Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 191: Underwater (task)

It would be great if it could hold the water like a safety helmet. With a thought, Shaoyu ran the cyclone in his chest to mobilize his qi, only to see the pores of his whole body gushing out, gradually opening up the water flow to wrap the whole person in it. I looked down and felt that it was not very beautiful. I looked like a foggy person, so I speeded up again, the water was pushed a little bit apart, and the Qi formed a sphere and wrapped him in it.

The consumption is a bit big! As more and more air penetrates the body, the open space becomes larger and larger, and the energy drops little by little. He thought to himself, could he keep his qi circulating.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it, so Shaoyu collected it, only to see a lot of Qi being sucked back, and the water flowed back and submerged him. Go slowly! Trying to build a gas frame, after a while, the gas was consumed faster, and he accidentally used the whole week he had made in the jungle that year.

Based on a few large acupuncture points, the air frame was derived, and Shaoyu slowly adjusted it. As he moved around the body throughout the week, the air formed a circular cover to prop up the water flow.

Shaoyu can’t help being overjoyed. The whole week is formed by the flow of Qi in the whole body. The same is true outside the body. The released Qi rotates counterclockwise and collects it again. There is no waste at all. Shaoyu looks at the energy again, and it takes a long time. a little.

I couldn't help laughing for a long time, the qi opened up the water to make a sound, and the pressure of the water was absorbed by the qi, and it disappeared...I never thought about what kind of behavior the air cover formed in order to speak under the water.

If there is a gas refiner present, it must be a big shout.

At the beginning of the qi is to sense the heaven and the earth. Although many cultivation methods are subdivided, in general they all control the world and become a world. Most Qi refiners follow the path of controlling the heavens and the earth. The heavens and the earth are all transformed by qi. To control the heavens and the earth is to control everything. Only a handful of Qi refiners take the path of self-reliance. The so-called self-reliance means that where oneself is, there is a world.

This road is very difficult to walk, but if you are successful in practice, you can be called a **** in your own world. Of course, Shaoyu inadvertently aimed to speak, and using his self-made all-weekly water-pressure-shaped gas mask was just the first prototype....

After laughing for a while, he realized that he had kept this dragon cool for a long time.

Shaoyu was a little embarrassed. He touched his head and said: I just lost my mind, can you repeat it. Seeing the feeling of a storm brewing in the dragon's eyes, he felt a bit bad in his heart, he couldn't help holding the sky long sword and quietly stepping back. After being sealed for thousands of years, he might have been BT...

Thinking more... the spirit of the dragon trapped for ten thousand years is all right, not upset and mad, but very politely expressing that it can wait for the end of the great adventurer's training.

Shaoyu repeatedly stated that it was over, and then the dragon repeated it again. He listened carefully this time, and asked some questions before discovering that the dragon did not know that it was already the human world outside, and promised to give him the treasure in the dragon nest. , Go to Dragon Island to receive the blessing of Dragon God.

And this dragon was actually the prince of the dragon clan. When he flew over the sea, he was secretly calculated by the enemy dragon, and then he was sealed for thousands of years...until Shaoyu broke in. The dragon said that it was sealed by the Jellyfish clan. The Jellyfish clan held a ceremony for many years. As a result, as the Jellyfish clan left, it was kept here.

Shaoyu only thought it was so pitiful, even if he went out, it would be the last dragon in the world. Is this a mission released... and then he decided... not to accept it, and to go upstream!

Because his instinct was a bit wrong, although he didn't think about it, one was too troublesome, and the second was not strong enough... It would be good to be able to show 70% of the combat power in the water.

Just how strong a dragon is! He was still a race, he didn't think he could slay dragons now, let alone fuse dragons and seal monsters... or wait until they were successful, and at least they would become the sword god.

The third is that Shaoyu has always acted instinctively... if you don't want to pick up, you don't want to pick up.

But he had to change his mind, because the dragon continued to say that it was now in the sea, one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the land, and the dragon actually said that some adventurers were already in the place of the jellyfish clan. Shaoyu was very surprised and even asked what was going on. Long said that it originally had two heads, and the other head was sealed in another place. But not long ago it sensed that head again... the jellyfish that sealed it reappeared... then the adventurers were now on its other head...

Shaoyu repeatedly asked questions, and as soon as he heard the description, he knew that he was talking about the members of the Round Table Adventure Group. Since the team leader and the others are on that side, let's go to reunite, and it is the right way to get out of the order early. Yep? This seems to be wrong!

Long was very pleased to say that with the help of a powerful adventurer like Shaoyu, he would be able to succeed, and reminded that the cross-continent teleportation formation can only support seven days. You must obtain the trident in the hands of the patriarch of the jellyfish clan and the blood of the royal family to remove the seal, as much as possible. Another headband of it comes back.

Shaoyu heard the Trans-Land Teleportation Array! After asking questions again, he knew... The dragon was anxious when seeing the jellyfish clan leaving, and tore a head and followed them to the place where they settled... In the ocean of another continent, dare to love or another plane!

Those who fell into the water together, how come the leader and the others are on another plane!

The plane teleportation array was just behind the dragon's body. Shaoyu walked over the huge fish body and saw the teleportation array. He felt that the teleportation array was very special, like a well. The probe only saw a map, and he observed carefully. After a while, it really looks like a thumbnail of a continent. The land in all directions is surrounded by a piece of ocean, and the lines of landscape are clearly visible. Just jump in and you can teleport. Shaoyu thought to himself that the dragon would not cheat him if he asked him to help him. After asking Xiao S. He said to the dragon that he would try his best and put away the gas mask, pressed his hand on the edge of the well and jumped in.

Then the map became bigger and bigger, and then Shaoyu went black before he was in the underwater coral building. If it wasn't for some luminous fish swimming around, he would have thought the teleportation had failed.

After opening the gas mask, Shaoyu felt that the pressure in the water was greatly reduced. The coral building was not capped, but the walls and ground were very neat. Apart from some small fish, there were bursts of bubbles rising straight up.

Looking at the meter, it was 553 meters below the water.

Choosing a direction, he strode forward. With an air hood, you don't need to breathe in and then spit out water, and the water flow is drained, so there is no problem eating. But Shaoyu wanted to do what everyone in the adventure group would do, but he also thought that the group leader is a veteran and should be a way to survive underwater. Just thinking about it, walking through the corner of the passage, I saw a trident stabbed from above.

Shaoyu was startled. He saw the trident stabbing into the gas mask, but because there was no water in the gas mask, the accuracy of its head was greatly lost. He looked up and saw a male jellyfish swimming above the halberd and preparing to stab again. How could Shaoyu allow the jellyfish to stab again, squatting up and leaping slightly to slash down with a sword. He thought it would be solved at once, but he didn't expect that the jellyfish in the water would escape with a very flexible body.

Yo~ Shaoyu didn't wait for it to fall, so he took two steps on the coral wall and stabbed it with a sword. This sword was blocked by the trident and stood together. He only felt that the strength of the jellyfish had at least tripled after entering the water, and cutting them on the ground was like playing. Shaoyu strode on the wall, rubbing the sword against the trident. After almost the distance, he flipped the sword with his wrist and picked it up from the bottom up, piercing the jellyfish's belly.

The jellyfish struggled before he died, trying to stab Shaoyu, who was sticking to the edge of the trident, and Shaoyu let it go.

After solving the male jellyfish, he only felt that he should find the head of them quickly. Then he looked at the energy, the air frame in the gas hood was destroyed, and one-fifth of the energy was lost.

Shaoyu only felt that although the gas shield could withstand some damage, once the cycle was broken, it was too wasteful of energy. He didn't want to meditate and recover while absorbing and spitting water when the energy was insufficient. It hurts just thinking about it, and it's better to put away the gas mask when you encounter an enemy.

After turning for a long time, I didn't meet the jellyfish again. After turning around the underwater palace, Shaoyu discovered the stairs downward, dare to believe that there are still several floors! With a secret sigh, Shaoyu went down the steps step by step.

In addition to the bubbles that pop up from time to time, the lower layer has become a crisscross maze where only two people can walk side by side.

Fortunately, with little luck, Shaoyu almost fell into a trap. He really didn't expect that there would be traps in the water. Supported by a gas mask, Shaoyu sprinkled the appearance powder. Xiao S's agent pretended to be a mechanical voice: Five-level water wave magic trap. He thought for a while, and decided not to release it. There is no experience value to release this thing, it is better to find the leader and them quickly. So Shaoyu made a few points on the wall and moved past it.

After passing through several passages, Shaoyu saw the dead bodies of some male jellyfish floating in the passages. He hurriedly stepped forward to check, the gas mask pushed away the blood stains in the water, and Shaoyu saw a jellyfish in front of him was killed by a huge sharp weapon, and he knew it was done by gangbang. The group leader should pass soon, but these corpses are still bleeding from time to time.

Shaoyu was shocked, and hurriedly chased him to the end of this passage, but he was a little dumbfounded. This was a three-way intersection. He had the intention to distinguish the footprints, but there were no traces of these in the water. I have all the thoughts of using range scanning, but if I think about it, I decided to hit my luck first, and use it when it is critical. He always thought he was lucky and chose the channel to the left.

After chasing all the way and meeting two male jellyfish fighting, he returned. Then I chose the one on the right, and the result was a dead end. Under the broken egg, walking down the middle road, I found the body of a male jellyfish goodbye.

After running for a while, there was a fork in the road ahead, and Shaoyu chose the wrong road again. After chasing for a long time, he found some doorways, and bubbles would gush out on the road the head of the group chose. After finding the trick, the speed greatly increased, and he chased up to a downward step.

Shaoyu almost went crazy. After going down, the third floor actually restored the palace to look very tall. There were some lighting on the walls, and there was a pile of corpses at the entrance. A female jellyfish appeared... It was a great battle, and the neat coral walls all around were bombarded with potholes everywhere. Under Shaoyu's observation, she found that this female jellyfish was quite charming, and her body was very well-proportioned at about 1.8 meters tall. The scales on the upper body were like a corset, and the lower body looked very beautiful in long trousers. Upon closer inspection, I found that he was killed by thorn chrysanthemum again... Too cruel! He was a little surprised why the leader and the others didn't strip the female jellyfish's arms. This is the material for the wings, and it can't be the reason why Xixiang Lianyu has been ruined by Baoju.

After thinking about it, he put the body in the ring.

Then I was puzzled again. There were two roads to the left and right. There were rooms on both sides, and the layout was the same, and there were bubbles from the coral floor from time to time. Shaoyu decided to look from the left first, and after entering the room on the left, he found a door on the wall on the right, which seemed to be closed.

This is a dark blue flowing door. You can vaguely see the outside. When Shaoyu approached, he realized that it was a water door formed by torrents that formed from the top. He stabbed with the sword, the sky long sword in his hand stabbed in the past, but after exhausting his strength, he almost let the water rush out of his hand.

High-tech! Shaoyu sighed, but how do you use this stuff?

While he was studying, the door spouted out when he came in, and it was closed at once. Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately stepped back and erected the sky sword in front of him to defend. Sure enough, the water flow in front of him stopped, and four male jellyfish and a fascinating female jellyfish stood in front of the door.

Shaoyu only heard the female jellyfish say something in an icy voice: Invaders...common language, can understand... She gave it three forks in her hand, and three dark blue water arrows shot over. As soon as Shao Yu retracted the gas mask, he felt his body sink, and his avoiding figure was a bit slower, and a blood stain was rubbed on his arm by a stream of water. He thought to himself how he had forgotten the pressure of the water, three male jellyfish swam over, and the other one was still protecting the female jellyfish.

This time, Shaoyu was very embarrassed. He was clumsy at the left and right when he shot the three male jellyfish. There was also a female jellyfish outside the door that kept shooting water arrows. This time it was one shot, but the speed was like shooting a gun Yes, there is no changeable clip. The underwater male jellyfish are not as silly as they are on the ground, they swam away with a loach-like fork. In addition, they are all long weapons. It took Shaoyu a while to scratch the arm of a male jellyfish. He wanted to rush over and chop the female jellyfish, but rushed to the front desperately. As soon as the female jellyfish closed the door, Shaoyu was almost injured by the water gate. As a result, when he turned around and tried to deal with the male jellyfish with all his strength, the door opened again, and the water arrows came again and again.

In the end, Shaoyu had no choice but to fight his injuries and use the sky sword to break the tridents made of corals. Only then did he solve the three male jellyfish, and the female jellyfish opened and closed the door more times, and Shaoyu also saw that After the doorway, this is actually a voice-activated door!

When he rushed out the door to solve the male jellyfish guarding the female jellyfish, the male jellyfish used a magic shield, took Shaoyu's sword forcibly, and swam fast with the power of this sword!

Return to the room, open the gas mask, drink the healing potion, and then take out the wound to bandage the wound. He thought to himself that he was too optimistic. It would be good if he could still use 50% of his power underwater...Water resistance, water pressure, not the constant practice of ten thousand swords every day, the movements are almost out of shape. He was determined to find the captain and they ran away. After the bandage, he turned and went to the room on the right.

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