Before entering, the group leader handed out some supplies, some potions, food for two days and a black cylinder with a palm. Shaoyu held the cylinder and expressed puzzlement. The head of the group said: This is a breathing apparatus. Seeing that the hose on one side is not used, bite and pull it out when it is used, which can support a quarter of the scale of underwater breathing. Then he told everyone that the ruins were in a big stream, just in case.

Still starting with Zhende, after taking out the lantern and jumping in one by one, everyone found that the passage was very wide and clean. The gray masonry formed a long corridor. Finally, the group leader jumped down, and everyone formed a formation and started to move forward. As Shaoyu looked at the meter, it showed that the underground was ten meters underground and the temperature was twenty-seven, which had not changed.

After walking for a while, Ailian said, why isn't this place like a ruin. Shaoyu actually felt this way too. Everyone said that it was too clean, and judging from the monotonous walls, it did not look like the buildings of the Baizu era.

The leader said: Take a closer look. At this time, the team slowed down, and the head of the group squatted down and stared at the ground from time to time. Ailian was taking out a small shovel and scraping the ashes on the wall. Seeing that everyone was a little confused, Zhende said something and they were checking.

The newly joined Diablo, Cha Di, and Poems were a bit at a loss. The younger brother seemed to understand a little bit. He said: This should be the year and month of sampling and testing the remains. Professional is professional. In fact, Shaoyu also has a box of adventure equipment. With the leader and them, he doesn't bother to use it. Shishi said, it's so hanging.

After walking for a while, through the meter, Shaoyu found that he had begun to descend, but it was not obvious that he had walked a hundred meters before dropping by one meter. After walking for so long, he felt that he should have crossed the big stream, and when everyone felt a little bored, he finally diverged.

After stopping at the fork road, the team leader said: Maybe he was fooled. He found that there was nothing but river water below. The head of the regiment had been passed down, and he could see something underground, Shaoyu explained. Ailian also said that these construction materials are not more than two hundred years old.

Diablo said: The king of Sein dare to fool all mercenaries and guilds? impossible. Everyone was silent for a while, and Bao Ju said that he would go straight back and beat them to death. The little brother also said: It is impossible that the mercenaries and the guild are all idiots, there must be some reason.

The head said that he should vote.

Baoju felt so bored and Diablo voted back...Everyone keeps going.

Analyzing the ruins directly from traces, breeze, traps, smells, architectural styles, etc. is also an adventure skill. Shaoyu has all the knowledge of adventurers, but he doesn't have so much energy to learn. After looking at the lamp carefully for a while, Zhen De said that there were a lot of footprints in the left aisle, and only a few in the middle. The trails on the right went back and forth, which was a dead end visually. After scraping some dust on each side, Ailian said that the wall in the middle was the same as they walked, while the building on the left was a bit strange, mixed with ancient materials.

Needless to say, I walked directly to the left. After walking for a while, the little bit of luck in Shaoyu's arms began to beat. The group leader just called to stop. He said that there was something underground in front of him. Beware of traps.

Last time he ventured underground, Shaoyu hadn't seen this before, and this time he only felt it was an eye-opener. He was about to take out the universal paper. Before he took out the adventure box from the space ring, Zhende moved over and sprinkled a handful of visible powder, which revealed the trap a bell pattern. The head of the group explained this while removing the trap. As he talked, he suddenly yelled and said: This is a bell trap.

Bell Trap is a four-level magic trap, which is also a lost magic trap. The function of this trap is to summon guards to attack the intruder. This summoning spell is different, and the bell is the entity that the summon transmits.

After the explanation, the head of the group looked around with the lamp for a while, and then wondered: If it is really an ancient relic, how many years will there be a guard? It's not an ancient relic. Why there is a bell trap? It's really strange. After speaking, he said: Let's activate it and see.

At this time, Chadi suddenly asked: Aren’t there mercenaries and guilds in front? Didn’t they activate the trap?

Ailian said: Maybe someone has activated it, but there is no guard.

Ancient magic traps have a magic power cycle supply and are integrated with the ruins. Now mercenaries can not be removed, and even if someone can solve it, a useless trap is definitely not worth the effort to remove.

Seeing everyone agreed to activate, Zhende stepped on her foot and leaped back quickly.

I saw a burst of blue light forming a bell, a sharp sound turned into a blue cover, and several small figures appeared in it. Everyone was stunned and couldn't help but glanced at each other, and the head yelled: Hell, there are guards, ready to fight.

Hell indeed, why would there be a guard? If someone activated before, even if the body is cleaned up, there will always be some blood stains left.

This passage is five meters wide. This time the adventure team uses a cone-shaped staggered array. Zhende, Shaoyu, and Baoju stand in the front, followed by Shishi and Chadi, and then Ailian and Diablo. At the end is the group leader.

The group leader shouted not to attack first, to see what came out, Zhen had to maximize the light of the lantern, everyone drew out their weapons and watched carefully, Shaoyu noticed that Shishi did not hold anything, and the little brother wielded a handful of them. Long sword and a short sword.

As the blue cover disappeared, six short creatures appeared in front of everyone.

Standing upright, he was about 1.6 meters tall, with an ugly face, and a figure similar to a human. There were some blisters and scales on his thin body, and he held a trident in both hands. This is a male of the jellyfish family. The arms and ribs of male jellyfish are not poofed. They are more like beasts.

Shaoyu just saw it clearly, only to hear a whistling sound behind him, only to see four shining red arrows flying out, and then there was a violent blast, these male jellyfish that were rushing up were blown up. Torn apart.

Bao Ju yelled: Ouch, damn... I called out Shaoyu's heart.

Zhen De also murmured: Do you want to be so cruel.

Everyone looked at Chadi, and saw him say: Seeing the monster come out, they couldn't hold back. Everyone was speechless, and the leader came up and said: Be careful, if you just rushed up, you would blow yourself up! In addition, saving, this is just the beginning. Chadi nodded and said: I didn't expect these ancient creatures to be so weak...There are only a hundred bursting arrows, so I need to save a bit.

Ai Lian exclaimed: So rich.

The market price of a magic arrow equivalent to a high-level mage bursting fireball is 1,000 gold coins.

Shi Shi said: Tyrant. Baoju said: You, the local tyrant who throws purple coins casually, are also called Chacha local tyrant, so that we can't live. Everyone laughed, and after a while, everyone found that the corpses and blood of these male jellyfish had slowly disappeared, and even their weapons had been submerged into the ground, which was a bit strange.

The head of the regiment stepped forward to check. He said that the passage had absorbed all of this. Ailian said that there might be a large clean enchantment here. Only then did everyone understand why the road was so clean. As we proceeded, we encountered three or four bell traps again, as if all bell traps in this ruin.

When it was activated for the second time, six jellyfish appeared, and the little brother jumped out of the formation and rushed up, shocking everyone again. The little brother was actually a master, and rushed up and stabbed two jellyfish to death. He held the long sword with both hands, opening and closing, mostly hacking. The short sword in his left hand was thrown out before he rushed out, and after stabbing a jellyfish, it floated beside him, attacking the jellyfish as if he had his own wisdom.

Shaoyu almost stared at it... Yujian? After the battle, under the bragging introduction of his little brother, he realized that this was actually a psionic warrior of the Sky Super System. The little brother said that he had saved an old soldier accidentally and gained some inheritance. After listening to the old soldier telling many deeds, he finally got the idea of ​​taking risks after he finally mastered it.

The head of the group interrupted them and criticized the younger brother and Chacha. He said that everyone is a team and should not be so messy. Shaoyu only felt that the group leader had a sense of majesty now, he was not short at all, and everyone was afraid to speak loudly. As a result, as soon as he said two sentences, the head of the group hooked up with the younger brother and asked about the profession of psionic energy, but Shaoyu didn't react for a moment.

Afterwards, the Xiangling trap was activated all the way, and everyone got to know each other, running in the battle.

Along the way, they were surpassed by the mercenary group that came in behind. When those mercenaries passed them, they made Shaoyu a little unhappy with an idiotic look.

After welt to give way, the little brother was also a little anxious. He said that someone had passed us and the treasure would be taken away by them.

The group leader said don't worry. I don't know how many people have entered in front of us. How could the treasure be so good. And you guys are all taking part in an adventure for the first time. Practice first. We don’t need to be so serious.

Baoju followed: Let these silly birds fight first, it's a big deal to grab them.

Everyone laughed, and Shaoyu nodded with a smile.

Gradually there was some water in the channel, and the spread of different shades was a bit annoying. After triggering the two bell traps again, he finally walked to the end of the passage. Shaoyu glanced at the meter. It was forty-four meters underground.

There is no fork at the end, only a right-turning passage. After turning right, the passage becomes wider. After the arc-shaped passage is very short, there is a fork. Another is a fork with three intersections.

After watching for a while this time, Zhende said that she was very strange, repeating her footprints back and forth...

After some inspection, several people said that they had nothing but to find the way honestly. Team leader, Zhende, and Ai Lian each brought a person, and the two chose a passage, and Shaoyu, as a half veteran, followed Ai Lian into the right passage.

The passage is very short. There is a ringing trap in the passage of tens of meters, and there are three fork roads at the end. After checking, the two of them retreated, and it happened that the leader and Zhende also returned with someone.

They also said that there was a three-way road at the end of the passage of tens of meters, and there was a bell trap, exactly the same. Shaoyu thought, this situation is the same everywhere.

At this time, the head asked Ailian to see if the pointer was affected.

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