Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 193: Underwater (main hall)

When I rushed out, I saw the waves rolling behind me, and the coral house I was just in was torn apart by a waterspout. Moreover, the waterspout continued to chase after them. Lost the block of the house, water arrows also shot from multiple directions.

The sturdy man, Baoju, is also very flexible. Most of the water arrows missed. Although he did not condense the shield, the giant axe like the door panel was a shield. Chadi was holding a stone in his hand, and Shaoyu knew that it was a runestone, and as Chadi smashed a shield to encase him.

Rune stones can be activated without magic power, but they can only be used once except for some fine products. This thing is also a sky-high price. Diablo was also prepared for a long time, a thick ice wall floated in front of him as he moved forward, and Shaoyu's figure flashed behind Diablo.

Although it was resisted for a while, it is not a way to go on like this... Shaoyu has changed the form of Jian Yuan, he is watching, except that Kai Chadi can occasionally attack, Diablo wants to control the ice shield defense, and the four only move forward. Rush.

There are five female jellyfishes in front of them. They retreat while making water arrows, and behind them are waterspouts chasing them. In fact, the main reason was the oxygen mask. Baoju detached from the oxygen mask several times to hunt down the jellyfish. Every time he returned without success, the fierce battle was not a motionless hold-up. Every time he came back, he took a big breath and let the oxygen mask shrink by one point. .

Shaoyu hurriedly told Baoju not to go out anymore. He also learned that when the teleportation came, Diablo, Ailian, and the two wizards were controlling the oxygen mask. Now it is divided into two sides, and the gas mask is also divided into two. But there is no way to separate again.

The jellyfish deliberately drove them away so that they could not stay in the bubbles to supplement.

As the oxygen mask gets smaller and smaller, the situation is even more dangerous. Suddenly, Baoju asked loudly: Where are we going. Chadi shook his head, and Diablo shouted: Ask Shaoyu.

Shaoyu didn't come up in a breath, dare to run for so long, and kept running. At this time, the range scanning distance is exceeded! He didn't know where the head of the group had gone.

I thought that the meeting point mentioned by the head of the team, Bo Ju knew, but even if it was so unreliable, he shouted: "My brother just rushes and kills, but Shaoyu is even more dumbfounded.

Where is the place just now? Is it the crystal wall? Still!

The waterspout behind him finally shrank and disappeared, but a large group of jellyfish rushed up behind him. The jellyfish have also learnt well, and the male jellyfish tufted to protect the female jellyfish from rushing up.

Fortunately, these jellyfish do not have an army or something....

The coral rooms were all locked, and the four of them could only run in the passage. Although the passage was very spacious, there were no jellyfish pinching them left and right, as if they were only dedicated to driving them away, as if they were going to die alive and die.

The oxygen mask shrunk to five meters, and everyone was almost pasted together. Diablo stood at the forefront with a thick piece of ice rushing forward. The water element under the water was very rich, and the ice debris shot by the ice wall flew back and recovered in a blink of an eye. Diablo's magic power is also supported, but it is no longer possible to chant and use magic attacks if you advance against the ice wall. Chadi kept shooting arrogantly behind him. As long as Chadi lifts the jellyfish that he is pointing at, they will swim away. They must be underwater. The arrows are not that fast... The penetrating arrows are exhausted and there is no previous record. The bursting arrows are almost useless underwater, although There are other icy arrows, thorn arrows, but the shooting speed underwater is not half as fast as through the arrows, and it is of no use.

Bao Ju walked at the end and gathered a shield to retreat step by step. Instead, Shaoyu was protected in the middle. He didn't feel a little depressed. The scope of the sword is now at most 12 meters. The jellyfish are all 30 meters away. Shuijian just change a place.

This is no way to continue. Just as Shaoyu gritted his teeth to swim out and attack, the jellyfish behind them was in a riot. Before I saw anyone, I heard the head yelling: Where are you going?

When he was overjoyed, Baoju was about to rush over, and Shaoyu hurriedly grabbed his belt and said: Who will stop the arrow when you ran, don't rush Diablo... step back.

Now they turned into a jellyfish in the middle of the fight... As the body of the jellyfish floated in the passage, everyone in the adventure group finally merged.

The head and their oxygen masks had been replenished, and finally they didn't have to worry about being choked to death.

Before everyone came to talk, they saw their compatriots being slaughtered, and the jellyfish in the distance rushed up, and the situation returned to double-teaming again.

When Shaoyu was gearing up for a big fight, the group leader said to come with us and found a good place.

Zhende did not know when he ran to Dia Hei, and saw his fists hit, a dazzling electric light appeared in his hand, the electric light was condensed and not scattered, his hands were combined and pulled, and a series of electric currents formed a grid. On the dark ice wall.

Can still play like this! Shaoyu was surprised and ran after everyone. As he ran, the group leader said: When I arrived at the meeting point, I knew it was broken without seeing you. After searching, I found a place where the jellyfish dared not enter. Then the group leader turned his head and asked Shaoyu: What's the matter, why are you running so far?

Shaoyu almost rolled his eyes: How do I know where the meeting point is? After running with Baoju for a long time, I realized that I was running around. The group leader stroked his forehead and said: I forgot that this guy is an idiot. Baoju said: You 2B don't know what to say, God knows where you are talking. The head said: I rely on, there are jellyfish all around, so do you let them lie in ambush? IQ! Baoju said: I don't know which IQ is low, I'm too lazy to bird you.

Usually, if you say that you are too lazy to be a bird, you mean that a dead duck has a hard beak. Everyone can't help but laugh and talk while running.

They stood in front of a large hall in the bends and turns. Why is it called the main hall? Because the floor here is deliberately lowered to show a high zenith. In the hall doors that have never been closed, you can see neatly arranged columns inside. There are some statues around the columns, and the mouths of these statues are shining brightly. The hall of the photo was bright.

Shaoyu asked: Are the jellyfishes afraid to come in here?

The group leader strode in, and said as they walked: They found that the jellyfish were outside the door and did not dare to enter after they accidentally entered. They also fought back when they stood by the door and attacked these jellyfish. Too strange! Ai Lian said: We surveyed, the main hall is super old, it may be the temple of ancestors, worship hall and so on, so the descendants of these jellyfish dare not enter.

As he said, everyone walked in, and sure enough, the jellyfish who were chasing behind stood outside the door and did not dare to enter... even water arrows did not dare to enter! Those female jellyfish broke away from the protection and rushed to the door, murmuring something anxiously...

Attracted by the hall, completely ignored.

After everyone came in, they found some murals on the surrounding walls and an arch in the center. Columns, weird statues, murals, and layers of each other form a magnificent space. Shi Shi couldn't stop seeing him around, and said: When he first came in, he was shocked. The things here are all works of art, you can move a few pieces back and put them in the war profit hall...!

Bubbles emerged in the hall, and everyone rested with oxygen masks. Diablo couldn't stop chanting spells and condensed a bunch of magic bullets and attacked the jellyfish at the door, causing these jellyfish to escape. Shaoyu looked at the murals, but found that they were blurred and could not even be seen in general.

At this time, Chadi suddenly asked Shaoyu: What should I do now. Shaoyu retracted his gaze and said: Of course, I will return to Longna after rest, and ask what's going on, maybe even slaughter a dragon. Chadi nodded: It means that he still has treasures of Dragon Slaying Arrow and Obliteration Arrow. Shaoyu hadn't spoken yet, while Ai Lian let out a wow, bringing everyone's attention to it.

The Dragon Slaying Arrow is now a rare collection. There were no dragons in the Third Age... so there was no Dragon Slaying Arrow either. And the extinguishing arrow is a kind of magic arrow with the most powerful combination of armor, breaking, and killing. This thing can't be bought with money.

Everyone encouraged Chadi to take it out and take a look. There was only one Dragon Slaying Arrow, and the whole was dark red, which looked nothing special. There were three obliterating arrows, with some silver light shining on them, and light spots floated out from time to time, which was extremely extraordinary.

As everyone was watching, a blue light suddenly emitted from the arch in the middle, forming a water gate, and a figure came out.

What strode out was a jellyfish, a male jellyfish, a different male jellyfish.

The average male jellyfish has a short waist and an ugly face like a beast. This one is completely different. Not only is it more than two meters tall and its muscles are like marble, but its scales are neat and its long blue hair has a very handsome face. Wearing a big red cloak, wearing a pair of shorts, the trident in his hand is inlaid with a huge blue gem.

Not only was everyone stunned, but this male jellyfish was also stunned.

It looked around the people with azure blue eyes and asked in confusion: Humans?

Except for the female jellyfish at the beginning, this is the second time I have heard the jellyfish speak. Everyone glanced at each other, then at the same time at the head of the group, collectively using their eyes to signal the head of the group to come forward and answer.

The head coughed and said loudly: We are humans. As soon as the commander's voice fell, the male jellyfish was furious, and rushed over when he lifted the trident in his hand.

Seeing it rushing over, Chadi raised his hand as a slap, and Ailian also swung his hand as a water arrow.

I saw that the male jellyfish shook away the water arrow, and at the same time, with a move of his hand, he opened the arrow with the trident grid, and it continued to rush over at an unabated speed.

It seemed a bit difficult to deal with, Shaoyu was about to step forward, and listened to the Baoju who said: It must be a long and ugly jellyfish. The head angrily said: You go up and try.

Baoju decisively stepped forward and shouted: The handsome guy on the opposite side, let's talk about how handsome we are. After shouting, the group leader saw the jellyfish still rushed over and said, your acridine is not the same ugly. Bao Ju put on a pose and said: Stupid bird, his brother is so handsome and makes him jealous. After everyone laughed, the male jellyfish finally rushed closer.

I don't know if it was caused by the violent chrysanthemum gas or what happened, the group leader rushed out of the oxygen mask in a frenzied manner, and the second axe smashed it up together. The male jellyfish waved down with a trident and fought against the group leader.

The team leader was actually beaten and his feet floated off the ground. He twisted vigorously in the water, turned over and fell on the floor and retreated several steps, yelling: A lot of strength, be careful not to recklessly.

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