Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 194: Underwater (Mother Queen)

Shaoyu was a little surprised. The leader's strength was definitely one of the best in the adventure group. After being mad, it doubled, and he couldn't fight this jellyfish. Involuntarily speaking, Aileen's water arrow machine gun opened again, Diablo also chanted a spell, and Chadi took out a few pocket-sized arrows and was filling it.

The male jellyfish did not hide, it also fell on the floor and waved its trident and moved forward at the pick point. Ailian's water arrow was completely blocked. Seeing that jellyfish looked calm and relaxed, it was very easy to do.

The leader rushed up again, Zhende following behind. At this moment, Shaoyu suddenly heard a babble. He turned his head and saw that there was also a male jellyfish standing at the entrance of the hall, saying something to a female jellyfish with a tear-shaped sapphire on the eyebrows at the door.

He looked at the female jellyfish, then turned his head to look at the male jellyfish that was so chastely grouped in a ball. The two jellyfish are exactly the same, even the manners are similar, they won't be twins.

Shaoyu hurriedly let the poems and poems standing calmly on one side look at them. The poems and poems were also taken aback at first sight, and then he said: My king, please forgive my sin. The people must be taken away by this group of humans. Also broke into the temple and scratched your dormancy. When Shaoyu listened to the poems and said two sentences, he was taken aback, and then he realized that the poems were translating what they said. He didn't expect that the poems and poems would be native speakers.

At this time, Baoju also joined the battle group. While he was taking advantage of an icicle in the dark, he slashed an axe on the male jellyfish's back, and the male jellyfish scattered in a rush. Ailian exclaimed, this is a mirror image of water that surpasses the magic master.

The water mirror is a kind of water magic. The elementary is a water model. It will appear similar to the real person at the advanced level. The magician can move at the first level. Only at the magic master level can you have combat power, but the magic master level water mirror It's also very easy to break, and it can't be done recklessly.

But Shaoyu knew that this was not a mirror image of the water, because Xiao S suggested that this was the racial power of the jellyfish, the ocean elemental body. He was about to remind everyone, just listen to poems saying not to make noise, and he couldn't hear what they were saying.

In fact, this is also a mirror image of water, but a mirror image of water that combines racial abilities.

The head and the others hurriedly returned to the oxygen mask. Shaoyu whispered the poems that had just been translated. Everyone pricked their ears to listen to the translation of the poems. Poetry said: The tribe was taken away? Did it suddenly disappear! ...Yes, my king...Unexpectedly, Rager still came up and retreated, waiting to eliminate this group of humans sent by Rager.

After finishing speaking, I saw the jellyfish king turned around and said in the lingua franca of the mainland: Unexpectedly, some of you understand ocean language. Weak humans, I will use 30% of my strength. Shaoyu saw a figure walking out of the Jellyfish King, and it turned into seven figures. Everyone glanced at each other and squeezed their weapons.

Shaoyu cried out in secret, and the figure of the Jellyfish King was frozen in his left eye. When he was about to turn into a number, the Jellyfish King who was frozen in his left eye suddenly moved and disappeared into fragments in his left eye. At this time, the small S prompted that the strength was too high to analyze. Shaoyu's heart sank and couldn't help looking at the jellyfish king, and saw that the jellyfish king's cold eyes also looked at him.

Although everyone stood together, Shaoyu clearly noticed that three clones had changed their course and rushed towards him.

Fortunately, the Jellyfish King just glanced at him, flicked his cloak, turned and walked back to the blue water gate...It is estimated that these seven element clones are enough to kill them.

…I was underestimated. When Shaoyu's thoughts flashed, he heard the leader shout: everyone retreat to the corner, he went out and dragged two or three as much as possible. The little brother was not to be outdone and said that he could also top two, leader But he said: Little brother, Shaoyu and Zhende, each deal with one, the violent chrysanthemum defends two, Ailian, Chadi and the dark set the fire.

This is indeed the best method. The Jellyfish King is not a mob with low intelligence. It is not only in front of him but also on the top of his head in the water. After the formation, it is inevitable that he will rush to the mage first, but it is better to block them out.

All abilities of the leader are doubled after madness, and there is absolutely no problem with dragging him to two in the plate armor, and the defense power after the violent chrysanthemum is not lower than the leader, the top two should be no problem, there are Ailian and the others After gathering the fire, helping the younger brother, Zhende and his speed resolve, you can help Baoju or the leader.

But something went wrong at the beginning, the group leader stepped out of the oxygen mask to meet the avatar of Jellyfish King, but dragged one. Shaoyu and the little brother came out later, the other three clones ignored the little brother and came straight to Shaoyu, but in the end it was the little brother Zhende and Baoju who dragged one another.

three! Shaoyu was injured as soon as he fought, and three blood holes were crossed by the trident in his lower back. The clone of the King of Jellyfish is not a small male jellyfish, and the light halberd technique is not a level. Although he entered a state of slowing down at the beginning, he intends to resist with the sword technique of splashing water. But when he was underwater, he was no better than the ground, and the resistance of the water made his swordsmanship flawed, and he was struck on his waist.

Even if the water factor was removed, the sword and the trident collided, and the opponent's strength also hindered the sword's power... After the halberd blow of the avatar in front of him, Shaoyu was shaken, dangerous and dangerous. Then he resisted another halberd sweep on one side, and then couldn't take into account the halberd on the other side.

After a while, Shaoyu was pierced with three blood holes in his chest. Fortunately, he saw the opportunity to avoid the critical point, and retreated with the power of water and halberd, and the injury was not too serious. Bo Ju and his little brother attacked desperately not far away, knowing that this clone would break if hit, but they were blocked by a trident, so there was no way to support them. They were fat. Zhende is also quite comfortable underwater, but with a pair of fists and occasional flashes, it is difficult for him to harm the halberd dancing clone.

It’s no way to go on like this, Shaoyu Yujian, the two unicorns flew towards the avatar of the Jellyfish King on one side, and the divine sword flew to the avatar on the other side. He united with the sword and decided to stab and go straight ahead. This one.

The two unicorns flew towards the avatars on the left and the other on the right. Before they got close, they saw the trident of the avatars swiping left and right, and Shaoyu lost control of the two unicorns.

With three distractions and underwater swords, the flying speed of the unicorn is too slow and too slow...but at least it can attract attention.

The body and the sword are stabbed, but this clone is an elemental body, there is no point! Desperate! He fought against the clone in front of him for a few rounds, and saw the clone on one side rushed over again, and he could only move forward with the right gear to save his life.

The Excalibur was harassed back and forth, and it would not lose control if it was swept away... Shaoyu thought, gritted his teeth and was swept on his thigh by a halberd, forcing the two jellyfish that were besieging him back and shouting. disease.

The divine sword flew upside down and suspended in the water, the tip of the sword moved, and with a hum, it turned into nine swords and shot towards this clone. It was too late to evade this clone with a halberd hitting the air, and saw that he put the trident flat on his chest, holding both hands like a windmill.

The surrounding water flow was brought up, forming a water vortex facing Jianying. The first few sword shadows were directly thrown away by the centrifugal force of the water vortex, and only the last sword shadow came out and was about to be inserted into its body. The avatar of the Jellyfish King picked a halberd, and the last sword shadow was also knocked out.

This will not work! Shaoyu couldn't help feeling a little bit slumped, stroked his swollen thighs, and the two clones in front of him stopped attacking. Together, they watched the clones lift the trident and chop heavily, and put one arm around the cloak to pose.

At this moment, I saw a small arrow with the palm of the hand stabbing the avatar of the upright jellyfish king. This small arrow didn't even agitate a stream of water, and went around in a circle from under his cloak. broken.

Guided the demon-breaking arrow, issued by Chadi...Little S prompted.

The divine sword and the unicorn flew back and surrounded him. Shaoyu took a look. Chadi smiled at him and started to load another small arrow. The little brother had already solved the clone in front of him, and he was violent. Ju worked together to deal with the other one, the avatar of the captain was dangling in the dark magic bullet rain and Ailian's water arrows, and Zhende was swimming towards him.

Shaoyu was shocked, and rushed towards the two jellyfish king clones in front of him with a silent roar.

After a while, all the clones of Jellyfish King shattered, and Shaoyu limped back to a corner of the hall. When everyone was bandaging the wound and regaining their strength, the head of the team said to Shaoyu: That's good, but he actually pushed up to three, and then he said to everyone: After finishing up and leaving, the Jellyfish King will come back anytime. Diablo said: It means that only 30% of the strength is so difficult to deal with, what if you encounter it on the road. Baoju then said: Silly bird, if others say that you are 30% capable, you just believe it, and it ran away without seeing it! If he dares to come back, beat him to death.

Everyone burst into laughter, and Zhende watched Shaoyu finishing his wound and asked: Is it okay? Just as Shaoyu was about to answer, he heard a burst of applause. He looked up and saw that the Jellyfish King didn't know when he walked back to the main hall and was clapping.

After the Jellyfish King finished his applause, he said: Humans, I didn't expect you to be able to solve my clone, and then I will grant you a death. After the Jellyfish King finished speaking, his figure faded away. Everyone had already clenched their weapons, and they all appeared very nervous.

The leader shouted: The pentagram is formed and the enemy is invisible.

The five-pointed star array is a kind of magic array, and the magic power of the five horns flows into a circle. They just borrowed this formation to form an offensive and defensible formation according to their positions, protecting the mage and them in the center.

The reason for not ending the battle with the clone is because it is difficult to defend and Shishi, they are not familiar with the first adventure they just participated in. Now the enemy is invisible and can't walk outside to let him break one by one.

After standing according to the position, Shaoyu was taken aback. They were originally in the corner. Everyone at the five corners let him stand in the safest position in the corner. This should be the position of Shishi, and it seems to be taken care of, Shaoyu's heart A warm current could not help but surge.

Everyone stared at the water. Although stealth is not a subliminal, you can still see the changes in the water, but the water is very calm. It doesn't look like something is approaching. Only the dark curse and chase are left in the empty hall. Di filled with the sound of arrows.

This isn't invisibility, it's flashing, and Ailian felt the magic wave and shouted.

After speaking, I saw the water flowing in the five-pointed formation, and the Jellyfish King appeared in front of Ai Lian. It stretched out its left hand to pinch her neck, Ailian retreated and swung a series of water arrows, the Jellyfish King ignored it, stretched out his hand straight, and saw it stretched out another hand in its palm and stuck to Ai. Lian's throat.

The water arrows hit the marble-like chest of the Jellyfish King, only arousing a ding-ding sound.

At this time, the dark spell was completed, and he shook his hands firmly, and an icicle appeared at the end of the battle. An icicle as thick as a log pierced it, and the jellyfish king moved his right hand and the trident stretched out towards the icicle. The icicle collided with the trident, and Diablo took a step forward, but the icicle was smashed into pieces.

At this time, the group leader standing at the five horns reflected, Zhende yelled Ailian, and the light flashed all over his body. They reached the back of the jellyfish queen, and the group leader also screamed into the second frenzy and jumped up. The axe slashed down, and the little brother's feet slid down, and the two swords were aimed at the side of the Jellyfish King. Baoju stood farther away. After running for two steps, he must have thrown out the long axe in his hand and rolled towards the Jellyfish King's feet .

The Jellyfish King just raised his expressionless hand little by little, as if he didn't care about attacks from all directions.

Baoju’s throwing axe came the fastest. The jellyfish king just raised his foot and stepped on it, and the spinning throwing axe was stepped under it, and then Zhende’s fists arrived, and the jellyfish king’s back cloak was lifted and gently stroked. After receiving Zhende's fists, Zhende seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer and rolled back. The leader who greeted the high jump was a trident. An arm stretched out from the shoulder of the Jellyfish King. This arm condensed a trident against the leader's double axe and lifted him high. The little brother stabbed with two swords, and half of the body emerged from the side of the Jellyfish King. It hit two long swords with both punches. The long sword in Shi Shi's hand broke off, and the long sword floating on his body flew far away. After going out, the little brother stood still, his face was pale and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his body fell to the ground.

It turns out that the clone of Jellyfish King can still be used like this! From the twinkling of the jellyfish king to the five-pointed star formation, to the attack of everyone being knocked down, all this happened in the electric light and flint.

In addition to Kai Chadi, only Shaoyu and Shishi were standing. Chadi was holding him and was blocked by Ailian. This time he was pretending to be an arrow. Ai Lian is fine for the time being, she is a tall girl, her toes can still reach the ground, she used her left hand to hold the jellyfish king's arm, in the mist actually flashed fire, and the other hand was not short Stop casting the water arrow, still struggling.

Shaoyu's imperial envoy's divine sword pierced the Jellyfish King, so he didn't rush to the corner where he stood. Zhende was knocked down and rolled back. Now she has stood up, dragging a long electric light with her hands and rushing back. Diablo retreats while singing a spell. The sound of the spell rang through the entire hall. Although Baoju lost her long axe , His figure kept rushing to the front with a fist, and the captain let go of the double axe and escaped from the embarrassment of being hung above his head, and slammed it down.

The Jellyfish King suddenly made an unexpected movement. He retracted his arm and let go of Ai Lian, his figure disappeared in a flash.

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