Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 195: Underwater (transition)

Ai Lian knelt on the ground, stroking her throat and coughing loudly. After the head landed, he stretched out his hands and protected her. Shaoyu picked up the little brother, and Baoju picked up the long axe, Zhende stood with both fists flashing electric light. On the other side of Ailian, apart from the dark curse, there was silence again.

Everyone glanced at each other with a little weakness in their eyes. Shaoyu held a sword in one hand and a fist in the other, he thought to himself that it was time to work hard. He also has a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and the light beam and disordered time are useless, but even if he summons another self, can he defeat this unfathomable jellyfish king? By the way, let the world consciousness notice this, and the big deal will die. Shaoyu thought of this, his eyes gradually became crazy.

The eyes are the windows of the soul. Everyone looked at each other again, their eyes changed from powerless to perseverance.

The little brother took out a sledgehammer from the ring, and then the hammer floated all the way. Diablo's spells became louder and louder, and Ailian took out a scroll with strong magical fluctuations from his arms...Everyone had some actions, no doubt they were ‘hole cards’.

For some reason, the figure of the Jellyfish King appeared beside the stone pillar in the center of the main hall. He slowly said a word to let everyone's accumulated momentum be cleared.

The Jellyfish King said: Yes, you are qualified to help our race.

What? Everyone took a slow hand, and a sense of absurdity arose in their hearts.

Before everyone could react, the Jellyfish King continued to say: Humans, let your companions stop the spell, this kind of magic is not something he can cast now. Everyone looked at Diablo, and his spells were loud and loud, but he almost stood unsteadily against the corner of the wall with his hands on the law battle, and blood was flowing out of his eyes, nose, ears and seven orifices. Shaoyu thought to himself, is Diablo playing a forbidden curse. Diablo also heard the words of the Jellyfish King, but he still couldn't stop chanting the spell.

Can I stop casting a spell? Ailian couldn't help asking her voice. Although she could only cast ice and fireballs quickly, she had received orthodox learning from a mage. In her knowledge of magic, forcibly stopping the spell would cause magic backlash. Once the magic power was backlashed, even the soul would be blown up. Smashed.

The Jellyfish King asked suspiciously: Haven't you learned the breakpoint technique? Let me help him stop. After speaking, his figure flashed directly in front of Diablo's body, and the deep blue light of its left hand was enveloped on Diablo's body.

When the Jellyfish King flashed in front of Diablo, Zhende reacted fastest. He slid over with his feet, and his fists were ready to strike. The leader shouted: No. Zhende stopped, and he turned around and shouted: What if he is afraid of dark spells, what should I do? Bao Ju also raised his axe, and the commander said: It doesn't need to lie to us, and you see Diablo.

Shaoyu didn't move, because Xiao S reminded: What the Jellyfish King casts is water treatment. The blue light shone on the dark body, and he stood up straight in an instant, and there was a huge wave of magic around him. Then Diablo moved the magic battle with difficulty, and the Jellyfish King said: Don't change the target, cast it on me.

Diablo heard the words and sang the last syllable. The magic wave around him converged, and a ping-pong-sized ice puck slowly flew towards the Jellyfish King from the law battle. Shaoyu's eyeballs almost fell out, just this little hockey puck for a long time? Diablo also shouted with all his strength: Everyone walked away.

The jellyfish king stretched out his hand and squeezed the small hockey puck, crushing it all at once.

Everyone stood aside and didn't move, only Shaoyu dragged the little brother away quickly. Because the little S reminds: the spell of incomplete name...the bloom of water. Is this a forbidden curse? He didn't expect Diablo to really come up with a forbidden curse. Seeing that everyone didn't move, Shaoyu couldn't help but yelled: Flash, this is a famous spell.

Although there is a forbidden spell in this world, it means that evil magic is forbidden by all means. Powerful spells are all well-known, so they are also called named spells, well-known spells. In Shaoyu's view, it was equivalent to a powerful forbidden curse.

After Shaoyu shouted, he saw the Jellyfish King’s body stiff, and a piece of frost formed on the surface of his body. Then the water around its body condensed into ice cubes, and the surrounding water continued to freeze and spread, and everyone was desperately trying to The entrance to the hall ran.

The little brother said on the side: Diablo is so fierce.

Everyone just ran for a few steps, and only heard a clicking sound. Shaoyu looked back and saw that the ice around the Jellyfish King turned into water again. The ice cubes were continuously melting around him, and soon caught up with the spreading ice. .

The forbidden curse was immediately resolved, everyone stopped, and the Jellyfish King moved back to the arch in the center of the hall. It closed its eyes and said: Come here all.

Ailian asked: What to do! The head said: What else can the monsters who can hardly accept the famous spells, listen to what he wants us to help. Everyone nodded, and Diablo walked back to everyone at this moment, and saw his face full of red light, and said with a hundredfold spirit: The Jellyfish King didn’t know what he had done to me, not only allowed me to smoothly release the magic that I didn’t master, but now the body is full of it. Magic, if you give me some time to meditate, it is possible to advance. Shaoyu said: A blessing in disguise. Diablo shook his head and stirred up a mist of water in the oxygen mask. He said: That is, my brother is so handsome. Bao Ju said: "Small, looking at you so honest, it turns out that you are a boring S." Amidst the laughter, everyone tacitly formed an arrow formation and walked towards the Jellyfish King. Ailian's scroll was not put away, and Chadi was also carrying a scorpion...

When it came to the Jellyfish King's body, it opened its eyes and said: You should be deceived by Rager to take the trident, the artifact of our race.

The group leader said loudly: Yes, and your blood.

The jellyfish king burst into laughter, and the surrounding water churned with laughter. After a few laughs, he returned to his icy appearance and said: After thousands of years have passed, it seems that he still has not found a way. Although he has escaped the catastrophe, what is the difference.

Then the Jellyfish King began to speak for himself again. Rager was an evil dragon expelled from the dragon clan. He united several races to destroy the jellyfish clan that had settled on the shore. At that time, only a small group of people escaped. . At that time, the Jellyfish King was just a little male jellyfish with little wisdom, but he was lucky enough to be hit by the trident in the hands of the patriarch, and he was inherited by the patriarchs of the past.

Rag lobbied several races not for the treasures and special wings of the Jellyfish clan. After besieging the Jellyfish Queen, he quietly left the battlefield and followed the tribe who fled into the sea, attacked their guardian beasts and cast a forbidden spell to merge with them. .

Because Rager saw the book of taboo prophecy, he was expelled from the dragon clan, who was second only to the dragon clan in strength. He learned of a catastrophe that had swept across the continent, and Rag, who was thinking hard, felt that only by fusing into another life and hiding in the ocean could he be spared.

The guardian beast of the Jellyfish clan is an ordinary beast that has survived from the first era. Because it has existed for long enough, it is very powerful...Lager did it. After integrating this ancient life, he changed its form, but it was a taboo demon. There was something wrong with the curse. He must be a terrestrial creature. After the fusion was completed, he could not control his body and could not move.

As long as this trident is obtained, Rager can be fully integrated. But the Jellyfish King relied on the conquering passage opened by several generations of jellyfish patriarchs, and has already reached another ocean.

Thousands of years ago, there have been various races and some marine creatures have been transmitted. The Jellyfish King relied on the inheritance of the patriarchs to become stronger a little bit to protect the tribe. Then it was dormancy for thousands of years, and finally a group of human beings...you.

Everyone was stunned, and remained silent until the jellyfish finished speaking.

Really or not, I don't know who is muttering softly.

The Jellyfish King didn't seem to hear this muttering, and after a moment of silence, he said: As long as you help me eliminate Rag, my clan will repay you.

Shaoyu came to his spirits and couldn't help asking: You just killed so many of your people, don't you care?

The Jellyfish King said: Those who are not his real clan, don’t need to talk more about this question, it involves my clan’s secret.

After a moment of silence, everyone felt that the Jellyfish King didn't seem to be telling lies...Bao Ju couldn't help but ask at this moment, you just said thank you, what is it!

The Jellyfish King said: I will give you the three wings left after the demise of the tribe for thousands of years.

No, there are only three wings, how do we divide it! This is what Ailian said. If it weren't for the Jellyfish King to ask them to help, Shaoyu really suspected that this was killing three people in Ertao. The Jellyfish King thought for a while and said: Wings are very precious treasures, and at that time it was a rich vein mine on the mainland.

The head said: Wait, why don't you solve the Rager yourself! Diablo said: Yes, if you can't solve it, how can our strength help you.

The Jellyfish King said that it was already integrated with this palace and could not leave at all. The jellyfish also lamented that thousands of years ago, it could only use this method to protect the people from being wiped out by the invaders and the original residents in this ocean. Then he said: I will bring the trident back to them. Rager was a sneak attack back then, and now he also lets him taste this.

Everyone asked some questions one after another, and Bicha Diru asked: Bring the trident back. If it fails, then Rager will get the trident! The Jellyfish King said that Rag could not move, except to be careful of his dragon language magic, as long as Rag cut off his head, Rag would die. And it will leave three spells on the trident, which can interrupt Rag's magic three times. As long as you seize the opportunity, according to your strength there is a great chance that it can be eliminated.

Everyone was full of confidence, and Baoju also worriedly asked the Jellyfish King: If the Rager is solved, are they afraid that they won't come back with the artifact? The Jellyfish King said: Only in the hands of the jellyfish family can it exert its power and be called a divine weapon, and it will let the daughter go with it.

After asking a lot of questions, Shishi talked about the benefits with the Jellyfish King, and Ai Lin also spoke a few words from time to time.

Shaoyu was dumbfounded at hearing, the poems that founded a chamber of commerce were not fuel-efficient lamps.

Finally, the Jellyfish King has to pay for a wing in advance, plus all the things left by the invaders that have been transmitted, and a few pearls, plus instructions for everyone to improve their strength.

After discussing it, the Jellyfish King drained the water in this palace. It disappeared in a flash, and then came back after a while. It held four fist-sized pearls with different lights in its left hand and a wing in its right hand. , And said that the things left by the intruders will be sent by its daughter.

Shaoyu was attracted by this wing at first sight. There are still a few female jellyfish corpses in his ring, but he didn't expect that the wings that look like two fans will be similar to the wings of the devil in the anime. ~ Dark and mysterious, just a bit smaller! The Jellyfish King said: Only after the demise of the maternal tribe with powerful magic power can a pair of wings be condensed. Only three pairs have been produced over the past six thousand years. Then it explained the function of this wing, flying at low altitude, swimming in the deep sea, and extremely strong, and this pair of wings also contained a kind of magic that the matriarch was best at before in life. The specifics can only be mastered by connecting this pair of wings.

Except for Ailian staring at the pearl, everyone slobbed at the wing. Then the Jellyfish King introduced these four pearls. These are the magic pearls from the underwater giant clam. They are water-skin pearls, mirage pearls, lightning pearls, and void pearls. Jellyfish talked a lot about the origin of these pearls, and Shaoyu walked around until he talked about the functions of these pearls.

Hydrating pearls can form a layer of water skin against the body, providing a little defense and affinity with water elements.

Mirage pearls can produce mirages to make the enemy hallucinate, and can copy anything according to magical powers, of course, it is just a shadow.

Lightning pearls can increase the power of electrical spells, and can absorb and release a bolt of lightning.

The Void Pearl can completely void the user and achieve the effect of physical immunity.

After the introduction of the Jellyfish King, it happened that its daughter, a female jellyfish with a tear-shaped sapphire on her brow, also stood at the door carrying a coral box, and the Jellyfish King reached out and moved the box over.

Everyone is looking forward to it, not knowing what good things are inside. After opening it, a box was rusty and tattered. This kind of psychological contrast is too great, and everyone looks at the Jellyfish King in unison. The Jellyfish King was also taken aback, and then he sighed: In a long period of time, these weapons have been decayed, and then when he pressed his palm, the whole box turned into a string of blisters.

A belt with a reddish light fell out of the blisters. The Jellyfish King grabbed the belt in his hand and stroked it, saying that only an artifact can withstand corrosion, but it is only a broken half. Then he stretched out his hand, and the wings, four pearls, and this belt flew over.

If you count the next two wings, eight things. How to divide the nine people, everyone looked at the head of the group.

At this time, the Jellyfish King said: The space channel is already in the stage of collapse, and it can support up to six days under its full strength. After speaking, it closed its eyes again.

This means that they only have four to five days for the Jellyfish King to give instructions for practice, and then they have to go to slay the dragon. The speed was dirty, Ailian couldn't help but said, she wanted to master the lost breakpoint technique.

The leader picked up the wing and asked: Who wants this wing? Keep up! As a result, except for Shaoyu's silent, everyone wanted this stuff. The head of the group first said to Baoju: You can fly and you need this! Baoju said: I count as flying, I will be exhausted for a while. The commander said: Go to the side, and there is Diablo, you can fly with the advanced wizard of a mage, and grab this with them! Diablo was said to be embarrassed and said not to. Then the head of the group said: Ailian, this thing is not for you, you can fly by then. Ailian said: Okay, don't **** them.

At this time, Chaddy said: Price? The head of the delegation said: There is no such thing as bidding, who can be better than the local tyrants.

In fact, Shaoyu wanted this wing very much. When he was a child, who didn't dream of flying in the sky with wings on his back, now the opportunity is right in front of him. The reason why he didn't say anything was that he hadn't fought against these local tyrants. Hearing what the head of the group said, he stepped forward and said: I want it too.

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