said what to do with everyone.

As the team moved forward, everyone was a little nervous, and Shaoyu suddenly asked: Why not be a mercenary?

Everyone was stunned, and the head of the group said: Who will accept the norms and rules of mercenaries? If you don't do tasks for a long time, they will be degraded. When encountering a large mercenary group, you have to swallow the task... Ailian said that mercenaries still have power divisions. For example, mercenaries in the south cannot go to the north at all and will be driven back. Everyone talked more and more enthusiastically, and they all forgot their original purpose. Fortunately, they were on a shed boat, and the surroundings were very noisy, otherwise they would immediately be besieged by mercenaries on the front and rear boats.

When Shaoyu heard them, this mercenary has a strict hierarchy and is not free at all.

After talking, it was their turn, most of the mercenaries failed, and the ship was returned directly, which seemed very strict. The long tables on the floating platform formed a semi-arc, and when they walked up, they were stared at by all the guilds, and there was a feeling of nowhere to hide. The head of the regiment started, and everyone bit the bullet and prepared for the battle. After the team leader handed over the mercenary certificate, the people in the mercenary guild didn't look at the certificate, they just stared at everyone, and then made a circle on the table.

The group leader didn't react, but Shishi threw a handful of purple coins up there, and all the people in the guild nodded in satisfaction and let them go. Then, at the palace guard, they handed in ten gold coins. After they recorded everyone's appearance with crystals, a guard led everyone forward. The head of the regiment reacted at this moment. Oh, the young people sitting on the guild table outside spent a few gold coins to ask the guards. It turns out that the guild members have entered the ruins. These young people are all apprentices and they just sit down. If you collect money outside, how can you review it?

It really costs money! Everyone was speechless and worried for nothing.

Soon I walked to the entrance of the ruins, which still kept the appearance of a dance party, with a hole ten meters wide in the middle of the floor. The guard kindly reminded that there was some water in the passage, please be careful, and then said that the outlet was also in the palace and remember to pay taxes. The head of the regiment handed over a few more gold coins, and the guard said one more thing to be careful of other mercenaries below, and then left.

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