Holding the Sword of the Multiverse

Chapter 413: Yanaka (bottom)

Eve was entangled, her legs caught between Shaoyu's waist. If it weren't still in the mirror's heart, Shaoyu was afraid that he would carry his gun and go into battle. After a while, he looked at Eve with a faint smile, until the roots of her ears were flushed red, then he raised his head and secretly probed.

The monster like a water element freezes in the left eye, turning into a pile of numbers and pouring down.

This thing turned out to be a mutant ghost. The ghost is not a ghost among the dead, but a monster condensed in a special environment. The fighting power of the ghost is not high, only less than three hundred. But it is very special, it has no shape, and only condenses in accordance with the environment that arises when needed. Condensation in the water, the fire gathers fire. And in this environment, it cannot be eliminated.

This is the data given by the small S combined with the information.

Nothing is invincible, only relatively invincible.

These three mutant ghosts took Eve and didn't know where to go, and Shaoyu had a lot of time to use his weaknesses. After taking a breath again, Eve took out a bottle of potion. When Shaoyu saw that it was a potion for walking underwater, he finally relaxed. After a few gestures, he stared at the ghost intently to unlock the weakness.

As the lines continued to interlace, the ghost even showed a lot of light spots with the sanping water around him. Shaoyu tried to slash a glowing sword to disperse a spot of light, but then a large number of light spots poured in from all around, and the ghost was intact in less than 0.1 seconds, so it looked like it was not harmed.

With the help of his weakness, Shaoyu discovered the secret of the ghost with a single sword.

The real body of the ghost is actually accompanied by the Sanping water around it, which means that more than three hundred light spots must be broken at the same time. Xiao S analyzes that if there is any residue or the destruction is late, the ghost can be reborn. Damages such as explosions are destroyed in the front and rebirth in the back, which cannot be eliminated.

Shaoyu thought for a moment, even if he counted the flying sword, he couldn't make a three-hundred mans sword, let alone hit all the light spots accurately. But he can smash the hose attached to Eve's body, twenty-six points of light.

As soon as the force field of Time delayed the ghost's speed, Shao Yu struck twenty-five swords in succession, and as a sword stabbed away, the floating swords closed at the same time, and the water belt shattered with the sword. He had already spread his wings and waited, and immediately took Eve away as soon as he broke the hose.

The three ghosts turned into other forms and chased after them as if they had come to life, but Shaoyu threw them away in an instant. He didn't dare to neglect, and immediately returned according to the route written by the dragon's hand after putting away his wings.

Upstream, Shaoyu condensed the gas mask, but Eve did not dare to look at him, and did not speak for a long time. Just about to tease her, I heard Eve shout: Brother Shaoyu, someone has sunk. Shaoyu looked up and saw a figure falling from below. He opened his left eye to zoom in, and found that it was Tammy who had sunk, still looking comatose.

Shaoyu speeded up and connected Tammy into the gas shield, but an additional popularity shield was immediately unstable. Eve said something to save sister Tammy first, and swam to the side. Eve has a potion for walking underwater, which is fine. He immediately checked Tammy, and scanned for a while, Xiao S said that she was overdrawn with energy, plus a certain degree of drowning... she was in a coma.

After two artificial respirations, Tammy spit out some mud and half-belly water, and immediately woke up. Shaoyu took out a piece of clothing and put it on her, he stroked Tammy's head and said: Don't work so hard. Shaoyu could imagine that Moss burned with all his strength, and jumped into the quagmire before his anger was exhausted.

Tammy didn't respond, just put on her clothes and curled up in Shaoyu's arms.

Not long after returning to the quagmire, Shaoyu also rebuilt the air frame, barely able to accommodate three people, and embraced Eve all the way back to the ground.

There was another thick fog in the field. There was no half of them. The animals and the beasts disappeared, and even the traces of the battle just disappeared. Eve said that great changes have taken place in Ghost Valley. After they entered the valley, the team was dispersed after walking for a while. Looking for a few ticks and being attacked by the Magic Guild...

Tammy also recounted what happened after Shaoyu entered the pond. The giant flying sword opened the encirclement of the magic guild in the field, and she took the initiative to sink into the pond before the four enemies were exhausted.

Shaoyu felt it, and the flying sword that had not been retracted moved far away. He hugged Tammy and hurried Eve over there. This chase is another mark. Tammy has recovered a little bit of grudge and walked by herself, but the three of them are tied together with ropes.

The ghost valley is moving. This is the conclusion drawn by Shaoyu's induction flying sword and the map drawn by the dragon.

The reason for this movement is unknown. It is not magical transmission or the like, and there is no rule. It seems to be moved to another place after a certain period of time in one place, and after the transfer, the field recovers, leaving traces of their own. disappear.

Shaoyu tried flying. After leaving the ground, it was like flying in place. After flying for a long time without seeing the sky, he could land instantly.

After another half mark, he finally ran into the flying sword that happened to be not far away with luck. After returning to its sheath, one of the giant flying swords was broken, and the other was cracked everywhere. Shaoyu thought to himself that the fighting at that time was so fierce that he hoped that the beasts would be well.

After retracting the flying sword, luck slightly improved, and Eve accidentally discovered the entrance to the ruins.

Shaoyu actually passed by here, but he didn't expect that the half-person-high crack on the stone was the entrance to the ruins! Before he untied the rope and stayed in the drill, he saw Kyo crawling out with an ashamed face.

When K Niu came out half body, she shouted: Can't get in, she's sealed. Shaoyu hurriedly pulled the girl out, and then two other members of the association came out from behind.

After a long conversation, the girl said that they were separated after entering the valley, but they met nothing. After a long time, they joined the beasts and them. Afterwards, they found the entrance to the ruins together and entered one by one. Unexpectedly, Brother B would close the entrance as soon as he entered, and there was an inexplicable seal behind. Niu and the two members of the association were dumbfounded and had to withdraw.

Naturally, Shaoyu also went in and checked. Behind the crack was a narrow passage, barely able to crawl in it. After climbing nearly a hundred yards, I saw the ruins. But it is impossible to see what the ruins are.

This remains is buried in the mountain, and the seal can be seen in the passage. The earth-yellow light awn formed a barrier to block the line of sight. Shaoyu tried to attack or dig, but didn't move at all. Instead, he got a large piece of rock.

Finally, after scanning, Xiao S only gave the information of the element seal. She also said that the earth element here is extremely active and very abnormal. I also said a paragraph later, to sum it up, it means that the underground is generating large-scale vibrations.

Shaoyu climbed out quickly, and within a short while, the cracks continued to expand under the gaze of a few people in the field, and the mountains continued to rise.

As soon as the change occurred, the ghost valley suddenly turned upside down.

Everyone ran out desperately, but fortunately, the mist in the valley was all sucked into the ground when the change began. Running to the entrance of the valley while shaking, the boy in green was waiting outside. The child yelled: If he doesn't come out again, he will leave.

The changes in the ghost valley affected all the surrounding environment. A large amount of mud was spewing everywhere in the swamp, moss monsters all jumped out, and they were also desperately fleeing out. However, their movement speed is almost impossible to say, and it seems that they cannot escape the fate of destruction.

The man in green reluctantly led the way in the swamp where the terrain changed greatly, and everyone was drenched in mud. At first, Shaoyu supported the gas mask, but the vitality around him was very unstable, and the gas mask broke immediately after being pulled.

Everyone ran in the dark, and when they ran to a safe place, they found that the two members of the association were missing. Shaoyu relieved Tammy on his back and Eve on his chest panting. In the valley, he untied the sword box and tied Tammy, who had not fully recovered, to his back. Although Eve had the emergency medicine, Shaoyu couldn't help but tied her to his chest. With the two sisters' paper on their back and carrying the sword and Western box, naturally they can't take care of the others. Fortunately, the girl runs very fast! It's okay.

Life and death in the adventure is quite normal, as long as Shaoyu is a person who doesn't remember it, he won't feel it. After a short silence, everyone chose the camp.

The sky was already dark. Set up camp by the creek and clean up and prepare food.

K Niu put his armor in the water for a while, and went straight into the tent to fall asleep. The green-clothed boy was full of energy, but he didn't do business and turned around Eve who was about to freshen up. The angry Eve smashed a bottle of sour potion, and yelled and tumbled while lying on the ground.

Shaoyu casually cleaned and set up the campfire, and sat on the sword box roasting some meat of Warcraft.

After a while, Eve took Tammy's hand, and the two of them talked all the way and walked back very well. Tammy stood aside and took over the barbecue job, while Eve sat next to him.

Shaoyu was feeling a little embarrassed, and saw the green-clothed boy rubbing against him and wailing: Mentor, I don't know this is your woman, please help me remove the potion. Eve, who was sitting on the side with a single word, flushed. Shaoyu couldn't laugh or cry as the green-clothed man kept yelling, what kind of a mentor for such a beautiful woman! Finally, Eve couldn't bear it, and smashed a potion, and a large stream of water poured out of the small glass bottle to wrap the man in green.

K Niu didn't know if she was awakened by the yelling, or she crawled out after smelling the scent of food. This item was a bit embarrassing at first, but immediately picked up the grilled meat skewers and ate it.

In the night, everyone was talking around the campfire. Everyone first talked about what happened in Ghost Valley in detail. The young man in green yelled at the side that he knew it was so interesting. He also went in and was ignored by several people. After analyzing the specific situation, Eve was very upset, and Shaoyu comforted that it should be fine. Even though they said that, the animals and the beasts entered the ruins and they didn't know the specific situation. From time to time there were vibrations coming from there, and everyone was worried that they would have to wait until the changes were over to check.

After chatting for a long time, there was no words in the field, and the man in green shook back into the tent. Eve fell asleep in Shaoyu's arms, and Tammy was forced to sit next to him.

Shaoyu asked her what she planned to do, and she said what else could she do. When this is over, she will go home. The outside world is too dangerous. Shaoyu smiled and scolded, I think you are outside that made the world dangerous.

Soon after, K Niu also returned to the tent.

Shaoyu sat there for a while, awoke Eve and asked: Come with me!

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