Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 192: Underwater (convergence)

Open the door on the right.

Shaoyu kept the good habit of closing the door with his hands. There was a strange sound, and the water flow impacted and formed a water gate... This sound should be the language of the jellyfish clan. After several attempts, he was able to open and close the water gates without error.

As the water gate was formed, he saw a pile of male jellyfish rushing out of the room on the left, with three female jellyfish surrounded in the middle. One of the three female jellyfishes was inlaid with a tear-like bead at the center of the eyebrows, and the trident in his hand exudes a blue light.

It's a big shot...!

As soon as Shaoyu's scalp exploded, he ran away. When he rushed out of the second room, a female jellyfish in the room was sitting on the coral bed, looking at him in surprise...

There were more and more jellyfish behind him, and many of them were Shaoyu who didn't react when he rushed past, and then joined the pursuit team.

This is the place where the jellyfish clan lives!

He only listened to the constant whooshes, and at this time he didn’t care about energy consumption. He ran and hid through the numerous rooms and blind spots. He was able to use his light work to the limit. After stepping on the wall for seven steps, he could still fall on the top. Run a few steps up and then another somersault to land and continue running wildly. Shaoyu only felt that on the right side, it seemed like the leader and the others had passed by, there were jellyfish everywhere.

Shaoyu lost his way in the seven turns and eight turns. Without hesitation this time, he stretched a little distance and stuck it on the corner of the wall and stretched out his left hand, using a range scan... a wave of fluctuations spread out around the left eye.

The map hadn't formed in my mind, I saw the doors of the surrounding rooms opened all at once, and a group of jellyfish were alarmed out.

Shaoyu gave a strange cry, jumped up and continued to run wildly. He only felt that the time for the map formation this time was so slow. Fortunately, the energy consumption of the gas shield against water arrows was not too great. Now he only has one-seventh of the energy left, and can also block three water arrows or one halberd attack.

With the formation of the map, Shaoyu discovered that the third floor of the palace was not as large as the upper two floors. The map showed the front and right borders of the palace, and found a spot of light that represented the head of the group.

The commander and them were not very far from him, they were not far from the left hand side, and they were there just after a turn. Shaoyu was hit by three shots of water arrows and he ran past a female jellyfish, the gas mask shattered and then Shaoyu saw the group leader and them. I saw that the head of the group had already frantically rushed to the front, Zhende was on the right, the younger brother was on the left, and Baoju formed a diamond formation in the back to protect Ailian, Chadi, Diablo, and Shishi in the middle.

Shaoyu was a little dumbfounded. They saw each other, but there was a thick crystal wall in the middle. He saw the regiment commanding an axe on the wall, and there was not even a crack in the crystal wall. Then the regiment commander stopped and led everyone to the nearby room. When they turned around, Shaoyu realized that they were also followed by a large group of jellyfish.

Shaoyu only felt cheated, the map would not show what material the wall was, and he planned to break it open desperately. He looked back, and the group of jellyfishes followed in their tracks. Continue to bury his head and run wildly, after turning a few turns, in front of him was the jellyfish chasing the leader and theirs, and behind him was a large group of jellyfish chasing him.

Fortunately, the group of jellyfish chasing the leader and them all turned their backs to him. Shaoyu threw two unicorns, and then combined the body and sword to stab a female water. At the same time, the two unicorns pierced the body of a jellyfish, and then swung the sword and chopped off the arm of another female jellyfish. Time. The group leader and the others also rushed out of the room, losing remote magic support, and a dozen male jellyfish were cleaned up at once.

Shaoyu rushed into the room with everyone. The room seemed to be wrapped in a blister. There was water in it, but it was very thin and steamy. Shaoyu didn’t tell who used the magic. He thought it was quite practical. Not only could you breathe, but also The water pressure is greatly reduced, and fighting inside will not affect it. While observing him, shouted: I finally found the organization. Then he quickly said: Brothers, flash, there is a large group behind me. After he finished speaking, everyone was looking at him, and Shaoyu almost thought he had flowers on his face.

Baoju said loudly: You kid, how can a person provoke so many monsters to escape? Shaoyu is a little dizzy, this guy still wants to talk about this, he said: Brother, let's flash, here is a pit. After finishing speaking, the leader said: Welcome back to the team, we can't leave, we are already surrounded. For a moment, Shaoyu heard Diablo say: This is a pit, and we also heard the leader say that you came here to look for you.

Shaoyu was even more stunned and murmured: I heard the leader say that only when you came here did you come. Everyone glanced at each other, only to feel that they were being smashed.

Just as he was about to ask what he had said before, he saw a thunderous blast from the water gate on the second side. The commander said: I have fallen into this place, ready to fight, this coral house can't last long, look back for the dragon. trouble. After he finished speaking, he waved: Zhen got us to guard there, Ailian Chadi Diablo, you turn to support, Shaoyu, you take a break.

The group leader and Zhende ran to the door on the left, and Baoju and his little brother stood by the door right in front of them.

This room is not big, the size of an ordinary bedroom. Only now did Shaoyu know that the water gate could also be locked, and he didn't rest either. Instead, he greeted Chadi and Diablo and picked up some coral furniture and placed it next to Ailian. Ai Lian asked strangely: What is this? Shaoyu said: Be a cover. Ai Lian was puzzled. At this time, Chadi moved a coral stool and asked: Shaoyu, can you breathe? Shaoyu smiled and said that he almost drowned at the beginning. Fortunately, he realized underwater breathing, and then he asked how well this period of time was. In fact, he was a little moved in his heart. In order to find him, everyone came directly without hesitation.

At this time Ailian said: No, you didn't use oxygen bubbles? !

Shaoyu wondered: What oxygen mask? Diablo pointed to the bubbles in the room. At this time, the voice of Little S popped out, the first common sense of underwater adventure, standing at the bubble will automatically form an oxygen mask. Shaoyu almost took a bite of old blood. Although he got the adventure inheritance, this adventurer's knowledge is like a book in his mind. You have to read it before you know that Xiao S now prompts that there is something to do, but he thinks about it at that time There are indeed no bubbles around, and I feel like I am 2.

Then, he thought of a problem. If you were trapped here for too long, everyone would suffer from hypoxia. Just as Shaoyu thought about this problem, the water gates on both sides shattered at the same time, and even the coral wall on one side was blown open. He looked around and saw that they were surrounded by dense jellyfish.

A large number of male jellyfish rushed over and countless water arrows swished at the same time.

Baoju used an axe to form a shield to block in front, but his right hand drew a spike from the axe from time to time to attack. This awl-shaped spike is at least two meters long. Baoju specially stabs downwards. When the jellyfish goes upstream to avoid it, he presses it with his hand. The tip of the spike pops up with a barb, and Baoju pulls back and rushes up. The male jellyfish was hooked behind, struggling with lunatic bombs, and died of anger. And after the little brother avoided the water arrow behind him, he also jumped out with a sword in his hand and a sword floating beside him. The two male jellyfishes were solved just after they were halved.

Shaoyu looked to the other side, the head of the regiment was also standing directly at the door, protected by armor, and the magic resistance increased greatly after madness. He used an axe to protect his face and slammed a lot of water arrows, and another axe smashed. All the tridents in the hands of the male jellyfish who hacked were broken. Zhende was even more ferocious. He seemed to be unaffected underwater, and rushed directly outside. His body flashed or punched or quickly killed each jellyfish with his legs.

Ailian in the room only took out a short battle this time, and the water arrows were fired continuously. If the female jellyfish’s water arrow is a pistol, she is comparable to a machine gun... But the rocket is not easy to use underwater, and the same water arrow does not kill the jellyfish... Ailian mainly intercepts the water arrow shot by the female jellyfish. .

Shaoyu felt that Diablo looked the most like a mage. He continued to chant the spell first. After the chanting, he pointed at a long battle. At least ten rounds of magic bullets were shot out like a torrential rain. These magic bullets also brought a little tracking. In nature, he had escaped the dark spells originally, but when he flicked these magic bullets in a long battle, he turned around collectively, violently.

But it was Chadi who killed the most monsters. He took out a bunch of arrows from the ring and sat on the coral stool that he had moved. After installing it, he looked at where the jellyfish was densely packed. Shaoyu saw a flash of blue light, and the male jellyfish rushing in front stood still. A fist-sized blood hole appeared on his body. The blue light was cast off continuously. The male jellyfish lined up behind him were also A blood hole was revealed, and the cyan light passed through five jellyfish in a row before disappearing.

The magic power penetrated the arrow, and Xiao S also came to a reminder. Shaoyu saw Chadi swaying from left to right, and the male jellyfish was killed and injured countlessly, and even a female jellyfish was pierced through the lower abdomen when it got close.

Occasionally, water arrows shot in, and they were also blocked by the coral bed that Shaoyu moved in. Only then did everyone understand the meaning of shelter.

The situation turned out to be very good. The female jellyfish seemed to have no magic other than releasing water arrows from a distance. The male jellyfish lined up and were quickly wiped out. Shaoyu simply sat down and tried to recover energy.

As the male jellyfish were wiped out, the female jellyfish stopped releasing water arrows and went quiet. The bubble has become much smaller, and it has shrunk by one third. The head of the group retreated into the bubble and took a deep breath and said: ready to rush out. His voice hadn't died yet, and the room was shaken, and a whirlpool appeared in the room.

Ellen shouted that it was a tornado.

A tornado is a general spell of the wind system. A magic apprentice makes it like a small wind blowing leaves and circles on the street, and the top step is no less than a real tornado.

Everyone quickly flashed to the side when they heard the words, and immediately saw a waterspout forming in the room, and the twisted room was in a mess, and this waterspout had a growing tendency. Everyone was scattered from left to right, separated into two sides by a tornado.

Shaoyu ran to the door guarded by Baoju, and Diablo and Chadi followed. Little brother and Shishi somehow ran to the head of the group, and Ai Lin also ran over.

There were four people on one side, and the bubble split into two. Everyone was unstable. The growing waterspout produced a strong suction. The leader screamed: rush away first, and find a way to meet there just now. He was still wondering where it was, only to see Baoju put away the spikes and held an axe in both hands and rushed out.

This guy must know Lu, Shaoyu didn't think too much, and rushed out behind him.

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