Everyone looked at him together, and only listened to the mumbling of the head of the group: It is none of my business.

After speaking, a lot of water spouted from the cracks, a rumbling sound rang from under the floor, and the passage collapsed.

Shaoyu really wanted to shout, it was thundering, it was raining, and he went home to collect his clothes. When I was empty at my feet, I was submerged in the water. There was a strong undercurrent in the water. Fortunately, he was prepared to shut his breath, and kept tumbling in the current. He saw everyone struggling to take out the column at his waist.

By the way, respirator.

Shaoyu hurriedly took out the cylinder from the ring, but the water was washed away, and when he got it back from the tumbling, he bit into the hose and sucked. He thought to himself, this thing can only last for fifteen minutes, what to do when it runs out.

Soon, the worry became a reality. At first, some shadows could be seen in the water, but after the rapid flow suddenly calmed down, he was in a clear blue water. Not only did everyone in the adventure group disappear, but even the water It was silence.

After the foundation was cast, the breath became longer, and he could hold his breath for at least ten minutes. In the jungle, Shaoyu was also accustomed to a person. He didn't panic, first put the sky sword firmly in his hand into the ring, and then began to swim.

Fifteen minutes of the respirator refers to the normal amount of breathing. Shaoyu takes a while to take a breath, so the actual support time is actually quite long.

I worked hard to move upstream, feeling the squeezing of the surrounding water, as if I was wearing a confinement bracelet... I went upstream for a long time, and even inhaled a second respirator, there was no change in the water. First, Shaoyu wanted him to be squeezed. Where did the water flow go? After swimming for so long, he didn't reach the top. Then he realized that he was SB, so he stopped paddling and looked at his right hand.

The meter showed that it was 1,250 meters below the ground. At this sight, Shaoyu was dumbfounded. He looked upstream for a while and found that it was 1,248 meters. This is not an illusion, it is really so deep under the sea! Shaoyu took a big breath and calmed down. There was a mess in his head. It was all about water pressure formulas, diving decompression sickness and so on. After taking a breath, Shaoyu called Xiao S and the kitten did not respond. He He didn't dare to enter the spiritual world, so he could only jump upward.

After a while, the last breath of air in the respirator was inhaled by him. When he raised his hand, he saw that there was still 636 meters. Shaoyu was a little desperate, but he took the last breath and rushed upwards desperately. With.

At this time, Xiao S reminded, adventure equipment. He then remembered that the helmet in the adventure gear could support half an hour of breathing. The helmet is his own name, like an iron pot on his head. When he took out the box from the ring and found the helmet to wear, he almost went crazy. After the helmet frame is on the head, the drainage inside forms an oxygen space.

Shaoyu thought that he could swim to the surface, but only when he reached 216 meters, the oxygen was exhausted... Somehow the oxygen in the helmet could not be saved, and he could support it for half an hour without speaking.

Withdrawing his helmet, after another eleven minutes, he only felt that his chest was squeezed, and his eyeballs swelled. He couldn't help taking a sip of water. He couldn't stop this drink. He drank it desperately, and he was confused. Zhong finally remained calm, flicking around with his hands and feet desperately, hoping to catch something.

Before he fell into a coma, Shaoyu thought, if he drowned like this, it would be too awkward.

When he opened his eyes again, Shaoyu only felt that he was holding something in his hand, but it was more difficult to turn over, because he was still in the water! He didn't fully wake up yet, wondering why he didn't hang up.

Shaoyu took a breath subconsciously, only to feel that two columns of water had been sucked in from his nose, some air had entered his body, and his mouth had subconsciously spit out the sucked water. Only then did he fully wake up, and after a while, Shaoyu touched his round stomach and felt that he had drunk so much water for nothing. It turned out that as he fell into a coma, Jian Yuan retracted his dantian, and the qi revolved automatically. After the water was sucked into the body, the qi automatically separated the oxygen into the body.

After figuring out why he could breathe underwater, Shaoyu stood up and found that he was wearing a few imprisoned bracelets, and it was extremely difficult for him to move. Raising his hand and looking at the meter, it turned out that it was more than a thousand meters underwater.

Shaoyu, who was working hard to adapt his body, felt that the water was a little uncoordinated. The bottom of the water was full of sand and some coral-like things. After thinking about it for a while, she realized that after so long all the way up until the bottom sank, she didn't see a fish.

In order to verify and adapt, Shaoyu walked around underwater.

The deep blue water was dead, and there was nothing but scattered coral rocks.

Sure enough, there were no fish. Shaoyu lost his mind without finding any creatures after adapting to the water pressure. He thought that Qi was quite magical, but he couldn't apply it at all without the technique. As he thought about Shaoyu's natural gathering of Qi, he appeared in his left hand. A fireball. Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment. He had forgotten that when the qi passed through, his left hand would emit a flame that could not burn anything, but the flame could actually come out underwater. It really couldn't burn things, even when it was exposed to water, Shaoyu threw out the fireball after a wry smile.

The fire ball jumped twice and disappeared in the sand. Shaoyu didn't pay attention at first, but then he remembered that it was he had condensed according to the routine. The vitality could support at least one minute, so why did it disappear? So Shaoyu quickened his pace and found that there was a small hole in the undulating sand in front, and the fire ball fell in.

A hole the size of a fist just made the fire ball fall, and Shaoyu squatted down and found that there was actually a vast space below. With a thought, he peeled it off with his hand and saw a building under the sand.

Shaoyu stood up and walked away. He fiddled with his feet from time to time as he walked. This is a huge building made of coral. The corals that stand in the sand grew out of the building.

If it weren’t for the fireball to fall, he’s only afraid that he would start to go upstream again. Don’t worry, it’s only a matter of time before he swims out of the water after he inhales. Sin.

And what about everyone in the adventure group? Is it up or down!

Shaoyu took out the sky sword and thrust it in.

... He felt that fortunately, no one saw it. It was too embarrassing. He didn't break the building under his feet when he couldn't use his strength. It seemed that the coral wall was quite hard. So he walked back to the small hole and cut it with a sword.

After cutting out a hole through which his body could pass, Shaoyu jumped in. After he got down, he first looked at it, and only felt that the square was a room, and everything inside was made of coral. He didn't understand the purpose of these things at all. He didn't know that the corals had grown and deformed, and all of them were strange and indistinguishable.

Shaoyu thought about scanning, but... it's not good to waste these things!

The room has no door, only a vacancy two meters wide and three meters high is considered an exit. After coming out, Shaoyu walked in the building, quiet and empty. I don't know how many years he went under the water. There was nothing but a building made of mottled potholes in coral.

Shaoyu thought for a while, he tried to enter the spiritual world...

I went in and out a few times... It was no problem, the external qi was still separating the oxygen from the water to the body.

……Entering the spiritual world, I want to understand the situation of Xiao S, why use an agent! He went directly to the platform. I saw that the small S transformed into a ball shot out a light that was connected to the center of the kitten's eyebrows, and the kitten was lying motionless on the ground. As soon as he landed on the platform, Xiao S said: Is there anything wrong with the host? Shaoyu asked: What is the situation! Little S said that he was copying the kitten's memory.

Ok? Why copy the memory of the kitten, Shaoyu asked while thinking, this time Xiao S's behavior was autonomous and he didn't notify him at all! Little S said that the copying this time was an accident. The kitten broke into the light when she perfected her spiritual world, and her current behavior is irreversible.

There were only so many explanations for Xiao S, and Shaoyu was silent for a while and said: It won't cause any harm to the kitten, and how long will it take. Little S said that copying does not cause any harm, but some things in the kitten's memory are complicated, so the time cannot be calculated. After speaking, Xiao S went on to say: Please rest assured, the host, all functions are available, and the agent will handle everything. Shaoyu didn't know what to say. He told Xiao S to complete it as soon as possible, and notified him after it was completed, and then he was out of the spiritual world.

It seems that Little S can't help much.......

It took four hours to travel through the underwater building before finding the hall. The area of ​​the hall can be said to be very large, and it is not empty.

In the hall, there is a statue almost full of space.

The fish body of the dragon head is like putting a lizard-style plesi-neck dragon head on the body of a whale. This statue seems to be made of coral, but the dragon head has clear lines and layers of thick black scales. The dragon head is almost lifelike. When Shao Yuyou approached the statue, when he wanted to tap a few times with his sword, he saw the dragon head hanging on the ground opened his eyes.

Shaoyu sank to the bottom of the water in shock, feeling relieved only when his feet were on the ground.

The dragon head alone was taller than Shaoyu. After opening his eyes, the dragon head kept staring at Shaoyu but did not take any next action. Shaoyu also stared at the dragon's eyes. This must be a smart creature. Its erect pupils kept changing, as if thinking about something.

But what is this thing, say it is a dragon, how can it be a fish body! Could it be Sea Dragon, but it was too weird like this, it seemed to be pieced together, Shaoyu thought about it and found that the dragon's sight was focused on his adventure emblem.

At this time, Long Yang raised his neck and spoke, and the water flow it brought up when he opened his mouth almost made Shaoyu unstable. The deep and vigorous mainland common language sounded: Great adventurer, please help me to eliminate the existence of evil. It has used evil magic to integrate the giant and me and sealed it for thousands of years.

The dragon head was a bit agitated, and as the swing and the sound spread in the water, there was a wave of undercurrents, and Shaoyu took a stride before being led away. Hearing this, he yelled and waited. As soon as he opened his mouth, he poured water into his mouth without making a sound.

How to communicate!

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