Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 196: Underwater (guidance)

When the wing fell in Shaoyu's hands, he had a sense of unreality.

Hearing that Shaoyu wanted it, the head first said to Zhende: You are better than Wing with that lightning pearl. Zhende thought for a while and took the Lightning Pearl. Chadi changed his mind and took the mirage pearl. Shishi said: Anyway, there are two wings, let Shaoyu take it first. Only Baoju didn't speak. Shaoyu looked at Baoju and listened to Baoju's words: Seeing you are so pitiful, my brother gave it to you. I will take that belt.

Shaoyu's heart was very moved, he didn't know that everyone was letting him. In the past, Shaoyu just thought it was more comfortable to stay in the Round Table Adventure Group, so he wanted to leave when he had a conflict with Sensen, but now he can't help but feel a sense of belonging from the bottom of his heart.

Baoju grabbed the belt and tied it around his waist. The head of the group shouted: Your kid would say, this is a magical tool. Baoju said: Didn't you hear that it was half broken? My brother unselfishly took the worst thing. The group leader was speechless. He took the Void Pearl himself. Diablo was still wondering why he chose this. Zhende said that it was for his good friend. The leader said: Go to your sister's good friends, this thing is very suitable for the general. The distribution of skin pearls caused a little disturbance, and both Diablo and Ailian wanted it, because they both had water repair systems, and water element affinity was useful for both. In the end, Ai Lian got the pearl. She only said one reason. Ai Lian said: Water skin can nourish the skin.

Diablo is defeated.

Baoju suddenly yelled and shocked everyone. He said: This thing can increase power and activate a light shield. Unfortunately, the latter cannot be used. However, Shaoyu moved his mind and took out his wristband and threw it to Baoju.

After Baoju subconsciously caught it, the wristband and waistband flashed red at the same time, and only red lines were connected to each other, and the reflected hall was red.

Suit! Diablo shouted.

The Jellyfish King was also alarmed. It opened its eyes and said: This belt was left by a frost giant, and it should be an artifact of the giant family. However, it seems that the giant's handguards are also damaged. Although the activation of the suit can be restored to a certain extent, the damage is too serious and can only be repaired by someone... It is a pity.

Shaoyu secretly said that he didn't expect it to be wrong, and Baoju took the guard and said triumphantly: My brother still has eyesight, and then he said to Shaoyu: Brother, there are no artifacts, let's throw dozens more.

Not only Shaoyu, everyone wanted to kick him to death.

After dividing the dirt, everyone curiously asked Shaoyu to put on the wings, and Shaoyu took off his cloak and gesticulated how to bring the thing. The Jellyfish King opened his mouth and said: I teach you the correct way to use it. After a pause, he said: If you meet the looted wing, you can take it.

After speaking, the jellyfish king flashed behind Shaoyu and summoned Wing to his side. He said he would not move, and then waved the trident... There were a lot of twists and turns here, and when he waved the halberd, Shaoyu jumped away. Did not cut the gray robe! After thinking about it for a while, the jellyfish Wang Ruo let Shaoyu take off the gray robe, and then pulled out the second blood port on the two sides of the spine, and then it scratched its left hand, the wings were folded from the middle, and two black bones popped out. Press on the wound behind Shaoyu.

Shaoyu only felt that the two big bones behind him were connected with the bones ejected from the wings. The Jellyfish King waved his hand to heal his wounds and said: The wings and the body grow together, which is the correct way to use them. Shaoyu only felt itchy behind his back. He couldn't help but move his back bone, and saw his wings stretch out from side to side.

Ai Lian said: So handsome. Baoju said: This wing should be on my body, that's so handsome. Shaoyu felt very good about himself, he kept controlling his back bones and flapping his wings. Diablo said: After this, entering the city will definitely cause onlookers. Shaoyu was taken aback by the words that Diablo had accidentally said. Yeah, how he went to the streets after this, was it mutated as a curse wind. He subconsciously retracted his wings, folded them behind his back, put on a gray robe and a cloak of shadow, the whole bulging like a hunchback.

At this moment, Shaoyu felt very bad about himself.

Shi Shi also thought about it: Wings are quite magical, but very inconvenient. After that, everyone scattered and tried to get the things in their hands. For a while, the light flashed randomly, but Shishi, Little Brother, and Diablo, who didn't get anything, accepted the instructions of the Jellyfish King first.

While flapping his wings, Shaoyu called Xiao S. When the Jellyfish King talked about the origin of pearls, the reason he was in a daze was that the little S prompted to copy the kitten's memory. Shaoyu talked a few words with Xiao S, and the cat was also meowing non-stop to express his desire to eat fish, so he was relieved.

After Shishi talked with the Jellyfish King for a while, if he could get something, stand aside and start to stay in a daze.

Diablo talked with the jellyfish king for three full scales and sat on the stone pillar with satisfaction.

During this period of time, Shaoyu was familiar with the pair of wings. He swayed and flew around the palace twice, feeling that the speed was not as fast as his full power, perhaps because he was not familiar with the reason for the back force. The ability to swim in the deep sea is not affected by water pressure and currents in the water. He feels that this wing is not so much used for flying as it is used in the sea.

If it weren't for the magic on the wings, Shaoyu would feel a bit cumbersome. The small S indicates that the mutation attribute has changed. Shaoyu saw that there was a seventh more in the mutation, with wings on his back, changing the biological structure and forming a deformity, and the body's function declined~all attributes lost three points.

The magic that made him think it was worthwhile was called the Deep Blue Gate, which could open the water gate at two locations designated by the sight range and shuttle back and forth.

After trying it once, everyone was envious of it. Teleportation spells were difficult to master, not to mention this kind of fixed-point portal!

Baoju ran to be the third one to receive instructions. The king told him to teach him the trident. The king said that the trident was a special weapon and he couldn't learn it in a short time. Baoju said that he could only see this, and the king was helpless. Condensed a book mastered by Trident. After he came back, he said: Let's hang on to my brother. With this book, everyone can learn it.

This time everyone didn't oppose it, and the behavior of Baoju reminded everyone. Ailian went up fourth, and after a while, the Jellyfish King condensed a magic scroll. In addition to the breakpoint technique, there is a series of water magic in the book. Ailian said excitedly, this is ancient magic, and Diablo's eyes straightened on one side.

Suddenly, Shaoyu had a flash of inspiration, and he snatched Baoju's Trident Mastery Book. He thought to himself, Sword Classics don't want cheats, isn't it? He turned over the book of Trident Mastery on the spot, and thought while recording with his left eye, wondering if the sword classic would be accepted.

After the entry, Shaoyu returned the book to Baoju, and Baoju took the book and asked: Did you learn it after reading it this way? Seeing his serious questioning, Shaoyu said jokingly: Yes. Baoju said: Ghosts believe in you, so take a few shots and take a look. Shaoyu said how to perform without the trident, are you going to borrow the jellyfish king? Unexpectedly, Baoju drew a long axe from behind to indicate that he would use it. Shaoyu deliberately teased him and used a long axe to play a set of cudgel skills. The one who danced was the wind, turning left and right. Bao Ju's eyes bulged, and he was convinced again and again. Shaoyu laughed, throwing the long axe at him and running away.

Run after loading 13, which is really exciting.

After sitting cross-legged in the corner of the temple, Shaoyu entered the spiritual world, and while flying towards the sword classic, Xiao S made a copy of the Trident Mastery Book. When approaching the memory fragments that turned into a meteorite ring, Sword Tome turned out a flying sword very unfriendly and prepared to attack, and he repeatedly said that he was here to exchange cheats. After Jiandian accepted the book of Trident Mastery, it didn't respond to it for a while, so Shaoyu guessed in his heart that it would work? Swordsmanship probably only accepts sword secret books. When he was about to leave, Jiandian communicated with him.

Sword Code has said so many years, finally there are new things that can be added to evolve. Shaoyu thought, Oh, is it because Jiandian was so excited just now that he couldn't speak! It made him worry for so long. Then he heard the sword code say that although this is a basic exercise, the quality is very high. Shaoyu hurriedly said: What secret technique can I change? Jiandian said: Come in.

Come in? Rong Shaoyu hadn't reacted yet, but he felt that a huge suction force attracted him to the planet that the sword code was transformed into. I don't know if it is an illusion or something. The closer to the sword canon, Shaoyu only feels that the sword canon is getting bigger and bigger, he is getting smaller and smaller, and the planetary pattern of the sword canon becomes clearer. Then, as if traveling through the atmosphere, sparks sparked around and the temperature rose sharply. Shaoyu's instinctive movement under the horror wanted to condense the gas shield to protect himself, but it was in the spiritual world, which was completely useless.

When he thought he was about to be burnt to death, a purple gas wrapped him out of thin air.

Is the ocean, land, mountains, and islands really a planet? He also saw countless people wielding swords on the land. Then he landed on an island with a huge crater. Shaoyu saw that his body had materialized, he murmured, it was amazing. At this time, the Sword Code roared: Asshole, what have you practiced the swordsmanship, Shaoyu didn't react. What's in your body, the sword book kept roaring, and Shaoyu saw huge waves on the sea, the islands shaking, black smoke from the volcano, and a roaring sound like it was about to explode.

Shaoyu quickly squatted down and said that he didn't understand.

It took a while for the devastating scene to calm down. The sword code said: If it had been before, you would have been destroyed. It's fine if cultivating the gods is useful, but you still practice qi, don't you know that these two conflicts. Shaoyu was very aggrieved and said: This was created by Sword Spirit. Besides, I had to survive when I first came to this world. I would have died early without training.

The sword code said: What about the foreign body in your body. Shaoyu said: Foreign body, aren't you too. The huge waves on the sea began to rise and fall again, and the island vibrated... Shaoyu yelled impatiently: Enough, I'm here to change the exercises, it's fine if you pull me in here, I'm not here to listen to your temper of. After calming down all around, he just listened to the sword code and sighed: Pulling you in is to better understand you, and to choose the exercises for you. After a pause, he said: The practice should be pure, and the part-time training seems to be powerful, but In the end, everything changed, but everything couldn't reach the peak, not to mention that you still cultivated more! …Look at the wind light sword cloud body you trained, not only the Yungang is not fully condensed, but the sword qi movement cycle is not correct, how can it accelerate the operation and turn it into triple sword power.

It turned out to be three times the sword power, not just three times the flow speed! ! !

The words of the sword code caused Shaoyu to fall into contemplation. After thinking about it for a while, he said to the sword code: "I have no mentor to guide me along the way, and there is no practice to practice. I can only use whatever I can to improve my strength. I have also thought about your words, but a done deal is done... the heart is on top. After listening to Jiandian, he was silent for a while and said: It is indeed too demanding of you, now only you can give me the exercises, let me think about it, you should go out and come later. As soon as the words of the sword code fell, Shaoyu flew up uncontrollably, flying out of the atmosphere in the purple gas.

Back in the spiritual world, listen to Xiao S said: Host, your companion is calling you. As soon as Shaoyu heard it, his spiritual world appeared. He saw everyone around him and said: What's the situation?

The head of the group said: What is the right situation for you? Sitting here for three full days, the whole body will be on fire, and the surrounding will be shaken.

Shaoyu had to say again and said, embarrassed, he has over-trained. Diablo asked: Shaoyu, what did you cultivate, it's not like a known department. Before Shaoyu could answer, Baoju said: You stupid bird, it's up to you what other people practice, the mainland is so vast, do you know what my department is? Diablo honestly said that he really didn't know.

The head said: Everyone has accepted the instructions, Shaoyu is up to you, let's have a meeting after you finish it for a while.

Shaoyu nodded and said that he knew that he would have a reaction outside his body in the planet that he secretly wanted to enter the sword classic. When everyone saw Shaoyu, they were stunned again, and after a few conversations, they spread out and went to practice.

The Jellyfish King opened his eyes. It first looked at Shaoyu and then said: In this group of people, you are also mysterious, the power system is very complicated and many of them are not inherited from this world. Shaoyu was shocked, this was the first time he was seen. Then the Jellyfish King said: I can't point you to anything, but practice is not better than more. Shaoyu nodded, Jiandian said so, and Jellyfish King said so. The Jellyfish King was silent for a while and said: I can’t point you to ask, is there anything I want to learn.

Shaoyu thought for a while and said: How did your clone play.

Holding this book of ocean clones, the jellyfish king said that this is the secret technique of the jellyfish clan. As long as he promised him one thing, he would be allowed to watch it once. After listening to it, he agreed, and after he looked through it, the ocean clone became The light spot disappeared. The jellyfish king's matter is easy, that is, to protect its daughter as much as possible under the prerequisite of eliminating Rager. It also said that the daughter is the future patriarch of the jellyfish family, and as a male, it can only be a king.

Ocean clone Shaoyu looked at it once and thought it should be a kind of magic, unable to practice. But he didn't care, it was for the sword classic.

Next, everyone refilled the oxygen mask and left outside the hall for a meeting. Only the king or the patriarch can enter the main hall. The daughter of the Jellyfish King is not qualified yet, so the meeting is held outside.

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