Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 411: Green clothes

After a while, Eve and Tammy came downstairs. Eve put on a beautiful dress. It's natural to come over and take his arm, this posture, needless to say, shopping!

Shopping or something is terrible! Before they walked out of the association street, they heard a noise from behind, and then quieted down with a bang.

Who is doing it here!

Shaoyu looked back and found a few circles on the other side of the street. He immediately noticed that there were some members of the association, so he took Eve and walked quickly.

When they came closer, they were confronting a circle of people. The reason was obvious at a glance, as sister paper. In the middle, the red eye fought with one person, but the beautiful girls stood opposite, and at this time, there was another scolding, and it sounded like an M or something!

At this time, the beast brought Kny and B brother into the middle suddenly, and the beast raised his hand and drew it out and said, "You are very hanging, please give me a hit."

In an instant, he set up the bait in his hand and began to shoot randomly, and Red Eye and K Niu also rushed forward.

The opposite is not weak, there are many mages!

Shaoyu was about to draw a sword to participate in the battle. Eve took out a small bottle and threw it out faster. The bottle smashed into the crowd, and a light green smoke spread out.

The people in the melee swept over, and the members of the association jumped away when they saw the green smoke, except for one that was entangled by the opponent, everything was intact.

Shaoyu asked in surprise, what is this. Eve stood aside and whispered: Sleeping Potion. Shaoyu finds it a bit interesting, this is simply a good thing for home travel! The sleeping potion is actually a psychoactive potion, which makes people faint very quickly, but immediately wakes up when attacked.

With just these two sentences, the animals came back carrying a few sister papers. Shaoyu asked: What's the situation! The beast said: Who knows, ask Red Eye. Red Eye also greeted a girl with a paper, and he quickly told what happened.

It turned out that Red Eye heard that the sisters of the Love and Nature Association were back, so he took seven or eight members of the Association to find them. This is a normal thing. This is a friendly and natural association composed of all the local sisters of the Love of Nature Association. Red eyes are very familiar with it.

Unexpectedly, this time I entered the association there and discovered that the few people who came back did not know each other. After inquiring, some other people who had just started conflict came to the door, and they were going to go out together.

Red-eyed was suspicious, and he was very aggressive when he spoke, and the two sides clashed at the door...

Then everyone went back to the association together, and Shaoyu asked very puzzledly, just like these girls resist leaving, those people don't care?

K Niu also carried a sister's paper and said excitedly, of course these chicks are going to be taken back. It is a good thing that they just let them sleep for a while. Wipe, Shaoyu only felt that he was up again. The other members of the association didn't have any objections. Seeing that there was no excitement, they all returned, as if it were a matter of course.

Tammy walked behind and said: Those people are from Guild Street.

Walking back to the New Human Race Association in silence, Shaoyu asked: Bring back...? . Redeye slapped the sister paper on her body and said: Of course it was an interrogation, and I would like to borrow Grandmaster Eve's torture room.

Shaoyu couldn't help asking Eve, who was beside him, did he build this thing? Eve blushed and explained again and again: Brother Shaoyu, don't listen to the red-eyed talking nonsense, it's for studying Warcraft.

Torture is a kind of culture on this continent, especially the noble torture against sister paper. It seems that Eve understands, otherwise he won't blush to explain.

Taking advantage of the red eyes to drag in the two women to torture, Shaoyu and the tacit crowd waited outside. He told everyone about the abandonment of multiple routes. He did not think that the beast said: I knew it, the association will move in these two days. It depends on how you look. Won't follow us. Shaoyu was stunned when he heard that, he still wanted to call everyone to help Zeluo, so he didn't have to say anything.

The red eyes came out very quickly, and everyone felt bad. The torture is **** and direct, not the kind of noble torture. The first sentence he came out was saying: Go and save them.

The people to be rescued belonged to the Love Nature Association. They went deep into a place called Ghost Valley and found the ruins. They are now trapped in it. The women who pretended to be the Nature-Love Association were some mercenaries who came back to investigate and block the news.

Everyone was angry, and it seemed that everyone was familiar with the Nature Love Association. After discussing for a while, prepare to act separately. Eve was going to Ghost Valley, and Shao Yu waited for a while, but the beast said nothing to him.

Finally, we have to set off, Shaoyu asked: What about me?

The red eye said: Brother Yu, you are so busy, how can you have time to mess with us.

What a fool! I'm busy? Alright, Zero's side...but he looked at Eve who was taking the potion, and suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Eve seemed to see Shaoyu's worries, and playfully told him that he was also a powerful and experienced alchemist, and he was also familiar with Ghost Valley.

Hearing this, Shaoyu felt even more disturbed. He wanted to go with him, but he was afraid that Zeluo would have arrangements. Watching everyone set off, Brother B stayed at the end and said without looking back: We try our best. Shaoyu said thank you. He understood that Brother B meant that he would try his best to take care of Eve.

Suddenly, Shaoyu felt that it was a bit unpleasant, and said something to Tammy who was staying beside him, and flew towards the castle. He was very anxious, but at the front entrance of the castle, he was stopped by Ruida first and refused to let in. Shaoyu rushed in angrily but didn't really dare to stop him. After entering, he met Opatifani again on the stairs. The two of them didn't speculate, and they quarreled with each other. She even said, don't just rely on the help you have given to make you mess around. Without Master Hergelo's summons, you can't just enter the castle. Shaoyu was so angry that he laughed and drew his sword directly. If it weren't for Pearl's notification, it would directly lead to a duel.

After seeing Pearl, Shaoyu knew that Zeluo was no longer in Duluo, saying that he would be preparing for three days was actually a distraction. Shaoyu is even more depressed, is it necessary? But he figured it out right away, he really wanted to cover it up, didn't he tell everyone in the guild! When Ze Luo left, he left some tasks for Shaoyu to complete, which made him very gratified.

Pearl confessed for a while, and Shaoyu asked Xiao S to write down everything. After a hasty glance at the map, he was polite and asked for two war horses and ran directly to the city gate.

As soon as he arrived at the city gate, Tammy was stopped by a nobleman's guard! However, there are a few mercenaries who are on the wrong side! Without saying anything, Shaoyu drew a sword to kill, thanked the mercenary team, and left the city.

Tammy led the way without saying a word, and Shaoyu thought to himself that it would not work behind him. Several times, Tammy was out of trouble. Tammy's figure is too good, so clinging her face like this is mysterious. In addition, she has always been wearing a slave's coarse cloth and thin clothes, only willing to wear a cloak. In terms of status, what the nobility wants to do with a slave is nothing at all.

She has to improve her strength as soon as possible, or find weapons that are not afraid of flames.

After running for a long time, she didn't even catch up. Tammy even said that she was about to reach Ghost Valley. Seeing Tammy talking, Shaoyu hurriedly asked what was going on. Tammy stammered and said, it turned out that a tuning teacher by the nobleman had taken a fancy to her and wanted to take her away. But the tuning teacher had left beforehand. After hearing this, Shaoyu said to Tammy: I thought he was stammering, but I didn't expect it to be so cute. Tammy didn't speak anymore, but he relaxed.

Of course, Shaoyu didn't molest him casually, he saw Tammy's nervousness. Tune teachers are professionals who walk among the powerful aristocrats. They are not wizards or warriors, they form a system of their own. Little S called out some information. The above said that there are also good and evil points for teachers, and there are many powerful ones. Of course Shaoyu had heard of it, but had never encountered it. He imagined it very evil himself, and finally met Teacher Ah Tune! It is said that they invented the noble torture. He really wants to learn something...but he must be killed!

While thinking about it, Tammy stopped the horse and said that the road below could only go.

This is a wetland, and Ghost Valley is in one of the swamps. There is fog all the year round, even if you are familiar with the terrain, it is extremely difficult to walk. Before arriving at this swamp, Shaoyu scanned it under the suggestion of Xiao S, and the result showed that it was a moss swamp with a coverage rate of 100%.

The specific meaning is that if you are not familiar with the road, it is easy to fall into it. And here is not only the terrain problem, there are also many moss monsters.

Tammy just knew about this place, and didn't go deep. Shaoyu was also a little dumbfounded. Under observation, he found a lot of traces, and it seemed that several groups of people entered. The latest traces were naturally left by animals and animals, but the traces showed signs of destruction, and it was obvious that a group of people followed them and entered.

Shaoyu was even more disturbed as he saw the traces being broken, and suddenly the word "Ambush" appeared in his heart.

A range scan was used, but the small S suggested that the fog here is very similar to the arena, and the range scan failed. Just as he was about to rush, he heard a sound from behind.

It turned out that another group of people came over, and Shaoyu only heard an arrogant voice saying: This uncle can walk back and forth several times with his eyes closed. He opened his left eye and saw that he was a very young, handsome and childish teenager, wearing a tattered green suit and a cloak, with a one-handed sword swinging in front of his waist. Seven or eight people sparsely followed. One of these seven or eight people was dressed in gorgeous clothes of the nobility, and the rest were waiting for guards or something.

What left Shaoyu speechless was that two of them were still wearing heavy armor. He walked over and asked: Can you walk in Ghost Valley?

The male in green: Ghost Valley is my uncle's home, who are you? He suddenly saw Tammy following behind, as if he had been attracted, staring at him and shouting: Top quality. After speaking, he reached out and grabbed Tammy.

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment, pulling Tammy back two steps. Just listening to the roar of the green clothes, I didn't expect to see such a superb here, I was dying... Shaoyu was speechless, and when he finished screaming, he said: We also want to go to Ghost Valley, can we take a ride?

As the green-clothed boy was about to speak, he heard the nobleman behind him say: Throw him in.

Shaoyu was surprised to see the two guards in heavy armor strode up behind him, reaching out and grabbing him.

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