Ailian took out something like a pocket watch and opened the case to indicate that the pointer is normal. The head of the team said that she would move in the direction of the pointer. Then the head explained that this is a magic pointer, as long as you set a position, the pointer will point in that direction no matter how you turn it.

When Shaoyu heard it, isn't this a compass! After listening to the commander's words, he finally understood the fourth pointer on the instrument. The adventurer's knowledge said it was a pointing needle, but he always felt that this thing was spinning around, so he had to set the direction first.

As Ailian pointed the way, everyone walked through the passages. At the beginning, everyone activated the ringing trap to kill the jellyfish to play. As time went on, everyone gradually felt a little impatient and walked away.

I don't know how big this maze is. As it gets deeper and deeper, the water in many places in the passage gradually deepens and begins to wet the calf. After walking five marks in the maze, everyone found a dry passage and set up a camp to have a meal.

The atmosphere was a little silent, and Shi Shi also began to find this maze a bit boring, with nothing but the Xiangling trap. The team leader said that most of the time during the adventure was actually boring, but he had a hunch that it would be exciting this time. Baoju, right? You still have the sixth sense of a woman like sister paper. Everyone laughed, and the silence was swept away.

After another tick, the team leader stopped the team. He pointed to the trace on one wall and said, "No, we are back to the starting point." This trace was carved by them themselves, and when Shao Yu saw it, it turned out that they were back in the arc of the passage.

Ai Lian looked at the pointer, and after turning a few times, he said that there was no problem with the pointer, and Shaoyu also checked the meter, which was indeed okay.

While thinking about it, Zhende, who was walking in front, called: Come and see.

Everyone hurried forward, only to see some armors and weapons scattered on the ground not far away. These things belonged to the team of mercenaries who surpassed them, and Shaoyu still had the impression. After checking for a while, the team leader said that they were dead and their bodies were absorbed by the passage. Diablo said why their things are still here, haven't all the jellyfish weapons been absorbed?

Diablo's question was quickly answered. After activating the Lingling trap again, the jellyfish's trident looked like metal. Ailian said it was actually a kind of coral and would be absorbed by the channel.

After picking up the things left by the servants, we discussed again.

The main Baoju made a suggestion to return. He said that this must be a ghost of Sein, so he should go back and fight out their Xiang. The little brother also said that he didn't know what killed this team of mercenaries, and the armor was very intact and scattered and neat, as if they were all absorbed by this ghost passage.

This time the number of people who want to return has increased, and everyone is discussing it.

Chadi suddenly said: Look. Everyone was quiet and looked in the direction he was pointing. What he saw was a pool of water. Chadi said few things, and everyone was puzzled. Shaoyu turned his mind and strode over with a sword. If he walked into this puddle, the water would at least reach the roots of his thighs.

Shi Shi said: Is it sinking here? Shaoyu looked at the meter and said: It's still forty-four meters underground. Is this water coming up?

There is no need to vote this time, and everyone unanimously decided to return.

Back in the long passage, Shaoyu saw a mage wearing a black cloak, a portable lamp and a long battle at the end. Before everyone reacted, I just listened to the mage smiled and said in a gloomy tone: Some other mercenaries who discovered secrets, do you want to return? Without your flesh and blood sacrifices, how can the ancient waters be opened?

Everyone stunned and put on a fighting pose, Zhende said: Commander, you are an ugly person, the premonition is really accurate. The head yelled: "It's all about my bird, so **** him."

After many times of cooperation, naturally there will be no more rushing attacks... You Zhende and Baoju rushed up in the front row. The mage was standing far away at the other end of the passage. As the second row, Shaoyu had already untied the bracelet and took out three long swords in his left hand. When the time came, he threw the long sword upwards, sprinting and kicking, three long swords spinning forward.

Baoju rushed two steps forward and threw out the long axe in his hand, and Zhende even hit each other with his fists to release lightning. There was also Ailian's ice and fireball and Chadi's arrow in the gap.

The attack temporarily covered the entire passage... The little brother did not make a move, and a long sword floated around him, responsible for protecting the archers and the wizards.

I don't know if it is a supporter or something to rely on, the black cloak mage neither held the spell nor moved. When all the attacks were approaching, a long battle lightly waved a black mist in front of him, and the black mist quickly filled the black mist. All the attacks were silently submerged in the black mist.

Instant magic, this is at least a magician who has opened up a spiritual space and has a magical altar. Ai Lian called out the mist of corrosion, you guys will stop.

Little S's voice came out: Corrosive mist, corroded everything, a high-level spell belonging to the dark system.

The three people hurriedly stopped, Shaoyu opened his left eye and zoomed in and found that the black mist swallowed the light, making his night vision completely invisible to the mage.

The dark magic was only completed at this time, and as he chanted the last syllable, several ice cones of one meter long passed them and flew into the black mist, equally silent. There was silence in the passage. At this moment, there was a cry, but the long axe of Baoju flew back, but the three long swords that Shaoyu threw with Feiyan technique did not return.

Baoju caught the long axe and said that the axe was hot, and then he asked aloud, what should I do now!

Don't attack, step back. The captain yelled from behind, the defense is good, let's disperse it.

Baoju held the axe in both hands and sent it forward and chopped it heavily towards the ground. The long handle of the axe shone with light, and the light went all the way up until the broad axe blade condensed into a shield faction. Zhende quickly backed up a few steps, stepped back behind Baoju, and slowly backed away with Baoju. Shaoyu clinging to the sword also stepped back step by step. When Baoju talked about me, Shaoyu said that he didn't use it. He stretched out his left hand to build the air frame in front of him, and as the Yuan Qi turned, a fire shield appeared in front of him.

After being transformed by a stalactite, the gas shield became a fire shield without some restrictions.

Diablo tried to disperse it, but the difference in strength was too big to be effective. The dispelling potions thrown by Shishi are also less effective. As the black mist spread over, everyone had to retreat all the way until they retreated to the arc passage... The mage in the black mist remained silent.

As soon as he retreated into the passage, he heard the group leader yell, and Shaoyu looked back and saw a black ray hit him. The captain turned the axe on his back, and the black ray became a rope twisted and bound him.

The black cloak mage didn't know when he arrived at the back of the team, holding the magic war and continuously shooting out black light.

Ailian said that this was a dark control, so stay away from the captain. Diablo was a little flustered when he heard it, and jumped a big step back and almost ran into Chadi.

Little S's voice came out again...Dark manipulation, dominating others, belonged to the dark high-level spell. Little S's voice is very mechanical, and Shaoyu knew it was an agent when he heard it. He rushed to the back of the team quickly and asked: Little S, what are you doing, and how is this spell broken. Little S did not respond to this question. Shaoyu only listened to the painful yells of the leader, black light entangled him, and black smoke burst into his body from time to time.

Attacking the mage would definitely be able to dispel the magic, not only Shaoyu thought about it, but the younger brother also rushed forward, and Ailian took out a double battle, and the ice rocket continuously bombarded the mage. A black mist surged in front of the mage, and the little brother was forced to stop, and Ailian's attack did not respond.

As the black mist surged, the black light finally broke off, but most of the head of the group was already covered in black mist, and a large group of black light was still wrapped around his body. He struggled and roared, his figure shrank, and these black rays of light also shrank. It seemed to be useless at all. Everyone was very anxious but had nothing to do. The group leader was almost enveloped in the black mist, and he roared again, his stature a little smaller.

The second madness was the captain's limit. After the second madness, the magic resistance was so horribly high that it finally broke the black light. After breaking free of the black light, the leader kicked the ground with two axes.

At this time, the dark cloaked mage's gloomy voice came: Some ability...Next time you won't choose the wrong person, just struggle in the dark.

Everyone glanced at each other and formed a semicircular formation to protect the dark Ellen Chadi and the temporarily relieved leader against the wall. After defending for a long time, there was still no movement. The group leader panted and said: Hei Mist, everyone realized that the black mist was pervading and oppressing very close.

Ailian raised a double battle with a violent boom, and Chadi kept shooting burst arrows. After dark singing for a while, he walked two steps forward and raised the top of the battle. An icicle with a radius of at least one meter rushed into the black fog. . All the attacks are the same, silent after entering the black fog.

Shaoyu had transformed into the form of Jian Yuan, he thought for a moment, attached the Sword Yuan of Life to the sword and summoned it, and then threw the divine sword. The divine sword floated with a green light. On the one hand, the little brother suddenly said: Unexpectedly, you are also a psionic warrior! Shaoyu shook his head, his sword flew into the black mist, this time he finally reacted, as if oil had dripped into the boiling pot. In the crackling sound, Shaoyu only felt that the Sword of Life was quickly consumed.

After the Divine Sword flew for a while, Shaoyu had to call it back, and after flying down the sword, he couldn't return. Everyone's attacks can only make the black mist advance slightly. Ailian said that the mage might be a master of magic, otherwise the mist of corrosion could not have so much power. Diablo said, think of a way, are you going to die here! I really shouldn't have risked... wife!

Baoju said, are you going to cry, kick you back. Diablo said: Come on, please kick. Does Shaoyu think they are funny! There is still this mind. The black mist is getting closer, and the living space is getting smaller and smaller. At this time, the head of the group said, Ailian, Diablo alone should not save magic while attacking, delay the black mist, and others will dig.

After he finished speaking, he slashed the axe like a wheel with two axe. Everyone felt that the channel was shaking and cracks were constantly cracking in the wall and floor.

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