Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 198: Underwater (for collection)

The hall was very quiet for a while, suddenly Lage burst into laughter, and the undercurrent of laughter surged...but everyone who had the blessing of the ocean stood firm.

Everyone immediately drew out their weapons and formed a formation. Rager said: I didn't expect that you actually brought back the jellyfish bloodline and the trident. Come on, present it, and I will give you a generous reward.

Shaoyu secretly thought that this dragon would be so mad before he got it, and even his claim to be changed.

Shishi stepped forward and said loudly: rejection. Shishi glanced at the crowd, and Shaoyu felt that Shishi's eyes contained deep meaning. Rager roared: Why reject the great golden dragon! You will be punished...Before it finishes roaring, Shishi said: Because you have deceived us, first give us rewards before we hand over people and things.

Shaoyu suddenly understood the meaning of Shishi's eyes, and only felt that Shishi was too bad, and he was indeed the president of a chamber of commerce. Everyone came to understand it very tacitly, the closest to Shanna, Baoju, with a big wave, put her hands behind her back, and Chadi on one side took the trident away.

It was probably the first time Sana sat and teleported. It was then that she woke up. She yelled: You hateful human beings have deceived us, and Father will destroy you.

Ragh was initially a little confused, but when she saw Shanna saying this, she believed it. Rager said: It is worthy of being a cunning human being. I have used little skills like you, but do you understand the feeling of being trapped for thousands of years? I will give you the huge treasures that have plundered three races. After speaking, a scroll flew out of his huge fish body. Shi Shi took a look at the surprise in his eyes and handed it to the leader. The leader said: This is a map thousands of years ago. Now it is a human world. God knows that your dragon nest is still there.

Unexpectedly, after Rager listened to it, there was another hahahaha laugh. Sure enough, the disaster has happened, the hundred races have disappeared in the world. The head nodded, and Rager said: Bring the jellyfish bloodline and trident, I will take you to dominate the world.

Shaoyu shouted: I still want us to be thugs! Diablo said: Quickly give benefits, we will leave without us, but this trident is not a loss for the artifact. Shanna yelled at one side: Treachery human beings, I will curse.... Baoju twisted vigorously behind and said: Silly girl shut up. Shanna screamed bitterly, but Ailian whispered on the side, "Baoju, please be gentle."

Rag seemed a little angry, but it still flew out countless shining things from the fish body and said: This is the treasure it treasures and the treasure of this jellyfish palace, now bestowed to you.

As these treasures flew close, Rager suddenly wailed: Blessing of the ocean?

Shaoyu turned his vigor, and Feisheng yelled: Brothers stand side by side. He copied three shiny objects in his hand, and stuffed them into the ring without looking. Zhende was the one who reacted the fastest. He moved his feet and slammed a big hole on the floor with a bang. The grudge grabbed a few and stuffed them into his arms.

Everyone took action, only Shanna stood stupidly here, still in a daze after receiving the trident that Chatisseur gave her.

Rag yelled: Damn humans dare to deceive the great golden dragon, the king of dragons, and the lord of the world, destroy them all. After it roared, it began to recite the spell in an ancient tone. Shaoyu had already rushed to Rager’s dragon neck. He held the sword in both hands and slashed with all his strength. A spark ran across his hands and numb, and the large dragon scales were connected. No trace was left.

Zhende also punched on the side, but Rager didn't respond at all. The two looked at each other, and Shaoyu stood still and switched the form of the sword. Zhende also stood still, with electric lights on his arms. It takes more than twenty seconds to switch the sword yuan. Zhende moved first. He screamed and moved his body. The water around him was exhausted by vindictiveness to form a vacuum. He opened a long lunge and lowered his body and punched his fist like a dragon. When going out to sea, a huge electric shock hit Rager's neck.

A fist mark clearly appeared on the dragon scales, but the lightning penetrated into Rager's long neck and disappeared. Rager was unaffected by the slightest, and the sound of the curse became louder and louder, and the shocking water waves rippled.

Shaoyu finally switched the form of the sword element. The sword element spit out three inches of sword light from the sky long sword. He stepped back a few steps and stabled with the sword, and only heard the sound of this, Shaoyu felt it pierced in. At a glance, Jianmang pierced about an inch. He pushed the long sword desperately forward, and Jian Mang was pushed forward little by little.

At this time everyone’s attack arrived. Ailian’s water bomb and Chadi’s extinguishing arrow were shot at Rager’s longan. Baoju and the captain swam at the place where the dragon’s neck and the fish’s body were connected with an axe, little brother. Swim to the top of the dragon's head and control the sledgehammer to slam it down, Diablo condensed several ice cones and pierced Rager's nose.

Facing the attack from the crowd, Rager did not move, only listening to a thumping violent sound, it just shook its head when the disappearing arrow came.

The sword light had entered two inches and passed the dragon scales, the water was red, and a trace of dragon blood came out. Shaoyu and Zhende, who were pushing the sword with all their strength, only felt a huge force coming from them, and flew out with a shock. The head of Zhanlong's neck and Baoju even flew out with their axes. The little brother was also hit with a hammer and led him to fly to Lao Gao. Ailian's water arrow slammed on the side of the dragon's face without any movement, while the dark cone of ice hit Rager's dragon's face and turned into a pile of ice powder.

Shaoyu Yungang was shattered, only to feel that his belly was tumbling and backing a few steps before he stopped, and Zhen had to vomit blood on one side. He thought that slaying dragons is a very difficult thing, but he didn't expect it to be like this... No one broke the defense after a fierce attack, and just the swing of the dragon head had such a powerful force. What should I do! At this time, I heard the head of the group shout and acted as planned.

Hearing the commander's call to Shaoyu's heart, he stood with the commander, Baoju, who was flying back. By the way, they only need to attract Rager's attention and create opportunities for Chadi to make them attack the fish.

Rager's curse had been completed, and the water elements around its dragon head quickly condensed to form dozens of miniature ocean waves...water elements.

By the way, interrupt! Shaoyu couldn't help asking loudly, only to hear Shanna say coldly behind: This is not Mingfa. Dozens of water elements condensed a series of water arrows to hit them, and Shaoyu only heard Rager start to curse again, and the sound of a blue light flying from behind them stopped abruptly. Shaoyu almost took a bite of blood, while the head roared: Shanna, wait for him to read it for a while before interrupting. The head of the group fully spoke out Shaoyu's thoughts.

Shanna's cold face blushed, and she looked like Ai Ai for a while, and it wouldn't be good to be yelled at... Finish, this is a novice!

Bao Ju Ningshi resisted the water arrows, and the head stood behind him. Shaoyu wielded a long sword, winged deep sea travel and sea ocean blessing. He was able to retreat and use the sword light to make it drip-proof, resisting the water arrows that hit like a torrential rain.

Diablo condensed an ice wall in the rear to help Chadi block the water arrows.

Zhende and Ailian's younger brother joined together, and the three of them had bypassed the dragon head and reached the side of the huge fish body.

This giant whale-like fish body was once the guardian of the jellyfish family. It was ten times larger when it was not fused by Rager. It used to be a giant wave in the water when it moved. Although it has no wisdom, it has an incomparable water system. Magic talent and combat instinct. The Jellyfish King speculates that the Guardian's defenses were very weak during his lifetime, and the unsuccessful integration may be even more vulnerable.

The little brother controlled the sledgehammer to smash it down, and saw the coral shell on the fish's body flying around, and the flesh and blood under it was blurred, and it was really crisp.

The little brother's hammer weighs more than 400 kilograms, and there is a magic to increase weight on it. Most people can't lift it even if it doesn't say waving it. It is a huge force to go down with a hammer, and only the little brother can wield his super power with all his strength.

After smashing a wound, the little brother flashed to the side, Ailian struck in with a string of water arrows, and the flesh and blood flew across. Zhende expanded the wound with his fists on one side, while the little brother stood on the other side to gather energy. Swing the hammer again.

It's just that these wounds are nothing to the huge fish body, and it won't be possible to cause fatal injuries in a while.

As soon as they cause harm, the water element here will swim towards them. The head said: Shaoyu, stop them.

Well, Shaoyu swung his sword and stopped behind Bao Ju, took a deep breath, spread his wings and rushed out, and at the same time called out the divine sword and the unicorn, surrounded by the sword.

The water element swims very fast, but Shaoyu Youyi and the Blessing of the Sea are faster than them...Use magic swords and unicorns to surround the whole body, and the cloud gangs condensed again to defend against some water arrows shot over. It will be behind them. These water elements can not only use water arrows to attack endlessly, but also have a certain melee ability. As long as they do not break the core, they can continue to repair themselves. Each of them has a combat power of more than 40. If not only water arrows, this trick is completely comparable to one. Official mage, of course this is the data that Shaoyu probed. As for Rager, he tried to probe, but he didn't expect Little S to be able to analyze it, but there was only one powerful life form that was not fully integrated.

When the water element was more than ten meters away, Shaoyu's imperial emissary attacked. The Excalibur moved flexibly in the water like a fish, and immediately pierced the core of a water element.

These water elements don't have a shield, and the flowing water is their defense, but they can't stand the sword. After a water element dissipated, the group of water elements stopped and turned back to attack Shaoyu. While he swung his sword to block, he controlled the divine sword to pierce their cores in circles from behind.

As the water element continued to dissipate, Shaoyu took the time to look back at the group leader and them. Rager was probably interrupted and confused. It didn't chant any more spells, but it kept spurting out a column of fire and a lot of blisters in the violent water.

It is too powerful to play with fire underwater. Each time these fire pillars with a diameter of a washbasin spewed out, the shield that Baoju had condensed with an axe had to be repelled far away to offset it. From time to time, some fire pillars sprayed towards the darkness further behind, but were also blocked by him at the cost of an ice wall melted. After coming down, at least six ice walls were condensed in front of Diablo. Chadi next to Diablo took out the extinguishing arrow and replaced it with an ordinary arrow that shot the water element at the edge of the ice wall from time to time. Although his magic arrows consume almost the same amount, he is confusing Rager and waiting for his chance.

The head of the regiment hid behind Bao Ju, there was no good way for a while, and a stalemate formed.

If Rager wakes up, the situation will be very bad.

Everyone didn’t expect that it was Shanna who broke the deadlock. She was also protected by layers of dark ice. But she saw a stalemate, and she swam out in a flash, holding the trident and rushing towards Rager. .

The water element collectively changed the target, and the water arrows all shot towards Shanna, and Rager also turned his dragon's head, and a pillar of fire sprayed at her.

Diablo yelled anxiously, and when Shaoyu looked back and saw this scene, a water arrow pierced his arm with a shaking hand.

Dozens of water arrows locked Shanna, and a pillar of fire was approaching her.

I really can't figure it out, how come out suddenly!

The head screamed and rushed towards her immediately. Not to mention Shanna can use the trident to interrupt, if Rager can get her blood and let it fuse further, everyone will have to finish playing, and everyone panicked for a while. With his body, the commander blocked a large swath of water arrows in front, arousing blood. I saw a pair of dark red wings behind Shanna dodge the pillar of fire dangerously and dangerously, and continued to rush towards Rag from the gap created by the leader in a stream of water.

The magic on Shanna's wings should be the flow of water, which plays a role of acceleration and certain defense.

Shaoyu only felt cold with his hands and feet, and spread his wings and used the dark blue door. The two dark blue doors took at least ten seconds to condense. He cursed what Shanna was doing, and prayed that this girl would hold on for ten seconds.

The leader roared and entered the second frenzy, chasing Shanna behind. The madness doubles everything, that is, the movement speed does not double, and the more mad the head, the smaller, and the short legs rotate like a wheel, but they can only chase farther and farther. In desperation, he shouted: Baoju.

Shanna's traveling posture is very beautiful, flashing waves of water arrows and Rager's secondary fire pillar. Baoju shouted: Silly girl, don't go over! You are delivering food. Shanna ignored him and walked straight over him. Baoju was blocking the water arrows, and chasing after him.

After Rager, the second pillar of fire was sprayed completely at the violent chrysanthemum and the captain who had caught up. Soon Shanna swam to the front of Rager's dragon head. She said in a cold voice: Evil Dragon, your end is here, hand over the captured clansmen soon.

Seeing that Rager didn't answer, but just sprayed fire at the back, she swung her halberd and stabbed, Rager drew away as if terrified. I saw it dodge back and forth with Shanna's neck shaking, and it couldn't even blow out the fire.

Shaoyu came out from the deep blue door and was dumbfounded. Is Shanna so defying? He directly saw Shanna missed the combo, and after a pause, he swung layers of halberd shadows, pierced Rager's dragon face, and pulled out a **** mouth.

The regimental commander and Baoju also raised their heads and opened their mouths, and stopped by him to watch this scene. Originally, Shaoyu's door was opened before Shanna, but she didn't know that she rushed so fast and fell behind.

Waves of water arrows awakened the three of them, and then Shaoyu felt wrong. If Rager really lost, how could the Water Elemental give up protecting Rager and stop them desperately.

With a bad yell, they rushed forward desperately. The group leader and Baoju thought about this and rushed forward together. However, the water arrows were all concentrated on the three of them, and the speed was not much faster under the full resistance, and it was difficult to make an inch of 50 meters.

Shanna was completely close to Rager and hit it in the face with another halberd, when the water around her churned. Even without the deep-sea swimming attached to the wings, being a jellyfish clan would not arouse such movement in the water. Shanna yelled: silently cast a spell. Then the chains formed by the tossing splashes of water were tied up... the chains of water.

Rag's dragon roar resounded throughout the palace...that was a joy finally obtained.

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