Grasping Melissa must know what happened, but she actually got mixed up in the catapult team down the hill, and then ran away when she saw the bad situation!

Shaoyu was unable to pursue it, nor did he have the strength to return to Duolu.

This group of mercenaries simply never dies. They are proficient in combat and cooperate with each other, and among them are a few strong men. It's a pity that if Melissa Ken sent hundreds of people under the mountain... all her private soldiers would be sent in, maybe they were really dead.

In addition, it was also a loss that the association was divided into two groups before, and the team that was looking for the person lying on the other way moved in for reinforcements, and it was soon supported! Otherwise, it's hard to say what the result will be.

Now there is no need for ‘parties’ to confront each other.

Shaoyu asked after the battle that Duolu City was no different from the past except for the commotion they caused.

In this battle, Shaoyu's only two flying swords were also broken, and Tammy guarded him at the most dangerous moment. As soon as the flame of the Holy Light burst into the audience, it must be known that the Flame of the Holy Light also had a name called Shenhuo, and Tammy was obviously not a magician, and almost instantly became the incarnation of a god.

Shaoyu didn't expect such an effect, he himself was shocked. Tammy completely burned herself into a fire man, and there was a pure white flame beating on each strand of hair, it really seemed like a **** descended from the earth. After the battle, Tammy also burned the flames desperately not to expose her body, until Shaoyu realized that something was wrong and took her to a hidden place. Tammy fell to the ground immediately, and Shaoyu put on clothes for her who had lost her strength, and put a bandage on her face under strong demand.

Paula took a blow from a professional mercenary holding a sledgehammer, and was seriously injured and passed out, leaving only two soldiers in the manor alive.

The beast was the least injured, only to be slashed through the leather armor and scraped on the back. In the battle, his arrows were exhausted, but his combat effectiveness was still strong, and he performed a close-up technique that combined tumbling and slicing.

In the battle, the red eye was broken up by the mercenaries that cooperated with the revolving guns, and was pierced in the air by a few shots, leaving only half his life.

K Niu was also badly injured. At the beginning, she dragged a large number of opponents with one ride. Later, the mount was ‘sent’ back by countless attacks and was surrounded.

Brother B is the strongest. He is holding two spear blades divided into a long spear, and walking through the enemy with a peculiar step under his feet almost harmlessly. Both Red Eye and K Niu were rescued by him.

The animals called this kind of footwork Elder Didi, and Shaoyu almost squirted it after he understood the meaning. Didi is a kind of continental party dance, which is similar to disco. Once he thought about it, it was really such a thing. The footwork was very rhythmic, but if it was alone, it really looked like an old man with an aging body bending down and sliding his buttocks, very happy. .

As for Shaoyu himself, at first he protected Brother Beast and Tammy, the cavalry who didn't come up in the refuge, etc... Except that Disorder Time didn't use it, he went through all the tricks. The flying sword was locked by a strong body and exploded. The energy in the body was exhausted, and he suffered a few injuries that were neither serious nor minor.

The people who could move cleaned the manor, and everyone rested in it.

After two ticks, a team of cavalry came, led by the black mulberry rider Nicole.

Shaoyu recovered a lot at this time and came out to say hello.

Everyone in the association knew the black mulberry ride, and they exclaimed with some fear. They were even more surprised that Yu Shaoyu stepped forward and patted Nicole on the shoulder, what happened.

Nicole stared at Shaoyu for a while, then looked at Paula and left.

Shaoyu naturally asked Nicole, but Nicole only said something unsafe. Nicole has always been cold, so this is normal. However, Nicole's insecurities were referring to the manor or multiple paths, and he was a little confused.

But staying here is not a way. After being'extruded' by Knuckle and the Beast, everyone discussed it and decided to move back to Duo Lu.

At this moment, a man fell in the sky.

The girl who made the single frame shouted: This, this won't be a goddess... The backcourt was very quiet in an uproar and panic.

As soon as Shaoyu heard it, he immediately looked over. The person who came was really Zeluo! He didn't feel sore anymore, and his leg didn't hurt. He rushed up and stood in front of Zeluo and said: I'm back.

Zero was wearing armor at this time, nodded slightly and walked in the direction where Paula was.

Shaoyu is a little unhappy, why not be so indifferent. He followed two steps too, and put his arms around Zelo's waist.

Zeluo was certain, did not dodge or make any other moves, just turned to look at him.

Looking at those beautiful eyes, Shaoyu explained unconsciously: I haven't seen you for so long, I miss you so much, it doesn't matter if I give it a hug. Seeing that Zeluo didn't reply, he was a little flustered, Qiang kept calm and did not let go and continued: Is there a flower on my face, or did I think I'm handsome again after a few days?

Zeruo smiled slightly and said: You. She shook her head and said softly: If you like, you can hug me and walk over.

The voice was still so moving, Shaoyu almost did it on impulse, he let go of his hand with a smile, and the two walked side by side.

After two steps, Shaoyu wanted to ask: What's the situation?

Zeluo said: Melissa entered the country of mercenaries, and I just killed a mercenary king.

Mercenary King! Ze Luo said it lightly, and Shaoyu naturally knew the danger. The mercenary king is a name, which means the king among the mercenaries.

There are six major mercenary kings in the Newaja Mercenary Principality. This time, two mercenary kings brought the four major mercenary groups into Erya, preparing to win multiple routes in one fell swoop. Ze Luo killed a mercenary king on the spot, and the other was seriously injured and fled.

This was what Shaoyu learned later, he was lying on Eve's bed at this time.

Ze Luo looked at Tammy for a long time, and Shaoyu directly asked what was going on in the manor. Zero didn't answer, and left after seeing Paula.

Shaoyu was secretly thinking about what it means to let them recover and go to the castle when she left, when she heard the door open, a series of hurried steps came over, it was Eve.

Eve stayed in the association, and when Shaoyu and others came back, they cried and sent him to their room by force.

Lying on the single rack, the red eyes still shouted jealously: We are the most injured.

Shaoyu had strong resilience, so he didn't need to stay in bed. Eve reluctantly regarded him as a serious illness. Seeing Eve who was crying, he only felt a little touched, so he followed Eve's arrangement.

Eve first took out all kinds of medicines, did not let go of any small wounds, and treated them for almost half a mark before going out to treat others. However, she ran back after two or three divisions and stayed in front of the bed.

Shaoyu was speechless and moved. Eve still refused to let him speak, saying that it would affect the injury and let him fall asleep quickly. Shaoyu was really a little sleepy, and the battle was too exhausting. He slowly fell asleep listening to Eve's words.

I slept very comfortably this time, and when I woke up, I felt that the injury was basically recovered. It takes at least three days to recover from the trauma suffered by the small S. It seems that the medicine prepared by Eve played a big role. Shaoyu thought, Eve has made great progress over the years.

After getting out of bed, I walked around the room. There was no furniture in the room except the bed, but the large room was very "crowded", and there were piles of alchemy equipment everywhere. It is probably because of freeing him a room. It will be so.

But it was still quite clean. Just when he thought about it, he suddenly felt that there was an extra person in the room.

Turning around and holding the sword in his hand, Shaoyu found that Geluo didn't know when she was sitting on the chair in front of the bed. He heaved a sigh of relief and closed his sword and smiled: People are scary and terrifying. Didn't they say that they will come to you after the injury?

Zeruo smiled slightly and said: Somewhat uneasy.

Hearing that Shaoyu only felt that her heart was beating a little faster. Zeluo was wearing a long skirt without armor at this time. Her long golden hair was pierced in the back of her head. Her cheeks were charming and quiet. He watched it for a while, and didn't know what to say.

But Zeluo said: Tammy has given up her identity, she is a good child, treat her well.

What Shaoyu thought in his heart was that when it was over, Zeluo knew everything. He asked dejectedly: Have you talked to her?

Zeruo shook her head and said: Tammy doesn't like war in the first place. These are all destiny arrangements. At least she has found a good master.

!!! Shaoyu didn't understand this, how could he feel a little envious, illusion. He thought for a while and said: Don't you mind? Me and her...

After thinking about it as if she didn't understand, Zeluo smiled and shook her head.

Shaoyu thought to himself that he didn't mind, could it be possible to open the harem or something. After thinking about it, I gave myself a bit in my heart, and said that I was single-minded, and this thought of the harem. But he got excited, thinking about how he felt before, blurted out: Why do you think you are envious.

Zeruo was stunned, and said with a smile: Yes, do you want me to call the master too.

Shaoyu almost flowed his blood back. It was too exciting to imagine Zeluo wearing a slave or servant costume and calling her master. The fantasy in his head couldn't stop at all, but he immediately saw Zero smiling narrowly.

Wow, molesting me! See how I clean up you. Shaoyu panted heavily and walked towards Zeruo step by step.

Ze Luo suddenly said something and disappeared into the chair.

Is this a runaway? Shaoyu was a little speechless, but Gangjieluo didn't catch what she said. Forget it, the monk can't run to the temple if you run away, so I will go to the castle to find you in a while.

At this time, he heard the sound of the door again, and Shaoyu turned his head to see that it was Eve who had come in together. As soon as she came in, she exclaimed, Brother Shaoyu, why are you getting up.

Shaoyu smiled and said: I'm fine.

Eve did an unbelieving check. After seeing that the wound on Shaoyu's body really disappeared, he couldn't help but say something about the monster.

Ok! Shaoyu asked what you just said. Eve was probably shocked when she saw Shaoyu's serious appearance, and she became as timid as before.

So tempting! Shaoyu suddenly exclaimed: Wow, I'm so courageous, I dare to say that your brother Shaoyu is a monster, let's see how I can deal with you.

Eve screamed and ran away immediately. Shaoyu got up and chased after him. Eve was caught before half a lap in the room. Shaoyu is pressing Eve, who is struggling ‘desperately’, on an alchemy table, and is trying to spank her.

At this time, the door was opened again, and Tammy walked in and said: Master, do you need to make the bed?

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