Brother B said that the wall belongs to me. He pointed to the wall on the left of the gate and said. Beast said: I think all the walls are contracted by Brother B. Everyone nodded, and Brother B showed a sad face and said: Brother Beast, don't be like this, I can't do it. The beast said: How can a man say no, Brother B, you can. Brother B didn't seem to know what to say, so he frowned and said, I tried my best, and jumped from here to the wall as soon as he squatted slightly.

Everyone laughed, red eyes jumped on the wall on the right side of the door, and the beast jumped directly onto the door.

Shaoyu was saying something to Tammy to protect himself, don't worry about so much... Before finishing speaking, the three of them jumped down again. Red eyes screamed: Be careful of throwing stones.

After that, Shaoyu only listened to the sounds of Beng Beng and the rocks coming from him, and he dragged Tammy away. Brought all the Lima catapults? Siege! ! ! When Shaoyu saw Paula inadvertently, her face was dull. She was instructing the soldiers who were able to move and was dragging some barbed iron plates to the wall.

At this time Tammy said: Master, refuge.

The first wave of rocks has fallen, the solid wall has been smashed, and the building has been smashed through. Shaoyu condensed the mirror heart to cut out several awning swords, and smashed the facing stones.

He yelled amidst the flying rocks and went into the refuge to hide.

Because of the curse wind, even ordinary civilians will dig a simple shelter in their own homes. There must be large refuges in the city, and of course there will also be manors far outside the city. This was once Tammy's manor, and she must know where the entrance to the refuge was.

The sound of Beng Beng Beng and howling came again, and it was obvious that the second wave of slings had already been launched.

Already dead, the cavalry are not masters, and masters can't protect so many people. Only less than 30 people finally entered the refuge. One member of the association was killed at the entrance of the refuge when he finally entered, and the entrance was buried by rocks.

The refuge in the manor was enough for a hundred people. At this time, the shaking continued, and it was obvious that the slings were still falling. But the crowd was very angry regardless, and they pressed Paula on the spot.

Shaoyu thought that this might be a ‘exercise’ or something, but the falling stones would not be fake, so he was also one of those who pressed Paula.

The Beast and Red Eyes were particularly excited, drew out their weapons and roared directly, but Brother B and Kny were the most calm and stopped among the two groups.

Paula was also calm and stopped the soldiers under him. After a while, the two sides reluctantly started a conversation. Paula explained, but she didn't know what happened. She said that some mercenaries who had occupied multiple roads and hadn't been wiped out had flowed out recently. During the night watch, she mistook Red Eye for a mercenary, and the traps in the manor were also targeted at mercenaries.

Does this mean you really wanted to apologize? Shaoyu couldn't help asking.

Paula said, I don’t know how to express it. At that time, I wanted to talk in detail about leveraging your power...

After hearing this, Shaoyu was very depressed, this matter had little to do with whether he would express it. Paula had just become a female rider. She probably didn’t really want to increase her strength. She wanted to get acquainted with people when they were good. At that time, she really asked them to come in. But when Tammy saw the ambush, Paula had a misunderstanding. If you can't explain it clearly, I will subdue everyone and talk about it.

The result became like this, Paula completely miscalculated everyone's strength!

In general, there is a real misunderstanding between them and Paula. I really don't know what the situation is now, why Melissa, the rider of the pink, wants to kill Paula. You must know that the female riders are all inherited from Zeluo's family, so they should be in the same line.

After talking about these injuries and starting treatment, although the misunderstanding was solved, the emotions still did not subside so quickly, and of course the two sides still separated to rest.

Shaoyu was okay, but was ‘smashed’ by some loose rocks a few times when he chopped up the slings, and even the body guard Yungang did not break. But Tammy had her arm bruised, and Shaoyu was bandaging her.

At first, Tammy struggled and didn't want to, indicating that someone was there. Shaoyu understood what she meant, but he held Tammy very hard. Shaoyu secretly thought that it was indeed dangerous to bring Tammy out. She had the strength in her own right, but when she used her fighting spirit, her clothes would burn... When she was wondering if there was a solution, Tammy said softly: Melissa may betray, and it is dangerous in many ways.

Ok? Shaoyu hurriedly asked: Will the female rider also rebel? ! It is not that he does not believe in Tammy, but he can feel the respect and obedience to Zeluo in his contact with the female riders. Tammy said: Melissa is different from us, and they have been away for so long, and many things may happen in the middle.

The **** the side took the opportunity to say: It is indeed possible. She also said: Shaoyu, how do you think you are serving her like a slave.

This joke, Tammy's eyes changed, and Shaoyu hurriedly grabbed her retracted hand and said: Your sister, I want you to care about it, I like it.

Red Eye came over and said: What does Brother Yu like? The red eye also suffered some injuries, it is estimated that they had just been bandaged by the girl, and the two came together.

Shaoyu was speechless, and then asked the girl: What is different about Melissa.

K Niu was rushed and hummed angrily: Because she was not an official knight, it was necessary for the situation to become a female rider.

It sounds like a story, but this is not the time to say this. Beast and Brother B dug in for a while and brought in the body of the association member who was buried at the door.

Shaoyu only remembered Beasts, Red Eyes, and Brother B. He didn't even remember the name of this one. Naturally, there was nothing sad about it, and the girl looked the same. However, after this member chose to discontinue, Shaoyu was very impressed.

Everyone passed by for a moment of silence. After a while, they only heard the sound of ping-pong-pong from overhead, and it was obvious that someone was digging on it.

Shaoyu was angry, motherfucker, it was necessary to get rid of them. It was too deceiving. In addition, he was very concerned that Tammy said that multiple ways were dangerous...Zero.

After thinking about it decisively, I walked to the side and used the range scan. The refuge was just to defend against the curse wind, it was not deep or defenseless.

This shelter is only about five yards from the ground and will soon be dug through. He called to Paula, ignoring the enemy's distribution map that she was overwhelmed and started directly on the ground.

In the beginning, the animals didn't know what Shaoyu was painting. Of course, the girl who had ventured together could understand it and explained it freely.

The Beast said that Brother Yu was very hung, and he arranged his weapons while watching.

There are a total of 736 enemies, and of course it is impossible to pile them all together. Nearly a hundred people are estimated to be slingers under the hillside. There are also some light spots in the manor, which should be searching. In the three places that are being excavated above the head, less than ten people are working in each place, and the other hands are surrounded and guarded above the head.

It seems that they know the manor very well, and the excavation point does not exceed the scope of the refuge.

K Niu said: When they dig through, go straight up and kill them.

A voice said: No, this is a poison well digging method.

Shaoyu, who had finished painting, was also taken aback. He was also going to wait for them to dig up and fly over to get them acridine. Hearing this, I couldn't help turning his head and looking over.

It was Paula who made the noise, and Shaoyu didn't expect that she would really come over after shouting. Seeing everyone staring, she pointed to the map drawn by Shaoyu and continued: These people should hold the poison sac in their hands and drop the toxins during the excavation process, and directly poison us in the refuge after the excavation.

C, what's wrong with that, let's dig it too, rush to kill them, the girl said in dissatisfaction.

Paula said unceremoniously: I'm afraid you will be a corpse when you rushed up.

Do you mean we are waiting to be poisoned to death? Red Eye walked to Paula and yelled.

Paula smiled and said: Depending on what toxin they cast, there will naturally be a solution...

Laughing at you paralyzed, the beast came up with a sentence...

The two almost quarreled again. Shaoyu didn't speak. He didn't understand how to dig a poison well. Xiao S explained that it was a legion's tactics against underground enemies. But even though Paula is right, she can't sit here and wait for the enemy to see through the poison.

However, he was not sure about breaking the top of the stone near the refuge and adding six meters of soil. At this time, a cavalryman shouted: It's going to pass.

Everyone gathered around, and Shaoyu saw a drop of very thick yellow liquid seeping down, accompanied by a very pungent smell.

IC, it's acid venom. K Niu exclaimed with a very ugly expression.

The liquid dropped to the ground as a burst of blue smoke, corroding a hole in the stone slab.

Everyone huffed and covered their noses and spread out, drops of toxic acid kept dripping.

This can’t be solved at all. The venomous acid liquid is much fiercer than the acid magic traps encountered before. If it is touched by this thing, the armor will be directly rotted through, and the poison will be released during the corrosion. The green smoke spread quickly.

Shaoyu thought to himself that he had to work hard, just dig what map Mom Dan would draw. Just as he raised his hand and slashed out a sword, he heard the beast ask: Brother B, come on. He heard a hum from Brother B, and drew a spear from behind, his whole body flashed light, and at the same time he shouted: Big.

Big? ! Shaoyu thought of Big Bubble Gum inexplicably. But immediately he saw that the spear in Brother B's hand became bigger, and it directly penetrated the stone layer above his head, poke a hole!

C, golden cudgel! Shaoyu's eyes almost bulged out. Brother B held the spear and shouted: Come on, come on. The words have not yet fallen, the red eyes also flashed around the body and shouted, let me first. He squatted slightly, and as the gun in Brother B's hand became smaller, he rushed up like a cannonball.

K Niu rushed up second, Paula was the third, and Beast was the fourth...

Shaoyu also picked up Tammy and rushed up after the members of the association.

With his feet in the passage where the spear was ejected, he jumped out, and saw the red eyes twisting and strangling back and forth. K Niu summoned the mount and rushed right and left among the ruins of the manor. The beasts guarded the entrance of the cave. Stop shooting, Paula was guarding the beast.

Shaoyu put down Tammy and said: Put the rope. Not everyone can jump directly, and it is impossible to jump so high if the grudge is not at a certain level.

Shaoyu summoned the Divine Sword and guarded it at the entrance of the cave. After cutting back an enemy who was stabbing with a gun, he raised his hand with a sword to cut through an enemy who was carrying a barrel and rushing. He even wanted to pour toxic acid on this side! After the barrel was cut, acid splashed, and dozens of people screamed and rolled on the ground.

This group of enemies was unexpectedly very high-level. After a panic, they immediately stabilized the formation, separated Kyo from them, and formed an encirclement again.

Paula said in a deep voice: These are mercenaries!

When Shaoyu heard the words, he moved in his heart and glanced in multiple directions.

At the highest point of the manor, you should be able to see Duolucheng, where the line of sight is blocked, and there is no black smoke or fire, so he can breathe a sigh of relief.

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