Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 199: Underwater (Slaying the Dragon)

The trident fell down, and Rager Zhang Dalongkou didn't know what was roaring, and the trident instantly shrank and embedded in the center of its eyebrows.

Shaoyu secretly said it was over!

On the other side, Zhende, who was immersed in the body of the fish, felt like the flesh around him had come alive, twisting the twist and squeezing towards him, Zhende Fei retired and was almost caught. inside. The little brother fell with a hammer on one side, the fish's body recovered its elasticity at this time, and the hammer flew out uncontrollably. Ailian's water arrow hit the wound of the fish body and saw a flash of blue light. The water arrow was completely absorbed, and she had no choice but to stop.

Then the whale-like body shrank and became smaller, gradually equaling the proportion of the Rag dragon head.

Just listen to Raghaha laughing: After thousands of years, I can finally eliminate the consciousness of this damn, inferior beast. As Rager laughed, Shaoyu only felt cold in his hands and feet... Now let alone slaying a dragon, he would be slaughtered by the dragon!

This is a dead Sanna! I really wanted to retreat right away, but he promised to protect Shanna.

Seeing that the distance was almost the same, Shaoyu used swordsmanship to turn into a sword shadow and wiped out the seven water elements, struggling forward... However, he could only use his sword to defend with more than twenty water elements.

After the fish's body shrank, the flesh and blood squirmed, and a dragon claw broke through with countless remaining flesh and blood clots, and then a thick dragon tail stretched out.

Shaoyu yelled: Spell it out. The head of the shocked side and Baoju looked straight at him. Shaoyu secretly thought about disorderly time. After several times of use, he can basically grasp the location of the disordered time, and he used the void of time in the place closest to Rager and relatively safe. A point was formed behind the water element group, and several colored ribbons stretched out. The colored ribbons rotated to form a circular cavity, and another Shaoyu jumped out of it.

After another Shaoyu came out, he also used swordsmanship to destroy the eight water elements at once, and then he held the divine sword to clean up these water elements with all his strength. Shaoyu was taken aback and exclaimed: Go and save Shanna, but the other Shaoyu seems to be walking back and forth in the water element without hearing it.

Without the interference of the water element, the three rushed forward quickly. While Chong, the leader also asked: Is this the clone you learned from the jellyfish? Shaoyu said bitterly: This is the ancestor. He thought to himself: Is the other one swollen, why not save Shanna first and help her break the chains of water and run away.

Rager was also startled by the sudden appearance of another Shaoyu, and a pillar of fire sprayed over. Another Shaoyu spread his wings behind his back and swam around, but the pillar of fire burned out the two water elements.

These water elements were attracted to the firepower by the other self, and Shaoyu headed directly upstream regardless of him. He only thought about how the chains of water should be broken when he came closer.

Except for a pair of wings, Rager's dragon body is basically formed, although it is not as large as a giant whale, the fifty-meter-long body with golden light after shrinking gives it a sense of strength and oppression.

Shanna was trapped by the dragon's head by the chains of water, and Shaoyu saw Rager staring at him with a pair of dragon eyes.

Shaoyu threw the sky long sword in his hand first, and the long sword rotated and flew towards the Longan. He used Yanxiang style... and tried to break the shackles by rebounding. Rager just closed his eyes, and the Sky Sword rubbed a little spark on its eyelids. When the sword was spinning and flying towards Shanna, Rager swallowed the Sky Sword and Shanna with one mouth.

Shaoyu only felt his head blinded and spit it out to me with a loud cry. A beam of light from the left eye shot through a blood hole in Rager’s face. It did not hit the eyes and other vital points. Although it broke through the dragon scales, it did not penetrate, as if it had penetrated one-seventh of a human face. The needle did nothing but a pain.

Rager yelled, and Shaoyu was a little at a loss. He didn't know what to do with all his cards. Suddenly, I felt that my body was pushed up by a strong force, and my body jumped high. He stabilized his body and looked down, only to see the other himself pushing himself up, but he was caught in the hands of the dragon's claws without knowing when he appeared. Then with a wave of the dragon's claws, Rager opened his mouth, and the other himself was swallowed.

Shaoyu shook his whole body, feeling that there was no other way but desperately. He concentrated on the sword and kept piercing Lage's dragon mouth. Simply get into its stomach and fight it! In full flight, he seemed to be out of his body, looking down at himself in mid-air. This is not the first time this happened. It happened to Shaoyu in the jungle. After fully concentrating, it seemed that his consciousness had drifted out of his body, and he had a panoramic view.

Lage stood up without waiting for the dragon's body to be fully formed. He didn't even pick up a splash of water. After swallowing another Shaoyu, an iron ball slammed into its stomach, and Lage let out a dragon roar in pain. The head of the group was in a strange whipping posture. Zhen made them rushing towards these, Diablo was chanting a spell, and Chadi was half kneeling on the ground, holding his left hand.

It turns out that this is no-self, and Shaoyu has come over.

In midair, he felt the spiritual world in the middle of his forehead, the cyclone in his chest, the sword element of Dantian, and the three energies converge in the heart, and the mirror heart of the heart continued to expand, as if his whole person had become a mirror...

In the mirror, he saw Rager's neck move, biting the violent chrysanthemum that stopped in front of its stomach. Then Shaoyu only felt that he fell suddenly and returned to his body. He bumped against Rager's neck and stopped and shouted: Baoju, be careful of being eaten.

Just as Shaoyu saw, Lager didn't care about Shaoyu after roaring, and bite Baoju straight with his big mouth.

I saw Baoju staying on the spot, with a red light flashing between his hands and waist, shouting: Just take it straight.

A torrent of water raged, and Baoju half body was caught in Rager's mouth, leaving only two legs standing on the bottom of the water. Then I saw the dragon's mouth tremble and slowly separated, and Baoju opened his hands, resting one on Rager's upper forehead, and one hand on the dragon teeth below it.

Rager's dragon eyes were extremely blank, and the entire dragon body was tilted to one side by the violent chrysanthemum.

Shaoyu opened his mouth wide and stood stupidly in the water. At that time, everyone was bounced out when the dragon's head was swinging. What a huge force it was. Now Baoju can actually fight the dragon's horn.

Among the people in the adventure group, the leader should be the strongest in terms of strength...Of course, this means that after the madness, if the leader becomes mad once, the power of the violent chrysanthemum is similar to that of the leader. Shaoyu immediately remembered the increase in equipment...Bao Ju now has the increase in the giant artifact suit. Although it is only broken, the combined suit effect is real and doubles his power. In this way, he became more frenzied twice than the upper regimental leader, and coupled with the ability to open the upper part, his power geometrically doubled in a short time.

What happened in the next second made Shaoyu overwhelmed. He saw Raglong's pupils erect in a straight line, his big mouth gradually closed, and a heat wave rose from his throat, and large bubbles gushing out of his mouth. Baoju yelled, his legs sank and opened the dragon's mouth a little, but he couldn't stop the flame it was about to emit.

A dark red arrow flew to Rager's mouth at some point, and got into its mouth.

Bao Ju suddenly stopped and rolled back, and the dragon's mouth snapped into the air, and the head of the rushing group slashed the dragon's nose with two axes.

Rager's dragon face was distorted, and his eyes were full of pain.

Shaoyu also slashed the dragon's neck with a sword, and with a touch, the dragon's neck was broken in half. After successfully entering the state of non-self, the confluence of mirrors and hearts not only allows him to see everything around him, but the three converging energies are still in his body enough for him to use a sword... and occasionally he can see the enemy's next step. action.

This sword almost shattered Rager's neck.

I saw Rager open his mouth and spray a large amount of black blood foam, the dragon head hung on his chest, the fallen dragon body trembled and struggling, waving the dragon claws and trying to attack everyone, the wound that was cut by Shaoyu's sword rolled over, and he recovered. sign. Suddenly, only a muffled sound was heard, and another Shaoyu waved his sword from behind it.

The wound behind Rager spewed out countless flesh and blood like a volcanic eruption!

Shaoyu fixed his eyes, and the other one was holding Shanna who had passed out in a coma, smiled at him and disappeared into the water.

Raglong fell heavily in his eyes, igniting a huge flow of water from the bottom of the water, and when the flow of water stabilized, the dragon body turned into a pile of rotten flesh except for the dragon head.

Shaoyu couldn't believe it, when he was the least hopeful, he managed to slay the dragon and rescued Shanna. When Rager fell, he stretched his wings and mentioned Shanna. This girl just passed out in a coma, and was basically intact except for a little bit of corrosion.

Then everyone came together, and Shaoyu just wanted to speak, only to feel that there was a twist in the surroundings, appearing in a group of water elements. This time, as soon as the battle was over, time took him back.

Shaoyu wanted to save Shanna from drilling the dragon's belly first, but then realized that he would not break the shackles of water. It was better to clean up the water element so that the other one could approach, so Yujian Huaying spread his wings and attacked.

The other one really rushed over, using the sky long sword to use the flying swallow style but let Rager swallow the sword and Shanna together. Shaoyu, who had cleaned up the last few water elements, listened to Baoju telling the leader: A trick, help his brother. Baoju stopped, and saw his body shrank into the shield formed by the long axe with a light leap. The shield hit the ground and bounced again. Baoju turned and fell to the bottom of the water, spinning and bouncing. It seems to have become a big iron ball.

The head of the regiment took the double axe together, and used the face of the axe as a beat to beat the violent chrysanthemum out with all his strength, and flew towards Lager.

After the last water element disappeared under Shaoyu's sword, he looked around, and Chadi had set up Dragon Slaying Arrow and knelt on the ground to aim, the head of the team was rushing, and the other Shaoyu emitted a beam of light but did not. Notice that a dragon claw is grabbing at him.

Shaoyu thinks he already knows how things are going. If he doesn’t save the other self now, will the next thing happen the same...Although he thinks so, he still swims around to drive away the other self, and then gets pulled Ge grabbed it and threw it into the dragon's mouth.

I don’t know what happened after entering Long’s mouth...

The moment he was thrown in, Shaoyu accelerated and rushed inward without being bitten by the dragon's sharp teeth. Rager’s throat is like a huge pipe with a diaphragm at the end. At this time, Baoju just hit the dragon’s belly. The diaphragm opened and Shaoyu rushed in directly. The flesh and blood inside the dragon’s belly were tumbling and there was no internal organs at all, and Shan Na sank deep, soaked in a green liquid, being squeezed little by little.

Dodge in the flesh and blood, the green liquid on the body seemed to be burned by fire. He mentioned Shanna, but he didn't know what to do. He only knew that he broke out of the dragon wings that Rager hadn't formed yet, but where was the dragon wings.

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