Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 412: Gu Zhong (seeking collection)

Isn't that terrible to throw into the swamp? Before Shaoyu started, he saw the sword light flashing on the side, and the two heavy armored guards who rushed up shook for a while.

The green-clothed boy quickly took out his sword, removed the armor from the two heavy-armored guards, and kicked them into the swamp.

Swordsmanship was good, but Shaoyu couldn't figure out why this kid did it. He also bluntly slashed out several swords, and whizzed through the bodies of the back few. Shaoyu wouldn't kill him if he put it in normal times, but now he is very anxious. The four swords penetrated the four waiters, and together they nailed the screaming nobleman to the ground.

While grunting, Shaoyu tilted his head to see that the young man in green was staring at his sword and swallowing saliva. Shaoyu smiled sorry and said: Can you take us to Ghost Valley? The man in green said directly: Your sword is very sharp. After speaking, he turned around, touched the corpse quickly, and sighed and threw something with a noble emblem into the swamp. Seeing his proficient movements, Shaoyu thought that he would not be led to a ruin for wealth and death, and he also thought that he had no money on his body and could not be paid.

Sure enough, the green-clothed man who had finished searching for it quickly shook it back and said: Although your sword is very profitable, you still have to pay in cash. Shaoyu said embarrassingly: Going out too eagerly, didn't bring money, wait until Ghost Valley and your companions meet, you will naturally get your reward, triple. The green-clothed man shook his head and said: In case there is something in it, I will find someone to get paid, unless... When Shaoyu saw his eyes fixed on Tammy, the sword in his hand felt tight, but he dragged the end and said: Unless...you promise to come out and teach me the sword technique just now.

Shaoyu was really dumbfounded, gritted his teeth and said: Seriously...My sword skills are not easy to learn, it is exactly the same as your current system, and it takes a lot of time to rebuild. The man in green said nonchalantly: I'll just go with you then, my uncle has time. Shaoyu said silently, yes, and urged to hurry up.

The boy in green did not linger, Jian Shaoyu agreed to enter the swamp immediately. He leads the way very professionally and is familiar with the monsters in it. The moss monsters in the swamp basically use magic, lying in the same color as the environment, and it is extremely difficult to find without attacking. And they are all in places where they are trapped, and will sink under the swamp when attacked. And even if you kill a few monsters, they will wake up a piece of moss in an unknown way. Under the leadership of the green-clothed youth, the three of them did not alarm any monsters, and finally reached the Ghost Valley with nearly two marks.

The ghost valley is regarded as the sinking trough of the previous mountain. The fog here is even more diffuse, and the visibility is no more than five meters. The boy in green said that he is waiting here for a day, hoping that Shaoyu can come out. And he also suggested that this beautiful girl should not go in.

On the way to the swamp, Shaoyu found that the green-clothed man was perverse and arrogant, but he was actually good, and at least he was very trustworthy. The strength of the green-clothed boy was average, and the star was visually assessed, and he said that he had trained himself.

If so, it would be a genius.

Tammy didn't want to stay outside, she hated the green boy very much.

Shaoyu was very strange, and asked Tai Mi, why he was so sure that he was so sure that he had wrapped his face.

The green-clothed boy slapped his chest and said: This uncle is determined to have women from all over the continent, how can he not have the skills to recognize girls. Shaoyu couldn't laugh or cry at all, this ambition is really ambitious.

After the second sentence, Shaoyu took Momi into the ghost valley.

All traces of the entrance to the valley were removed, and there were many ‘paths’. Shaoyu chose a high road along the mountain.

The inside and outside of Ghost Valley seemed to be two worlds. As soon as I entered, I couldn't hear any movement of the man in green outside. The sun couldn't penetrate into the fog, and the valley was extremely dark. Some shadows turned in the fog from time to time, appeared and disappeared from time to time, but when I walked closer, they were just some long, weird short trees.

After walking for a while, Shaoyu heard some fighting sounds not far away. The voice came from below. As soon as he pulled Timmy, he leaped down. With this leap, he fell into a quagmire. Fortunately, there was Tammy. He lifted Tammy and looked at the direction and threw her into the fog.

Immediately a rope flew in the fog, and Shaoyu took the rope and jumped out of the mud. Needless to say to Tammy, the two quickly reached the place where the sound came from.

Only two corpses were left here after a short delay.

At a glance, Shaoyu found that one of them was a member of the New Human Race Association, and he died with the other. Tammy said that the other corpse was a member of the Magic Guild.

Sure enough, he was ambushed! Shaoyu squeezed his fist and stood up, looking around for a while, but unfortunately he didn't know where the ruins he found were. Xiao S is constantly updating the map on Longshou's screen. If he has time, he will know it after walking again, but what is lacking now is time.

The anxiety in Shaoyu's heart became stronger and stronger, but Xiao S analyzed it for him. The red eye tortured to the ruins, but also to find. Now when encountering a single member of the association, 40% of the people may have been ambushed and their respective breakthroughs, 20% may be annihilated, only a few people have escaped, and another 30%. When encountering irresistible factors, he had to act separately. In the end, there was a 10% chance that he would have entered the ruins. This person was a guard who stayed outside, but was chased and killed by a chase after him.

Okay, Shaoyu felt dizzy. He took Tammy around in the valley and found no traces and heard no sound.

The ghost valley is too quiet, as if ‘dead’.

For the valley that doesn't seem to be big, a small S on the scale indicates that the map is only partially completed. This ghost valley is like a natural labyrinth, but there is nothing but weird little trees and a few quagmire. Maybe there are some materials, but he didn't come to collect them.

Shaoyu got more and more anxious as he walked, and the two bodies he had just seen disappeared, as if someone had left on his front foot, and his back foot was cleaned up.

Finally, after a mark, Shaoyu heard the sound again. Pulling up Tammy, he dashed away, and out of the fog, he saw a group of people fighting.

This was the place he had just walked past, on the edge of a quagmire, and these dozens of people seemed to suddenly emerge.

The battle was fierce and the fog was dispersed. Shaoyu glanced at it and shouted in surprise: beasts.

Almost all the members of the New Human Race Association were there, they were forced to be at the edge of the quagmire, and the animals were half-legged in it. Seeing Shaoyu's appearance, the court slowed down, and the red eyes fighting with the four enemies even shouted: Sorry, Brother Yu, Eve was sneaked down by these bastards.

Shaoyu banged his head and screamed: How long has it been.

Red Eye had no time to reply at this time, and the four soldiers sandwiched him and stabbed him several times. He said something to Tammy and shot with all his strength, at the same time the sword flew out and rushed into the field.

The situation is very dangerous. There are actually only seven or eight people in the association, and everyone has been attacked by more than four enemies. Apart from the beasts and red eyes, K and B were not there. The beast was approached by two professional warriors holding shields, and the arrows shot by them took turns to resist, and a wizard was casting a spell attack.

As soon as Shaoyu rushed into the field, he was intercepted by three fighters, but he rushed past and rushed directly into the quagmire. Mirror heart condensed, and he analyzed very calmly. The battle has been going on for at least a while, and the sneak attack must have been at the beginning.

It's been a long time since Eve fell in!

Eleven flying swords and four giant flying swords flew out from the second side, shooting randomly in the field. The giant flying sword can't do the first level of swordsmanship, but as soon as the four giant flying swords become larger, they can divide the field and ease the crisis in the field.

Shaoyu himself was a human and sword, and plunged directly into the quagmire. He constructed a gas shield with his dragon hand and dived quickly. After sneaking in for a while, Shaoyu found that this quagmire was a bit peculiar. Ten yards later, there was a piece of clear water. Under the clear water is a vast space, as if there is no bottom.

Anxious emotions surged unconsciously, and Jing Xin almost couldn't keep it. It was Xiao S reminding him of the range scan that Shaoyu calmed down again.

Range scanning can be used underwater. After a wave of invisible fluctuations, a map is formed, and Shaoyu immediately finds the light spot that represents Eve. This spot of light was on top of him, moving sideways continuously.

Caught by something! There are three other unknown red spots beside Eve's spot.

Shaoyu immediately adjusted his position and rushed over quickly. But there is nowhere to borrow in the water, slower than the speed on the ground, and can't catch up at all. He thought for a moment, and then removed the gas shield and extended his wings to inject energy.

The wings of the jellyfish clan are faster in the water than in the air.

In the tearing feeling of the wings, the bottom of the water seemed to separate a vacuum line, and he caught up in one breath.

Three monsters resembling water elements are dragging Eve from the back.

Eve was still alive, and her eyes looked at Shaoyu who was flying in with joy, and a string of bubbles appeared in her mouth.

Shaoyu hugged Eve's body, and he felt a huge force pulling her. Among the multiple perspectives of the left eye, three straps of the same color as the water were ‘tied’ to Eve’s back. Shaoyu waved his sword, but found that the divine sword swept across these hoses, but did not cut it open. So he let go of the magic sword in his hand, and stab a water element.

This is not water at all! The Divine Sword also swept past, without the sensation of stabbing the entity, nor did they have a core. Under attack, these things ignored, just continued to swim forward.

When Shaoyu was puzzled, Eve was struggling, with bubbles in his mouth and hands slamming him, as if he was saying to go. Shaoyu hugged Eve vigorously, trying to construct a gas shield to facilitate speech, but did not expect the gas rack to collapse directly when encountering these three hoses. Feeling Eve's full struggle, he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Eve's eyes were rounded, his body stiffened, and then he collapsed. Shaoyu opened her lips, knocked open her clenched teeth, and passed the qi from her inner breathing. Although he didn't know how Eve stayed underwater for so long, he still had to breathe.

Shaoyu has figured it out, he should not lose Eve.

Since it is no longer the original world, why bother to think about it so much.

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