Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 200: Underwater (material system)

The dragon's body was tumbling, and it was estimated that Chadi's Dragon Slaying Arrow had been shot into Rager's mouth. The flesh in its body seemed to explode and grew rapidly. Shaoyu tried to swing his sword but was almost wrapped in the flesh and blood. The green liquid also spewed, and there was no room to dodge.

Shaoyu secretly said, what is going on, then how did he get out! The pain burned by the green liquid, he wielded his sword indiscriminately and thought to himself that it shouldn't be, and it might be able to recover without breaking Rager.

At this time, a transparent whale-like ghost floated in the green liquid. It glanced at Shaoyu, then swam around Shanna twice, and then exploded in the flesh and blood sticking to the top of its head. The water outside was straight. Poured into.

this is……? Shaoyu used the sword to expand the blood hole, and when he flew up to see the other himself, he suddenly smiled like a comprehension and turned into a spot of light and disappeared.

That is the soul of the guardian beast...Any creature, as long as it exists long enough, will become extremely powerful. Although it is just a beast without wisdom, it is precisely because of this that its consciousness is extremely solid without distractions.

Until Rager obtained the trident, he finally suppressed the guardian beast's consciousness and transformed its body into a dragon body. But it has not yet obtained the ability of the royal blood of the jellyfish to activate the artifact, completely destroying the consciousness of the guardian beast.

If Shaoyu didn't enter the dragon's belly, wait for Shanna to see blood....

After returning to the battle at the time, I fell into a weaker state after coming out... Everyone bandaged the wound, put away the dragon head that was still intact, and took the unconscious Shanna into the teleportation...

The light of the teleportation array flickered, but it was not the Jellyfish Clan Water Palace that appeared.

I saw countless water elements densely besieging them... When they thought that the matter was over, the teleportation array was changed and moved them here.

Among the water elements, Rager's dragon head was exposed...It was its other head...hidden on the side of the Jellyfish clan to lure the heads of them.

Although this Rager’s only left is the dragon head, but it has enough time to summon the water elemental army to besiege them.

Everyone couldn't help but despair! At this moment, their martial arts, magic ammunition, and even their physical strength are all exhausted...The same is true for Shaoyu. The previous cards have been exhausted, and the energy is exhausted at this time, and even the sword can't resist.

I have used a lot of crystal potions before, and it won't work for a while...drug resistance.

Seeing the water elements all released water arrows, at this moment it was like a thousand arrows, like a storm in the water.

The leader, Baoju, everyone rushed towards the dragon's head and never flinched until the last moment.

When Shao Yuyao was about to start the force field of time, he heard a sigh...and burned money again! He unexpectedly felt an incomparable attraction, and turned his head to look at it unconsciously!

I saw Shishi throwing countless gold coins with a wave of her right hand, and the golden light shone extremely dazzlingly in the waves of water.

Of course, not only was it dazzling, but the gold coins turned into gold powder to surround them and actually blocked the countless water arrows... Waves of water arrows hit, and the poems spilled out handfuls of gold coins...

what is this! Shaoyu was a little confused. He glanced at everyone blankly, only to see that everyone was also at a loss.

Shishi's sense of existence is not low, one of the gifts is too lavish, and the other often comes out to preside over negotiations. However, he took the risk this way, he has never made a move....

This shot was shocked.......

At this time, his gaze was unconsciously attracted by Shishi, he made a new movement, waved his hand again... Numerous gold coins fell from his fingertips and formed a circle around him, and a sudden wave hit this Above the circle!

This is Rager's attack, dark water breathing. This head specializes in darkness and water elements, compounding in the water to form a breath without fluctuations! It certainly wants to strike at Shishi, and the people at this time without him will be taken away by a wave of water arrows.

Unsteady fluctuations occurred in the gold circle, and Shishi spilled gold coins to stabilize. When the impact of his breath disappeared, he took out a crystal coin and threw it upward...

Shaoyu wanted to charge very much, but whenever Shi Shi moved, he would attract attention and had to see him! The same goes for everyone... Even the monsters, those water elements and raggs have become like this, and the water arrows attacked him all alone.

This..., when Shishi threw out the crystal coin, a new change occurred.

Shaoyu had a weird feeling, but he couldn't tell exactly what it was. Then he saw the shadow reflected under the golden light squirming... but after a while, the squirming disappeared!

I looked at everyone and found that everyone is the same...

What is this for? Just listen to a poem: You don’t love gold coins so much? Then he took out some purple coins, and the purple coins turned into purple lines, flying towards everyone.

amount! What's this...hide or not? Seeing that everyone did not flash, Shaoyu also watched the purple strip close to him and turned into purple light spots falling.

Reached out and watched these purple light spots sink into the palm...Small S reminded him to get energy supplement and he was recovering.

! Can actually restore energy!

The result of this battle was reversed by Shishiyi's life... but they didn't get rid of Rager's head. The people who recovered had just cleared a little water element, and then the Jellyfish King flashed, and Rager's head was exploded with a punch.

I don't know if the Jellyfish King just found here, or he has been waiting for a long time.

When returning, everyone gathered around Shishi and asked.

The first sentence of Shishi said: Is it reimbursement? Baoju immediately said: Do you still have to be reimbursed? Shishi asks do you know how many gold coins I used! How many? Everyone has doubts. Shi Shi said that 200,000 gold coins were consumed. Shaoyu could put a duck egg in his mouth as soon as he heard, he couldn't help muttering: Is it a money-burning madman? Shishi replied: No, I accidentally got a mage inheritance, and later I learned that it was a sky material mage.

Zi Lian was so excited, she was actually a mage? Sky City actually has a wizard system? What is the material system?

Unexpectedly, the Jellyfish King suddenly interrupted: Sure enough, I didn't expect to see the inheritors of the sky.

When Shaoyu saw Zilian wanted to ask the Jellyfish King, he interrupted hurriedly: Shishi, what is the shadow of you throwing the crystal coin?

Shishi came to a sentence: That is a dream monster, I didn't expect that you all don't like gold coins.

The little brother hurriedly asked...

After poems and poems, everyone finally knew that if people like gold coins or talk about greed and greed, they will breed a dream monster under the light of material light.

There are some differences between this kind of dream monster and the abyss dream monster, it **** greed. The more greedy the dreamer is, the stronger the dreamer is. This dreamer is basically indestructible unless the breeding body is eliminated, and the greed is absorbed within a few days, until all the emotional breeding bodies are absorbed and die.

Everyone lay down, and Zhende even said: Shishi, you are murder. Fortunately, we are not greedy for money. The little brother even jumped up and called: You are still reimbursed, you have to make up for us. The shadow of this cargo writhed the most, which was frightening.

But Shishi said indifferently: Make a rod, didn't everyone have the power at that time? If you have these dream monsters, you can fix it in minutes, let alone I recruit them, and you can send them away.

Everyone was stunned. I listened to poetry and said: If there are a few dream monsters, there is no need to burn the hundreds of thousands behind to replenish your strength. Then along the way, I listened to Shishi saying that they used too much money, reimbursement and so on... The head of the group said that the wing and some things did not get better.

After returning to the main hall, Shanna woke up...this sister paper is no one!

The last two wings were also in hand, Shishi naturally took one, and Diablo sold the wings to Chadi. Diablo said: He will be able to advance to the wizard soon, it is better to exchange money, the little brother gets some money.

When everyone listened to the story of the Jellyfish King, Shaoyu only felt that the space around him was distorted, and a dark red monster appeared. This monster was like a fat man who couldn't see his feet, and his whole body was paralyzed on the ground. The whole body was also covered with pimple, very disgusting.

The jellyfish king moved and punched again, and after the burst, the fragments were wrapped up with a water polo. The jellyfish looked at Shaoyu and said: Time and space are the domain of the gods. When the strength is insufficient, it is not a lucky thing to have such an ability. Only then did Shaoyu think of the disorder value, which he saw as high as 151.

This is a time and space demon, the Jellyfish King said, and then it took out a water-blue runestone from the arch and gave it to Shaoyu, indicating that it can calm the energy and can be used three times, which is regarded as a reward for its daughter to return safely. After Shaoyu took it over, he heard it say without thinking: Adventurers, improve your strength as soon as possible, a new era will soon come.

Hearing what the Jellyfish King said, Aileen said in doubt that an era should be more than 10,000 years old, and now the human era is only half past... But the Jellyfish King closed his eyes as if the statue did not move.

Shaoyu used the rune given by the Jellyfish King, and the disorder value became 67 points. It seemed that it could not be completely calmed down.

After the Jellyfish King stopped speaking, Shaoyu answered a lot of questions from everyone. For example, the younger brother said that Shaoyu had mastered the power of God. Shaoyu couldn’t say whether he was laughing or crying. It was the first time he had taken a time traveler’s adventure. Inheritance, accidents will happen if you use it Everyone chatted happily. Although we took a big risk this time, the rewards were also very rich.

Everyone was discussing whether to go back and get the name of a dragon slayer, and Baoju reminded: A group of stupid birds, if you don't go, the space channel will disappear and you can't go back.

Saying goodbye to the Jellyfish King and arriving in the square, Baoju suddenly said: He is not leaving.

Everyone was shocked, and Bao Ju said: This is the ocean of his homeland, so he is going home.

Everyone was a little silent, but Baoju was teleported to El Continent by accident, and was always looking for a way home. Now he finally went home, but everyone couldn't be happy. After adventuring together for so long, should we just leave like this... I remembered that when he took an adventure, he always stood firmly in the front, and it was always joyful to have him in the atmosphere.

Suddenly, Shaoyu murmured, although he only took a second risk with Baoju, he felt very familiar, like a good friend for many years.

In silence, Baoju suddenly laughed and said: Don't miss me too much, brother will come back.

At this moment, Ai Lin suddenly said: What should Xiaoyue do.

Bao Ju fell silent, and he whispered: We can't be together. When Shaoyu listened to Baoju's tone, it seemed to have a story, and his mind turned and said: Okay, Xiaoyue is ours, you can go with peace of mind. Baoju immediately said: Get out, don't tell me that my brother is dying, Xiaoyue is mine, who dares to take it, be careful who I come back to violence.

The head of the group said: Bring you down, maybe when you come back, Xiaoyue's children will be soy sauce.

Baoju said: Go ahead, do you want to force your brother not to go home.

Everyone said in unison: Yes.

Bao Ju fell silent again and said: But it has been so many years since I left my father, what should I do if I miss the opportunity this time and never come back again.

Father! Shaoyu said: Are you a prince who specializes in chrysanthemums? I saw Bao Ju put on a pose and said: How, be surprised, I have never seen such a handsome prince hiding so deeply.

Everyone said in unison: Cut!

Bao Ju said: Okay, I will find a way to come back. If you don’t go, the space channel really disappears. Are you all going to mix with your brother? Zhende suddenly said in a loud voice on the side: Why don't we tie him up and take him home. Everyone was very moved, geared up collectively, and jumped three feet long in shock.

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